View Full Version : TV Sense8 [spoiler tags]

2017-05-14, 09:57 PM
A search of the forum only turned up the season 1 thread from last year (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?488822-Sense8), so I figured I'd start one now that Season 2 has dropped. I've binged the whole thing but I still plan to use spoiler tags. Rumors of the show's demise were (thankfully) greatly exaggerated, and I'm quite looking forward to Season 3.

For those of you who've seen S1, you know what a pretty slow boil that was (though you also probably know that once it got going, it was really good.) Season 2 by contrast had a much faster pace, since they were able to take the time to introduce the characters thoroughly. Have to say I dig it even more than the first. (Also, I'm a big fan of the new Capheus.)

Anyone else keeping up with this show? How did you like Season 2? Or if you're merely curious and want to know what this is all about, this is the thread for you.


2017-05-15, 08:44 PM
I'm really looking forward to watching this, but have too many other shows that I am watching right now. However, most of my shows have there season finales in the next 2 to 3 weeks and I am totally going to binge this once they are done.

2017-05-15, 09:57 PM
I loved the new season. Solid action, great character interaction.

Reddish Mage
2017-05-15, 10:22 PM
The best show I have ever seen, bar none.

It manages to be artistic without being self-indulgent, erotic without being pornographic, empathic without being saccharin, and all-inclusive without being kumbaya.

I highly recommend this to anyone, especially if they have a Netflix subscription.

2017-05-20, 10:39 PM
I like this show very much. I do think it's a little bit too self-indulgent at times, though. I'm thinking particularly of the psychic orgy scenes and the dance party scenes. The first one of each of those was breathtakingly beautiful, but it felt to me that they revisited them a little too frequently in season 2. I also thought a certain fight scene

Wolfgang and cluster vs Lila and cluster, with the whole cluster standing in line and reacting to being struck as one

came off a little corny, but it's a very minor complaint. Season 2 definitely benefited from a faster pace. At first I was a bit put off by
the over-familiarization and demystification of Whispers/Cannibal; as they say, familiarity breeds contempt. But it paid off with a few surprises that showed he was still quite dangerous.

I adore the scenes where the sensates approach each other for personal advice. Some of the best acting and characterization I've ever seen.

2017-05-23, 08:53 AM
I like this show very much. I do think it's a little bit too self-indulgent at times, though. I'm thinking particularly of the psychic orgy scenes and the dance party scenes. The first one of each of those was breathtakingly beautiful, but it felt to me that they revisited them a little too frequently in season 2. I also thought a certain fight scene

Wolfgang and cluster vs Lila and cluster, with the whole cluster standing in line and reacting to being struck as one

came off a little corny, but it's a very minor complaint. Season 2 definitely benefited from a faster pace. At first I was a bit put off by
the over-familiarization and demystification of Whispers/Cannibal; as they say, familiarity breeds contempt. But it paid off with a few surprises that showed he was still quite dangerous.

Concerning the mass sex scene - there was only one other one and that was in the xmas special. They were reacting to the fact that that was the big "must-see" moment last season, and since part of the point of the special was to lure new people in, they threw in some cheesecake. I'm willing to bet it was also a mulligan to respond to one of the criticisms of the last one - that not everyone participated, and that there were some niggling consent issues. Now everyone participated (willingly) and nobody was caught off guard.

Concerning Whispers:
I do have a hard time seeing how every other cluster was so scared of the guy when our heroes were able to outwit him so easily and take him down so fast. Given the large number of other sensates that hate the guy, you'd think they would have been able to manage something before now. Was our Hero Cluster the first one to have anyone with hacking capability and detective skills?

I adore the scenes where the sensates approach each other for personal advice. Some of the best acting and characterization I've ever seen.

Indeed, this is my favorite aspect of the show too. Each one is a puzzle, because generally they visit one another when they have something in common or they're performing similar activities, and part of the fun of those scenes is figuring out what common thread drew them to one another. Especially when it's two members of the cluster that don't typically interact as much. They also show off surprising skillsets at times, like when Sun helped Lito ace his audition for Andy ****.

2017-06-05, 05:39 AM
Watched both seasons in a very fast pace. Might be favourite show of all time for me, too. Really good. Loved just about everyone's performances, especially Lito (and his um.. family unit) and Nomi.

Checked some of the actors just for fun afterwards. What surprised me was that Nomi's actress is a real life transperson. Holy heck. She's gorgeous. O_O

Edit: Aw. Seems there's not going to be a third season. :smallfrown:

2017-06-05, 09:59 AM
Concerning Whispers:
I do have a hard time seeing how every other cluster was so scared of the guy when our heroes were able to outwit him so easily and take him down so fast. Given the large number of other sensates that hate the guy, you'd think they would have been able to manage something before now. Was our Hero Cluster the first one to have anyone with hacking capability and detective skills?

Quite likely.

Pick out eight people at random in the world.

What are the chances that your group is going to have a master Hacker, a great detective, a master criminal, and a martial arts prodigy. This particular Cluster happened to contain a prime range of modern-adventurer Skillsets. Plus, some explicit guidance from Jonas.

2017-06-05, 07:08 PM
Really bummed that it got cancelled. I get it, this was not a cheap show. But seriously, Netflix? Why you gonna give me these glorious travel porn shows (see also, Marco Polo) and then take them from me just as they're getting really good?

2017-06-06, 05:11 AM
Really bummed that it got cancelled. I get it, this was not a cheap show. But seriously, Netflix? Why you gonna give me these glorious travel porn shows (see also, Marco Polo) and then take them from me just as they're getting really good?
Pretty sure, they cancelled Marco Polo as well.

The series is the most recent in a string of cancellations for Netflix, which had, since entering into original programming, appeared reluctant to pull the plug on failing series. Last month, the streaming service canceled “The Get Down,” one of the most expensive shows on television with a budget of $120 million for your first and only season. Netflix had also in recent months canceled dramas “Marco Polo” and “Bloodline
Source (http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/netflix-cancels-sense8-1202450642/). Emphasis mine.

I did thought their reasoning of "needing to be more bold" is quite a slap in the face to fans/creators of Sense8. I think the real reason is sadly more obvious. Making series in different places is expensive and it doesn't pull enough viewers to justify those costs.

2017-07-04, 12:50 PM
Netflix has announced that it is making a two hour final episode to wrap up Sense8. Now, personally, I would have preferred a third season, even if it meant dealing with a new online network such as Amazon TV. Still, I am very happy to get one more outing with the cluster, and glad that they have a chance to tie up loose ends.



Reddish Mage
2017-07-06, 11:29 PM
Actually, what worries me is that I find the sheer number and complexity of loose ends waiting to be tied up problematic for the writers for either a two hour movie or a season three.

Clearly, all the plot-lines intersect and tie together from the beginning (or am I the only one to note that everything that everyone gets involved in runs through a single pharmaceutical supply-chain), still, there just seemed to be so much going on behind the scenes for it to every be wrapped up neatly in a bow.

Then again, the show does a good job of tossing up nonsense, just running with it, and never pausing to note how they are flagrantly violating common sense, continuity, their own rules about how Sense8 and their power behave, and everything else.

If they can bring the show to a satisfying and intersecting end in two-hours, giving a real sense of closure to cap a series full of contradiction (you know, like how gather for an underground rave was so dangerous but gay pride keynote was fine) and merest hints that there was one big thing playing out in the background just beyond what the individual cluster members were dealing with, that would be epic.

2017-07-07, 04:53 PM
That's a good point, how the heck were there no Sensates at Brazil Pride making eye contact with Lito?

Anyway, plot inconsistencies aside, I'll take a rushed 2 hour resolution over none at all. Now I know how Firefly fans feel :smallfrown: