View Full Version : how is this for a pf spell?

2017-05-14, 11:11 PM
I wanna get some input for this spell idea.

Level I think should be at least 5, maybe up to 7.

You link your mind to the target's mythic essence and attempt to drain it. Doing so initiates a feedback effect causing severe damage to your own body. Alternatively, you can pull someones mind to your own mythic power channeling it all into a single destructive blast.
There are 4 possible results based on the mythic status of the caster and target.
Non Mythic on Non Mythic: spell fails.
Non Mythic on Mythic: The target loses all uses of mythic power but the caster takes damage equal to the mythic die type for each point lost in this manner.
Mythic on Non Mythic: You expend all uses of mythic power dealing damage equal to uses lost times your mythic die type.
Mythic on Mythic: both caster and target lose all mythic charges taking damage as above.

Will save on target negates, fort save halves damage, damage is unreducable and unavoidable and affects undead normally.