View Full Version : Calidar: "Dreams of Aerie"

Bruce Heard
2017-05-17, 07:55 AM
Calidar: Dreams of Aerie


Hi All. My third book's crowd funding is coming up mid June. I've made my preview page (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ambreville/752984857?token=9b35c2a0) available to the public. If you have suggestions or questions, please do bring them up. Thanks!

A few more words: Centered on a flying circus, this mega-adventure and mini-setting can also be run in any game world, with RPG rules of your choice.

Adventure: This RPG adventure also is a self-contained mini-setting. Because the action takes place on a flying circus, Dreams of Aerie is easy to adapt to any game world. Drawing on Barnum & Bailey and Cirque du Freak, this book's main plot elements involve a murder mystery, the rivalries of circus guilds, urban adventuring, and monster-hunting. Countless hooks allow side trips and alternate storylines, as each of the 90+ circus folk hide shadowy pasts and secret motivations. The heroes must contend with secret societies vying for hegemony among circus folk. If left to its own devices, a monstrous presence hidden aboard heralds catastrophic world events.

Sourcebook: This book's setting includes the circus itself, standing amid side shows and carnie shacks, themselves surrounded by a ring of permanent shops and dwellings called aeries, perched at the edge of the clouds. Two more decks lie below with all that the Greatest Show on Calidar needs to function, as well as its dark secrets. Although written for the World of Calidar, this setting is nearly self-contained until the referee starts unfolding the hidden stories of circus folk, and connects them with the chosen game's universe.

More details on the preview page. (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ambreville/752984857?token=9b35c2a0)


Bruce Heard
2017-06-06, 08:18 AM
Last call! I'll be submitting the Kickstarter campaign for final approval within the next day or two. This is your last chance to peruse the preview page and jump in with comments.

CLICK HERE! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ambreville/752984857?token=9b35c2a0)

Bruce Heard
2017-06-13, 10:10 AM

I wanted to alert you of my third book coming up: Calidar “Dreams of Aerie.” I need to finance cover and internal art, and for this I'm launching a Kickstarter event on June 14th. Text and maps have already been completed. Poster maps and game-mastering aids will also be elements of the event. As always, Calidar does not rely on specific game mechanics. The adventure can be run with most tabletop RPG games. Due to the nature of the setting, “Dreams of Aerie” can easily be transplanted into a world other than Calidar if you prefer.

You’ll be able to find the event with a simple search on Kickstarter: enter “Calidar” or “Calidar Dreams of Aerie” in the search box to find the correct page, or contact me for more information.

Thank you for your kindness and support!

Bruce Heard

Bruce Heard
2017-06-14, 07:04 AM

See you all at 09:00 US Central Time this morning when the Kickstarter campaign launches for Calidar "Dreams of Aerie." Search for this title on Kickstarter's home page. I'll be back as soon as possible when the campaign launches, with the correct link. The present one, for the preview page (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ambreville/752984857?token=9b35c2a0), will cease to work when the campaign launches. You can also have a peek at the project preview (http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?4197-Dreams-of-Aerie-Bruce-Heard-s-Circus-in-the-Sky!#.WUEfsWgrKM8) posted on EnWorld, which reveals an extra poster map showing an "exploded view" of the aeries' upper floors on a night display of the main deck. Until the curtains open, sit tight and enjoy the popcorn. :smallcool:

Update June 14th 09:00 CST: Let the Game Begin: welcome to the Third Calidar Kickstarter! (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ambreville/calidar-dreams-of-aerie)

Bruce Heard
2017-06-15, 06:29 AM
Day 1 of Calidar "Dreams of Aerie's" Kickstarter: we did very well. By the end of Day 1, we've outdone CAL1 "In Stranger Skies." All numbers were better across the board. Thank you everyone! To help continuing this success story, do feel free to pass the word around, or simply keep chatting about the project, here, on Facebook, or on Kickstarter directly.


What else can I say, but "merci!" :smallsmile:

A good number of you did share the campaign announcement, and this helped a lot. I'm very grateful for your enthusiasm and support. Judging from the funding pattern, it looks like "Dreams" should be at least funded by the end of the event. So far, we have at least 111 visitors who watched the video; 59% of them watched it all the way through, which is pretty good actually. Out of 111 visitors, 86 are backers at this point. Compare this with "In Stranger Skies" where more than 5,000 visitors watched the video and about 400 became backers (after 30 days.) That's very encouraging, even though June is a difficult month for crowd funding.

Bruce Heard
2017-06-18, 08:18 PM
Hey, just hit 6K funding & 80% of target, 25 days left to go.

Bruce Heard
2017-07-12, 02:57 PM
Last day for the Kickstarter!