View Full Version : DM Help Housing, keeps etc and costs

2017-05-19, 07:54 AM
Just curious as to whether theres lists for costings for housing, keeps etc and building them or upkeep.

Thank you in advance for any help

Using 3.5 btw

2017-05-19, 08:21 AM
There's a book called Stronghold Builder's Guide which should have all the information you're likely to need, as well as information you're unlikely to need. Any information not provided in that book may be dotted around other source books, or would be decided via DM discretion.

2017-05-19, 10:36 AM
Okay cheers. Will try and find a copy of it somewhere :D

Thank you

Hunter Noventa
2017-05-19, 11:57 AM
There's also some information about building and running businesses that might be valuable either in the PHB2 or the DMG2, I don't recall which off the top of my head, but the rules do include data on things like upkeep and staffing.

2017-05-19, 02:01 PM
There are also a set of simplified rules for purchasing homes and living expenses that were printed in Sharn City of Towers, as well as a few other books.

2017-05-19, 04:31 PM
THank you

You guys rock!!