View Full Version : Optimization Can We Make An Immortal Sorcerer?

2017-05-15, 10:08 PM
The Light, Dark, Underdark Unearthed Arcana included an archetype for sorcerer that is, essentially, you are a mage of d a r k n e s s. Needless to say, it's super edgy and I love it.
A very cool feature of it is Strength of the Grave:
Starting at 1st level, your existence in a twilight state between life and death makes you difficult to defeat. Whenever damage reduces you to 0 hit points,you can make a Constitution saving throw (DC 5 + the damage taken). On a success, you instead drop to 1 hit point. You cannot use this feature if you are reduced to 0 hit points by radiant damage or by a critical hit.

TL;DR, you get to make a con save to not go to 0 HP.
So, my question is this; how do we make this Con save succeed as much as possible? Bonuses to con saves, resist to damage, and of course, mitigating crits/radiant damage, since those render the feature useless, anything else you guys can think of.
Currently, all I've got is 6 levels in Paladin, which adds the Chr mod to saves (with all the goodies that usually come with a pally/sorcerer combo). At max level, that's a +16 Con save (with max Chr and Con, no magic items), meaning an enemy has to do at least 12 damage to have a chance at killing you.

2017-05-15, 10:10 PM
Start Paladin, for heavy armor proficiency, so as to wear Adamantine Armor of any variety.

Be an Aasimar, for Radiant resistance.

2017-05-15, 10:19 PM
Ironically the darkness sorcerer isn't as edgy as you might think it is as all the subclass gives you is

1. Magical night blinders

2. A puppy

3. The ability to never have to use doors like the common rabble.

4. Magical Neosporin

2017-05-15, 10:25 PM
Be a Goliath or Half-Orc.

Goliath let you reduce the damage by 1d12 + CON (making it easier for you to drop those that are over the 12 damage threshold) -Short rest and Long Rest-

Half-Orc let you go down to 1 in case it went over that threshold. -Long Rest-

Note: IMHO the best class (subclass) at doing what you want is a Long Death Monk (lvl 11 and you can get yourself to 1 HP everytime you are dropped to 0, 11 times... 12 if you're a Half-orc)

2017-05-15, 10:52 PM
Note: IMHO the best class (subclass) at doing what you want is a Long Death Monk (lvl 11 and you can get yourself to 1 HP everytime you are dropped to 0, 11 times... 12 if you're a Half-orc)

I've never even looked at that, and that is very interesting (and edgy to boot!) Even so, I'm still interested to see how far the sorcerer can go, if for no other reason than to know.

2017-05-15, 11:44 PM
Well, many of what I will say were already suggested, but here it goes:
*Obviously at least 1 level in shadow sorcerer.
1) Aasimar for race for resistance to radiant damage. (Scourge for the con bonus)
2) 6 levels in paladin for aura of protection and for heavy armor proficiency (wear an adamantine armor).
3) Another 7 levels in paladin (or alternatively 7 levels in cleric), for death ward (extra safety net). Make it ancients for spell resistance.
4) Resilient con as a feat, and use the rest of the feats to raise con and cha (we'll see how many of those we'll get).

Hmmm, that covers 14 character levels.

5) I guess I would take another 2 levels in paladin, to become paladin (ancients) 15/ sorcerer 1 (shadow), for the 15th level oath feature of the ancients, undying sentinel (for yet another safety net).

6) 4 more levels to play with. I think I would take 3 levels in barbarian (bear), for 3 rages per day, and I would spend my last level in either paladin or barbarian, for getting yet another ASI.

7) So the build (ancients 16/ sorc 1/ bearbarb 3) ends with 4 ASI's. One goes to resilient, and the other 3 go for 2 con bumps and 1 cha bump.

ps: There was a monk UA subclass (long death?), that was very tanky and perhaps it would make a great fit, but I dont really remember it all that well. It might be worth giving it a quick look to see if there is anything of value there that pairs well with our ''immortal'' character.

ps2: A shame I didnt include 5 rogue levels for uncanny dodge, but I think it is for the best.

2017-05-16, 05:28 AM
Lore Bard. 1 Shadow Sorcerer/7 Ancient Paladin/ Lore Bard x. Lore Bard gets cutting words to reduce damage further. Lore Bard also is full spell progression. Magical Secrets.

One level of Warlock grants Armor of Agathys, which could also get picked up with Magical Secrets.

Don't forget Heavy Armor Mastery feat for three DR as an option.

2017-05-16, 06:58 AM
The only things I can remember that give advantage to saving throws is Circle of Power and Foresight. Also, Death Ward would do the same thing. So, Lore Bard afterwards, maybe?

2017-05-16, 06:22 PM
Scourge Aasimar Thief Cleric 4/Seeker Warlock 1/Shadow Sorcerer 15

Armour of Agathys as an 8th level spell. Spend your days casting Glyphs of Warding of 6th level or lower onto tiles which you can then place within a Bag of Holding. Main combat shtick is Investiture of Stone, Blade Ward (quickened)/Seeker Shielding Aurora and Armour of Agathys can take a full round of attacks from a Tarrasque and deal 200pts of damage to it, and still have 12 Temp HP remaining.

You get cure spells to use in combat from Cleric levels, and have a single Warlock slot which can heal you with Healing Elixir 2d4+2 HP every hour during down time. Have Shield as a reaction, you Resist Radiant damage anyway, and can pick up Mirror Image or Blink.

Pick up Resilient (Con).

For down time, you need a Sentinel Shield - although you are proficient in using it, you don't have the space to cap out Con and Cha and still pick up Shield Master. If you don't want to make use of the Seeker's Shielding Aurora, and you want to hit more things, you can however pick up Hexblade for the curse, and you can melee a little bit more effectively when you have Haste up, but you lack the damage dealing any other character does without bonus sources of damage or Haste to provide the additional attack. Also pick up a weapon of warning of some variation. You should pick up Meld Into Stone as a Cleric; combine with a Sentinel Shield and Weapon of Warning, you cannot be detected, and you can sleep while aware of the surroundings - and you can cast it as a Ritual.

Final Magic item should be a Ring of Evasion; which offsets your low Dex and non-Proficiency in its saves.

2017-05-17, 02:17 AM
It just hit me.


That's what this character needs!!! (Has someone mentioned it? If yes, apologies.)

I'll mess a little with my previous suggestion to include regenerate.

Sorcerer (shadow) 1/ Paladin (to taste) 6/ Cleric (to taste) 13.
Race aasimar, for resistance to radiant damage.

Adamantine armor, aura of protection, death ward, resilient con, 2 con bumps and 1 cha bump, and ofc, regenerate.
We are losing some good stuff to get regenerate (which is a limited resource), but I think it's really worth it for utilizing strength of the grave to the maximum!

2017-05-17, 07:35 AM
The Light, Dark, Underdark Unearthed Arcana included an archetype for sorcerer that is, essentially, you are a mage of d a r k n e s s. Needless to say, it's super edgy and I love it.
A very cool feature of it is Strength of the Grave:
Starting at 1st level, your existence in a twilight state between life and death makes you difficult to defeat. Whenever damage reduces you to 0 hit points,you can make a Constitution saving throw (DC 5 + the damage taken). On a success, you instead drop to 1 hit point. You cannot use this feature if you are reduced to 0 hit points by radiant damage or by a critical hit.

TL;DR, you get to make a con save to not go to 0 HP.
So, my question is this; how do we make this Con save succeed as much as possible? Bonuses to con saves, resist to damage, and of course, mitigating crits/radiant damage, since those render the feature useless, anything else you guys can think of.
Currently, all I've got is 6 levels in Paladin, which adds the Chr mod to saves (with all the goodies that usually come with a pally/sorcerer combo). At max level, that's a +16 Con save (with max Chr and Con, no magic items), meaning an enemy has to do at least 12 damage to have a chance at killing you.
Let's say you never want to be less than Sorcerer 12 because otherwise you are not really a Sorcerer anymore... ;)

Ancients Paladin 7 (Aura of Protection, Aura of Warding).
Rogue 5 (Uncanny Dodge)
Undying Light Warlock 1
Samurai (3/short rest 1-turn resistance to physical damage)
Sword Bard: armor proficiencies, special action, although...
Satire Bard: over the top dip: Dahs+Disengage Bonus action is stupidly good.

2017-05-17, 11:10 AM
ps: There was a monk UA subclass (long death?), that was very tanky and perhaps it would make a great fit, but I dont really remember it all that well. It might be worth giving it a quick look to see if there is anything of value there that pairs well with our ''immortal'' character.

That Monk is not UA, is from SCAG

2017-05-17, 11:20 AM
IMHO this work best with Druid, so you could trigger the effect everytime one of your forms drop to 0 (Why do i need Death Ward, when i have Wildshape?! *Well... excluding Power word: Death*), you will be using the animal CON mod so it let you increase your Mental stat easier.

There are some forms that would take more advantage of it, like the Boar or Giant Boar (the Boar if its reduced to 0 with an attack that did less than 7, you drop to 1 instead, the Giant Boar have the threshold in 14) -The Boar CON is meh, the Giant Boar is ok +3-, some other forms may not have the ability of the Boar, but have really good CON. (Giant Ape for example)