View Full Version : Artificer Question

2017-05-16, 04:34 PM
I have been poking around for awhile on how to make an artificer and finally figured out i should either go big or go home so Im getting my PC stats down and things he needs. (feats and etc) So i have a few quick questions for those who are better versed in Artificers then myself. I have looked into The cost reduciton guide/cheaper item making/ Artificer addtions/ Disregarde money and buff guide. Literally neck deep in this stuff but I have a few mechanic questions for you mostly.

This is gold cost reduction chunks from Guide for Reductions (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1000.0)
What your doing. Reduced to
Crafting it yourself instead of buying it. (DMG) 50%
Item is restricted to being used by those of a specific skill. (DMG) 90%
Item is restricted to being used by those of a specific class or alignment. (DMG) 70%
Apprentice (Craftsman) feat (DMG II 177) 90%
Extraordinary Artisan feat (ECS53) 75%

I understand crafting it yourself thats kinda obvious.
Then the feats are also kind self explaining as well have feat it reduced to X.

1. What I wanted to know is for Resticting to specific class or alignment is also obvious in itself. But how do I do it?
Do i state it to the DM when making it that its only useable by Artificers? or X alignment?

2. Then the Use by those of Specific Skill?
Does that mean by specific Rank of a skill? Such as Craft armor Rank X?

3. And then comes the question is if im making it myself its locked to my Class/alignment and only to those with the needed skill i have apprentice feat and EA feat. How much is the actuall reduction? (math is not my strong suit)

4. As a Warforged could I add grafts to myself?

Mind you this is asusming my warforged understands how he functions and if he is able to "remove" or "add" parts to himself without giving himself errors/issues?

Such as putting a Perception Seed into its eye? Or Fiendish Jaw so he can bite?
(these are What ifs more then "im going to run these)

5. Could a Warforged gain a Symbiont and have it useable?
Could a Shadow Sibling or a Throwing Scarab?

Any and all help would greatly be appreciated as well as if these have been asked before Im sorry for repeating them!

2017-05-17, 01:41 AM
I have been poking around for awhile on how to make an artificer and finally figured out i should either go big or go home so Im getting my PC stats down and things he needs. (feats and etc) So i have a few quick questions for those who are better versed in Artificers then myself. I have looked into The cost reduciton guide/cheaper item making/ Artificer addtions/ Disregarde money and buff guide. Literally neck deep in this stuff but I have a few mechanic questions for you mostly.

This is gold cost reduction chunks from Guide for Reductions (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1000.0)
What your doing. Reduced to
Crafting it yourself instead of buying it. (DMG) 50%
Item is restricted to being used by those of a specific skill. (DMG) 90%
Item is restricted to being used by those of a specific class or alignment. (DMG) 70%
Apprentice (Craftsman) feat (DMG II 177) 90%
Extraordinary Artisan feat (ECS53) 75%

Looks good! Word of caution, though: it's super easy to lose yourself in the "optimal price reduction" craze when you play an artificer since money sort of fuels the class. Money and time. So much time.

I understand crafting it yourself thats kinda obvious.
Then the feats are also kind self explaining as well have feat it reduced to X.

1. What I wanted to know is for Resticting to specific class or alignment is also obvious in itself. But how do I do it?
Do i state it to the DM when making it that its only useable by Artificers? or X alignment?

This depends on the DM. My advice is to ask your DM if it's okay to make items that only Artificers or people of a given alignment can use in the name of making something cheaper. Some DMs are perfectly fine with that kind of thing, and others prefer a more mystical approach to magic items so that most such items are "locked in" when defined (such as by the DMG), and others still will say "Yes you can do that, but you've gotta do this quest first to make your character really embody the alignment before you can craft it."

2. Then the Use by those of Specific Skill?
Does that mean by specific Rank of a skill? Such as Craft armor Rank X?

I believe that this is when an item requires a check of a certain DC to use, not so much possessing ranks in a skill, sort of like all those magical Pipes that have Perform DCs built into their description. I think the method of calculating these DCs is left purposefully vague in the DMG to help keep these as just being "guidelines" so that magic items can stay wondrous and not just be plug-and-play-mechanic things. I think a DC 15 would be okay for a lot of items (enough to prove that a character sort of knows what they're doing with the item). If you want a formula, I don't know of one offhand (I'd be delighted to be shown one, though.) Maybe something like... DC 12 + Level of the spell that provides the item's function?

I can't help much on question 3 since this comes down to whether or not the percentages are additive or multiplicative, and I can't recall which one it is right now. So moving on...

4. As a Warforged could I add grafts to myself?

Mind you this is asusming my warforged understands how he functions and if he is able to "remove" or "add" parts to himself without giving himself errors/issues?

Such as putting a Perception Seed into its eye? Or Fiendish Jaw so he can bite?
(these are What ifs more then "im going to run these)

The implication is, I think, that you can't add a graft to yourself. I get this from the phrase

during which time both grafter and recipient must be present

Now, this doesn't specifically *say* that you can't graft things to yourself, buuuut... seems sketchy to me. You might be able to convince a GM otherwise depending on the situation, though.

5. Could a Warforged gain a Symbiont and have it useable?
Could a Shadow Sibling or a Throwing Scarab?

I think so? A quick glancing over Symbiont rules and Warforged rules doesn't show anything that directly prohibits it. With that in mind, though, I'd be hesitant to allow it as a GM or, at least, I'd want to modify the effect similar to how a Warforged only takes half healing from cure spells.

2017-05-17, 03:44 AM
Thanks for responding and giving a through output. I currently have the DM looking into crafting to see if he will okay the Break down. i.e alientment/class and if the feats will stack.

I dont want to throw the balance off since i know artificers can crush economys like a boulder does a ant. So i was looking into some "crafting" probably Weapon specialization or armor. And mostly self "buffing" before/during fights.

For grafts im pretty much looking into obtaining a dragon ridge eye. so i have darkvision. and maybe the Ebbrron crystals which will work without real issue due to same bookishness.

Symboit was more of if the graft idea fell through and there wasnt a way to "graft" a warforged. Since i could always "buy" one since it says "host" and never specifys "humanoid" or not.

I have had help with the math so that is taken care of. Thank you Gildedragon!