View Full Version : Is it possible for moderators to unearth deleted posts?

2017-05-20, 02:13 PM
I've got an issue running a game where it seems like a user has tried to cheat at dice rolls. He deleted three previous, nearly identical posts, and it appears he made a dice roll as well, as indicated by a "[roll0]". I know this because I have email notification, and so got four separate emails in my inbox when this person made his post.

The roll he got was pretty good, too (they got a +3 on fate dice, which is like rolling a natural 20). So my first thought was that this was a blatant, underhanded attempt at cheating without anyone noticing.

I called him out on it, but he claims it was the "annoying [roll0] thing" and he was writing posts for multiple games. ..only looking at his profile, the last game he posted in was 2 hours before this and one different game shortly after this incident.

So it couldn't have been the 60 second timer that messed him up. Maybe it was previewing his post. I know that's tripped me up a few times in the past, but it should be pretty common knowledge for a person who's been around a while to just put the rolls in a brand new post (typically the OOC thread) rather than delete.

The fact that he made this mistake so many times in quick succession, while also deleting the old posts, is what bothers me. How do you do all of that accidentally? :smallconfused:

Well the point is, while I definitely do have my reasons for suspicions, he might have a plausible alibi. From the information I have, it's impossible to tell for sure what happened, so I could wind up placing trust in a dishonest person, or condemn an honest person. It would be much simpler if the truth were plainly available. Namely, if I or someone else could view the deleted posts and see if there really were rolls there or not.

If it is possible to view deleted posts, how might one go about requesting to view them?

2017-05-20, 04:30 PM
I cannot answer your main question, but if you suspect cheating, I'd recommend you switch your game from in-post rolling to rolling in a dice roll thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?43-Dice-Rolls), and link to the relevant post. We can't delete posts in the dice-roll thread, so it is much harder to cheat.

Grey Wolf

Roland St. Jude
2017-05-20, 08:58 PM
Sheriff: PM me a link to the thread and I'll look into it, with Rawhide's help if needed to check the logs.