View Full Version : Optimization Kensei/Samurai multi-class discussion

2017-05-15, 12:51 PM
So with the new Kensei I was thinking about what kind of synergies can be made with it past the single class options.

While it's somewhat stereotypical, I kept gravitating towards the Samurai UA class. It has some bonuses with Wisdom for non-combat purposes. In addition, the inclusion of a pretty reliable advantage setup plus damage reduction makes the Kensei more durable.

I had two schools of thought when it comes to this- Either take Kensei up to at least level 11 for Sharpen the Blade, and rely on unarmed strikes for extra attacks, or stop at Kensei 4 and use Rapid Strike from Samurai as the main bonus attack.

With Kensei, you get a larger accuracy cap thanks to StB, but less attacks overall.

With Samurai, you get more attacks normally (3 vs. 2), plus your bonus attacks, either Rapid Strike (bringing you to 4 weapon attacks) or unarmed (3 weapon attacks plus 2 unarmed).

The Samurai heavy build provides more flexibility, giving you a stronger average damage output (moreso for any damage adders you can tack on, such as flametongue), while also providing more attacks to potentially crit on if not using Rapid Attack, with a high AC.

For this type of build your stats are going to be Dex-Wis/Con-Wis/Con-Int-Str-Cha.

Race wise, personally going with variant human, to take the blade master feat. That gives an additional +1 to attack with swords, as well as uses your reaction for an additional +1 AC.

Add to that the mariner fighting style, and you can rock 22-24 AC (with unarmed strikes) without a single magic item.

Other good feats are empathic (uses your main action to gain advantage for more rapid strike), and sharpshooter for use with Longbow.

As such, my two main topics are as follows:

1) What would be the better break point for Kensei? 4 or 11? Why that one? How would you do the classes? All Kensei then Samurai, or split them at certain levels?

2) What other races would be better than VHuman using a feat that gives you +1 to attack and +1 to AC fairly often?

Other discussion of course can follow. I can provide math for the builds if anyone's interested.

2017-05-15, 06:00 PM
Right off the Bat I have to admit my bias. I think the Kensei as a concept should be the guy that uses his weapon for most if not all of his attacks. For this reason alone I would go heavier into samurai over kensei. I just think it's fits the concept better.

I have no input on whether one or the other is better mechanically. Sorry.

2017-05-15, 06:07 PM
Right off the Bat I have to admit my bias. I think the Kensei as a concept should be the guy that uses his weapon for most if not all of his attacks. For this reason alone I would go heavier into samurai over kensei. I just think it's fits the concept better.

I have no input on whether one or the other is better mechanically. Sorry.

Agreeing with this. Thematically speaking, the Kensei archetype is garbage. Can't speak for it's mechanical power, tier rating, or what it looks like with some refluffing, but RAW, Kensei archetype is terrible for what it's supposed to represent. Go heavy into Samurai.

Edit: Looking back, I feel like I should provide more insight.

I'm the DM in a campaign where one of my players is playing the Kensei. He's only around level 7, but I feel like he's playing a more 'front-line' role than most monks play, with that +2 to AC every turn. He hasn't gotten to the point where he can pour his Ki into his weapon for a +3 bonus to attacks and damage, but I feel like that's when he'd be 'overpowered', since at that point, they can break the bounded accuracy mechanic at-will for a relatively small resource cost.

That said, I'd still go heavy into Samurai(if you expect you'll have a DM that's like to let monsters provoke OA's and run amok- I certainly DM that way.)

2017-05-16, 07:12 AM
Interesting. What about the Samurai would make the OAs more attractive?

Reason I ask is Blade Master already provides advantage on any OAs made with a sword.

Regarding the additional attacks, since Rapid Strike doesn't come until high levels, for most of the builds life any extra attacks will be unarmed.