View Full Version : The village of Daine. (PRIVATE)

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-21, 10:47 PM
Everyone needs to write up a character sheet, don't advertise your class yet, however advertise your background because this will be your occupation. For example: If dave the half elf has the entertainer background he will be an actor in the mighty village of Daine. Your PC's are not heros yet. Just post your background and your backstory. The DM will post after everyone has stated their character and is ready to get rolling 🎲 (pun intended)

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-21, 11:58 PM
Rules: Anything in the player handbook goes. Also other acceptable races are:


+2 Con
+1 to two other chosen stats
Darkvision up to 60 feet
Speed of 30
Half-Dwarves get to choose any two skill profiencies
Half- Dwarves get dwarven resilience.
Half- Dwarves are almost always lawful in alignment however they vary greatly from good to evil.
Around same size as humans with a generally heavier look around 5'0"- 5'6" and 200- 300 pounds.
They can speak common and dwarven.
They gain one tool proficiency commonly used by dwarves (this includes smiths tools, jewlers tools, and stonemasons tools)


(Stats on d&d website, if you cant find them text me and ill get you a screenshot)

Also i will wilingly make you any half breed as long as its half human. (Such as a half gnome or maybe even a half goblin)

New weapons

Exotic weapons!

I took these weapons from 3.5e and adapted them for 5e.

These weapons either have to have special training, a feat, or the gladiator background. Training is going to cost 5,000 gp and take 10 real life days and the feat can only be taken once, and it only teaches you one weapon (as does gladiator) to learn these weapons you must also know how to use the martial weapons similar (ie longsword to bastard sword)

Bastard sword
1-d10 heavy, versatile 1d-12

Dire flail
1-d8 (attack twice, to clarify you must roll 2 d-20s one for each attack with the flail)
Two handed, double weapon (see attack rules above), +2 to attack rolls to disarm.

Gnome hammer
1-d6, 1-d4 (attack twice)
On a nat 20 the d-6 is multiplied by 3 not 2 and the d-4 is multiplied by 4 not 2.
Can be used to trip enemies.
Two handed

Light, can be used to trip enemies.

Dwarven Waraxe
Heavy, Versatile 1-d12

Reapeating light crossbow
The repeating light crossbow holds 5 crossbow bolts. As long as it holds bolts, you can reload it by pulling the reloading lever (a bonus action). Loading a new case of 5 bolts is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. (This means as soon as you reload a monster can instantly wail on you)
You can fire a repeating crossbow with one hand or fire a repeating crossbow in each hand in the same manner as you would a normal light crossbow. However, you must fire the weapon with two hands in order to use the reloading lever, and you must use two hands to load a new case of bolts.

Repeating heavy crossbow
1-d10 (see rules above)

Spiked chain
2- d4
+2 to disarm
Can be used to trip
Finesse (use dex OR str)

The gnome hammer and Dwarven waraxe can be used by fighters of their specified race as a martial weapon (half breeds don't count)

Everything after this needs to be in character so we dont get yelled at by mods

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-22, 12:53 AM
As I lean over my forge every day it brings back memories of my life as a gladiator. It reminds me that this craft i mastered was only because I needed it to survive. Whenever I work in my shop im reminded of the pits. The blood, the gore, ironically i spent fifty years of my life trying to escape those pits but now I've come to miss them. Life as a free man is great but I long for a sense of adventure, I long for a reason to grab my trusty bastard sword and don my chainmail one more time, but this time I fight on my own terms, not because someone owns me.

Spencer the dwa
2017-05-22, 12:11 PM
As I sit in my hammock at my house in the village of Daine I think to myself "Man, I'm 102 now and not getting any younger. What have you done with your life Twil?" I worked as a dwarf miner but also trained as a wizard under my master. I learned a few good spells and I want to learn more. I realize that the retired life is not for me and I want more. I want to do good with what I have learned and make this world a better place. I want to be... an adventurer.

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-22, 12:20 PM
I walk up to the door of Twil the wizard, carrying a warhammer he requested me to make for him. It cost him nothing because I've known the old fool for years and hes become a good friend. I knock on his door, warhammer in hand and I yell, "TWIL, ITS YURIK, OPEN THE DOOR YA OLD BASTARD"

2017-05-23, 04:26 PM
I'm finally leaving the city, its the only place I've ever know. While there was no shortage of action in the city the walls seemed to confine me there with all the hate and discrimination that came with it. Even though I have come to overlook the judgement it will be nice to see if the racism extends beyond these walls, maybe Half-Orcs are excepted somewhere else. I've heard of a small village south called Daine and that sounds like a good first stop to see if I can solve any problems there.
As I enter this small village I get many side glances but by all different races not just humans, as the looks I'm getting may just be from my size and less from my race as there seems to be a diversity in this town. I decide to head to the nearest tavern as there may be some tasks for me to find in the hub of the town.

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-23, 05:14 PM
After dropping Twil's hammer at his house because he rudely didn't open the door i begin my way to the tavern. Ready to pack away my alcohol and reminisce for the night. As i walk into the tavern i notice a particularly large half orc that i dont recognize. I walk up, clasp him on the shoulder and say "Good day, friend, I am Yurik, the towns half- dwarven blacksmith, if ya cant tell by the beard and the apron, what brings ya to our village?"

2017-05-23, 05:21 PM
I respond to the Half-Dwarf who although is significantly smaller than me seems to be quite confident and scared when approaching a Half-Orc and I say

"I am Falk from the city of Havensreach in the north. I am on a religious pilgrimage to try and discover the meaning of my life. I stopped by this tavern for some drink and to see if there is any jobs to be done in this village."

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-23, 05:35 PM
Well i dont know of any jobs besides maybe helping out the night watch, nothing big, goblins just been stealing fruit again, nasty little buggers, but ill buy ya drink for a holy man such as yerself, and if yer on a journey, i could make ya some arms or armor, can never be too careful on the road.

2017-05-23, 06:47 PM
"I'm not really in the need for any new weapons or armor at the moment but I'll take you up for that drink."

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-23, 08:37 PM
"Ey bartender! Give my new friend here another ale on me! So, I may have another lead on a job, but I got a condition for ya and I'd rather not give off too much information unless you agree. I just....need to know i can trust ya, loyalty is hard to come by."

Spencer the dwa
2017-05-24, 09:47 AM
As I wake from my nap, I head into my kitchen for some food when I look out my front window and notice something outside my front door. I open it and see it is the hammer Yurik made for me. "Shoot I must have been asleep when he dropped that off!" I think to myself and say, "well he will be either at his shop or in the tavern, ill try the tavern first." I make my way there.

2017-05-24, 10:40 AM
I respond to Yurik although I am ready to turn on this job and turn him in if it has evil connotation

"You can trust me I am of honor and nobility I am here to serve the world."

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-24, 01:47 PM
"I've heard tales that there is a Cyclops nearby that has procured an old magic sword, now the sword itself is just ceremonial but i believe if we bargained with the cyclops or tricked him to get that sword i could take it apart and forge weapons with magic properties. If ya help me ill give ya gold and an enchanted item, but my only condition is that i come with you."

The Milk Man
2017-05-24, 06:42 PM
Just then, the bartender brings you your drinks and says to you, "here's the ale. Sorry, couldn't help but overhear. Unfortunately that cyclops was just killed. If it's just work you're looking for thenid try your luck at the mines though. They could always use the extra help."

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-24, 06:45 PM
Ah, what is it specifically they need help with? I myself hace a certain skill set if you know what i mean."

Spencer the dwa
2017-05-24, 06:52 PM
I throw open the tavern doors and say "Yurik! I've been looking all over town for you! I wanted to say thanks for the hammer."

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-24, 06:57 PM
"Ah! Twil old friend! Was the hammer to your liking..... actually nevermind me and my new friend here are considering a job offer, you may be interested as well old friend"

Spencer the dwa
2017-05-24, 06:58 PM
"Oh, and what is this 'job offer' you speak of?" as I pull up a chair next to Yurik.

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-24, 07:09 PM
"I'm not sure, the bartender was just about to tell us."

The Milk Man
2017-05-24, 07:40 PM
The bartender begins to tell you about how the mine does always l need workers and could buy supplies any time but his gaze drifts out the window. His speech trails off. You see other customers get up and run outside to some commotion that you can tell is going on. You hear frightened shrieks from outside and out the window you see smoke. Everyone in the town is running in one direction. Either to or away from something.

Spencer the dwa
2017-05-24, 07:42 PM
"What's going on!?"

The Milk Man
2017-05-24, 07:47 PM
The bartender responds, "I don't know!" He then runs out the door and joins the rest of the townspeople. A few drunk and uninterested villagers remain inside.

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-24, 07:47 PM
I burst out the door and ready my bastard sword and i scan the area.

The Milk Man
2017-05-24, 08:15 PM
You see the nearest temple/area of worship, on fire. Some of the townspeople try to put out the fire but 5 heavily armed and armored men (you can't identify their race) guard it. They clearly lit the fire. (It is very clear to you all that if you attack them then they will kill u) They begin to shout about how they will be back in 3 days to collect 30% of the mines earnings. "Their fair share"

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-24, 08:18 PM
I use my perception to see if there is anything noticeable about the men, i then walk up and say "good sirs we mean you no harm, im sure we can work out a deal but why have you come here? Who sent you? (I motion to twil to sneak around and help put out the fire)

Perception roll 14

Spencer the dwa
2017-05-24, 08:40 PM
I walk around the men while Yurik is distracting them and use gust to blow out the flames. I got a 10

2017-05-24, 08:59 PM
I go to a nearby well and start getting water to help put out the rest of the flame

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-24, 09:07 PM
Also, i use my deception skill whilst talking to the men and i say "ya know, im a merc too, i understand the power of gold. if you give me 3 extra days i can get ya 90% profit"

I rolled 17

The Milk Man
2017-05-25, 01:26 PM
The men look abnormal strong but not unrealistically so. They are all large for their race (none of which can be determined for sure). One looks as though one may be a dwarf but other than that you're not sure. You can assume that they are all different races.

The men engage in conversation with whatever Evan's name is and accept his offer with a chuckle. The rest of you struggle to put out the fire, and eventually do, but it's too late. You step back to see the smoldering remains of the temple. As you do, one of the men shout, "c'mon boys! We're done here." They ride off into the woods.

Spencer the dwa
2017-05-25, 04:14 PM
Did they have matching armor?

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-25, 07:02 PM
My name is Yurik... ANYWAY i tell my comrades that "ive bought an extra three days but they want more money. I got no intention of payin em tho, my plan is to fortify the village and possibly train up some more guards. I can smith extra weapons as well. If either of you have military training we are gonna need to to prepare these villagers"

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-25, 09:41 PM
I also throw up some signs that say "heros wanted" to see if i can draw in any adventurers to help us

2017-05-26, 04:42 PM
I approach Yurik and begin to speak to him

"While I know I am new here I think that I could be of some assistance I have been trained as a paladin for the past several years of my life and think that I could help train some of your new guards."

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-27, 11:34 AM
Ah good, i can train some as well. If we get on that we can hopefully build up a small militia to hold off these crooks

Spencer the dwa
2017-05-27, 01:45 PM
I'm going to ask around the village to see if anyone knows anything about these people.
I rolled a 17

The Milk Man
2017-05-27, 05:08 PM
The townspeople that you talk to say that there is a group of men based somewhere in the woods. No one is sure but the people believe that there could be over 100 of them. They have been around for years but have until recently acted as mercenaries. They never have caused a problem before, at least not on this scale. They also tell you that in the past, they haven't been equipped with weapons and armor of that caliber, leading them to think that the must have a wealth employer. No one is positive that these are the men who came here, but it is a safe bet. The townspeople want to do everything they can to help, but are very fearful, for they are not confident in a victory.

Spencer the dwa
2017-05-27, 10:02 PM
I also ask who is the wealthiest person in town.

The Milk Man
2017-05-27, 10:45 PM
You know that the most wealthy person is the man who owns the mine, Bolton Range. You are unsure of his willingness to help with your problem. The only other man comes to your mind would be the lord of the town. You will have to come to him with a worthy proposal in order to gain an audience with him.

2017-05-28, 08:09 AM
"I am quite good at persuading people I believe I should approach the lord."

I say to Yurik and Twill

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-28, 01:17 PM
"I agree, whilst falk speaks to him i shall gather a militia"

2017-05-29, 03:07 PM
I travel to the lords mansion and bring twill along as well so that there is a friendly face

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-30, 10:30 PM
I begin to rally the peasants and say "any man or woman who wants to learn to fight for their town, meet up with me and ill hand you a sword and train you best i can"