View Full Version : Player Help Question about Paladin feature

2017-05-19, 08:27 AM
Hi all
I'm playing a Paladin and I've decided to choose a variant without the mount. Primarily because the locales usually don't allow for me to ride anyway, so it's kind of a wasted class feature in this case.

It should be noted, that I don't necessarily want the most optimized variant as I value usability and flavor higher.

Below are the two main finalists as I see it, but feel free to suggest other variants as well.

1) The variant which gives the paladin a holy spirit as a companion. In the beginning it have healing powers and later it gives other powers too. If memory serves, it's from the Complete Champion.

2) The Lion Legionnaire. It would need a little re-flavoring, but flight is always nice to have. There are a ton of ways it can come into play - inside and outside of combat both.

What do you guys and girls think - which one of the above would be the better option? Are there a third option that are even better still?

2017-05-19, 09:16 AM
charging smite is my fave.
If not that: the spirit of healing.
I find LLeg's flight to be too limited; you'll end up getting a means of flying beyond that.

2017-05-19, 11:51 AM
I'd say go for the Holy Spirit acf. It can be pretty handy for healing at lower levels or the boost from the combat spirit. The Holy Spirit acf is actually from Dungeonscape. Amusingly enough, the Underdark Knight acf is in Complete Champion.

2017-05-21, 01:41 AM
Thanks a lot for your answers - Holy Spirit it is.

Oh, and sorry about the wrong reference. Should have rechecked that