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View Full Version : dodge a nuke

2007-08-01, 05:11 PM
I was wondering how is it possible to dodge anuke, 30ft. in all directions solid cone of fire, 10ft cylinder of dry ice etc by by being good at dodging?

2007-08-01, 05:13 PM
By slipping between the molecules, silly.

Or, if you have enough ranks in Hide, by curling up into the 11th dimension.

2007-08-01, 05:29 PM
By slipping between the molecules, silly.

Or, if you have enough ranks in Hide, by curling up into the 11th dimension.

Nnanji, shut up! You're going to spill all us rogue's deepest secrets!

2007-08-01, 05:32 PM
By being really, really awesome (http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e100/Dhavaer/1182654890939.jpg).

2007-08-01, 05:33 PM
Theres a planar dimension called Roguespace that all rogues are given the ability to enter as soon as they gain evasion. You enter Roguespace for a moment and dodge any spell that allows reflex for half damage.:smallsmile:

2007-08-01, 05:35 PM
If we told you, it wouldn't be nearly as Extraordinary!

Moff Chumley
2007-08-01, 05:38 PM
Oh, sure. Try Cloak of the Montbank. Or contingent teleport. Or Dispell DM Fiat.

2007-08-01, 05:44 PM
Jump down a well, what.. it worked in a movie.

Anywho, by the time you are able to preform these feats you are already well into the 80s action man/hero movies level of competence if not the superhero level. Heck Ahnold did it in Predator. Essentially by the time one has reached tenth level you are going down in history as the greatest man of the Millennium (except in Forgotten Realms where half the high level characters in the Great Wheel Cosmology make their humble abodes)

However some things like ground zero nukes should require some epic or divine dodging to avoid (walking on clouds is a DC80 balance check for a reference of equal improbability) but at that point one can probably steal the thunder, fascinate Azaroth, or pull a "don't you see Red Mage, with gravity slain now we can fly!"

2007-08-02, 05:40 AM
Dodge really really really really really really well. Which I guess means a natural 20 on your reflex save and improved evasion. Which does indeed slip you ever so carefully between molecules.

2007-08-02, 05:47 AM
A wizard did it.

Kurald Galain
2007-08-02, 05:54 AM
Take Fortitude discipline and soak.

Hey, it worked for Ravnos :smalltongue:

2007-08-02, 09:26 AM
By being really, really awesome (http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e100/Dhavaer/1182654890939.jpg).

Okay, now my only question is: "How does she expect to dodge a nuke in high heels?"

2007-08-02, 09:29 AM
so theres no logical reason?

2007-08-02, 09:34 AM
Yes: Because that's one tiny nuke.

I mean really, 30 ft cylinder? No. If I can dodge a fireball, or a meteor swarm, I can dodge a tiny, tiny, tiny, tac-nuke.

Keld Denar
2007-08-02, 09:41 AM
Okay, now my only question is: "How does she expect to dodge a nuke in high heels?"

The only logic for her awesomeness can be seen here:

Varient 6 for more details

Puts a whole new meaning to the phrase "less is more" where protection is concerned!

2007-08-02, 09:43 AM
bear in mind that you don't dodge, you just react. dodging out of the way of it would involve, well, dodging out of the way. Evasion doesn't move you, it relies on Reflexes but the PC doesn't go anywhere, so you just grit your teeth and take it like a man!:smallsmile:

2007-08-02, 09:45 AM
Yeah, that nuke is tiny. I hear nuke, I think Hiroshima, not 60 ft. across explosion.

If you're talking about the Mini-Nuke, I could see it being avoided. Talking about Hiroshima, no way.

2007-08-02, 09:47 AM
Okay, now my only question is: "How does she expect to dodge a nuke in high heels?"

You don't get it, do you? The raw power of her Awesome creates a protective barrier. The universe simply bows and accepts her supremacy. She wouldn't need to dodge, the nuke would doge HER out of deference.

2007-08-02, 11:11 AM
To address the OP's question in a more-or-less serious manner... I think the basic concept behind Evasion is that you're good at defending yourself against area attacks. You see the blast coming and dodge behind cover, or sweep your cloak out to deflect the flames, or just dive and roll so you take only superficial burns while your non-Evading buddies are too slow to do more than maybe throw up their shields (i.e., they make their saves but still take half damage).

You're not actually avoiding the attack entirely, you're just reducing the damage to a point where it doesn't matter.

As for actual nuclear weapons, I'd be surprised if those allowed a saving throw. And if they did, I'd expect the DC to be in the thousands.

2007-08-02, 02:04 PM
It's called cheating :smalltongue: .

2007-08-02, 02:11 PM
(walking on clouds is a DC80 balance check for a reference of equal improbability)

I thought it was DC80 to walk on water (evidence that jesus was a epic level ninja, heck changing water to wine? DC60 slight of hand check)

And dc 120 to walk across clouds/smoke/steam/mist

2007-08-02, 02:32 PM
Well, if the DM says "no save allowed", then you are screwed :smallwink:

2007-08-02, 02:36 PM
Yeah, that nuke is tiny. I hear nuke, I think Hiroshima, not 60 ft. across explosion.

If you're talking about the Mini-Nuke, I could see it being avoided. Talking about Hiroshima, no way.

Yeah if we were talking a real WMD here and not a 60ft blast, I'd rule that anyone in the immediate blast area was instantly dealt full damage, only people further out could save (there are those 3 rings they show you in history class--blast radius, secondary blast radius, and fallout radius. I don't think anyone ever lived through being inside the blast radius).

2007-08-02, 02:36 PM
when i first saw this thread it reminded me of my sports teacher, he was the kind of guy who was obbbsessed with sports and would think of weird ways to warm up before games and i really can imagine him setting up a nuclear bomb in a field and giving you 10 second to run and try and get out of the blast area :smallbiggrin:

2007-08-02, 02:58 PM
Magedoken against the nuke. Of course I would be draining love out of the universe.

2007-08-02, 07:06 PM
Actualy if my memory is not messing with me in one of the D20 modern suppliments (I think future) they give stats for a nuke with a save in the thirties and for the 30ft cones?

2007-08-02, 07:12 PM
Actualy if my memory is not messing with me in one of the D20 modern suppliments (I think future) they give stats for a nuke with a save in the thirties and for the 30ft cones?

The starship combat rules in Future give damage for a nuke as 16d8. The nuclear toxyderm in Urban Arcana explodes dealing 200 damage in a 100ft. radius, with a save (based on HD and Con) for half. d20 apocalypse doesn't give damage, it just gives how much cover you need to survive at certain distances from the blast.

Yuki Akuma
2007-08-02, 07:54 PM
The starship combat rules in Future give damage for a nuke as 16d8. The nuclear toxyderm in Urban Arcana explodes dealing 200 damage in a 100ft. radius, with a save (based on HD and Con) for half. d20 apocalypse doesn't give damage, it just gives how much cover you need to survive at certain distances from the blast.

Well, the nukes used in Future are meant for ship-to-ship battles, not for blasting people, and the toxyderm's death throes is more of a "dirty" explosion than an actual nuclear reaction.

2007-08-02, 08:49 PM
Okay, now my only question is: "How does she expect to dodge a nuke in high heels?"

I don't kow exactly how she does it, but I like watching her try.

Hell wonder woman kicks all kinds of butt in high heels. Hell it's even more bizarre trying to figure out how that uniform of hers stays on. Figure that one out. Wonder Woman brand stick-em is holding that stuff on. I need to bottle that.

Tor the Fallen
2007-08-02, 09:19 PM
Nukes don't allow reflex saves.

2007-08-02, 10:44 PM
By being really, really...
Fantastic. No other words (except perhaps Awesome)

2007-08-03, 06:58 AM
A wizard did it.

Nope, in this case:
A rogue did it. :smallbiggrin:

2007-08-03, 05:58 PM
DCs of 120 denote use of skils that are flat out impossible, such as walking on clouds or passing through a friggin wall of force. Compared to those, a save DC of 120-200 would be reasonable to evading a nuclear explosion.