View Full Version : Blink Dogs as Character

2017-05-08, 07:56 PM
Can blink dogs be played as a player race?

I see they have a level adjustment of +2, but can't otherwise find any details on how to make a blink dog character.

2017-05-08, 08:28 PM
The LA is +2 (cohort) which means it can only be taken as part of the Leadership feat and applies its +2 LA there. That being said, that is stupid and can be safely ignored. Since you are ignoring the (cohort) part might I recommend you look at Inevitability's thread where blink dog's LA was set to +1?

On the topic on blink dog characters:
Magical Beast (and its attending rules)
4 racial HD; skills: Hide, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Stats: +6 Dex, +2 Wis
Bite, 1d6
Supernatural Blink, Supernatural Dimension Door
Scent quality
Track as a bonus feat

2017-05-08, 08:29 PM
They have a level adjustment of +2(cohort), which means that WotC decided they're not fit to be PCs, but you can have one as cohort with the Leadership feat. Now, to stat one out as an NPC, or a PC if your DM decides to open them up you look at the entry. They have 4 RHD, with the +2 LA that makes them start off as 6 level characters. They have 4 levels of Magical Beast monster type, which gives them 4d10s for hp, good BAB, Fort, and Ref, with poor Will. That means at 4 RHD they have +4 BAB, +4 Fort, +4 Ref, and +2 Will. 2 skill points per level with class skills being Hide, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival. 1st level has x4 skill points as normal. They have 60' darkvision, low-light vision, and scent in addition to the blinking ability, a 1d6 bite attack, and +3 natural armor. Racial adjustments to stats are Dex +6, Wis +2. After gaining more levels, the blink dog will multiclass into whatever standard class makes sense to the player and the campaign.

2017-05-08, 08:43 PM
So in E6 could a level 6 character with leader ship have a blink dog? How else could I get a blink dog?

2017-05-08, 08:46 PM
Could always use exalted wild shape. Requires wild shape level 8, but that could plausibly be bypassed item style. Y'know, the skin of kaletor or whatever. exalted companion can also get you a blink dog, and that comes online before level six. Druids are pretty good at blink dogging.

2017-05-08, 08:52 PM
I've not played E6, but I thought LA was often turned into reduced point buy in many E6 games. So that would leave you with lesser stats than standard races, and only 2 class levels to play with as an E6 blink dog. Skill points are crummy, but you get track as a bonus feat.

2017-05-08, 09:06 PM
I've seen it argued that the (cohort) descriptor after a monster's LA actually holds no supporting rule to say it's only intended as a cohort, strangely enough.

RAI seems blindingly obvious, but as I said, I've seen RAW claims that it not specified that they can only be NPCs.

Disclaimer: I don't support this RAW reading.

2017-05-15, 07:30 AM
So in E6 could a level 6 character with leader ship have a blink dog? How else could I get a blink dog?

Could always use exalted wild shape. Requires wild shape level 8, but that could plausibly be bypassed item style. Y'know, the skin of kaletor or whatever. exalted companion can also get you a blink dog, and that comes online before level six. Druids are pretty good at blink dogging.

Improved Familiar (CW) offers Blink Dog as an option, with a +5 BAB and CL 5 requirements. Duskblade with Obtain Familiar and Improved Familiar qualifies on its own as does a Full BAB class 5 / Full Caster class 1 with Practiced Spellcaster.

2017-05-15, 08:44 AM
I've seen it argued that the (cohort) descriptor after a monster's LA actually holds no supporting rule to say it's only intended as a cohort, strangely enough.

RAI seems blindingly obvious, but as I said, I've seen RAW claims that it not specified that they can only be NPCs.

Disclaimer: I don't support this RAW reading.Anarchomancer PrC (Dragon #315):
Ritual of the Dark Infiltrator (Su): By undertaking a daylong ritual known only to the anarchomancers of the Revolutionary League, the anarchomancer can transform herself into a completely different character-one with a different race, class, and even abilities the anarchomancer does not possess herself. Using the Ritual of the Dark Infiltrator costs 1,000 gp and drains the anarchomancer of 1,000 XP. The ritual takes 24 hours, during which time the anarchomancer must be undisturbed.
When the ritual is finished, the anarchomancer chooses a new form, essentially creating a second character that she'll play instead of the anarchomancer. Calculate the anarchomancer's base Leadership score according to the rules for the Leadership feat in Chapter 4 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, the second character is constructed as if it were a cohort appropriate for a character with that Leadership score. Don't apply any reputation or leadership modifiers (great renown, has a familiar, and so on). The second character retains the memories, motivations, and goals of the anarchomancer's previous life, but she can't cast spells or use racial abilities that she does not possess anymore. Nothing short of a wish or miracle reveals the new character's former life as an anarchomancer. The anarchomancer gains new levels according to its character level as an anarchomancer, even if the second character is lower level.
As a full-round action, the anarchomancer can return to her original character, shedding the original body in a burst of eldritch power.

2017-05-15, 05:26 PM
Like I said, I don't support the assertion that cohort LA is the same as regular LA for PCs in my game.

And it honestly doesn't surprise me a rules citation may be buried in an area few people would think to look: that's classic 3.5! :smallbiggrin: