View Full Version : how do I cross a handy haversack with a portable hole/ secret chest?

2017-05-08, 11:55 AM
The idea is for a high/epic level arcanist to have something like the secret chest, but without having to carry around a focus, and with the ability to bring forth the desired item, likely after a concentration check. It need not hold massive volumes, just the mage's personal valuables/equipment. The handy haversack element would be in order to not have to find the right thing at will.
I like the imagery of an old mage waking up in some bush after having had a drunken night and putting his hand through an invisible hole to retrive his staff and a clean robe, or one being late for an important meeting and pulling his best pointy hat out of thin air without having to rummage in a closet or actually enter a demiplane or somesuch; or mabe a trick for a mage about to be captured to safely store something he doesn't want to fall in the wrong hands.... but done in such a way that it can't be lost, stolen or confiscated from said mage. Maybe a link to the actual physical place where the wizard keeps his stuff?
the intention would be for it to be two parts party trick and one part brilliant contingency
If this could be done, would it be a spell? what level? duration?

2017-05-08, 12:28 PM
Have you considered a 'dimensional pocket' from Dragon 313, or using a permanancied invisibility spell on a regular handy haversack?

2017-05-08, 01:22 PM
Permanent item of hoard gullet + cost of a handy haversack made into a tattoo instead of a choker.

2017-05-08, 02:18 PM
Maybe just a permanency-laden invisibility on both the focus and the actual chest?

2017-05-08, 02:46 PM
Have you considered a 'dimensional pocket' from Dragon 313, or using a permanancied invisibility spell on a regular handy haversack?
At high levels, most of what we'd encounter sees the invisible... and dimensional pocket relies on using psionics and would only count for a single item.

Permanent item of hoard gullet + cost of a handy haversack made into a tattoo instead of a choker.

reading up on the hoard gullet, it sounds like something I'd do if I were playing a bullywug :tongue:
the haversack in tattoo form, however, sounds intriguing. indeed, combining the two could yield a result.

2017-05-08, 05:13 PM
At high levels, most of what we'd encounter sees the invisible... and dimensional pocket relies on using psionics and would only count for a single item.

You're thinking of the psionic power. This thing is an invisible bag of holding that sticks to your body. Could be under your clothes, therefore undetectable by seeing invisible. It could be in an odd place too, to help avoid detection.

Here's another idea. Wear a ring of arming under a glove, to avoid detection, and - why not - invisible too. Have it keyed to a ring gate that you've had altered to be a chakram... and also invisible. Finally, have the other ring gate over the opening of a handy haversack that's hidden away somewhere safe. When in need, use the ring to call the chakram to your hand, use it to access the haversack, then use the ring to put the chakram away again. For a more expensive version, use a planar ring gate and hide the haversack somewhere even safer.