View Full Version : Hopeful monsters.

2017-05-18, 09:05 AM
You are hungry. Hungry enough that you aren't trying to hide any more because you are almost more hungry than scared. The gnawing in your gut is producing its own growing fear, a fear that may become as great as the fear from behind your eyes.

Daddy had left after feeding you. Sometime later you heard yelling you didn't understand behind your eyes. It was scary. It became too much and you had to go to sleep. You had bad dreams. You woke up hungry and scared. You couldn't talk or even think right. You wanted to hide under your cushion. Your body wouldn't move right. It took a long time to eat your food and drink your water. You still can't talk, and you are too afraid of everything to want to.

Your brothers and sisters, you are afraid to look at them. You were never afraid of them before, but now if your eyes happen to cross them you recoil in fright. They all seem to have the same problem. They can't look at you or each other.

Daddy has been gone a long time now. The food and water is gone.
You are lonely, scared, hungry, thirsty.

You must get out of your cage. You don't know where this thought came from, but now you know it. You must get out.

How do you get out of your cage? And the floor is about 6 body lengths down. How will you get down?

(give a brief description of your escape plan. You are in a sturdy wire cage. )

2017-05-18, 09:14 AM
Findings was scared but hungry. He needed food, food was outside. So,
Finkontey used his tongue to apply pressure to the latch of his cage so it unlocks then opens the grate. When he is outside he grabs his comfortable bed he wants to keep it to sleep. he jumps down with his frog legs and uses his wings to try and cancel the impact force somewhat and barely lands on the bed.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-18, 10:40 AM
Skwibble finishes working on the lock. It took a long time grinding away at the metal with its tongue but finally the latch broke free. Slowly opening the cage door, it peers down. Too far. Hungwy.

It thinks about trying to clamber down using its arms but it feels too weak for that. It has an idea. Dragging its cushion to the door of the cage, it pushes it over the edge. The cushion lands lightly on the floor.

Checking is landing spot carefully and puffing out its hair, it flings itself of the edge with an excited Whee! and drops down to the cushion below

2017-05-18, 01:16 PM
Cuddles wants out of box now. Once Cuddles wanted out of glass box and Cuddles used claws to cut open hole to go through and walked around on table and went to visit other Special-Men before Daddy came by for cuddles with Cuddles and put Cuddles in new wire cage that had bad-smell on it so Cuddles doesn't like going to edges of cage. So no more visits to other Special-Men. But bad-smell has faded away now. Wire looks tougher than glass was, but Cuddles is bigger now and has blade-tail.

Cuddles makes short work of cutting and hacking a large enough opening in the side of the cage. Cuddles sees the big drop. Cuddles could get hurt if just... jump down maybe. Maybe if Cuddles could get lower before drop? Cuddles does have long tail. But tail sharp and doesn't hold things. But..... Cuddles stab edge of table with tail. Yes, stick in good... but not stuck too hard. Cuddles drops off the table and for a moment wiggles around in the air very scared and flails a bit. Flailing causes blade on tail to come loose from table and Cuddles falls. Cuddles scared, but turns limbs and head around so now everything facing ground before hit and land on feet. Kind of hurt fingers a bit because of hard claws. But Cuddles ok.

2017-05-18, 02:01 PM
Rex considers the latch on his cage. He's seen it opened many times before.

He reaches his fingers through the wire cage and after a few failed attempts, pulls the handle in the correct way, opening the door to his cage.

He holds the edge of the table, swinging himself down, and releases himself at a safe distance from the floor. He sticks the landing quietly.

2017-05-18, 02:21 PM
And how does our last sibling get out of (his/her?) locked cage? (this one is definitely locked. )

2017-05-18, 02:44 PM
Cephi hears the sound his sibling's cages moving and curious looks between the metal bars of his.
They are moving, escaping, exploring the world beyond their cages, and doing it without Daddy's permission.

But the hunger... Cephi decided it was better breaking the norms than dying. And if he was to escape his cage, it had to be now, before getting weaker.
He curiously watched how his siblings escaped, each using a different technique. He looked at the lock of his cage, there was no way he could lick long enough to disolve it. He looked at the metal bars, they were too thick for him to cut them or bend them. Daddy made a sturdy one for him. Although he never attempted to escape.

Cephi noticed the nearest cage to his was also chained to the ceiling, and he noticed the hook. He started swingin his cage, using his whole body, and when it had enough speed, he jumped as hard as he could. Once, twice, the third time he was succesful, and the hook sliped the chain. His cage made a violent free fall with him inside, and hit the ground hard and loudly. He was a bit confused by the hit, luckily the cushion avoided injuries.

the cage didn't break apart, but the fall was enough to twist some of the metal bars loose. Cephi used all his strength to pry them open enough for him to squeeze though. He was free.

2017-05-18, 02:51 PM
United on the floor, you aren't feeling afraid of each other.

On the floor with you are 1 cushion, 1 damaged cage with a sleeping cushion in it.

Across the room is a door.

On the right side of the room is the table where Daddy plays with you.

What do you do?

2017-05-18, 03:23 PM
Is there a crack below the door where any of us could fit? Is the table hard to reach with a jump? Is there a chair in front of the door?

2017-05-18, 03:27 PM
There is no chair in the room. Sometimes Daddy brings in a chair or a stool when he is playing with you, but there isn't one here now.

The door is closed.

None of you can fit under it.

2017-05-18, 03:27 PM
Rex approaches the door.

He attempts to jump to the handle to open it.

2017-05-18, 03:34 PM
If Rex reaches the door handle, Cephi would try and push (or pull) the door while Rex hangs in there.
If Rex doesn't reach it, Cephi will try to push the table closer to the door.
If he can't do either, Cephi will try to jump or climb the table.

2017-05-18, 03:36 PM
The two of you open the door. (without moving the table)

The door opens into a hallway that goes to the left and the right.

2017-05-18, 04:52 PM
It was a good thing the others opened the door. Cuddles is very hungry. But maybe there will be food in new place. So Cuddles goes to explore the hallway, going right, while making friendly (if a bit raspy) sounding noises at the others.

2017-05-18, 06:34 PM
Finkontey follows Cuddles. wondering where this new place is. He decides to call new place Cudder. After himself and Cuddles who he is following. It also feels right to finkontey. Finkontey always does everything that feels right that won't make Father mad at him. Finkontey happy and hungry.

2017-05-18, 07:54 PM
Rex enters the hallway and surveys his surroundings. What can be seen in either direction? What can he smell, or hear?

2017-05-19, 12:16 AM
Your world is now about double in size.
The floors and walls are the same as your previous room.

You hear only the movement and calls of your siblings.

Both ways smell like Daddy, but to the right is stronger.
The right also smells like water slightly.

The left smells ...... weird.

There is a door visible at the end of each passage.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-19, 12:21 AM
Daddy! Skwibble rushes into the right corridor after the others.

2017-05-19, 12:30 AM
You gather at the bottom of the right door.

How do you open it?

2017-05-19, 01:20 AM
Cephi tries to immitate what Rex did with the door handle previously.

2017-05-19, 01:20 AM
Cuddles tentatively pokes at the door with its blade-tail to see if will just swing open.

2017-05-19, 04:47 AM
Swinging on the handle and poking at the door does the trick. The door swings open.

You smell food. Somewhere in the next room.

There are two round things just inside the door. They are almost as tall as the door handle.

In the middle of the room is a table with a stool and and a chair.

Along one wall is a long counter. You smell water there. There is light coming from the middle of the counter, but form the floor you can't see the source.

At both ends of the counter are two doors that project into the room. The nearer one is yellowish. The far one is white.

At the end of the room there is a narrower passage. You smell Wet and Daddy smell coming from there.

You miss Daddy, but you need to find the food. (rails here)

2017-05-19, 05:36 AM
How tall is Cephi relatively to the door? Does he have to jump to reach the handle, or can he reach it by standing?

2017-05-19, 06:32 AM
How tall is Cephi relatively to the door? Does he have to jump to reach the handle, or can he reach it by standing?

He has to jump a bit.

He would have to climb to see the top of the round things by the door. They seem to be similar to the table in composition.

2017-05-19, 07:23 AM
Fintonkey hungry. Fintonkey smell food. Fintonkey climbs the table to see what is nearby.

2017-05-19, 08:53 AM
How does he climb? (snake like?)

2017-05-19, 08:57 AM
Finkontley mostly snake. Finkontley climb like snake as result. Finkontley happy snakes are good climbers.

2017-05-19, 09:15 AM
Fink is the first on the tabletop.

There is a toy here! One of the ones Daddy brings to play with.

And there is a mug, the thing Daddy drinks out of. It is white.

There is also a long metal box. It is closed.

Looking around...

One of the round things near the door has fleshy shapes on top of it. You can't see what is in the other.

On the counter there are lots of white and silvery things. There is a hole or depression of some short in the middle of the counter. Above the depression there is a shelf. There are orange things on the shelf with green things in them. Above them are little balls of light.

2017-05-19, 10:12 AM
Fintonkey goes to the metal box. Fintonkey curious. Fintonkey hungry. Fintonkey see flesh. Fintonkey vow to go there next.

2017-05-19, 11:11 AM
(box first)

After bumping the box a bit it opens enough for Fink to slide his tail in and open it completely.

There are 8 small crystals, one medium, and one large. They look pretty, shiny, and tasty.

2017-05-19, 11:14 AM
Fintonkey stomach rumbles. Finkontey eat medium one and a small one. Fintonkey kind. Fintonkey don't take large one so other can take it. Fintonkey leave rest for group. Fintonkey wait for others to arrive.

2017-05-19, 11:37 AM
Fink feels energized but still hungry. (give me a D1300 roll and a D100)

2017-05-19, 11:40 AM
Fintonkey energized. Fintonkey hungry. Fintonkey tempted to go to flesh. Fintonkey holds himself in for others.


2017-05-19, 11:59 AM
Hearing his sibling munch on something Cephi knocks on the table leg and makes pleading sounds while looking up.

2017-05-19, 12:00 PM
Vertigo struggled with their own emotions. Vertigo could get out of the cage, as they had observed the mechanism and its long tail was able to work like a small hand. And if that didn't work, there Vertigo had once accidentally found out that their saliva was able to burn through metal. But for whatever reason, Vertigo had always hated the idea of it. The world was small but known, it had always felt right to be there. But now, Vertigo could hear their peers (or some of them) escaping. Nothing felt right anymore.

Should I follow them? Why has Daddy vanished? Everything is so weird.

Vertigo hid again by turning their back on the world and looking at the small blanket again that they slept on. After a few minutes, Vertigo heard their peers leaving, and a new kind of fear grew in Vertigo. Loneliness.

A few moments later, Vertigo tried to get out of the cage. With surprise, Vertigo found that they could not open the cage door. Maybe a part of the mechanism that they could never see? Disappointed, Vertigo started the tactic of slowly drooling on the floor of the cage and then started to jump up and down to create a hole big enough to fit through it. Then, Vertigo started to push their body through it, losing a few feathers, and soon, they hung on the outside of the cage.

From their, the way was leading Vertigo to the next wall (or ceiling), and sticking to it with their suction cups, Vertigo found their way down to the floor. Quickly, without further though, Vertigo ran to keep up with the others. Once they found the rest of the group, Vertigo started to actually look around in a mix of fear and curiosity.

2017-05-19, 12:09 PM
Fintonkey hears. Fintonkey thinks. Fintonkey realizes. Fintonkey closes metal box and slowly but surely pushes it to the edge of table. Fintonkey pushes it to the ground being careful that it didn't land on anyone.

2017-05-19, 01:06 PM
The box pops open on impact. The crystals fall out. There are 7 small ones and a large one. They look edible.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-19, 01:10 PM
Skwibble uses antennae to smell crystal. Skwibble likes it. Skwibble eats large crystal. Skwibble very hungry.

2017-05-19, 02:18 PM
Vertigo joins the group just as the box falls off the table. One of the crystals that falls out bounces over to in front of the yellowish doors. There is a dark space beneath those doors.

Squible eats the larger crystal.

Do the others eat any?

2017-05-19, 02:18 PM
Cephi would take one of the small crystals and smell it, then taste it. If it tastes like food, he will eat a couple more.

2017-05-19, 02:23 PM
They taste very good.

(give me 3 d1300 rolls)

There are 4 small crystals left.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-19, 02:26 PM
Skwibble finishes the crystal. Tasty!


2017-05-19, 02:32 PM
(I meant Celphi, but I'll just use those rolls. Does Squibble eat any small crystals too?)

The crystals have an energizing, warming effect, but only decrease the hunger a bit.

2017-05-19, 02:42 PM
Rex approaches the crystals on the ground.

He waits to see how the others react. They seem safe enough.

Rex hazards one of the small crystals.

2017-05-19, 03:06 PM
(D1300 roll for Rex)
3 crystals are left.

2017-05-19, 03:15 PM
Rex backs away from the group at a comfortable distance, and slowly eats the crystal.


2017-05-19, 03:29 PM
(the roll isn't showing for me on the android page.)edit: it does show on the laptop
Is anyone else eating a crystal or climbing the table?

Aardvark 001
2017-05-19, 03:59 PM
Skwibble leaves the crystals and climbs the table, looking for more food. It sees the toy and goes towards it. Daddy play?

2017-05-19, 04:05 PM
Fintonkey hungry. Fintonkey go to fleshy thing. Fintonkey see if food. If is Fintonkey eat.

2017-05-19, 04:45 PM
Fink is the first on the tabletop.

There is a toy here! One of the ones Daddy brings to play with.

And there is a mug, the thing Daddy drinks out of. It is white.

There is also a long metal box. It is closed.

Looking around...

One of the round things near the door has fleshy shapes on top of it. You can't see what is in the other.

On the counter there are lots of white and silvery things. There is a hole or depression of some short in the middle of the counter. Above the depression there is a shelf. There are orange things on the shelf with green things in them. Above them are little balls of light.

Sqib sees what Fink saw, though now the box is gone.

How does Fink get across the room to the fleashy things?

2017-05-19, 04:50 PM
Cuddles is scared away from the crystals by the loud bang the box makes when it hits the floor. Then before Cuddles can get near the others all rush over to it while Cuddles is still thinking it might be unsafe.

Cuddles attempt to climb one of the big round things, mainly by sinking it's claws in to just make hand-holds.

1 is the one with fleshy shapes on top.
2 is the other one.

2017-05-19, 04:50 PM
Finkontey walk then climbs like a snake to reach the fleshy things.

2017-05-19, 05:55 PM
It is much larger than a table leg, so Fink can't slither around it. A combination of jumping and wing flaps, however, eventually results in landing on the edge.....

Cuddles is able to climb the other one. It is made of the same stuff tables are.
There is a rim around the edge, and just inside is a flat space you can stand on. There is a group of twisted threads attached to it in the middle. The food smell is strong here, but you don't see any food.

There are 4 fleshy looking things in the other container. They have round stalks with larger flatter tops. They are about half your size. They are different colors. One is white, One is purple, One is red, and one is green with blue spots.

The fleshly things are sticking out of ..... poop. A mix of the droppings of your group.

2017-05-19, 06:00 PM
Fintonkey sniffs with it's tongue. Licks. and examines if they are edible. If Edible Fintonkey eats the white one.

2017-05-19, 07:01 PM
The toy looks like this:


The white fleshy thing is a mouthful, but goes down Fink's throat without resistance (it doesn't taste too much like poop).

2017-05-19, 07:09 PM
Finkontey puts the green one in his mouth and spits it on the floor. Finkontey puts the purple one in his mouth and spits it on the floor. Finkontey puts the red one in his mouth and spits it on the floor.

2017-05-19, 07:17 PM
Cuddles cuts at the threads half out of curiosity, half out of frustration.

2017-05-19, 07:19 PM

The Green one lets out a piercing shriek as soon as Fink grabs it with his mouth. He spits it out as much out of fright as anything else. It continues it's deafening as it hits the floor.

The purple one flails about with previously unnoticed tendrils, slashing Fink and disturbing the red one, which releases a red cloud that cover Fink and Cuddles.

Fink is slightly injured by the slash.

(Fink, Cuddles: roll d20.)

(Pepper: heads or tails?)

2017-05-19, 07:22 PM
Cuddles was cutting the threads before the cloud covered her. Didn't do much.

2017-05-19, 07:23 PM
roll for fink [roll0]

2017-05-19, 07:32 PM
WHOooooaa! Fink can see inside of Fink's eyes....and it is pretty. Chase the sparklies !

Fink starts bouncing and flapping around the room at random.

2017-05-19, 07:47 PM
(Asder: Give me a d53 roll for Cephi, and a d2 roll.)

2017-05-19, 08:04 PM

Rex follows the wall of the room, giving the other creatures a wide berth.

He inspects the door that smells like the feeder. He does not trust that smell, but it is normally associated with food.

2017-05-19, 08:26 PM
Rex heads towards the yellowish doors before realizing that the food smell is strongest near where the fleshy things are making all the ruckus. There are some enticing smells coming from the doors though, and the dark space under it might be a good place to hide.

Another of the small crystals is on the floor there.

2017-05-19, 11:12 PM
Vertigo moves over to the last crystal in a flowing movement of their tentacles. Without thinking for too long, Vertigo tries to devour the crystal by immersing it in saliva and rubbing of parts of it with their tongue.

2017-05-19, 11:17 PM
Cuddles: [roll0]

2017-05-20, 02:28 AM

Cephi backs down at the sound of the shrieking green flashy thing, and tries to cover it with the empty metal box.

2017-05-20, 03:33 AM
Whoa!!! Cuddles sees the sparklies too and starts jumping up and down higher and higher!

The crystal sticks to Vertigo's tongue and is pulled into (her/his?) mouth. It makes a warm feeling inside. What is that in the dark space under the doors? Did something move?

Chephi covers the shrieker in the box, but the box isn't quite big enough. It keeps shrieking but isn't as loud nowe.

Rex looks at the two yellow doors. the handles are just small knobs.

Cuddles jumps up and down and up and down and up and CRASH. The top of the container smashes and her tail gets stuck in a broken part. Small round chunks are thrown up into the air and rain down. They are redbrown and mixed with flecks of metal and crystal.... KIBBLE...The food Daddy gives you. The container is filled with Kibble and some of it is on the floor now!

Fink continues bouncing around the room and knocks in things on the counter. Mugs and flat things made of the same material crash to the floor and shatter, as do thin strips of metal. One blue cylinder is knocked over and water starts splattering on the floor.

2017-05-20, 04:09 AM
Cuddles is very excited about sparkles! And food! But also about getting tail out! This will probably involve a lot of clawing and maybe knocking thing full of kibbles to the floor and ripping open hole for tail to get back out and make kibbles spill all over floor! And then can eat kibbles! And maybe sparkles!

2017-05-20, 07:25 AM
There are 2 crystals by the table.

Some kibble is scattered on the floor near the containers by the door. Cuddles is jumping and sprawling about on the top of the kibble container and the purple thing is thrashing about on top of its container. a fragment of the lid is stuck on Cuddles tail.

Chephi is near the containers and a shrieker partially covered in a metal box.

Vert and Rex are near the yellow doors. Is something under them? Is something behind the doors?

Sqwibble is on the table. There is a mug. Is anything in it?

Water is splashing down from the middle of the long counter. Shards of white mug material are all over the floor, as are then strips of metal.

Fink is bouncing about the room. (confused, but you can still interact)

2017-05-20, 07:42 AM
Rex will jump towards the handles, and attempt to open the yellow doors.

2017-05-20, 08:15 AM
He grabs the handles. with a kick the doors pull open.

There are shelves full of stuff.

2017-05-20, 08:23 AM
Rex climbs the shelves, clumsily knocking down some of the stuff. He searches them for anything that smells like food, or anything immediately edible.

2017-05-20, 08:39 AM
Finkontey bounces to the kibble and eats some. Bouncing away. Bouncing back. Eating more. Til he is full or the kibble is half way gone.

2017-05-20, 08:43 AM
[we basically have raccoons trashing a pantry.....]

Various sizes and shapes of metal containers are clattering across the floor... hard white things smash revealing yellow and white juice,... bottle break and bleed red, brown, yellow, white..... one has some oblong green things in it it... everything, player critters included get a covering of fine white power dust. Lots of things to try here....

EDIT: Your definition of "edible" is quite expansive.

Is anyone finishing off the last two crystals or eating the shrieking fungus? or the metal box....or the table....

2017-05-20, 09:36 AM
Vertigo was half curiously, half fearfully moving towards the door, when suddenly chaos broke out. Without any thinking, Vertigo darted back, running on four tentacles, the two fore-tentacles swinging through the air in panic. Vertigo looked for a corner to sit in with their face towards the corner. As useless this hiding mechanism was, Vertigo was used to it, and had never been explained otherwise.

((Can we communicate verbally with each other?))

2017-05-20, 09:47 AM
You know each other well enough to express basic concepts, though none of you use the same verbal signals. One clicks, another chirps another chatters..... I am Groot.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-20, 09:53 AM
Skwibble looks at what's in the mug. Skwibble tastes with antennae

2017-05-20, 10:20 AM
Satisfied with the containers, Rex returns to the floor.

He pops a few pieces of kibble into his mouth. He then tries to crawl under the space between the yellow doors to investigate.

2017-05-20, 10:26 AM
Finkontey bounces to the kibble and eats some. Bouncing away. Bouncing back. Eating more. Til he is full or the kibble is half way gone.

( Assuming you are the size of cats, there is basically a barrel of kibble here. Like 50 gallons.)

The mug on the table contains a dark brown liquid. It tastes like a mix of bitter and sweet. The mug is half full.
Does Sqwib drink it?

The purple thing is still frailing around and occasionally connects with Cuddles. It hurts.

The red cloud has dispersed.

The water splattering on the floor is making a widening pool.

2017-05-20, 10:32 AM
Satisfied with the containers, Rex returns to the floor.

He pops a few pieces of kibble into his mouth. He then tries to crawl under the space between the yellow doors to investigate.

Covered in white dust, Rex goes under the doors....

It is coasy under here. A good hiding spot. And there is some soft bedding... some of it is sticky....
Who is that? another sibling? or two? or ... 8? Oh, it wants to hug and is hairy.. OUCH! Stop THAT!

A couple of brown leggy hairy things come out from under the doors.....

2017-05-20, 10:52 AM
Rex hisses and backs off from the leggy things, back towards the main group. He swings himself up on to the round things.

He observes the purple flailing thing. Rex is becoming very annoyed by biting and hitting and breaking.

Rex raises both his arms, and brings his fists down on the purple thing as hard as he can. If he is successful in smashing it, he will attempt to eat it.

2017-05-20, 10:54 AM
Rex is slashed a couple times by the purple thing, but then goes ape on it and smashes it.
He is able to gobble it down bright before something bites him from behind.

A couple of the leggy things has followed him.

2017-05-20, 04:52 PM
Cuddles continues to try and break free of the kibble container. Now making high pitched noises that are the equivalent of "I need help/I am in mild distress".

2017-05-20, 07:08 PM
Once Vertigo arrived in the corner, they shut their eyes and waited. But the disturbing sounds did not go away. Even worse: Vertigo could hear Cuddles' high pitched distress signal.

Why doesn't Cuddles hide? What's keeping Cuddles from hiding?

Using all of their courage, Vertigo turns around again and moves over to the stuck Cuddles, trying to help with the situation.

2017-05-21, 12:04 AM
With both Vert and Cuddles working on the situation, it seems that the problem was more that Cuddles thought she was stuck than actually being stuck. (Like that scene in stories where someone who can't swim thinks he is drowning until the rescuer makes them stand up in the waist deep water...). Her tail is still embedded in a small fragment of the lid, but that fragment is small enough that it barely affects tail movement.

The real problem is the two leggy things that have followed Vert up the container and look like they want to hug aggressively. Their fangs look sharp....

Fink regains enough concentration to notice the aggressive things moving towards his non flying friends.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-21, 01:44 AM
The mug on the table contains a dark brown liquid. It tastes like a mix of bitter and sweet. The mug is half full.
Does Sqwib drink it?

Skwibble drinks it. Skwibble drinks all of it.

2017-05-21, 02:14 AM
Cuddles makes a sheepish "whooo" noise and decides to return the help favor Vert gave by enthusiastically "cuddling" the leggy would-be huggers. Both at the same time. Because Cuddles just loooooooooves to cuddle things. With its blade-tail and claws. Just so much cuddling. So much that there are likely to be "tears" of "joy" wetting everything nearby.

In case there is any confusion, this is all euphemism for violence the kind of which cannot be shown on cable.

2017-05-21, 03:09 AM
Cephi was over the metal box the whole thing, trying to contain the shrieking thing, watching the kibble and the water fall made him drool.

The chaos that followed caught him by surprise, but when the new creatures appeared and biting Rex from behind, Cephi snaps and darts towards him to help.

Cephi tries to grab something hard on his way there to hit the leggy creatures behind Rex with it!

2017-05-21, 03:32 AM
Skwibble drinks it. Skwibble drinks all of it.

It is good and has an aftertaste. Skwibble starts to vibrate slightly with energy. It was warm, and the mug is warm.

Does Skwibble eat the mug?


Cuddles ...(ahem) cuddles the leggy things to pieces, taking only one bite. Does she or Vert eat them?


The "hard thing" Cephie grabs is clear on its tapered, handle like end, and red at the bottom with a white band in the middle. The white band has a red circle on it.

Charging towards Rex's location he runs into another leggy thing starts whacking it with his weapon. On the third blow it shatters spilling red all over the smashed leggy thing. The red smells acrid but good.

Cephie is now holding just the handle with a few jagged edges. Other leggy things are approaching.

Rex is facing off with one leggy thing on top of the fleshy thing container.


Fink sees all of this, and notices the glint of the remaining crystals, the weakening wails of the shrieker, and the advance of the hairry leggy things. He notices that their eyes are like his....

2017-05-21, 04:00 AM
Cuddles takes one of the leggy things in it's mouth, pushes the other one over to Vert with a friendly (though muffled by the thing in her mouth) noise.... and races over to the more leggy things by Cephi while chewing furiously. Cuddles wants to cuddle things more and despite being very hungry, all the sparkles are making Cuddles feel like it'll be ok to keep cuddling until there are no more left to cuddle. And besides, Cuddles has more food in their mouth right now. And food gives energy. So if Cuddles cuddles all the leggy things, Cuddles will have more food and more energy to cuddle more of them! Sparkles! Cuddling!

2017-05-21, 04:25 AM
Cuddles' confusion takes her on a winding path towards the next hairy leggy thing.
This path will take her near the shrieker and the crystals.

Does she munch on any of these on the way to her next 'cuddle session'?

2017-05-21, 06:06 AM
Rex growls at the leggy thing. He jumps in the air, and stomps both his feet down on top of the leggy thing as hard as he can. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArL6yO9UdXo)

2017-05-21, 06:27 AM
Does Rex rebound off the spider and Super Mario stomp the red mushroom too?

2017-05-21, 07:07 AM
((Maybe he grows xD))

2017-05-21, 07:35 AM
Fintonkey hop wildly. Fink use rattle. Fink try to attract new creatures.

2017-05-21, 07:43 AM
Does Rex rebound off the spider and Super Mario stomp the red mushroom too?

Rex pounces on the Red mushroom, tearing it apart and eating every shred.

2017-05-21, 08:09 AM
Does every shred include the spiderthing as well?

In what area is Fink? He has attracted some attention

2017-05-21, 08:15 AM
Fink relatively close to kibble. Fink move alot.

2017-05-21, 08:17 AM
Does every shred include the spiderthing as well?

It does not, He is only eating the mushroom.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-21, 09:08 AM
Skwibble finishes the drink. Skwibble likes it licking every drop with its tongue. Then Skwibble sees hole in mug. Uh oh. Daddy will be angry. Skwibble decides to hide evidence by eating the rest of the mug.

2017-05-21, 10:41 AM
As Squibble defeats the mug, the remaining 4 leggy things start to converge in the kibble area.

Does Cuddles eat any crystals? Or the sheiker before attacking?

Does Fink attack the leggy things?

Does Vert eat the leggy thing? Kibble?

Does Squib stay on the table?

Does Cephi continue bar-fighting with improvised weapons? or eat the ketchup covered leggy?

Does Rex ground pound from the top of the container?

Find out next time on Experimental Animals gone WiiilllD!!!

(REX: Suddenly your hands are SO LARGE man! And yet sooo tiny. And you are sure you can fly.....)

2017-05-21, 11:06 AM
Fink bites a leggy thing and inserts his poison. Fink head bash another leggy thing. Fink tail whip different leggy thing.

2017-05-21, 12:19 PM
The bite injects a good amount of venom and leaves oozing punctures. The critter spasms and dies.

The other attacks aren't as effective.

(cobra fangs or viper fangs? The viper fangs fold shut.)

2017-05-21, 12:50 PM
Cuddles will indeed take a bite out of crime shrieker as it passes, mostly because Cuddles thought it was a threat for a moment when it was only in Cuddles' peripheral vision. But Cuddles doesn't really slow down to do this, so the bite might have missed entirely. Or might not. Bite not? To bite or not to bite? Is that the question?


2017-05-21, 12:52 PM
(Make a to hit roll for Cuddles)

2017-05-21, 03:39 PM
To hit roll: [roll0]

2017-05-21, 03:42 PM
Cuddles does bite the shieker. It stops shrieking as she chews as she wonders along her path looking for a leggy thing. She keeps getting mixed up about which way she is supposed to be moving.

Oh, look! crystals. Does she eat either of the two? Both?

2017-05-21, 03:51 PM
Fink's fangs are that of the mighty king cobra. Funk glad one is dead he proceeds to let the two who weren't nearly as injured to hit him to fit his honor code.

2017-05-21, 04:01 PM
The price of honor is weakness from burning legger venom as one bites Fink. The second shoots a white filamentous substance on him, and Fink finds himself stuck to the floor. The leggers seem not to care about honor as they move in for another bite.

Anyone want to jump in here?

2017-05-21, 04:06 PM
Seeing the creatures, Vertigo wanted to flee, but seeing Cuddles fight, it seemed as if a switch was put from flight to fight in Vertigo's mind.

Vertigo runs towards the next seemingly alive spider thingy, ducking to the ground folding their legs and then furiously jumping at it, trying to constrict it with the arms and drooling corrosively on them.


2017-05-21, 04:45 PM
Vert is tangled up with a legger. Or is the legger tangled up in Vert? Really hard to tell....

2017-05-21, 05:40 PM
Rex looks down from the container, to see the leggy things attacking the creatures. He feels lighter than air.

Rex soars from the container like a majestic eagle. He circles the room, and looks down again. He can see his own body, flying through the air, as the floor moves further and further away.

Rex gingerly moves his fingers through the air in front of him. They catch on every light wave, and he is able to separate the colors. He pulls a net made from ever shifting rainbow out of the atmosphere.

Inside the net, he can see a garden of wonders. Delicious mushrooms as far as the eye can see. The ground is made of kibble, and pillars of those delicious crystals form mountains on the horizon.

While soaring through the ever shifting cosmos, Rex attempts to eat the cloth of shimmering light, and color, and love.

2017-05-21, 06:02 PM
Fink smiles. Fink falls unconscious.

2017-05-21, 07:09 PM
On her way to cuddle the leggy things, Cuddles does indeed take not of the crystals. But instead of eating them, she (apparently a gender was determined at some point, I don't even know if I did that or the GM did but it's fine either way) simply grabs one of them. Because is she ate it, it would be inside of her. Instead of being outside of her and sparkly. She can't see any sparklies inside of herself, so clearly there are none. And sparkles are very important now. For some reason. Something seems a bit off about tha- leggy things! Must cuddle!

2017-05-22, 12:25 AM
Does Cuddles take the crystal with her mouth?

She makes her way to a legger and starts a cuddle and disassembly and ingestion session with it. Gives it a nice place to live in her tummy one piece at a time. ...

Rex, cheeks stuffed with kibble and bits of legger. falls from the barrels...bounces off a legger and then backstrokes across the floor to the pool of water, then crawls up the waterfall onto the counter....

Does Sqwibble come down and join in on the eating of leggers, kibble, and spilled pantry goods?

Aardvark 001
2017-05-22, 12:54 AM
Skwibble does. It climbs down and makes straight for the piles of kibble scattered across the floor. But as it stuffs itself full of food, it had the feeling that something is off. Where is daddy? Why hasn't he come yet? It wonders whether they should go look for him

2017-05-22, 02:15 AM
Cephi holds the leggy creatures at bay with his broken weapon and hits them if they get close to him, all while growling at their general direction.

2017-05-22, 03:36 AM
In a few moments of slashing and constricting and bashing and stabbing and biting and dissolving all of the leggers are dead. Vert drinks up the one he was holding.

Does Celphi or Sqwibbles eat any legger parts? There is one mostly intact one and a few stray parts....

Does anyone join Rex on the counter?

Otherwise, there is plenty of kibble and spilled pantry items for every one to fill up on and get covered in pancake batter now that the pool of water has expanded enough to mix with the spilled flour and broken eggs everyone has been fighting in....

2017-05-22, 04:07 AM
Cuddles is quite full and satisfied now. But is thirsty and very tired for some reason despite having had so much food. She pads slowly over to the water and slurps some up until she isn't thirst anymore and finds somewhere dry and clean to take a nap. Even if this means walking back to the hallway. And then falling asleep still tightly clutching the crystal.

Sparkles. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

2017-05-23, 12:33 AM
Cephi would take a second to rest after defeating the last spiders, but will not eat them. Instead, he drinks from the puddle and eats kibble to his heart's content.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-23, 02:38 AM
Skwibble leaves the legger. It concentrates on stuffing itself full of kibble instead

2017-05-23, 02:47 AM
Will Sqwibble eat some leggy? Most of the other kids seem to be doing it..... [sniped!]

2017-05-23, 05:50 AM
Exhausted from the possibly first actual fight (ever? in a long time?), Vertigo slowly scurries over to a place far away from the evil leggers! Then, Vertigo tries to find some nourishment, in particular also some fluids. Feeling their hunger satisfied and starting to get tired, Vertigo scurries over to Cuddles, and lies down beside Cuddles, feeling protected enough to rest.

2017-05-23, 06:54 AM
(it was your first fight.)


Your sleep is restless at first. You wake up several times, dimly aware that you are munching or sucking on something nearby, fortunately not on a friend.

The light seems to change color, sometimes bluish sometimes reddish, sometimes dim, sometimes very bright. Distances and shape start to distort….

A red haze overcomes you, and you fall into a different world… (watch a couple of the vids if you haven’t.)

Your siblings are all there.

Fink is flying around the sky eating sparklies and getting longer each time….

The fleshy things and leggy things seem happy now. They join with green thing with colourful heads and start dancing. You all dance with them. And you all hug each other… and get mixed up…. Your parts mingling…. You separate and now have legger and fleshy and green/color heads parts mixed with your own…

Fink gets big ears and is shaped like a squashed version of Daddy with grey-brown skin.

Sqwibbles has the shape of Daddy and the outer covering of Daddy, but instead of dark like Daddy has pale skin and white eyes with green circles in them. And instead of Daddy’s straight white hair has ringlets of coppery red hair.

(You may interact here in the happy part of the dream while I write up the scary part....)

2017-05-23, 06:59 AM
Cephi dances like Snoopy

2017-05-23, 07:50 AM
Fink looks at the things around him. Fink wonders at beauty.

2017-05-23, 11:53 AM
Continuing cut scene:

The scene darkens and the pretty sounds start to turn to scary sounds.

The sparklies and color heads run away. The fleshy things bow and cower, fading into the background. The spiders drop their mixed parts and become spiders again. They seem happy, but not friendly. They crowd around you and your are pushed into a group of just your siblings. Darkness seems to gather above you. Something is coming....

(pause a bit for reactions)

2017-05-23, 12:11 PM
Vertigo seems to be torn apart between their new found glory and primal instincts. Emitting a high pitch sound of fear and anger, Vertigo begins to turn their back on the enemy and then turning around again to face them, fore-tentacles swirling through the air. This process repeats over and over again...

2017-05-23, 01:23 PM
Cuddles had been having fun with all the strange different parts, but now she sensed a threat in the darkness. She attacks, but her tail gets stuck in it and won't come free. The more she struggles, the more the darkness just seems to pull back towards her instead of her tail.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-23, 02:02 PM
Sqwibbles has the shape of Daddy and the outer covering of Daddy, but instead of dark like Daddy has pale skin and white eyes with green circles in them. And instead of Daddy’s straight white hair has ringlets of coppery red hair.

Skwibble tries to change colour and is surprised to find that it can't. It waves its new tentacles around. They're strange. But fun.

The sparklies and color heads run away. The fleshy things bow and cower, fading into the background. The spiders drop their mixed parts and become spiders again. They seem happy, but not friendly. They crowd around you and your are pushed into a group of just your siblings. Darkness seems to gather above you. Something is coming....

Skwibble readies for whatever is coming. Daddy isn't here. Skwibble must be strong for now.

2017-05-23, 02:58 PM
The cloud of darkness parts and a majestic, awful, looming figure towers above you. As Daddy once stood above you, she would stand above Daddy.

She looks like Daddy in shape, but seems to be both pale and dark, both grey and purple. Unlike Daddy's grey-white hair, hers is shiny white, almost like metal, and moves of its own accord, flowing in place. Unlike Daddy's covering, hers is less and form fitting. Her lower half remains obscured by the darkness. She glowers coldly upon you.

"Freaks..... You dare to steal from LOLTH, Queen of Spiders?" Her words shake your souls.....

She leans in and directs her glare at Sqwibbles.....

2017-05-23, 03:37 PM
Cephi moves swiftly and puts himself between Skwibbles and the talking figure with all 4 arms extended as if shielding him.

2017-05-23, 03:42 PM
Upon the arrival of the creature, Vertigo breaks out of their routine. Seeing Cephi moving between the monster and Skwibble, Vertigo tries to do the same.

The words do not really make sense for Vertigo. Whatever this Lolth and Spider thingies could be...

2017-05-23, 03:56 PM
"Wha...?" She tilts her head to regard the minuscule guardians.

She seems confused.
"How stupid could you be? Even instinct,.....even vermin...." She looks closer. "What... are you?"

A dark spine slashes out of the darkness pushing Vertigo and Celphie aside. Globs of webbing cover them lightly and freeze them in place.

The Queen continues to examine them. "Are you actually brave..... No. Innocent.... Naive hatchings. You don't know what you are, never seen more than...."

Snapping her gaze back to Sqwibbles, "but how did You steal from ME?....you have, ...yet you don't know it... what are you? "

Staring into Sqwibbles with a dissecting gaze....after a moment her eyes widen... and she knows....and doesn't like it.....

Aardvark 001
2017-05-23, 04:28 PM
Skwibble feels new tentacles rolling up without moving them. It feels something that it has never felt before. Skwibble not stupid, it says. Skwibble clever special men! Skwibble never steal anything from Lolth! WHERE IS DADDY?!

2017-05-23, 04:38 PM
Cuddles is very scared and also very confused. Cuddles doesn't remember stealing anything. Especially not from such a big lady. Cuddles feels like she would have noticed the big lady before. Cuddles thinks big lady is maybe confused. Cuddles chirps at big lady, really wanting her tail back now.

2017-05-23, 04:42 PM
Lolth reaches down and picks up Squibbles, wrapping him in webbing. She dangles him from a strand in front of Her eye.

...and bursts into a spasm of laughter!

It thinks it's going to tell ME what to do? Demand answers from ME? GHA! Its been EONS since I've seens something so ridiculous. snik.. since that stupid kender and that pair of gully dwarves....muwah..." She giggles.

"Let'S just see how long you survive, how ridiculous your mockery becomes, how this disaster unfolds."

She sets the cocooned Squibble on the floor with the others.

"He, he... that one wants her tail back. ha ha.." she turns and rises, her enormous spider torso revealed form the darkens as the steps over you, stepping into the sky.

from her abdomen streams of webbing covers you and fills your view with darkness.

2017-05-23, 07:40 PM
Cuddles attacks the darkness (and webs).

((Sorry, I couldn't resist.))

2017-05-23, 08:47 PM
Rex tries to climb the webbing to sink his fangs into the giant spider.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-24, 05:57 AM
Skwibble struggles with the bindings as the darkness descends

2017-05-24, 05:58 AM
Fink wonders what the Lolth is speaking about. He didn't understand what the group could of stolen from her.

2017-05-25, 12:41 PM
A high buzzing sound fills the air as you claw your way through the webbing.

You emerge into the room surrounded by familiar strangers. The shorter of the Daddy shaped things is there, but he doesn’t have a covering like Daddy. His skin has patches of grey fur but is otherwise bare. He is emerging from webbing as well.

The other Daddy sized one with the red hair rips her way out of her webbing. She has no covering also. She has (insert description of nude elven beauty queen as understood and described by a housecat. ).

You are in the kibble room. But everything is covered in webbing and a thin coating of red dust. Some forms are moving, stretching, waking up as others tear or wiggle free of the webbing.

One of the stretching forms is covered in green bits…and it is glowing.

Looking around, everyone is different.

Celphi has curving horns now.

Vert can see in every direction, and feel where everything is on the floor. He starts spinning around trying to get things in focus…

Cuddles now has extra legs….spider legs, and can see on top now as well as in front. It is confusing. 8 more images over lap and new legs don’t quite know where to go. She starts meandering around the room.

Fink is confused. Where are his wings? And why can he only see from 2 eyes… and his mouth is different. He starts to feel his new teeth with his new tongue. Two of them feel different…

Squibbles feels his face with his….hands? Like Daddy’s but pale. And he has red…He is still the red haired thing from the dream….something is vibrating near him… he picks it up and hold it out to examine…

It is Fink’s tail!!! Without Fink. And it is rattling!

Fink sees his tail and starts with surprise, biting his tongue. He screams in shock and starts to transform…

Cephi is scared and want to protect the others. Suddenly he bursts with light and the light surrounds him in a 10 foot wide glow.

The glow hits Rex, and his….leaves! all tilt in unison to face the light, and suddenly a happy ball of light pops out of his tail end……

The smiling ball of light lands in front of Vert, startling him. A cacophonous MOOOAAN charges from his mouth, smashing into the pantry, causing an explosion of green, yellow, orange and silver shrapnel that rains upon everybody.

Cuddles begins shrieking as she whirls up the wall!

Sqwibbles instantly turns into his own self but with extra spider legs, but 5 ft off the floor…. Bouncing off the floor he starts shooting webbing, all over Rex, who also sharts webbing….

Meanwhile, Fink has finished transforming into Fink. He launches into the air to avoid the webbing and escape all the noise. But he starts corkscrewing though the air as he can’t tell which side is up. He has eyes on both the top and bottom of his head now. And he sees a spider on him so he starts… Stinging! It with his TAIL!... Only he is stinging himself and crashes into Rex who lashes out with his ….Purple tendril…..batting Fink across the room bouncing off of Vert and onto Sqwibbles. Sqwibbles turns into a table sized SPIDER, as Fink beings to transform again.

Cuddles, Fink, and Rex suddenly see the world from each other’s viewpoints simultaneously, changing the world into an incomprehensible cubist collage, which becomes even worse a moment later as Fink completes his transformation into a …..shell… and sticks the two eyed head from one slit, his original 8 eyed head from the other, look in 5 more different directions, and sticks his rattle tail from the final shell slot. This tail, of course, starts rattling, adding another buzz to the room.

Overwhelmed, Cuddles, who is on the ceiling at this point, falls off the ceiling, bouncing off of Spider-sqwibbles, who also starts shooting webbing at random, and onto Rex.

Both Rex and Cuddles yipe! As one is quilled and the other thorned, and as they roll stuck together across the floor Rex’s ….cheek gills… release a cloud of red dust….Hallucinogenic red dust….and the scene gets impossibly more chaotic as the Benny Hill music starts…

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Two or three hours later…..

Everyone sits in a wide circle, slowing munching on webbing, de-canned mixed vegetables, can shrapnel, kibble, shed skin, and other debris, while watching each other and trying consciously not to freak out at every movement, accidental trip, topple over, or transformation, issuing apologetic sounds as such occur while getting used to their new bodies, and abilities. Finks old tail has stopped rattling and seems dead now. It seems everybody shed their skin and grew a centimeter.

Rex, Sqwibbles, and Fink have untangled their minds and now only send the occasional stray thought or image.

Cephie has stopped glowing, and seemingly is the least changed, now having horns. That and the lighting-up are the only things new.

Vert, now has 8 spider eyes in addition to his original two. These encircle his head and are fixed in place. He can also issue a moan once per hour and can feel everything around him on the floor that is moving.

Cuddles now has 8 spider legs intermixed with her original six. These allow her to climb on the ceiling. She also now has an array of spider eyes on top of her head, augmenting her first one. She can also now shriek though vents in her abdomen.

Rex….is decorated now. He sits surrounded by happy little yellow balls of light that glow warmly. He ….produces….. one about every 15 minutes and they seem to last for an hour before dissolving into pellets of crumbly dry yellow dust. His leaves seem to like these. He is covered my numerous round leaves and a few longer narrower ones, as well as indigo and purple flowers. These hide the thin red thorns on his skin and the purple and red horizontal stripes that are mixed in with his original skin tone. He can also glow at will, or produce light from his eyes or mouth. His single purple tendril seems to sprout from where ever on his torso is needed and has a range of 5 ft. His webbing is produced from his lower abdomen, and red dust can come from fungal gills on his lower jaw and neck. He has a fringe of tiny yellow petals around his head. If he sits still long enough, roots and thread like filaments sprout form his feet and begin absorbing moisture from the floor.


Fink… can now change shape as a standard action (6 seconds). He has:

his original form,

his original form with extra spider legs in the middle and a second set of black spider eyes on the underside of his head, and an extra abdomen section of red and black chitin under his tail that can sting (1d3 dam, venom 1d4 dex). This body has small square sections of red and black chitin intermixed with the reptilian scales, and a few random streaks of white. The top eyes are red, the bottom black.

A humanoid form (for convenience, it’s a bestial looking goblin, but you don’t know that). It has wasp abdomen and stingers as extra upper canines, and can sting its own tongue.

A greenish shell made out of hard plates with 8 slits. He can look out of all of them (all at once if wanted), or stick out any combination of heads, tails, or appendages from his other forms. The Snake parts are still tiny sized, as are the spider parts. If he wants he can have all three heads or both tails. If he uses both the goblin legs he can walk around with it, but clumsily. He can stick his wings out, but they aren’t big enough to allow flight. This form can produce webbing, but doesn’t have tremor sense. This form seems to be the smartest as it has 3 brains.

Finally, a spider just like the one he ate, but with slightly larger fangs. It has standard spider abilities.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/4d/Tojanida_%28Dungeons_%26_Dragons_monster%29.png (note: just the shell. not the appendages. you use your own.)

Sqwibbles can now change form at will.

Old Sqwibbles,

Sqwibbles with spider legs mixed with the original tentacles, and can shoot webs and spider climb.

A tiny spider. (standard)

A large spider.(seems standard)

The elf woman, who seems to have spider fangs for canines. On a scale of 1 to 10, she is knocking on a 15. It is also much easier to think in this form….

He can also produce mixed forms. Elf body with sqwibble body as head…. Elf from with spiders for hands…. Or spider legs as fingers…Large spider with sqwibble for head… Elf form with spider head… ect.

If the elf form stands up, she can see what is on the countertop….

Aardvark 001
2017-05-25, 02:21 PM
Skwibble feels funny. This form is strange. There's no beak for a start. No grindy tongue either. And then there's the tentacles. Two of them Skwibble can stand on like daddy used to. Two of them have smaller tentacles on the ends. And two of them are round and stubby and they just flop around uselessly and do nothing.

Skwibble looks at the others and sighs. They're different too. Skwibble doesn't know what to do. But it won't figure it out by just sitting here either. It boosts itself up onto its lower tentacles and looks around the room (and on the table).

2017-05-25, 04:11 PM
Cephi can't help it but watch in awe as his surrounding partners transform. Judging by their previous freak outs he assumes this is the first time happening.
He munches some kibble as he wonders if Daddy would have the answers.

2017-05-25, 04:46 PM
This is all a bit too for Cuddles to process at once and the extra eyes aren't helping matters. So Cuddles decides to focus on something simpler and checks to see if she's still holding the crystal.

2017-05-26, 04:57 AM
Cuddles isn't holding the crystal and starts looking for it. After a while she finds it mixed in with some webbing.

While Cuddles is searching, Sqwibble-elf stands unsteadily. With the addition of webbing and red dust, the contents of the table are the same. Turning around, Sqwib notices that this from gets cold easily. The floor seems to suck heat from the lower tentacles.

Looking at the counter.... water streams slowly form the overturned blue cylinder. It flows off the countertop to the floor, forming a large puddle. at the edge of the puddle some of the water is disappearing into a hole in the floor near the middle of the room.

Just to the left of the blue cylinder, there is a depression in the counter top. Around the depression a yellow rectangle is moving. the area round the depression is clean of the webbing and red dust that coats everything else.

Above the depression is a shelf sticking out form the wall. on the shelf are small orange containers holding green things. There is an empty space on the far left side, one broken container with no green thing next to it, and the next one is intact but has no green thing. The other 3 have green things. The broken one has spilled soil onto the shelf.

Above the shelf are 4 balls of light. They glow diffusely all around, but focus a tight beam of light at the containers below them. There seem to be 2 missing that should go over the missing container and the broken one.

All around the counter top are while and silver objects. some of them are strip like, and the others container like. Some are large enough for Cuddles to crawl into.

Sqwibbles notices that his lower appendages are no longer cold. He seems to be producing his own heat now...

In other news, the group as discovered that many of the metal things in the yellow doors on the left of the counter top contain food. round greens, triangulate yellows, and orange cubes. These are squishy and taste good. The containers tastes good too, but hurt the mouth of the Daddy shaped forms. They are easy enough to eat in "regular" from though....

There is a big mess of spilt goods, kibble, webbing, and red dust in front of the yellow doors now.

On the right side of the counter are the white doors.

2017-05-26, 05:41 AM
Looking closer, Sqwib also spots a set of Daddy's personal toys on the counertop between the yellow doors and the depression. The toy he makes marks with on the other toy that he gets mad when you touch.

Aardvark 001
2017-05-26, 09:49 AM
Skwibble looks at the toys. Skwibble tries to see any marks that are on the second toy. Then it tries to make some marks on the toy itself

2017-05-26, 11:15 AM
There are 8 lines of markings. Sqwibble adds some...

2017-05-26, 01:26 PM
Cuddles pries free the crystal and continues to hold onto it, it's not like she doesn't have the spare hands to do so with the extra legs she has now, and goes over to the falling water and drinks some.

2017-05-26, 02:48 PM
The water is cool and good. It just keeps falling.

2017-05-26, 05:48 PM
The flow is interrupted momentarily a the yellow thing moves though the stream. It sticks over the edge of the counter and then disappears into the depression.

2017-05-27, 04:06 AM
Water! A totally exhausted and sensory overloaded Vertigo crawls beside Cuddles and also tries to drink some of the cooling water. The last hours where a bit ... much.

2017-05-27, 06:48 AM
Vert can feel the tremors of the water flowing though his tenticals on the floor .

And Something is making weak vibrations by moving up on the counter.

There is a humming vibration coming from the white doors. Vert can feel it now that he is close enough.

2017-05-28, 12:43 PM
Cuddles, having sufficiently quenched her thirst, gets curious about the thing moving around up above her and climbs up to get a closer look at whatever it is.

2017-05-28, 01:16 PM
Climbing is nearly effortless for Cuddles with the new legs. Looking over the edge of the counter, she spies....a yellow rectangle. .....?

It is moving around along the edge of the depression in the counter, then disappears into the depression. For a minute there is a wet squeaking sound, then the yellow thing appears again and goes back to the stream of water. Then in goes back into the depression...

Aardvark 001
2017-05-28, 01:18 PM
Skwibble tries to grab the yellow rectangle with its new tentacles

2017-05-28, 01:26 PM

It is crushed in Sqwibbles hand! Foam and water drip from the limp form....

Aardvark 001
2017-05-28, 04:48 PM
Skwibble squeezes the yellow thing again, playing with the foam that's dripping from it. It wonders what made it pop out of the depression like that so it peers into it.

2017-05-28, 07:14 PM
Seeing that the yellow thing isn't really all that interesting, Cuddles goes to see if she can find Daddy. She remembers smelling him before the weird sleep.

2017-05-29, 12:57 AM
The foam is cold and made of tiny bubbles.

looking into the depression, Sqwibbles see wet, orange rubble. There is dirt klinging to some pieces, and the ones on the edge of the pile are cleaner looking. The shards are the same color as the containers of the green things.

Cuddles climbs along the counter top in the direction of the Daddy smell. But as she nears the white doors she smells sweet and tasty things somewhere behind them...

2017-05-29, 04:23 AM
Cuddles think that sweet things would be nice. But also wants to find Daddy. Either way, this door needs to open. She attempts to push it open.

2017-05-29, 05:47 AM
It seems that this door does not push. It seems to set outside the box...

2017-05-29, 01:16 PM
Cuddles briefly attempts pushing harder before giving up on that tactic and instead tries pulling.

2017-05-29, 01:50 PM
Opening the left most of the doors, Cuddles is hit by a blast of cold air.

Inside the door there are many shelves. There is large white box on the uppermost shelf. The other shelves contain stacks of small grey boxes. There are makings on the outside of them.

In the middle of the ceiling of the box is a blue/white orb. It is focusing light on the shelves.

There are reflective, shiny bits all over the walls and ceiling.

2017-05-30, 07:53 AM
There is no strong smell here, but the blue/white orb looks like it might be bitesize.

Stronger smells are coming from the other door.

2017-05-30, 02:40 PM
Fintonkey tries to shift between his forms trying to master it and eating kibble when he is hungry.

2017-05-30, 02:55 PM
SpiderFink is the smallest and the easiest to walk with and hide, but can't eat kibble.

Fink1, the original form is same as it always was.

Fink2 has the best vision, having the extra eyes, and can spider-climb, but is a bit more awkward to fly with. The stinger might be useful.

TheFink-goblin... has hands and feet. The feet are weird...but the hands useful. also the largest. It can fit the most kibble in the mouth, but doesn't like metal.

What are those green things under the lights on the counter wall? What's behind the door Cuddles is opening?

2017-05-30, 04:28 PM
Cuddles shivers at the cold. But Cuddles is curious. Cuddles was trying to find Daddy, but instead found weird boxes. Cuddles decides to climb up and try and open one of the grey boxes to see what's inside.

2017-05-30, 04:48 PM
There is no obvious way to open the box. The lid seems firmly attached. But it isn't cuddle proof!
It also technically isn't a box anymore after Cuddles has cuddled with it...

Examining the spilt contents in the shreds...

Everything is cold and solid. There are 4 orange things, a white clump with some brown coating over part of it, and some short green tubes.

2017-05-30, 06:21 PM
Fink in his big form opens the cabinet and eats as much as he can see.

2017-05-30, 06:32 PM
Nom nom nom.

The round white things are good once you crack them open with your teeth. The yellow and white juice is good and the outer shell crunchy.

The brown flakes in the gray boxes are good. The box somewhat not as good. Makes you thirsty though.

The white stuff... the grainier of it is sweet. The finer not as tasty and gets gummy in your mouth. They are in flexible containers that would be big enough for Finks larger form to crawl into if they were empty. The containers are tough to tear with teeth and don't have any flavor.

2017-05-30, 06:35 PM
Finkontey picks up box from counter and puts kibble into it.

2017-05-30, 06:41 PM
Did you mean the metal box on the floor, the cereal box in the pantry, or one of the many round white or silver "boxes" on the countertop? Some of these have lids.

2017-05-30, 06:46 PM
Fink uses metal box on floor. Fink like shiny box.(sorry can't seem to get into the groove of the earlier posts)

2017-05-30, 06:48 PM
Fink finds a flat card in the box with markings on it. It doesn't take up much room, so he can also fill it with kibble.

2017-05-30, 07:15 PM
Cuddles is pleased that more things prove to not be cuddle-proof. She then tastes one of each of the things to see if they also will be pleasing.

2017-05-30, 07:19 PM
The orange things are grey/white on the inside. meaty but would be better warm. The green things taste healthy. Would also be better warm. The white-brown stuff is a bit gummy. Of course better warm. The shreads of container are edible but tasteless.

2017-06-01, 01:18 AM
Satisfied in the sense that she isn't hungry, not in that she particularly enjoyed what she ate, Cuddles moves on. Trying once more to locate Daddy.

2017-06-01, 01:35 AM
The passage way leading to the Daddy and wet scents is to the right of the white doors.

2017-06-01, 03:32 AM
Cuddles continues following the Daddy smell. Cuddles wonders if Daddy knows about Spider Lady.

2017-06-01, 05:12 AM
The passage way isn't very long and tends at a junction. To the left is the Wet Daddy Smell. To the right is Daddy not as wet smell.

2017-06-01, 12:59 PM
Cuddles goes to the left, at this point curious about why the smell of Daddy is also wet.

2017-06-01, 01:00 PM
Fink turns into his normal form. Fink goes and follows Cuddles.

2017-06-01, 04:28 PM
Leaving his box behind (as he has no hands now), Fink follows Cuddles down the corridor while Vert Sits next to Cephi and Rex as they eat and munch kibble. Sqwibbles seems fascinated with the yellow thing and the foam.

Cuddles and Fink come to the entrance to a larger chamber. The air is damp here. Just outside the chamber a white something made of cloth hangs from the wall. A shorter brown cloth hangs next to it.

Below on the floor is a low platform. The slats have wide gaps. A pair of something sits on the platform.

2017-06-03, 11:29 AM
What ever they are, they smell strongly of Daddy.

2017-06-04, 01:01 PM
Cuddles quickly checks to see if Daddy somehow is in the things. Even though Cuddles knows Daddy couldn't possibly fit in them.

((For once I actually understand what the described objects in the room are.))

2017-06-04, 01:07 PM
((I think they are towels))

Fink watches cuddles.

2017-06-04, 01:19 PM
Nosing at the pair of things on the low platform, Cuddles gets a better look at them.

Thin loopy bands attached to a flat part. Flipping one over and off the platform, reveals a bottom made of two small rectangular box shapes.

As Cuddles looks down to examine it more closely, it flips over....

2017-06-04, 06:03 PM
Cuddles watches the thing warily, her tail raised ready to strike if it attacks. She didn't see Daddy in there though, so she doesn't otherwise care what it does.

2017-06-04, 06:08 PM
Fink attacks.As it was an obvious threat. With it's bite.
Attack : [roll1]

2017-06-04, 06:17 PM
Hit. Do you wish to grapple/hold?

2017-06-04, 06:19 PM
Fink poisons it but doesn't hold onto the threat.

2017-06-04, 06:25 PM

The foe has Fink's fang marks on it. It jumps up onto the platform next to its mate.

2017-06-05, 05:53 PM

2017-06-05, 08:33 PM
Cuddles spends a bit more time determining that these things aren't a threat and goes to see if Daddy is in the other place that had Daddy smells.

2017-06-05, 09:19 PM
Fink and waits for them to attack before eventually leaving with cuddles.

2017-06-05, 10:38 PM
They sit still.

Further into the the area with the wet Daddy smell?

2017-06-05, 11:16 PM
Fink follows cuddles better in numbers for now.

2017-06-09, 11:49 PM
The chamber is round. The floor is damp. Just inside is a... it is the size of the container that was holding the kibble, but more square in shape. It is white and made of interwoven thin strip. You can't see the top of it.

On the floor in the middle of the chamber is a depression covered by a round metal things with holes. It looks like the one in the kibble room.

Near the far wall hang 3 chains from the ceiling.

On the far wall, up above Daddy height is a thing pinkish-purple crystal. It sticks down from the wall at an angle, so that the tip is above the point on the floor between the far wall and the depression on the floor.

On the right wall at about 1/2 Daddy height, a small self juts into the room. There is a slim yellow cinder, a greyish yellow cube, and a thin blue stick.

On the left wall there is a wider white shelf at about the same height. You see glits of light above it, but don't have a clear view of it.

(I'm describing the view from the floor. If anyone wants to fly or climb I'll add detail from that perspective).

2017-06-10, 04:12 PM
Cuddles tries to climb up and inspect the crystal, wondering if it's anything like the other crystal she has.

2017-06-10, 06:35 PM
Climbing the wall is easy for Cuddles.

As she nears the pink crystal she sees additional details.

At the base of the crystal are two small round orbs smaller than Cuddles central Eye. One is red and on the right side of the crystal, the other blue and on the left side.

The 3 chains float in mid air. one has a red rod on the bottom, and one has a blue rod. The third has a white orb on bottom. The chains run past the orbs and the pink crystal and extend into the air above them.

The red and blue orbs are about the size of the crystal Cuddles is carrying. The pink crystal is much longer and would make a fuller meal.

2017-06-12, 04:15 AM
Also visible from the wall, or to Fink if he climbs or flies...

The top of the woven thing looks like a flat white board.

On the white shelf had a large depression in it, and a small blue cylinder, a pink oval, a small blue rod, and a black cylinder sit on it. (not in the depression. along the edge).

Aardvark 001
2017-06-12, 12:17 PM
Skwibble puts down the yellow rectangle and noticed that the others are already gone. It squeals and rushes out of the room looking for them, heading for the room with the wet daddy smell they'd noticed before.

2017-06-12, 12:36 PM
The yellow rectangle replaces itself on the counter in it's previous position as soon as it is dropped.....


A breathless Sqwibbles catches up with Cuddles and Fink in the damp room.
(still in Elf form?)

2017-06-14, 12:48 PM
Cuddles makes a noise in greeting when Sqwibbles enters the room. (I'm assuming Cuddles would recognize Sqwibbles.)

2017-06-14, 01:33 PM
Sqwibbles elf is cold and dirty. (this bare skin doesn't hide dirt).
There was an interesting cloth item hanging on a peg on the way into this room.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-15, 01:17 AM
Skwibble waves at the other special men, then goes to the cloth and takes it off the wall. It tries to wrap it around itself as well as it can.

2017-06-15, 01:20 AM
The brown one without holes or the white one with holes?

Aardvark 001
2017-06-15, 02:03 AM
It picks the brown one without holes. Who wants holes in their cloth?

2017-06-15, 02:09 AM
Oh, that's what those useless stubby limbs are for.... you can tuck the corners in between them and hold up your cloth (towel, as opposed to the robe :smallbiggrin:)

What else does Sqwibbles interact with?

2017-06-15, 03:18 AM
Cuddles points out all the crystals to the other two, not really wanting to carry around a bunch of them herself but remembering the others were interested in the ones from before.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-15, 04:16 PM
Skwibble goes to the pink crystal and tries to pull it away from the wall

2017-06-16, 03:37 AM
Reaching up, Sqwibbles-elf is able to grasp it. It seems firmly affixed to the wall.
Want to try to force it?

Aardvark 001
2017-06-16, 06:58 AM
Yes, Skwibble forces it

2017-06-16, 08:30 AM
With a shake and a tug the pink crystal comes looseCOLDCOLDCOLDWETCOLD

The crystal begins to gush water. COLD water. Right in Sqwibbles face.

Her surprised flailing results in the whole room and everything in it getting drenched before she figures out to point it at the floor drain.

The towel is blasted loose and falls to the floor.
Cuddles and Fink are also drenched.

2017-06-16, 12:45 PM
In surprise, Cuddles just tries to grab the closest crystal she thinks she can take and quickly leave the cold wet area.

2017-06-16, 03:35 PM
Red or blue?

2017-06-16, 04:21 PM
Whichever color is the least similar to the one she has currently. (Which I forget the color of, which is why I'm saying it in this weird way.)

2017-06-16, 04:24 PM
(pretty sure color was never specified. Just glittery.

let's put it a different way, the one what is warm or the one that is cool?

2017-06-16, 10:35 PM
The warm one would be more appealing since she just got doused with cold water.

2017-06-17, 01:17 AM
It is stuck to the wall. But a little chiseling frees it. And Cuddles flees the room with her new prize.

2017-06-17, 07:59 AM
Dose Fink want to take anything from the room before retreating?

2017-06-17, 12:37 PM
Fink takes flies takes the cool one and tries to fly right behind cuddles.

2017-06-17, 01:23 PM
Cuddles offers the warm one to the others if they want it.

2017-06-17, 07:02 PM
As Cuddles and Fink retreat from the room Sqwibbles is left holding the pink crystalline (shower) wand. The cloth has been blasted free by the water....and flies back the the peg on the wall just outside the wet room.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-18, 01:00 AM
Is the pink crystal still spewing water?

2017-06-18, 01:05 AM
Yes. (shower on full blast)

2017-06-19, 07:53 PM
It keeps producing water even if you place it on the floor.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-20, 07:29 AM
Skwibble turns back to its original form and tries to eat the crystal.

2017-06-20, 07:47 AM
From which end?

Aardvark 001
2017-06-20, 02:06 PM
The end opposite the one from where the water's coming

2017-06-20, 02:34 PM
Trying to swallow the crystal from the 'back' .....

Cuddles and Fink are again sprayed with water as a hydro-jet-propelled Sqwibbles ricochets down the hallway, high pressure water spewing from his mouth.

He banks off the floor, wall, ceiling, floor, shoots back into the bathroom spraying Fink and Cuddles again as he passes, slams into the far wall of the shower stall, GULP, and hits the floor with a squish. He continues to vomit a decreasing torrent of water for 10 minutes as his digestive system absorbs the crystal.


(I didn't imagine anyone would eat it while it was turned on. :smalleek:)

2017-06-20, 04:49 PM
Cuddles just runs out of the room after being sprayed again. She doesn't like this one bit!

2017-06-20, 10:53 PM
Sqwibbles is wet, but isn't cold for long. His body seems to heat up from the inside.

Cuddles is wet and cold. Maybe eating the red crystal will warm her?

Fink, not having feathers, doesn't stay as wet.

The wooden things with the straps that Fink bit before got splashed off the low platform. They step back onto it.

2017-06-21, 12:37 AM
That's a good idea Cuddles just had Cuddles thinks to herself in response to the thought about the crystal making her warm. Then she eats the crystal, thinking it will make her warm and that this is a good idea.

2017-06-21, 12:54 AM
Where to now? More kibble, or explore the other end of the hallway?

2017-06-22, 12:00 PM
Cuddles bravely goes where no Special-Men has gone before! The other end of this hallway.

2017-06-26, 05:04 PM
At the other end of the hallway, outside the next room, is another low platform. The pair of things on it don't look as aggressive somehow.

2017-06-29, 05:43 PM
Cuddles climbs up the platform and pokes whichever is the closest of the things to her with her tail.

2017-06-30, 01:18 AM
They seem very light weight. The poked on falls off.

After a moment, it hops back onto the platform.

2017-07-17, 10:49 AM
Suddenly, a glowing, swirling purple orb appears floating above the floor. It is pretty....

(go into the light. It leads to a game thread on Mythweaver where the parallel game is running with 3 active posters. Join the forum if you haven't already and pm me. I'm jakarta there too. www.myth-weavers.com. )