View Full Version : 3rd Ed Yet Another Fighter Remake

2017-05-17, 09:55 AM
Hey, a little while ago I went about remaking the Fighter class (As many have) in an attempt to make it a little more viable. My goal wasn't to try and get it on par with any of the magic classes (I'd consider that an Impossible feat) but rather to give it a boost from T5 to hopefully at least T3.

Anyone willing to offer their opinions? Ive done some play testing with it, and all of the abilities have seen use, while none of them have seemed to over powering, or underwhelming. Ive noticed that a lot of my players have been giving it a 3 level dip just for use your strengths, but I'm not to particularly worried about that. at 3 level costs I consider it more of an investment than a dip.

Here it is~

Hit Die: D12

Base Attack Bonus
Fortitude Saves
Reflex Saves
Will Saves
Ac Bonus
Bonus Feats

Professional Training, Weapon focus, Fighter College

Taunt, Versatile Feats

Armor Training +1, Weapon Expertise, Strategy, Use Your Strengths

Weapon Specialization, Lunging Strike

Inspire, Weapon Training +1, Know Thy Enemy

Armor Training +2, Push


Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon Training +2

Armor Training +3, Advanced Strategy

Improved Inspire

Weapon Training +3

Greater Weapon Specialization, Armor Training +4


Stunning Power, Juggernaut

Weapon Training +4

Armor Mastery, Double Strategy


Weapon Training +5





Combat Master, Weapon Mastery

Class Skills: Climb (Str) Concentration (Con) Craft (Int) Diplomacy (Cha) Handle Animal (Cha) Jump (Str) Knowledge local (Int) Knowledge Nobility and Royalty (Int) Perception (Wis) Profession (Wis) Ride (Dex) Search (Int) Sense Motive (Wis) Swim (Str)
Skill Points: At 1st level: (4 + Int Modifier) x4
Every Level after first: 4 + Int Mod

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields).

Bonus Feats: At 2nd level, a fighter gets a bonus combat-oriented feat. The fighter gains an additional bonus feat every two fighter levels thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th). These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats. A fighter must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums. These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels.

Ac Bonus: The Fighter Gains the listed bonus as a Knowledge bonus to their Ac at the listed level.

Fighter College: At 1st level the Fighter picks two of the following feats;
Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Mounted Combat, Improved Bull Rush, Two-Weapon Fighting to Gain as bonus feats.

Weapon Focus: At 1st level a Fighter Gains Weapon Focus as the feat.

Professional Training (Ex): At 1st level a Fighter has trained extensively in the basic arts of combat. Add 1/3 your Fighter class level to all Trip, Disarm, Bull Rush, Sunder, Grapple, Feint, and Overrun checks, minimum 1.

Taunt (Ex): At 2nd level the Fighter has learned how to attract his enemies attention. A fighter can make a Diplomacy check as a swift action(Limited to one per round), Opposed by the enemies sense motive, to cause that enemy to attack them. If this check fails the Fighter can continue to try again, with a cumulative -2 penalty. This effect lasts for charisma modifier rounds.

Versatile feats (Ex): Starting at 2nd level after two hours of uninterrupted training, a fighter can change all Their feats gained from fighter class. New feats must be still drawn from must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats and fighter must meet all requirements.

Use your Strengths (Ex): Starting at 3rd level A fighter applies Their highest ability modifier to weapon damage in place of their Strength modifier.

Armor Training (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a Fighter learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. While wearing armor, They reduce the armor check penalty by 1 (To a minimum of 0), and increases the max Dex. Bonus of the armor by 1. Every Three levels thereafter this bonus increases by an additional +1, to a maximum armor check penalty of -4, and max Dex. Increase of +4. In addition, a Fighter can move at their normal movement speed while wearing medium armor, and at 6th level he can move at their normal speed while wearing heavy armor.

Weapon Expertise (Ex): At 3rd level a Fighter may apply the benefit of any feat that requires one to chose a specific weapon (such as Weapon Focus) to any other weapon that feat could have been chosen for by spending one hour practicing with the new weapon. Further, a Fighter's level (and all the bonuses that would come from being that level) is treated as a level higher than it really is for the purposes of qualifying for feats in the Fighter's list of Bonus Feats. At 6th level and again at 9th level this bonus increases by another +1.

Strategy (Ex): At 3rd level whenever a fighter can observe a creature for one or more rounds (or receive information from an ally who has done so), he may form a strategy against it as a free action, providing a bonus on certain rolls and checks made against it equal to the number of rounds spent observing (to a maximum of the fighter's Intelligence modifier[minimum 1]). Choose one of the following bonus types when the strategy is created:
Accuracy: Attack rolls
Power: Damage and critical confirmation rolls
Defence: Armor Class
Resistance: Saving throws against the creature's special attacks
Endurance: Damage reduction and energy resistance
Mysticism: Caster level checks
Stealth: Checks made to escape the creature's notice (including Hide and Move Silently checks)
Detection: Checks made to detect the creature's presence (including Search, Spot and Listen checks, as well as caster level checks made to penetrate nondetection and similar effects)
Identification: Checks made to identify the creature's abilities (including Knowledge and Spellcraft checks)
The fighter may revise his strategy 1/round, either to apply the benefits of another round of observation (increasing the bonus by +1) (as a standard action), to change the type of bonus (Move action), or both (Full-round action). The effects of a strategy are considered insight bonuses, and last for 24 hours after being invented.
The fighter may share this bonus with his allies as long as he is capable of communicating with them.
Weapon Specialization: At 4th level a Fighter gains Weapon Specialization as the feat.

Weapon Training (Ex): Starting at 5th level a Fighter can select one weapon, whenever they attack with this weapon they gain a +1 bonus on both attack and damage rolls. Every Three levels thereafter they can select additional weapon to gain a +1 bonus on, and all previously selected weapons gain an additional +1. (For example, at 11th level the weapon chosen at 5th level is +3, 8th is +2, and 11th is +1) The Fighter may add this bonus to the check of any special attack or action they make using the weapon. (Sunder, disarm, ect.) They may also add this bonus when defending from such attacks or actions.

Inspire (Ex): At 5th level a Fighter in capable of Inspiring Their allies (Not including Them self) In multiple ways. Every round the Fighter can chose one of the following ways to inspire Their allies, switching is a free action that can only be taken on the Fighters round. This ability affects any ally within 30ft of the Fighter.
Inspire Might: The Fighter can add their Strength Modifier as an inspirational bonus to their allies Damage rolls.
Inspire Defense: The Fighter can add their Dexterity Modifier as an inspirational bonus to their allies AC.
Inspire Resilience: The Fighter can add their Constitution modifier as an inspirational bonus to each of their allies Saves.

Know Thy Enemy (Ex): At 5th level a Fighter has battled against a great many foes, and learned to identify them quickly. A Fighter of 5th level or higher may add Their class level to all Knowledge checks to identify creatures, and always counts as trained in any such knowledge check.

Push (Ex): At 6th level, whenever a fighter makes a successful attack or combat maneuver he may force the target to take an immediate 5ft step in a direction of his choice. This counts as the target's 5ft step for the next round, though the fighter may force them to take multiple 5ft steps beyond this limit.

Grit (Ex): At 7th level a Fighters has learned to tough it out under fire, and may add their constitution bonus to any save they have to make.

Greater Weapon Focus: at 8th level a Fighter gains Greater Weapon Focus as the feat.

Advanced Strategy (Ex): At 9th level, whenever a character gains a Strategy bonus of +3 or higher from the fighter, they gain an additional benefit against the target of the strategy based on the type of bonus:
Accuracy: Attacks gain the ghost touch property against the creature
Power: Ignore the creature's damage reduction and energy resistance; if the creature is immune to a type of damage (such as fire damage or the added damage from critical hits) then it Still takes no damage from those sources
Defence: The creature's attacks suffer a 20% miss chance against you
Resistance: When you succeed on a saving throw against one the creature's special attacks, if it would have a reduced effect then it instead has no effect
Endurance: Count as one size category larger for resisting the creature's special attacks
Mysticism: +2 to DCs of special attacks used against the creature
Stealth: Can hide even from special senses possessed by the creature, such as tremorsense
Detection: Gain the benefits of the Blind-Fight feat against the creature
Identification: Gain the benefits of arcane sight against the creature and any items it held when the strategy was invented

Improved Inspire (Ex): At 10th level the Fighter is seen as a terrifying enemy, and a powerful ally. The fighters Inspire ability now gives 1.5x the bonus for their allies (Rounded down). In addition, the original Inspire ability now works for the Fighter.

Greater Weapon Specialization: At 12th level the Fighter gains Greater Weapon Specialization as the feat.

Stunning Power (Ex): Beginning at 13th level, every creature a Fighter hits with one of Their chosen weapons must make Fortitude save (DC equal to 10+fighter level+strength modifier) or become stunned for one round. On the successful save, the creature is dazed. If creature is immune to being stunned, it simply becomes dazed instead.

Juggernaut (Ex): The fighter is treated as having Freedom of Movement active constantly.

Armor Mastery (Ex): At 15th level the fighter gains DR 10/- in addition to any DR they had previously when wearing armor or using a shield.

Dual Strategy (Ex): At 15th level, when a fighter invents a strategy he may choose to apply two sets of bonuses at once (including the effects of Advanced Strategy for those bonuses).

Swiftness (Ex): At 16th level, a fighter may perform an additional swift, immediate, move or standard action per round.

Weapon Mastery (Ex): At 20th level the fighter chooses one weapon, any attacks made with this weapon automatically confirm critical hits and have their damage multiplier increased by 1.

Combat Master (Ex): At 20th level the Fighter is so experienced in combat that they are unable to fumble with Their weapon. Natural ones no longer hold any penalty. In addition, the Fighter doubles the final result of all damage rolls.

I should also note, (Since I use it in this class) That I have Re-written the Two-Weapon Fighting feat aswell
(This one is mostly to fit my own taste, but here it is anyway)

You can fight effectively with a weapon in each hand.
Prerequisite: Dex 14. +1 BAB.
Benefit: The Two-Weapon Fighting feat eliminates the
penalty to the main hand for attacking with two weapons
and allows characters to make extra attacks with their
off-hand weapon, albeit at a penalty. This off-hand attack
progression is based on a characters Base Attack Bonus.

At +1 BAB, the character can make a single off hand attack at
-3 penalty.
At +5 BAB, the character can make one off hand attack with
no penalty, and a second at a -6 penalty.
At +9 BAB, The character can make one off-hand attack with
no penalty, a second at a -3 penalty, and a third at a -6.
At +13 BAB, The character can make two off-hand attacks with
no penalty, and one at a -3.
At +17 BAB, the character takes no penalties for attacking with the

In addition, the character gains a shield bonus of ¼ their BAB
(Minimum of 1) to their AC when wielding a weapon in both hands,
or when using a double weapon (not including natural weapons or
unarmed strikes).

2017-05-17, 09:56 AM
This should really be in the homebrew forum.

2017-05-17, 09:58 AM
This should really be in the homebrew forum.

My mistake, I don't use these Forums too often

Karl Aegis
2017-05-17, 12:29 PM
I can see this making a really good Zen Archer. Zero mobility doesn't really matter when you can force the enemy away from you (maybe over a hundred feet away with Push, Rapid Shot, Splitting Bow and Swiftness Manyshot) and you have no-save daze every round for multiple targets. Push also glitches out fliers, maybe?

Taunt doesn't have a listed range, so I assume you're meant to use it on a melee only monster and use the Run action away from it so it has no ability to fight you or your party. Most enemies don't have good sense motive checks until you're at the level where you can auto-daze.

I don't see a description for Lunging Strike. (??)

Juggernaut doesn't say which level it's gained at.

I've never seen a Knowledge bonus before.

Grit + Wisdom for Zen Archery should put all your saves at Invincible levels. Don't expect to fail any saves against CR-appropriate encounters. That said, enough reflex save attacks and you're down for the count because you don't have evasion or any way to recover health. Hello Adult Steel Dragons!

Damage output should be absolutely ridiculous on anything you can detect. Invisible enemies and Total Cover will still be a problem, but you have ways of getting around damage reduction and incorporeal enemies at higher levels.

Overall I'd say a Tier 4 class. Relies on items or feats to fill in weaknesses and really only targets one or two defenses throughout their career. Detection abilities are not awe-inspiring and may become obsolete. Defenses don't extend beyond AC and saves. Can't interact with much of magic, if at all. Mobility does not come from the class and if it does it is weak.

2017-05-17, 12:43 PM
I can see this making a really good Zen Archer. Zero mobility doesn't really matter when you can force the enemy away from you (maybe over a hundred feet away with Push, Rapid Shot, Splitting Bow and Swiftness Manyshot) and you have no-save daze every round for multiple targets. Push also glitches out fliers, maybe?

Taunt doesn't have a listed range, so I assume you're meant to use it on a melee only monster and use the Run action away from it so it has no ability to fight you or your party. Most enemies don't have good sense motive checks until you're at the level where you can auto-daze.

I don't see a description for Lunging Strike. (??)

Juggernaut doesn't say which level it's gained at.

I've never seen a Knowledge bonus before.

Grit + Wisdom for Zen Archery should put all your saves at Invincible levels. Don't expect to fail any saves against CR-appropriate encounters. That said, enough reflex save attacks and you're down for the count because you don't have evasion or any way to recover health. Hello Adult Steel Dragons!

Damage output should be absolutely ridiculous on anything you can detect. Invisible enemies and Total Cover will still be a problem, but you have ways of getting around damage reduction and incorporeal enemies at higher levels.

Overall I'd say a Tier 4 class. Relies on items or feats to fill in weaknesses and really only targets one or two defenses throughout their career. Detection abilities are not awe-inspiring and may become obsolete. Defenses don't extend beyond AC and saves. Can't interact with much of magic, if at all. Mobility does not come from the class and if it does it is weak.

1st, I moved this thread to the proper forum and some of your notes have been corrected there.

Taunt can be used on any target capable of hearing you, and multiple enemies can be taunted at a time. (I should specifically add that to the description)

Ive seen knowledge bonuses a few times (Cant remember exactly where[Archivist maybe?]) But the point was I wanted it to stack with most other abilities.

Improved strategy offers blind fight with Detection, but yes its just a little help. Most characters buy an item for detecting invisible enemies, plus that's more another classes job. (This is a Party member)

Yes, mobility is weak, but that's not all unintended. If it wants to move attack move their are feats for that, and it gains PLENTY of feats. I left out flight, and I did give it freedom of movement.

I also made a note of only balancing this VS non-magical classes. there is no competing with magic as a melee.

If I took away all of the weaknesses where would the balance be? I intentionally left some that could be easily filled in by other party members or magic items.

2017-05-17, 12:49 PM
What were you looking to accomplish with this version that you couldn't simply use the PF fighter?

2017-05-17, 01:00 PM
What were you looking to accomplish with this version that you couldn't simply use the PF fighter?

The path finder fighter doesn't change much from the 3.5 Fighter.
I did take the armor training, and weapon training into mind when making this one, but those themselves dont balance out the difference in options that the other classes have.

2017-05-17, 01:50 PM
Fighter college has no dedicated ranged options. Point blank shot/ precise shot could be added with no problem.

Taunt needs to only be able to affect critters with int scores of 3 or above and be limited to 30 feet.

Versatile feats should be pushed back a level and bonus feat progression should be slowed after 6th level.

Clarify if weapon expertise works with weapon style feats: lightning maces, boomerang ricochet etc.

Inspire needs more parameters: duration, intelligence of allies, what type of action to activate. I suggest making it a standard action that lasts one round. Make a fighter feat that bumps it up to 3 rounds and allows the fighter to forego an iterative attack to activate as a swift.

2017-05-17, 02:23 PM
Fighter college has no dedicated ranged options. Point blank shot/ precise shot could be added with no problem.

Taunt needs to only be able to affect critters with int scores of 3 or above and be limited to 30 feet.

Versatile feats should be pushed back a level and bonus feat progression should be slowed after 6th level.

Clarify if weapon expertise works with weapon style feats: lightning maces, boomerang ricochet etc.

Inspire needs more parameters: duration, intelligence of allies, what type of action to activate. I suggest making it a standard action that lasts one round. Make a fighter feat that bumps it up to 3 rounds and allows the fighter to forego an iterative attack to activate as a swift.

Fighter college Intentionally has no ranged options. They can obviously have those feats through their bonus feats if they so desire, but I'm tired of the ranger being better melee than the fighter, and the fighter being a better ranger than the ranger.

Yes, the intelligence parameter I did leave out in this rewrite, but I have been using.

I gave versatile feats with the first bonus feat intentionally, and do intend to keep it there, and what is your reasoning for slowing bonus feats after 6?

"a Fighter may apply the benefit of any feat that requires one to chose a specific weapon (such as Weapon Focus) to any other weapon that feat could have been chosen for" So no, lightning maces does not affect a longsword.

Inspire was intended to be more like an aura, i'll likely add a range for it. (60'?) and I may add an intelligence required for it to affect someone, but not entirely sure. Activation was not intended to be necessary, and it's was never intended for it to expire. The fighter is supposed to be a formidable presence, like Frightful presence, but a buff not a debuff and so no save required.

I notice that I did have a range on inspire "This ability affects any ally within 30ft of the Fighter."

2017-05-17, 05:43 PM
The path finder fighter doesn't change much from the 3.5 Fighter.
I did take the armor training, and weapon training into mind when making this one, but those themselves dont balance out the difference in options that the other classes have.

What I am asking for is the raison d'être of this class.

Not what you did.


2017-05-17, 10:37 PM
What I am asking for is the raison d'être of this class.

Not what you did.


I had already moved this topic to the proper forum, that question is answered there.