View Full Version : God of War

2007-08-02, 02:32 AM
I was looking around at another game, and noticed God of War.

I looked around, read a bit about it, and watched a bit about it.

Looks pretty good to me, but I'm not positive yet. Anybody played it? Got some comments?

I played and loved the Prince of Persia games and Devil May Cry 3. It looks pretty similar to both.

2007-08-03, 03:41 AM
God of War is a really great game. Especially if you liked the aforementioned PoP. GoW is what? Like $10 used now? Rush out and obtain it! Then after you've struggled through god-mode before you even tried mortal, go get GoW 2 and revel in the killing.

Basically it's like PoP right? Except when Kratos kills someone you're like, "What the hell! You actually did that to someone? You're sick! Horrible! Chaotic EVIL! Of course, in the most awesome blood curdling way."
You'll smash and stab, and have a grand ol' time.
GoW is definitely worth it.

2007-08-03, 07:08 AM
Is there anything better than driving two blades into the mouth of a minotaur?

Thanatos 51-50
2007-08-03, 08:59 AM
Driving two blades throught the heart of a psychotic War God?

2007-08-03, 09:12 AM
To put it shortly...God of War is one of the best games EVER! GoW2 is just as good, so either would be a good start, but I would suggest GoW1 first just to get the story in order, if you pay attention to the story at all.

2007-08-03, 10:13 AM
Sounds like general positive votes to me.

How bout Spartan Total Warrior? I've heard from a friend it's a good game, and I also discovered it is sort of a prologue to the God of War games (Except without continuing plot).

2007-08-03, 12:18 PM
If you have a PSP, pick up the GoW game for it. Its Uber.

Also, As long as you dont mind nudity and excessive brutality, go play it.

2007-08-03, 04:20 PM
Basically it's like PoP right? Except when Kratos kills someone you're like, "What the hell! You actually did that to someone? You're sick! Horrible! Chaotic EVIL! Of course, in the most awesome blood curdling way."

Personally i'd say that Kratos is chaotic neutral, he's amoral and violent as hell but he has a clearly defined goal and everything he does works towards it in a fairly logical manner.

Is there anything better than driving two blades into the mouth of a minotaur?

Putting a mans head in a doorway he was guarding and then kicking the door until it breaks his neck.

2007-08-03, 07:06 PM
Is there anything better than driving two blades into the mouth of a minotaur?

Kicking a man through a stone wall onto a meat hook.

Rob Knotts
2007-08-03, 09:47 PM
Defeating the Hydra for the first time was more exciting than I thought possible for a game.

2007-08-07, 12:45 PM
Is there anything better than driving two blades into the mouth of a minotaur?

Pulling the head off of a medusa...
Dropping a guy down the dead hydra's throat when you could have just as easily saved him...
Kicking that same guy back into hell while he's trying to escape when you could have just as easily saved him...
Beating up that SAME guy's spirit when it's summoned by a boss you're fighting in the second game...

The list goes on...

2007-08-07, 05:41 PM
Personally i'd say that Kratos is chaotic neutral, he's amoral and violent as hell but he has a clearly defined goal and everything he does works towards it in a fairly logical manner.


Putting a mans head in a doorway he was guarding and then kicking the door until it breaks his neck.

And you think Kratos is chaotic neutral?

...he's amoral and violent as hell...
Putting a mans head in a doorway he was guarding and then kicking the door until it breaks his neck.
Really now?

2007-08-07, 06:03 PM
I enjoyed the first game more than the second one. Both should be rented (easily completed in a weekend) for their opening sequences alone. The Hydra and Colossus fights were mind-blowing, but especially when you fight your way inside the statue to destroy it...

It can get somewhat repetitive, lots and lots of killing, and most of the puzzles tend to be annoying rather than clever, but it's fun to try out, and it certainly has stand-out epic moments. Which are always welcome in my gaming handbook.

2007-08-07, 09:49 PM
God of War is the best game ever made for the PS2. Save God of War 2, mind.

That is all you need to know.

2007-08-08, 03:59 AM
They are both rather good games. They may not be perfect combat-wise (not DMC3 caliber definitely, a game that GoW is often pitted against) but they are still great experiences.

Oh and I've always assumed Kratos is more Chaotic Evil in personality, as well as being somewhat Lawful Evil when he served Ares (and perhaps even as a Spartan General). His main long-term goal is seemingly to simply to kick the asses of all that he believes wronged him and he shows little to no care for any lives that do not directly help him progress in his goals.

2007-08-08, 10:39 AM
Well, sounds pretty good. A lot of positive votes here. Although I do really like puzzles, as in real puzzles...

Nonetheless, anybody played Spartan: Total Warrior? Heard it was good from a friend and I wanted to find out more.

2007-08-08, 11:51 AM
Personally i'd say that Kratos is chaotic neutral, he's amoral and violent as hell but he has a clearly defined goal and everything he does works towards it in a fairly logical manner.

Putting a mans head in a doorway he was guarding and then kicking the door until it breaks his neck.

Pesonally, I'd say Kratos' alignment, whatever it is, shares at least one axis with that of Chuck Norris.

2007-08-08, 12:28 PM
I had more fun running through the Rygar re-make.

I keep picking up GoW, play a level or two, get to a portion that is not combat and cannot be alleviated by the drop in difficulty (usually the timing based "puzzles") or mis-loads and then take it out in frustration. The frequency with which my PS2 mis-load areas on this game is bordering on the insane and has driven me back to the paranoial save frequency of an old FPS.

The game looks great and the level designs are pretty good for a simple platform beat 'em up. Too bad I'm having trouble enjoying the same play.

2007-08-10, 01:23 AM
Well I found a friend who has GoW II and I'm borrowing it from him. He says he played it without knowing the first game and had no plot issues. I'm guessing the game isn't known for it's plot. :smallwink:

2007-08-14, 11:08 PM
Is there anything better than driving two blades into the mouth of a minotaur?
If there is, I think it's a solid bet we can agree that it's any game which requires you to intentionally set an, for all intents and purposes, innocent bystander on fire in order to continue.

2007-08-15, 05:28 AM
Well I found a friend who has GoW II and I'm borrowing it from him. He says he played it without knowing the first game and had no plot issues. I'm guessing the game isn't known for it's plot. :smallwink:

Well, the first game didn't end too much on a cliffhanger for Kratos...

He slays Ares and becomes the God of War. The First game was mostly about explaining Kratos' history, from his rise to a Spartan General to him swearing servitude to Ares to save his own life and ultimately to his slaying of his own wife and daughter, at which point he stops being a servant of Ares.

The second game basically picks up from Kratos' success after the first game. Although a God, he still suffers from the memories that haunt him and feels hatred towards the Olympians.

2007-08-15, 09:20 AM
GoW is awesome. You can destroy nearly anything that moves. You can combo attack with those magic swords, climb places, etc.
During the game, you get some special powers to kill some stronger beasts.
Awesome graphics.
And as is that were not enough, in some key points you need to play mini-puzzle, but non-sucky ones. Twisting the analogic stick aroun to rip off a medusa's head is lots of fun, as is button mashing the square button to drive a sword into a minotaur's throat.
And the boss battles are always interesting (took me more than half an hour to understand how to kill the sea dragons).

2007-08-15, 09:16 PM
The second game basically picks up from Kratos' success after the first game. Although a God, he still suffers from the memories that haunt him and feels hatred towards the Olympians.

I think you just put a hole in your spoiler...

God of War is like a symphony, a multi-part epic of vengeance, bloodlust and mortal longings well fulfilled. It can be played on a superficial, kill-em-all level, but the sheer audacity of the thing is hard to ignore, especially in the second game, where you are essentially ushering the entire Hellenic world into monotheism whether they like it or not.
I really, truly grokked this game, in a way that only Symphony of the Night or Final Fantasy Tactics have ever compared to. I simply can not recommend it highly enough, and it's a fitting capstone for the venerable PS2.

2007-08-17, 07:34 PM
Well, I beat GoW II. Easy enough, played on normal. Those seven waves at the end suuucked. :smallfurious:

Afterwards I played it through again on easy, with bonus, beat it in about 4 hours. Fun!

I'm having issues with what is saved to the challenge mode. It's the upgrades I had when I beat normal. It says you can get the urns in bonus mode by getting them in the main game, so I went and played through the entire game, fully upgraded everything, and got all four urns...but it still has the old saved upgrades for the challenge mode. Is this fixable? No way I can take the second challenge without a 3rd rank Blade of Olympus :smallfrown: