View Full Version : Computer Should another chapter of this game be made?

Gnome de plume
2017-05-21, 06:02 AM
Hi all,

My friends and I (with loads of advice from people on this forum) created the first chapter of a free indie RPG.


The goal was to have a game with strong dialogue, story, and humour.

The exploration and graphics are JRPG, the battles turnbased, and the magic and skill a DnD lite system.

We make this game for fun, not for profit, but it is a significant drain on our time.
As such, we're trying to decide if we should make the second chapter.

If there are enough people out there enjoying the game, then we'll gleefully keep working on it. However, if the game actually isn't any good and we're deluding ourselves, then it's probably in our best interests to admit this and stop.

Here's a trailer for the game if you're curious.


Download Chapter One (Ninety Nine Problems but a Lich Ain't One) from the facebook site https://www.facebook.com/RaptureatPaleGate/

If you think the game's worthwhile, please say so on this thread and like the facebook page.

If you think we're wasting our time, please say so on the thread (it's not an insult, it's valuable feedback we need to hear).

If you have any ideas for the next chapter (A Shadow of His Former Elf) we'd love to hear them. So far we have:

A dark elf encampment where the group start to define their own moral compass.
A solo adventure for the Bard where he learns the art of full contact punning, similar to the monkey island sword fighting.
A monastery run by an Abbot who schisms from the current religion at least twice a day (a sects addict).

All of us gnomes hope you enjoy the game, we had loads of fun making it.

2017-05-22, 05:59 AM

And my vote goes for the third option, as long as it gets that title :D

By the way, semester ends tomorrow. I'm going to give your update a playthroufh real soon now :)

2017-06-05, 01:05 PM
Man, I'm bad about these double posts lately.

Thoughts from the beginning

Nice first impression. It's clearly RPGMaker based on the New Game, Continue, Options thing (not that this is bad: I've played several terrific RPGMaker games, just lets the person know what's up). Also, good background art, good music
Minor complaint: on the title screen, it starts at the first option, New Game. When you select New Game, there's no cursor anywhere. You have to hit down to get to Play Easy.
Also, I realise someone earlier talked about this, and I suppose it's purely subjective, but I liked the additional information for Easy/Medium/Hard. Like, in some games it's simply a matter of double/half hp/damage, some give extra/less money, whatever. I chose easy, btw.
Intro words are good. It's clear there's going to be humor.
I like the starting options (same issue as before with hitting down to select the first option). Lots of games just walk you through it.
Hmm, while we're at it, the font is nice. Art is nice. Is it different, by the way? Mapping looks good. Background noise is good.
I did the strike a dramatic pose. Ha :P
I personally use space to select, but it didn't say you could do that.
I checked out the menu. Under Item, if you go to Armor, there's overlapping text.
You have useable instead of usable. Or maybe this is English English (I notice you use defence)? I'm an American.
You're inconsistent in your capitalization. For example, Small shield versuse Warrioring made Easy.
With the Warrioring made Easy accessory, Bork starts with not max hp. Not a big deal, but odd. Made me think he started the game finishing up some encounters or something.
Oh yeah, overlapping text. Bork the Unspeakable overlaps a little with Warrior in the top of the menu.
Hmm I just noticed unequipping and reequipping Warrioring made Easy raised his current hit points (in addition to max). Might be a source of getting free hp.
An optimize feature for equipment would be nice. But then again, I don't plan on putting this in my game.
In Row... what's that a picture of? Bork's torso and lower body?
I personally prefer walking up to someone and hitting select to talk to him, rather than it being automatic. Preference though, nbd.
You say "rolls a dice" but dice is plural. Should be "rolls a die"
When I approached the bartender from below, speech was initiated despite me not facing him.
When you sit across from the bard, he says "I got ninety nine problems but a lich ai*" probably supposed to be "lich ai-", right?
Medium Mass Healing overlaps with 1/1
In battle you see Emma's name before you know her name.
Speaking of which... battle seems good. I mean, I'm playing on easy so I'm not getting the true experience, but again, seems good.
Also I hit x for menu, which the text doesn't say you can.
I'm messing around with equipment and I see the Whatever made Easy and... it's not giving free hp. I guess it keeps %. Dunno what happened the first time.
It'd be nice when you're changing someone's equipment to hit left and right to go to the other people. Dunno if you have any control over this.
Oh yeah, I noticed accuracy isn't displayed. It'd be really nice to see that.
Maybe "Of course n" is supposed to be "Of course n-"
At the inn, it says "Do you sleep, or change cleric spells?" I didn't realize at first that you could do both. I mean, I know "or" isn't an exclusive or, but it made me think you need to spend gold twice to do both.
There's no exit game option. You can go back to the title screen, but then have to close the application.

Aaaand going to go on a walk with my wife and kids.