View Full Version : Pathfinder Spells for a Bard's staff

2017-05-15, 12:29 AM
I'm looking for ideas for spells to have loaded into a staff for my bard (L13, buff/intimidator). Three divine casters, one arcane in the party already. Their spell selection is pretty terrible though, the only useful spell they have offhand other than heal I know of is Remove Blindness, which I scroll anyways. So not too much worry about collision.
As such, the spells should be
a) Benefit from using my CL, otherwise I can get them in a scroll or something
b) Not too high of level, because of the way staff recharging works. L5 is the highest I can work with.
c) Something moderately useful, that I would be likely to use at least... say once a week, while not being something that I'm going to be wanting ever combat.

The only one I came up with already was Phantom Steed. Possibly asking the GM about having Prayer put in, but that's iffy with the whole divine thing. Considering Dispel Magic/Greater as well, we don't fight a ton of stuff with buffs, but...

2017-05-17, 10:45 PM
So prayer is a no go, Divine only. Anyone have some handy scaling arcane spells?