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2018-10-14, 06:43 PM
Whoever is hosting images from img.reactor... my security software is telling me there's a Trojan.

And tweaked.

@Glyphstone Could you edit the 'phoenix'-Kerrigan pic out of your quote a few posts back?

The Glyphstone
2018-10-14, 07:51 PM
Done and done.

2018-10-14, 08:54 PM
He can see her elbow.

Sounds like a caption for Victorian porn. ;D


2018-10-14, 11:20 PM
So, there are a couple of pictures I saw on these threads (I think it was the previous one) which I would like to find again but can't seem to locate. One was a character in dark-colored plate armor (either dark blue or black, I think), pretty sure it was a female. She had a sword in hand and a laser pistol of some sort on her hip. The other was of a man in similar armor, with a cybernetic device over one eye, a sword buried through the skull of some sort of creature and firing a sci-fi type pistol. I am pretty sure they were two pictures in the same post. So if that sounds like something in your collection, I'd appreciate if you could link it for me!

Or any pictures of a knight-type character in full plate but with sci-fi elements. I've tried searching myself but 80% of what google gives me is WH40k Space Marines, which isn't really what I'm looking for.

A few more pictures I've found while searching:




I've found several sci-fi characters with swords... but far fewer medieval fantasy style warriors with just one or two modern/sci-fi elements. The last one gets closest to the general feel I'm going for. It's frustrating, I remember the images I'm looking for pretty clearly, but I just can't find them...

EDIT: It appears I am a massive derp. I found one of them, at least, on the front page of this thread. It appears I remembered the color of the armor wrong, but everything else matches. Could have sworn I was reading the older thread when I found it...


2018-10-19, 01:09 AM

2018-10-20, 05:13 PM
Maybe someone could help me out: I'm looking for a picture for a teenaged androgynous human wizard, the harder it is for the casual viewer to assign a gender the better.

Bonus points for a) short hair (up to and including completely shaven head) and b) darker skin tone (mixed racial parents)

I can't seem to find the picture online, but the image for the Punin mage in Aventurische Magie fits the bill pretty darn well, if you have access to that book?

2018-10-21, 02:40 AM

2018-10-21, 02:46 AM
i like that second one

2018-10-21, 11:35 AM
i like that second one

That second one is amazing, yes.

2018-10-28, 01:12 AM




2018-11-18, 05:50 PM
I am looking for an hulking orc (or half-orc) in a pinstripe suit that would not look (much) out of place in one of the Godfather movies. Using the Incredible Hulk in a suit may have to serve, but I am hoping for better.

The Glyphstone
2018-11-18, 06:35 PM
I am looking for an hulking orc (or half-orc) in a pinstripe suit that would not look (much) out of place in one of the Godfather movies. Using the Incredible Hulk in a suit may have to serve, but I am hoping for better.

If you're okay with your orc not being green-skinned, Shadowrun has a few options I found floating around:




2018-11-19, 01:07 AM
Not related to any requests, this is just cool.


2018-11-19, 12:42 PM
Not related to any requests, this is just cool.


Now if I could just find a female version of that picture...

2018-11-19, 11:45 PM
If you're okay with your orc not being green-skinned, Shadowrun has a few options I found floating around:




Thanks for responding! I think I am going to end up using Mr. Fixit, however.


2018-11-20, 01:19 AM
I need a lot of D.I.Y superhero and modern/contemporary characters for a superhero campaign I'm running do people got some things too help me with that just looking for stuff like that in general

2018-11-20, 05:08 PM
Looking for a noir elf/half-elf in a trenchcoat. Female.

Dark coat, mid-thigh to knee length preferred.

2018-11-20, 05:57 PM
Oh, I actually have something for this if you don't need a full body shot.


2018-11-20, 08:04 PM
Nice. That's a great start. Thank you.

Jay R
2018-11-21, 08:58 AM
Looking for a noir elf/half-elf in a trenchcoat. Female.

Dark coat, mid-thigh to knee length preferred.

Given that you can never see her ears, and that she is both slender and beautiful, your best bet might be Carmen Sandiego (https://www.google.com/search?q=Carmen+Sandiego&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiP74PK0eXeAhUF0KwKHYfmBx4Q_AUIDigB&biw=1330&bih=653).

2018-11-27, 09:43 PM
Now if I could just find a female version of that picture...

I'm sure there's some Rule 63 fanart of Percy out there that might work.

2018-11-29, 12:55 PM

The Glyphstone
2018-11-29, 01:52 PM
Might as well make a repeat request from earlier, refined a bit:

Trying to find two people - one male, one female, who are similar enough in features to be siblings/twins, both in military uniforms or aristocratic-style costume. They don't have to be in the same pic, in fact it's better if they are in separate pictures.

Does this still have the sci-fi/without obvious magic requirement?

The sci-fi would be preferable, but not essential. The lack of obvious magic is still necessary, yeah.

2018-11-29, 01:55 PM
Might as well make a repeat request from earlier, refined a bit:

Trying to find two people - one male, one female, who are similar enough in features to be siblings/twins, both in military uniforms or aristocratic-style costume. They don't have to be in the same pic, in fact it's better if they are in separate pictures.

Does this still have the sci-fi/without obvious magic requirement?

The Glyphstone
2018-11-29, 02:10 PM
Does this still have the sci-fi/without obvious magic requirement?

The sci-fi would be preferable, but not essential. The lack of obvious magic is still necessary, yeah.

2018-11-29, 05:39 PM
Might as well make a repeat request from earlier, refined a bit:

Trying to find two people - one male, one female, who are similar enough in features to be siblings/twins, both in military uniforms or aristocratic-style costume. They don't have to be in the same pic, in fact it's better if they are in separate pictures.

The sci-fi would be preferable, but not essential. The lack of obvious magic is still necessary, yeah.

Hmmm, how about these two? Technically the woman is his niece, not his sister, but they look fairly similar (to me, at least).


2018-12-01, 08:04 AM
I was going to ask for Orc Paladins and then i found this


2018-12-16, 09:33 PM







The Glyphstone
2018-12-16, 11:47 PM
Hmmm, how about these two? Technically the woman is his niece, not his sister, but they look fairly similar (to me, at least).


They'll do, I suppose. Do you have names for them, if I want to go hunting larger pictures?

2018-12-17, 05:07 AM
They'll do, I suppose. Do you have names for them, if I want to go hunting larger pictures?

Sure. Jasnah Kholin and Renarin Kholin. They're from a book series called the Stormlight Archive.

2018-12-23, 03:15 PM
So here is what I'd like for Christmas: Hoplite-inspired amazons. I get a little bloated with too much cheese, so if we can hold that down, that would be great. :smallwink:



2018-12-24, 10:11 PM
So here is what I'd like for Christmas: Hoplite-inspired amazons. I get a little bloated with too much cheese, so if we can hold that down, that would be great. :smallwink:
This is basically female hoplites (or generic classic antiquity warriors). No Romans. :smalltongue:
















2018-12-24, 11:07 PM
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey -- the female lead, Kassandra, might have some images that would be useful.

2018-12-26, 02:48 AM
@ HeadlessMermaid & Max_Killjoy: Thank you both!

2018-12-31, 07:55 PM
Need a couple of pics for a character. Something in the vein of a jungle-amazon type, preferably favoring a bow, and something in the vein of a norse Valkyrie. Ideally, both would be done in anime style.

2019-01-01, 02:42 AM
Need a couple of pics for a character. Something in the vein of a jungle-amazon type, preferably favoring a bow, and something in the vein of a norse Valkyrie. Ideally, both would be done in anime style.

An anime valkyrie, you say?


2019-01-08, 02:36 AM

















2019-01-08, 04:12 AM
Looking for a dwarven fist fighter, preferably with red hair.

2019-01-08, 04:30 AM
Looking for a dwarven fist fighter, preferably with red hair.

You mean a dwarf who fights with his fists, or a dwarf fighter who fights fists? :smalltongue:

2019-01-08, 05:15 AM
Looking for a dwarven fist fighter, preferably with red hair.

Does this maybe work?


2019-01-08, 08:18 AM
Dwarf, Barefisted, Red hair (some not)







2019-01-08, 03:53 PM
Thanks! I appreciate it.

2019-01-09, 11:09 PM
So not an image, but something very interesting nonetheless:


Shad's argument, for those who aren't going to watch, is that Medieval and early Renaissance armor was designed to emphasize male sexual traits, insofar as this could be done without emphasizing safety on the battlefield. Namely, a very thin waist was often considered attractive on a man, so armor was designed to be narrow in that area in regions where that was the ideal, and large codpieces were very often fashionable. Therefore, Shad makes the argument that boob plate on armor specifically designed for women wouldn't be out of line. If historical male armor emphasizes an attractive waistline and a very sizeable manhood, armor which emphasizes female breasts would make complete sense, so long as the means of emphasis doesn't compromise defensive ability. So boob plate is actually realistic and perfectly in line with armor design philosophy, but any sort of exposed cleavage is still ridiculous.

I think it's a very interesting argument, at the very least.

2019-01-09, 11:15 PM
So not an image, but something very interesting nonetheless:


Shad's argument, for those who aren't going to watch, is that Medieval and early Renaissance armor was designed to emphasize male sexual traits, insofar as this could be done without emphasizing safety on the battlefield. Namely, a very thin waist was often considered attractive on a man, so armor was designed to be narrow in that area in regions where that was the ideal, and large codpieces were very often fashionable. Therefore, Shad makes the argument that boob plate on armor specifically designed for women wouldn't be out of line. If historical male armor emphasizes an attractive waistline and a very sizeable manhood, armor which emphasizes female breasts would make complete sense, so long as the means of emphasis doesn't compromise defensive ability. So boob plate is actually realistic and perfectly in line with armor design philosophy, but any sort of exposed cleavage is still ridiculous.

I think it's a very interesting argument, at the very least.
Im skeptical. While I have no doubt that there was armor made to be ornate and visually appealing, it was often separate from actual battlefield armor. To say nothing of the fact that there were so many layers worn under the actual plate that a boob plate would not actually conform to the shape of a woman's torso at that point.

2019-01-09, 11:23 PM
Im skeptical. While I have no doubt that there was armor made to be ornate and visually appealing, it was often separate from actual battlefield armor. To say nothing of the fact that there were so many layers worn under the actual plate that a boob plate would not actually conform to the shape of a woman's torso at that point.

Shad is specifically talking about battlefield armor. Men did in fact wear thin waisted, large schlonged armor into battle.

As to boob plate, It's not supposed to conform to the shape of the torso, anymoreso than a codpiece conforms to the shape (and size) of the penis. A lot of armor also tends to overemphasize the shape of the hips, because of the narrow waistline. In fact, fitted armor already has a noticeable chest bulge, which doesn't conform to the shape of a man's torso. It's there to direct blows away to either side. What Shad argues is that this existing bulge could easily be moved higher and a bit out to emphasize the breasts, similar to a codpiece, which would fit into existing armor design philosophy, while not negatively impacting the ability of the armor to block incoming blows.

2019-01-09, 11:44 PM
Some of those supposedly "enhancing" features on armor for men have nothing to do with sexuality, and everything to do with making the armor work as armor, in terms of what fit works best for movement, how gaps are covered, what angles work best for deflection and for where armor needs to be thicker and where it can be thinner, and so on.

2019-01-09, 11:49 PM
Some of those supposedly "enhancing" features on armor for men have nothing to do with sexuality, and everything to do with making the armor work as armor, in terms of what fit works best for movement, how gaps are covered, what angles work best for deflection and for where armor needs to be thicker and where it can be thinner, and so on.I don't think that really applies to the schlong armor, though, and, while articulated plate does need to rest the weight on your waist, the narrow waisted style isn't really the only way to go about that. To my knowledge, while the lorica segmentata did require the absence of a gut in order to distribute weight properly, it wasn't really narrow waisted compared to later European armors.

2019-01-10, 02:38 AM
IDK, a big codpiece or a narrow waist don't fundamentally compromise the armor the way decorative boobs would. I'm especially skeptical of the "move the dome higher" argument, since the ventral dome in most cuirasses is as much or more vertically aligned as it s horizontally aligned--it just wont look like boobs that much. I'm not an armor expert, but I don't think you'd want it that high at all unless it was basically a vertical ridge--you're gonna guide weapons towards your head and neck otherwise.

I think he's right that people's aesthetics influenced design--hell, greek/roman muscle cuirasses were a thing and most likely were worn in actual combat at certain points--so it's not at all implausible that in a world where women regularly operated in plate that plate would often reflect people's idea of a feminine aesthetic. I just don't think boobplate would have been the way to go unless it was pretty subtle.

2019-01-10, 06:13 AM
I'm going to jump in with the group who think that the "breasts" on a breastplate would compromise it's effectiveness.

Traditional keel shaped breastplates direct force off to the side if you get hit pretty much anywhere on the breastplate. Having boobs on it would direct the force of some blows to the sternum, which is a really bad idea.

Lord Torath
2019-01-10, 08:44 AM
I'm going to jump in with the group who think that the "breasts" on a breastplate would compromise it's effectiveness.

Traditional keel shaped breastplates direct force off to the side if you get hit pretty much anywhere on the breastplate. Having boobs on it would direct the force of some blows to the sternum, which is a really bad idea.I was going to say this very thing. You could, I suppose, have a break-away boobplate on top of the regular breastplate, something thin and lightly attached, if you really wanted to emphasize your breasts without compromising the effectiveness of your armor.

2019-01-10, 09:11 AM
Cleavage in armor unquestionably reduces its effectiveness. You are adding material to deflect strikes towards your vitals: that is a design fail. The proportions of that particular boob plate are also quite absurd for people actually present on the battlefield. If we look at female athletes, a... generous top-heaviness is the first thing to go. That armor would be restricted to an extremely narrow range of women with a weird fat distribution AND a very particular level of fitness.

So sure, put that thing up next to those ridiculous gold leaf and 2000 hours of enamel engraving sets of decorative or trophy suits. But that isn't real armor.

This is real armor. It's just male armor with size adjustments for a female. You want to not die, you don't make boob cups.


2019-01-10, 02:56 PM
Aesthetic wise, I like the male armor fitted for females. Realistic wise, if men's armor accentuated thin waists and large codpieces, it would make sense that women would have boobplates too. But that was then, and women weren't allowed to serve. I see this argument as an argument of both perference and something of realistic value too. Also this thread is a godsend, found some great portraits that sparked some great NPC ideas. Bless this thread. Also can I get a tiefling female with blue skin, dark hair, and sorcerer that is not Jester?

2019-01-10, 03:09 PM
Also can I get a tiefling female with blue skin, dark hair, and sorcerer that is not Jester?
Also, have you tried looking for draenei?

2019-01-10, 03:18 PM
Aesthetic wise, I like the male armor fitted for females. Realistic wise, if men's armor accentuated thin waists and large codpieces, it would make sense that women would have boobplates too. But that was then, and women weren't allowed to serve. I see this argument as an argument of both perference and something of realistic value too. Also this thread is a godsend, found some great portraits that sparked some great NPC ideas. Bless this thread. Also can I get a tiefling female with blue skin, dark hair, and sorcerer that is not Jester?

Again, as max_killjoy mentioned, these are not aesthetic choices. They are design elements of plate armor to make it more protective. The codpiece is big because it needs to protect your entire groin area, including the upper legs. You'd see the exact same thing on female armor. Some decorative, useless armor suits have stupid codpiece designs because they are not for function, just as some suits for females have boob cups.

Real armor has a boob plate, singular, that deflects blows outwards - in both male and female suits. There's just a difference in contour. No real armor has boob cups.

2019-01-10, 08:04 PM
Again, as max_killjoy mentioned, these are not aesthetic choices. They are design elements of plate armor to make it more protective. The codpiece is big because it needs to protect your entire groin area, including the upper legs. You'd see the exact same thing on female armor. Some decorative, useless armor suits have stupid codpiece designs because they are not for function, just as some suits for females have boob cups.

Real armor has a boob plate, singular, that deflects blows outwards - in both male and female suits. There's just a difference in contour. No real armor has boob cups.

Codpieces and wasp waists were definitely influenced by aesthetics and saw combat; the landsknechts, for instance, had pretty oversized codpieces that were well past the point of strict utility. As long as doing so doesn't come with a serious cost, people will shape equipment to their aesthetic preferences. A sōmen gets turned into a demon face, a helmet gets more crest than strictly necessary, etc.

2019-01-10, 08:55 PM
Codpieces and wasp waists were definitely influenced by aesthetics and saw combat; the landsknechts, for instance, had pretty oversized codpieces that were well past the point of strict utility. As long as doing so doesn't come with a serious cost, people will shape equipment to their aesthetic preferences. A sōmen gets turned into a demon face, a helmet gets more crest than strictly necessary, etc.

While this is technically true, a boobplate will never be anything other than lethally dangerous to actually wear into a fight. Theres a vast difference between taking an existing design element and changing it slightly for aesthetics, and changing it such that it dramatically changes its function.

2019-01-10, 09:10 PM
Hmm... there should be something possible for that, if not to the degree fantasy would have you believe.

2019-01-11, 11:42 AM
Hmm... there should be something possible for that, if not to the degree fantasy would have you believe.

Why? Sometimes an idea that seems dumb on the surface really is just that dumb.

2019-01-11, 01:26 PM
Honestly, I kind of doubt a boob plate would have any significant detrimental effect [the fact that it would certainly be uncomfortable notwithstanding].

Anyway, back to the shell-trap... I don't think it matters. Being a shell-trap isn't relevant if the penetrator in question won't penetrate anyway. Cutting or stabbing through a steel plate is a largely futile endeavor, and it's not relying primarily on it's deflective properties. Adding cups wouldn't magically compromise the plate's structural integrity. Also, that region is the best guarded part of the body.

That said, I'm sure fighting with cloth, chain, then a steel plate wedged between my breasts would certainly be less comfortable than otherwise, and might impair my ability to fight well, but that doesn't have anything to do with armor weakpoints and shell traps.

2019-01-11, 02:13 PM
Honestly, I kind of doubt a boob plate would have any significant detrimental effect [the fact that it would certainly be uncomfortable notwithstanding].

Anyway, back to the shell-trap... I don't think it matters. Being a shell-trap isn't relevant if the penetrator in question won't penetrate anyway. Cutting or stabbing through a steel plate is a largely futile endeavor, and it's not relying primarily on it's deflective properties. Adding cups wouldn't magically compromise the plate's structural integrity. Also, that region is the best guarded part of the body.

That said, I'm sure fighting with cloth, chain, then a steel plate wedged between my breasts would certainly be less comfortable than otherwise, and might impair my ability to fight well, but that doesn't have anything to do with armor weakpoints and shell traps.

Even if the armor isn't actually destroyed, that's a lot of force that's suddenly smacking into an area not well suited to resisting that force. That's why armor is designed to deflect force away from the body instead of just absorbing it. It might not kill you outright, but it isn't doing anything good to you, that's for sure.

2019-01-11, 02:24 PM
Back on track, too much text.









Onion Knight


And Friends



2019-01-11, 02:37 PM
Can anyone help me with images of a heavily armored, female martial artist/unarmed fighter? Lots of monks in robes, not enough in plate. Long red hair preferable but not essential.

Thanks in advance.

Honestly, I kind of doubt a boob plate would have any significant detrimental effect [the fact that it would certainly be uncomfortable notwithstanding].

Anyway, back to the shell-trap... I don't think it matters. Being a shell-trap isn't relevant if the penetrator in question won't penetrate anyway. Cutting or stabbing through a steel plate is a largely futile endeavor, and it's not relying primarily on it's deflective properties. Adding cups wouldn't magically compromise the plate's structural integrity. Also, that region is the best guarded part of the body.

It's not penetration from the blades you have to worry about (although repeated hits on the armor can still bruise and exhaust), it's the blunts and the armor-piercers. And the bullets. And depending on who you ask maybe arrows and crossbow bolts. Shots in particular are far more likely to skip off of a convex design, following the path of least resistance. Likewise, a mordhau or a warhammer to the chest might fail to connect solidly if it slides off to the side of a convex shape. Concave armor design, on the other hand, may actually channel the force inward, allowing more of the energy to penetrate (resulting in bruising and broken ribs) and more rapidly compromising the integrity of the plate. In the case of something like a pike or an estoc, it might even cause hits to skid upwards towards the throat or downwards toward the pelvis, where there are gaps to be exploited. This is to say nothing of the fact that for boobplate to even be form-fitting on most women, the armor would need to be nearly skintight and thus at an additional mechanical disadvantage (plate is individually fit but not that individually fit).

Some aspects of armor design absolutely reflect an idealization of aspects of the male form. Some cultures and subcultures (Landsknechts have been mentioned) in particular used exaggerated presentation that was occasionally criticized even in its time. But in general plate was around for long enough and faced a consistent enough package of threats that armorers had learned to create idealized elements that were also functional. Boobplate, on the other hand, has no historical basis, would have numerous likely faults, and appears in fantasy art for one reason: to remind us what the character looks like without the boobplate on.

2019-01-12, 05:20 AM
Concave armor design, on the other hand, may actually channel the force inward, allowing more of the energy to penetrate (resulting in bruising and broken ribs) and more rapidly compromising the integrity of the plate.
I'll add getting knocked off balance being more likely in boob plate for this reason.


2019-01-12, 07:17 AM
I'll add getting knocked off balance being more likely in boob plate for this reason.


:smallconfused: Hmm...

Okay, "easier to lose your balance" sounds like a good point.

So boobplate at all is totally impossible without more or less negating the entire point of armor?

2019-01-12, 07:24 AM
So boobplate at all is totally impossible without more or less negating the entire point of armor?
Depends how you want to define the point of armour. If the point is to strike a sensible balance between protection and ability to fight, all with the materials and the skills available - then no, boob plate is right out. But you don't have to pick that definition. That's just what I would do if I was going into battle, and the smith asked me what principles he should construct my armour on.


2019-01-12, 07:28 AM
Depends how you want to define the point of armour. If the point is to strike a sensible balance between protection and ability to fight, all with the materials and the skills available - then no, boob plate is right out. But you don't have to pick that definition. That's just what I would do if I was going into battle, and the smith asked me what principles he should construct my armour on.

So you can't without sacrificing defense or mobility or something? I know decorative parts tend to in general, but still... eh.

2019-01-12, 05:47 PM
So boobplate at all is totally impossible without more or less negating the entire point of armor?

Well, in a lot of fight situations, a crappy breastplate is still probably better than none. But it would perform badly compared to more practical designs.

A shaped chest-protector isn't completely ridiculous, to be clear - they're worn in fencing under the jacket and in kyudo over the gi - but those are made from leather or plastic, are not the outer layer in a suit of armor, and are certainly not meant to deflect serious and unpredictable injuries (in fencing it's mostly because breast are softer and more prone to bruising than chest, and in kyudo it's because they might get hit by the bowstring).

If you really want form-fitting armor, very fine mail shirts were sometimes worn (often illegally) by the wealthy in civilian settings.

Anyway, fantasy isn't necessarily improved by realism. Boobplate is generally exploitative and completely implausible, but there's potential reasons why a person might like it as an aesthetic element other than simple titillation. Compromising on realism to emphasize aspects of a character's femininity and sexuality is usually suspect but not intrinsically wrong. But it will always be compromising on realism, and the notion that such an item would ever see use in serious fighting in the real world is indefensible.

Here's some other things:


2019-01-12, 07:32 PM
I love those vegetable knights, Leon.

2019-01-12, 07:40 PM
:smallconfused: Hmm...

Okay, "easier to lose your balance" sounds like a good point.

So boobplate at all is totally impossible without more or less negating the entire point of armor?

It doesn't "negate the entire point." It's still armor.

It's just worse than it would be without the boobs on it. And being less effective at its job just to look sexy puts it on the "chainmail bikini" scale. Not so far down the scale as that, but on it.

2019-01-12, 07:44 PM
It doen't "negate the entire point." It's still armor.

It's just worse than it would be without the boobs on it. And being less effective at its job just to look sexy puts it on the "chainmail bikini" scale. Not so far down the scale as that, but on it.

Deflecting blows into the middle of your chest actually is kind of worse than just wearing regular clothes. At least those wont typically guide your enemy's weapon into center mass.

2019-01-12, 08:22 PM
Deflecting blows into the middle of your chest actually is kind of worse than just wearing regular clothes. At least those wont typically guide your enemy's weapon into center mass.

Steel is hard to cut or stab through, even if the blow gets channeled into a valley. The force will knock you back more, and maybe do some blunt trauma, but it's better than nothing.

If you said to me, "I'm gonna hit you with this sword, you can wear a boobed out breastplate or your street clothes," I'd take the breastplate.

Good armor > Bad armor > no armor as far as protecting you from sharp things.

2019-01-12, 09:42 PM
Steel is hard to cut or stab through, even if the blow gets channeled into a valley. The force will knock you back more, and maybe do some blunt trauma, but it's better than nothing.

If you said to me, "I'm gonna hit you with this sword, you can wear a boobed out breastplate or your street clothes," I'd take the breastplate.

Good armor > Bad armor > no armor as far as protecting you from sharp things.

Being hit dead center with a baseball bat still has a moderate chance of killing you. The danger is not necessarily the cutting power of the sword.

2019-01-12, 10:54 PM
Being hit dead center with a baseball bat still has a moderate chance of killing you. The danger is not necessarily the cutting power of the sword.

A hit that would be deflected into the center of the chest by boob plate is a hit that would still have impacted the side of the chest without it- endangering rather than the sternum, the heart and lungs. I would still take my chances with the boob plate over no armor.

2019-01-12, 10:57 PM
Being hit dead center with a baseball bat still has a moderate chance of killing you. The danger is not necessarily the cutting power of the sword.

But it's better than a cotton sweatshirt is what I'm saying.

It's a bad design. But a badly designed piece of steel is better than no steel at protecting you.

And swords are not baseball bats. The blunt impact is pretty low, the blade is light(ish) and balanced near the hand to be agile, not near the point of impact like a hammer. It relies on the edge or point to do most of the damage.

That's why we can do HEMA with realistic weighted swords with a blunt edge and not die all that often. I wouldn't do HEMA sparring with realistically weighted maces. Because those are just maces.

2019-01-13, 01:22 AM
We're looking for a narrow condition in which a non-lethal strike becomes potentially lethal because of the shape of the armor plate, and I'm not certain that there is such a condition.

An otherwise ineffective strike would continue to be ineffective, and otherwise penetrating strike would continue to be penetrating. The shape doesn't magnify the force of the strike or anything, and a regular plate isn't notably more deflective in shape.

The only real thing I can see would be if the manufacture of the shape compromised the integrity of the material at the joint, which is I think probably a non-factor.

It's silly, sure, to stamp a plate into the shape of breasts. However, I don't believe doing so would relevantly compromise the mechanical protective effects of the armor, and it definitely wouldn't be a "oh, you shouldn't do that if you want to live".

The most compelling reason, besides aesthetics, to not wear a boobplate would be because armor isn't worn against the skin. There are multiple layers of cloth and chainmail armor underneath the outer plate, and underneath all of that I'm not convinced that my breasts would be well enough defined to place a shaped plate over.

2019-01-13, 04:15 AM
A hit that would be deflected into the center of the chest by boob plate is a hit that would still have impacted the side of the chest without it- endangering rather than the sternum, the heart and lungs.
Allow me to be pedantic. [Granted, just fill in the retroactive forms.] Thank you!
Whenever you wear armour, even if it somehow did not affect mobility at all, it would sometimes catch things that would not have touched you without it - simply because it enlarges the target box that is you. Certain kinds of boob plate would be particularly egregious about this.

I would still take my chances with the boob plate over no armor.
Me too. And I don't think anyone in this thread is saying they wouldn't, outside of some pretty specific circumstances. But I wouldn't make boob plate for combat purposes if I had a choice. Fill the gap between the boobs instead. It's quicker and easier to do, and makes stronger armour that is easier to maintain. Make something for parade purposes you can put over it, made of textile, if you absolutely must have boobage.


2019-01-13, 08:44 AM
Here's some other things:


Your images don't show up, I think imgur hates us or something.

Edit: Huh, now they do.

2019-01-13, 09:01 AM
Your images don't show up, I think imgur hates us or something.

Edit: Huh, now they do.

Imgur doesn't let us embed images anymore, I think.

Who wants that to be the next thread title?

2019-01-13, 12:57 PM

Edit to add: By Johnson Ting (https://www.artstation.com/johnsonting)

2019-01-13, 01:16 PM
And yet somehow they manage to have more believable breastplates, and some other bits of the armor, than a lot of fantasy-genre artwork...

2019-01-13, 02:21 PM

Awesome, where did you find those?

2019-01-13, 07:15 PM
Awesome, where did you find those?

I don't know who made them - someone posted them on RPG.net, so I'm sharing them here.


2019-01-14, 11:02 AM
Long time lurker here. Need some help. Playing a wolf scarred small aasimar paladin. Basically, I need halfling sized, dog faced male, preferably with armor and shield

2019-01-14, 11:13 AM
Long time lurker here. Need some help. Playing a wolf scarred small aasimar paladin. Basically, I need halfling sized, dog faced male, preferably with armor and shield

Small Werewolf fighter which i thought a nice loose term for what was asked got me a lot of Kate Beckinsale...

Not what you wanted but it looked cool

2019-01-14, 11:30 AM

Oh man, I adore those. I want to play in a roller-jousting game now. 11/10.

2019-01-14, 01:12 PM
Small Werewolf fighter which i thought a nice loose term for what was asked got me a lot of Kate Beckinsale...
Sounds nice!


2019-01-15, 12:13 AM
The rollerblading knights are by Johnson Ting (https://www.artstation.com/johnsonting).

2019-01-16, 03:29 PM

2019-01-17, 01:50 PM




Angel Bob
2019-01-18, 04:42 PM
I've got a fun challenge for the thread. I'm playing a warlock with a celestial pact and flavoring her as a magical girl, a la Sailor Moon or Madoka Magica. Her fully-fledged magical girl outfit won't kick until 2nd level, when she gets Mask of Many Faces. Until then, she's stuck as a human healer-acolyte with leather armor and a crossbow. After 2nd level, I'm planning for her to be a moon-themed magical girl with cold/radiant spells and illusions. I'm interested to see what art out there could apply to her in both her "civilian clothes" and her magical outfit.

2019-01-18, 09:29 PM




2019-01-18, 11:21 PM
I made slight modifications to some art you all put me towards finding awhile back. Funny how as DM you might get an idea that bounces around in the background of the story for a few months. The original whoever created it is 1,000% better than my clone stamped hack but I felt a calmer version was best for my group.

Original on the right. Be kind about my photoshop skills please.

Original right next to a mod:

Red Eyes:

Green Eyes:

2019-01-18, 11:23 PM
I made slight modifications to some art you all put me towards finding awhile back. Funny how as DM you might get an idea that bounces around in the background of the story for a few months. The original whoever created it is 1,000% better than my clone stamped hack but I felt a calmer version was best for my group.

Original on the right. Be kind about my photoshop skills please.

Original right next to a mod:

Red Eyes:

Green Eyes:

Imgur doesn't work on this site anymore.

2019-01-18, 11:37 PM
I'm seeing them, at least right now.

2019-01-19, 12:44 AM
I'm seeing them, at least right now.

It worked on my pc but not my cell. Interesting.

What's the preferred hosting site?

2019-01-19, 01:42 AM
I have a bit of a specific request--

Male, human or half-elf looking, with some sort of leaf or branch pattern (like a tattoo) featuring prominently over part of their face. Casting some sort of nature magic is a plus.

2019-01-19, 03:21 AM
I'm not sure what the campaigns are,

By Gael Bertrand

2019-01-19, 09:29 PM
I've got a fun challenge for the thread. I'm playing a warlock with a celestial pact and flavoring her as a magical girl, a la Sailor Moon or Madoka Magica. Her fully-fledged magical girl outfit won't kick until 2nd level, when she gets Mask of Many Faces. Until then, she's stuck as a human healer-acolyte with leather armor and a crossbow. After 2nd level, I'm planning for her to be a moon-themed magical girl with cold/radiant spells and illusions. I'm interested to see what art out there could apply to her in both her "civilian clothes" and her magical outfit.

Does it matter how large the crossbow is?


The Glyphstone
2019-01-19, 10:15 PM
I'm not sure what the campaigns are,

By Gael Bertrand

First can only be RIFTS.

Second I'd say Spirit of the Century, or a similar pulp-adventure setting.

Dunno about the third.

2019-01-20, 06:49 AM





https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/a2f55b17-6ac3-4fcf-8319-68411e68591a/dbpodip-e72b27c4-3eff-4833-84b2-39c2cdd89a8e.jpg/v1/fill/w_752,h_1063,q_70,strp/sirida_solis__human_fighter_revisited_by_bchart_db podip-pre.jpg




2019-01-21, 03:11 PM

2019-01-23, 04:50 PM

2019-01-23, 05:29 PM
well you'll learn fast to feed it on time

2019-01-23, 08:10 PM

That seems like a poor trigger mechanism for the cat. Is the intent that you have to pick the cat up and point it in the right direction to shoot?

Also, the cat's going to have to get human assistance to reload.

That's pretty awesome. Also, it's a cat's dream come true. Finally it has the secret of the humans' loud noise death ray.

2019-01-24, 07:54 AM
That seems like a poor trigger mechanism for the cat. Is the intent that you have to pick the cat up and point it in the right direction to shoot?

Also, the cat's going to have to get human assistance to reload.

That's pretty awesome. Also, it's a cat's dream come true. Finally it has the secret of the humans' loud noise death ray.
Maybe its a psychic cat. It can telekinetically reload and press the trigger.

2019-01-29, 07:51 AM
Can I have some help with a character portrait? I need a picture of someone who is equally at home digging through accounts and interrogating syndicate members about where loaned money has gone, possibly after knocking them unconscious with a quarterstaff.
Some magic is fine, nothing major or offensive, a D&D Prestidigitation or Mage Hand is the limit.
Quarterstaff would be nice, but not needed
1880s Chicago is the setting
Suit or coat would be nice.
Human Male.
Thank you for your time and effort.

2019-01-29, 08:50 AM
Can I have some help with a character portrait? I need a picture of someone who is equally at home digging through accounts and interrogating syndicate members about where loaned money has gone, possibly after knocking them unconscious with a quarterstaff.
Some magic is fine, nothing major or offensive, a D&D Prestidigitation or Mage Hand is the limit.
Quarterstaff would be nice, but not needed
1880s Chicago is the setting
Suit or coat would be nice.
Human Male.
Thank you for your time and effort.

Okay, let's see. This sounds like a mixup of Wax and Wayne from the second Mistborn series, with a personality trending towards Wax, and a general fighting style trending towards wayne.


edit: those should be three images. If any don't show up, please do tell.

2019-01-29, 09:02 PM
Thanks! Found one from the suggestions, but I'm not sure it fits entirely. Also, cool books, looking now.
Edit: My charecter also has some of Wayne's methods, given +12 bluff, +8 disguise at level 1

2019-02-02, 01:41 AM
I need a picture of tanks fighting monsters, or a dragon fighting aircraft, or just anything modern fighting a fantasy army. Even a superhero fighting them would work. I havent been able to find much so Im hoping someone here has something.

2019-02-02, 08:25 AM
I need a picture of tanks fighting monsters, or a dragon fighting aircraft, or just anything modern fighting a fantasy army. Even a superhero fighting them would work. I havent been able to find much so Im hoping someone here has something.

The recent anime GATE might help. That was basically its entire premise.

2019-02-02, 11:18 AM
I need a picture of tanks fighting monsters, or a dragon fighting aircraft, or just anything modern fighting a fantasy army. Even a superhero fighting them would work. I havent been able to find much so Im hoping someone here has something.

The recent anime GATE might help. That was basically its entire premise.

There's also stuff from the movie Reign of Fire (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reign_of_Fire_(film)):



https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjI3NDI2OTk2N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTAxNTcxMjE@._ V1_SX1777_CR0,0,1777,999_AL_.jpg

Beyond that, the TVTropes pages for "Weird Historical War (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WeirdHistoricalWar)" and "Magic Versus Technology War (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheMagicVersusTechnologyWar)" might also lead you to other stuff you could use.

2019-02-02, 12:50 PM
But it's better than a cotton sweatshirt is what I'm saying.

It's a bad design. But a badly designed piece of steel is better than no steel at protecting you.

And swords are not baseball bats. The blunt impact is pretty low, the blade is light(ish) and balanced near the hand to be agile, not near the point of impact like a hammer. It relies on the edge or point to do most of the damage.

There's also the matter of how swords are a lot more flexible, in terms of a stab.

2019-02-02, 02:21 PM
I need a picture of tanks fighting monsters, or a dragon fighting aircraft, or just anything modern fighting a fantasy army. Even a superhero fighting them would work. I havent been able to find much so Im hoping someone here has something.

Funny you should speak of it! I have a pencil sketch of a SAM launcher engaging dragons that I made when I was bored a few days ago.

It's not high quality art, but since it came up...


There is a dearth of art of FlaK guns and missiles swatting dragons from the sky. I like to feature VT-fused quick-firing air-defense weapons mounted on castle towers and city walls in my D&D games; to explain why the kingdom isn't perpetually threatened by dragon raids, and why dragons live in mountain caves instead of the flaming ruins of cities and farms.

2019-02-02, 03:35 PM
There is a dearth of art of FlaK guns and missiles swatting dragons from the sky. I like to feature VT-fused quick-firing air-defense weapons mounted on castle towers and city walls in my D&D games; to explain why the kingdom isn't perpetually threatened by dragon raids, and why dragons live in mountain caves instead of the flaming ruins of cities and farms.

VT? What's VT, precioussss?

2019-02-02, 03:56 PM
VT? What's VT, precioussss?

Variable Time

2019-02-02, 04:38 PM
VT? What's VT, precioussss?

It stands for "Variable Time", which is a code word used to refer to proximity fuses.

Hitting fast moving aircraft with antitaircraft fire is very hard. Most AA was [and to some degree still is], conducted by firing lots of shells very quickly in the general direction of a flyer. However, this isn't very efficient, and a lot of small-caliber AA fire also isn't very lethal.

Heavy AA guns, like the 8.8cm FlaK gun, were much more destructive. They didn't need to score a direct hit; since the shells exploded, a near miss could still be lethal. The question is, how do you get the shell to explode near the target. At the beginning of WWII, this was accomplished by having rangefinders determine the altitude and bearing of the aircraft, and setting a altitude or time fuse to explode when the shell arrived at the height the airplane was flying. However, if the airplane was maneuvering, or your rangefinding was slightly off, your shells would explode too early or too late, and not threaten the plane. Late in the war, the allies invented a proximity fuse for the 5" DP guns, codenamed "Variable Time" fuses to hide their nature from Axis spies, which didn't need to predict how high the plane was. They had a miniature radar set that would tell the shell when the plane was close so it could explode. This increased the lethal area pretty drastically, reduced the rounds-per-kill by like half, and was generally a massive boost for allied AA.

The majority of kills was still accomplished via more dakka, but the VT fuses were a major breakthrough in AA warfare.

I imagine that this effect can be fairly easily accomplished with D&D magic; by enchanting a shell or bolt with a detection spell linked to whatever creates the explosion; since both detection and explosion magics are widely available [and at fairly low level]. Something salvoing large volumes of such projectiles into the sky should be reasonably sufficient to deter all but the most determined of dragon/airship/flying nasty assault, especially considering that most artillery options would fairly easily outrage most retalitory magic options.

There fundamentally must be some kind of anti-monster magic/technology mix reasonably available to kingdoms and cities for society to exist in a world where a random flying sky-lizard could swoop in and burn your wheat fields on tuesday. I chose to feature heavy defensive emplacements protecting cities, because I like artillery and have faith in engineering to overcome natural challenges. Theoretically, a dedicated rapid-response dragonslayer corps, or preemptive measures like hunting them down and killing them before they can grow, etc. could also serve to secure the cities and the countryside against monster threat.

2019-02-02, 08:50 PM
Thanks very much for all the pictures and the links. :smile:

2019-02-03, 01:46 AM
I need a picture of tanks fighting monsters, or a dragon fighting aircraft, or just anything modern fighting a fantasy army. Even a superhero fighting them would work. I havent been able to find much so Im hoping someone here has something.

Might not be quite what you wanted, but here is a link to one of my favorite pictures.

2019-02-03, 11:21 AM
It stands for "Variable Time", which is a code word used to refer to proximity fuses.

*slaps own head*... I really should have recognised that. Spent enough time on military history, and I knew perfectly well about the introduction of proximity fuses, just had forgotten the codename. Thanks!

2019-02-03, 03:58 PM
But it's better than a cotton sweatshirt is what I'm saying.

It's a bad design. But a badly designed piece of steel is better than no steel at protecting you.

And swords are not baseball bats. The blunt impact is pretty low, the blade is light(ish) and balanced near the hand to be agile, not near the point of impact like a hammer. It relies on the edge or point to do most of the damage.

That's why we can do HEMA with realistic weighted swords with a blunt edge and not die all that often. I wouldn't do HEMA sparring with realistically weighted maces. Because those are just maces.

Well, yeah, that's the thing--you don't bash away at plate armor with a sword. Ideally, if you're fighting an opponent wearing plate, you want to use a mace or war hammer or the like, not a sword. If you do have to use a sword to fight a plate armor-wearing opponent, you try to get the point of your blade into one of the gaps in the armor, not bash it against the plates (which is just a good way to damage the edge of your blade).

2019-02-04, 03:50 PM
Well, yeah, that's the thing--you don't bash away at plate armor with a sword. Ideally, if you're fighting an opponent wearing plate, you want to use a mace or war hammer or the like, not a sword. If you do have to use a sword to fight a plate armor-wearing opponent, you try to get the point of your blade into one of the gaps in the armor, not bash it against the plates (which is just a good way to damage the edge of your blade).

Yeah. I know.

This was in response to somebody a million pages back who said that boob plate armor was worse than no armor at all, specifically referencing swords in the previous post.

To clarify, a piece of badly shaped but hardened steel is better to have on when hit by any pre-gunpowder weapon than no armor. Not as good as properly shaped piece of steel, but better than linen.

There will come a day when a reply on the internet does not focus on the least relevant detail of a lengthy post...


2019-02-04, 10:17 PM
Well, yeah, that's the thing--you don't bash away at plate armor with a sword. Ideally, if you're fighting an opponent wearing plate, you want to use a mace or war hammer or the like, not a sword. If you do have to use a sword to fight a plate armor-wearing opponent, you try to get the point of your blade into one of the gaps in the armor, not bash it against the plates (which is just a good way to damage the edge of your blade).

Actually, depending on the sword and quality of the plate, that's exactly what you would do. Beating somebody with a sword isn't great for the sword, but they still have mass, and will still disfigure the armor similar to an axe or mace if you hit them hard enough. It wasn't ideal, but penetrating plate was perfectly possible with a sword, if harder.

2019-02-05, 07:07 AM
By all means have the discussion but try and post a picture with the text at the very least.





2019-02-06, 11:21 AM
Actually, depending on the sword and quality of the plate, that's exactly what you would do. Beating somebody with a sword isn't great for the sword, but they still have mass, and will still disfigure the armor similar to an axe or mace if you hit them hard enough. It wasn't ideal, but penetrating plate was perfectly possible with a sword, if harder.

Good plate (hell, good mail) will rarely, if ever, deform under the kind of weight you can put behind any slashing weapon lighter than a pole axe. We can see this reflected in how period European fighting systems dealt with armor - usually a combination of half-swording (a technique where one hand grasps the sword halfway up the blade, allowing for powerful and precise thrusts at extremely close range), so called “murder strokes” (blows delivered with the pommel or studs on the guard, sometimes while holding the sword by the blade like a long mace or warhammer), and wrestling (usually with the intent of immobilizing the opponent for a killing blow through the gaps in the armor). Similar doctrines can be found in surviving battlefield martial arts from Japan, where armor was slightly less robust - swordfighters were trained to attack the gaps found at an armored opponent’s joints.

Armor piercing weapons work by focusing a lot of energy in a small area, either by accelerating a heavy object around a pivot (maces), by presenting an extremely small striking point with strong mechanical support (estocs), or both (warhammers). Slashing weapons simply do not work these ways (although many can approximate the second on the thrust), instead distributing energy along a line.

2019-02-08, 03:39 AM

2019-02-09, 12:21 PM

2019-02-11, 12:39 AM
















2019-02-11, 01:01 AM
I... don't have any offerings. But I was wondering if I could get some help. I've been having a bit of trouble looking so this seemed the place to check.

I'm looking for a picture of a middle aged gentleman in ragged clothing. Someone who looks like they live on the street. Not someone particularly old, or dirty, just someone that would blend into the background on the street.

Someone like the topsy king from fallen london if that helps but with greying hair.

2019-02-11, 01:46 AM

2019-02-11, 01:23 PM
I'm looking for a "powerhouse" style character. Basically a physical combatant that augments him/herself with supernatural power. In other words, a 3.5 or Pathfinder style psychic warrior. Preferably in the act of using their powers, maybe punching through a solid object, partially transforming them self or wreathing them self in some sort of energy. I'd appreciate it if someone could find this for me.

2019-02-11, 09:07 PM

Thanks. That's not far from what I was looking for.


2019-02-12, 12:19 PM
You know what irks me the most in fantasy armor, more than chainmail bikini?

helmets with ear holes.


Lord Raziere
2019-02-12, 01:14 PM
Well technically as warfare progressed, helms actually opened up more and more to allow better hearing and peripheral vision so that people can hear and obey orders better in the middle of battle, so ear holes are not entirely a bad choice, especially since the best thing for any ranged combatant is aim for center of mass rather than some ear.

For Agrippa:


2019-02-12, 01:29 PM
I'm looking for a "powerhouse" style character. Basically a physical combatant that augments him/herself with supernatural power. In other words, a 3.5 or Pathfinder style psychic warrior. Preferably in the act of using their powers, maybe punching through a solid object, partially transforming them self or wreathing them self in some sort of energy. I'd appreciate it if someone could find this for me.

How about these?

https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/01/91/08/45/500_F_191084588_6C6MfcyrQofOhOz6KF7FQZqv8sZJRu6O.j pg

2019-02-12, 06:07 PM
Well technically as warfare progressed, helms actually opened up more and more to allow better hearing and peripheral vision so that people can hear and obey orders better in the middle of battle, so ear holes are not entirely a bad choice, especially since the best thing for any ranged combatant is aim for center of mass rather than some ear.

For Agrippa:


My first thought on looking at those is "do their ears get cut off if the helmet is jostled?"

2019-02-13, 06:20 AM

2019-02-13, 05:01 PM
I'm sorry Razire and Randuir, but those aren't the kinds of images I'm looking for. What I am looking for more along the lines of a character who uses supernatural/superhuman powers to enhance his/her own physical prowess. Something along the lines of turning a limb into a weapon or or feats of superhuman strength and agility.

2019-02-13, 06:25 PM
I'm sorry Razire and Randuir, but those aren't the kinds of images I'm looking for. What I am looking for more along the lines of a character who uses supernatural/superhuman powers to enhance his/her own physical prowess. Something along the lines of turning a limb into a weapon or or feats of superhuman strength and agility.

Wow, I'm beginning to understand why you came here in the first place. With the exception of a couple of drawings of the Sandman from spiderman (I think) nothing came up, no matter what search terms I used. Maybe someone else has more luck.

2019-02-14, 09:01 AM

2019-02-14, 09:47 AM




https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/7520cb0b-d701-494f-9795-8379cfc2c986/dbufnj2-c1f08138-8f6f-4c7d-ae4f-ee12afca8773.jpg/v1/fill/w_755,h_1059,q_70,strp/soul_siphon__a_soul_stones_story_by_dleoblack_dbuf nj2-pre.jpg









2019-02-14, 10:00 AM
I'm sorry Razire and Randuir, but those aren't the kinds of images I'm looking for. What I am looking for more along the lines of a character who uses supernatural/superhuman powers to enhance his/her own physical prowess. Something along the lines of turning a limb into a weapon or or feats of superhuman strength and agility.

Hmm... well, searching for [Graft Weapon d&d](minus brackets) does have people with weapon limbs; would that work? Graft Weapon is a Psychic Warrior power in the first place...

2019-02-14, 03:05 PM
Hmm... well, searching for [Graft Weapon d&d](minus brackets) does have people with weapon limbs; would that work? Graft Weapon is a Psychic Warrior power in the first place...

Yes, that would work.

2019-02-14, 10:56 PM
in so far as turning a arm into a weapon Edward Alric come to mind if you can ignore the fact his arm is mechanical

2019-02-15, 01:33 AM
in so far as turning a arm into a weapon Edward Alric come to mind if you can ignore the fact his arm is mechanical

Sure, why not. Wish I'd thought of that.

2019-02-15, 04:08 AM

2019-02-16, 12:06 AM

2019-02-16, 12:09 AM

Ooh, that's probably a human, right? That could be useful for a couple of "gish" type characters I have in mind...

2019-02-16, 02:16 AM
I believe so but easily could be Half elf or such. Given there is nothing to compare to you could even swing for Halfling





A lil bit o Scifi


2019-02-16, 08:30 AM
Something along the lines of turning a limb into a weapon

It's called clenching your fist. :smallbiggrin:

2019-02-16, 11:54 AM
A lil bit o Scifi


How can you tell that's scifi? Just looks like a woman in armor to me.

2019-02-16, 12:24 PM
How can you tell that's scifi? Just looks like a woman in armor to me.
For me it's the collar. It looks like a pressure suit collar you can attach a (partially) see-through headpiece to. But the window in the background is also pretty modern-looking.


2019-02-16, 12:26 PM
How can you tell that's scifi? Just looks like a woman in armor to me.

As has been said, the color is reminiscent of something for a suit that can be made airtight. Also, the white and red stripe on the arm marks her as an N7 marine from the Mass Effect universe.

Edit:and there's also the rubbery/cable stuff below the collar.

2019-02-16, 12:27 PM
How can you tell that's scifi? Just looks like a woman in armor to me.

First, in general it looks like a space suit.

Second, because that shape and the color scheme scream "Mass Effect".

2019-02-16, 01:04 PM
How can you tell that's scifi? Just looks like a woman in armor to me.

Because the artist who created it said it was their take on Femshep

2019-02-16, 05:45 PM
So here is what I'd like for Christmas: Hoplite-inspired amazons. I get a little bloated with too much cheese, so if we can hold that down, that would be great. :smallwink:

Sometimes, the Greeks also showed them with clothing inspired by hoplites. The one on the right is Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons:


She's almost dressed like a hoplite (she has all of the basic pieces except shin armour), albeit with exotic elements, like a leopard skin on her armour.

And we also have Late Medieval Amazons! :D


2019-02-17, 07:25 AM












2019-02-17, 01:38 PM
@ Vinyadan: Thanks!



2019-02-19, 08:40 PM
@ Vinyadan: Thanks!



That sword in the 2nd photo is a pretty cool thing. The rest of it isn't bad either of course. I like the sword in particular though

2019-02-24, 01:20 AM
I have a request, though it may be a little outside the scope of this thread. I need a good wide-shot of a camped army, preferably goblinoids, though any monstrous humanoid army will do. I'm presently running Red Hand of Doom on roll20, and would like the make an impression with the 'wham' scene at the end of the first chapter.

If anyone has anyone familiar with the module has any good art to use, I definitely wouldn't say no to anything put forward.

2019-02-24, 05:44 AM
I have a request, though it may be a little outside the scope of this thread. I need a good wide-shot of a camped army, preferably goblinoids, though any monstrous humanoid army will do. I'm presently running Red Hand of Doom on roll20, and would like the make an impression with the 'wham' scene at the end of the first chapter.

If anyone has anyone familiar with the module has any good art to use, I definitely wouldn't say no to anything put forward.

Firstly, I found this image of a camp that could be such an army, and it is indeed titled "Orc war camp":


Also, these are pictures (from Lord of the Rings) of Orc armies on the march, rather than encamped, but they could still fit your needs:


2019-02-24, 06:43 AM
I have a request, though it may be a little outside the scope of this thread. I need a good wide-shot of a camped army, preferably goblinoids, though any monstrous humanoid army will do. I'm presently running Red Hand of Doom on roll20, and would like the make an impression with the 'wham' scene at the end of the first chapter.

If anyone has anyone familiar with the module has any good art to use, I definitely wouldn't say no to anything put forward.

Since Imgur doesn't embed here any more, I'll just throw a few links here.




Would any of the images in the links work?

2019-02-24, 06:48 AM
Can someone give me the heads up on the rules for this thread? I see a lot of great art, but finding it hard to see if there is any rhyme or reason for the posts. Also, is this art free of copyright or just cool things people found on the internet?

2019-02-24, 08:06 AM
Can someone give me the heads up on the rules for this thread? I see a lot of great art, but finding it hard to see if there is any rhyme or reason for the posts. Also, is this art free of copyright or just cool things people found on the internet?

Rules of the forums say no using art without the permission of its owner, which extends to this thread. Beyond that, sometimes people will request to find specific kinds of images, and the rest are pretty much whatever the poster finds cool enough to post. If somebody references taxes, theyre joking. You aren't actually required to post images to participate.

2019-02-26, 12:57 AM



















2019-03-02, 11:28 AM

2019-03-02, 12:46 PM

I love the expresion on her face.

Who's the artist on this one?

2019-03-02, 11:46 PM
No idea sorry, it was just the image in my feed that someone else had put in with no page links to artists or such.

2019-03-03, 08:33 AM
No idea sorry, it was just the image in my feed that someone else had put in with no page links to artists or such.

People have a bad habit of doing that to images, sadly. I'm all for images being out there, but artists should get credit at least.

2019-03-03, 12:13 PM
So, a small challenge. I'm looking for spellcasters (ideally cute males, but not necessarily), that are casting spells that aren't the typical blasting spells. Especially Illusion, Divination, Abjuration and Transmutation spells.

Also, any cool Artificers? Kinda looking for inspiration for the new UA Artificer.

2019-03-03, 04:33 PM
So, a small challenge. I'm looking for spellcasters (ideally cute males, but not necessarily), that are casting spells that aren't the typical blasting spells. Especially Illusion, Divination, Abjuration and Transmutation spells.

Also, any cool Artificers? Kinda looking for inspiration for the new UA Artificer.



2019-03-04, 04:41 AM
Thought it said alchemist not Artificer so the first few are with a alchemical feel


















2019-03-04, 06:39 PM
Anyone have a good picture of a pulp or noir style detective? Preferably ex-detective, looking rather worn out in a ratty suit. Sitting at a bar would be acceptable. I'm having a surprisingly hard time finding pictures like that.

But it's not quite haggard enough.

2019-03-08, 07:02 AM




2019-03-08, 08:26 AM
Anyone have a good picture of a pulp or noir style detective? Preferably ex-detective, looking rather worn out in a ratty suit. Sitting at a bar would be acceptable. I'm having a surprisingly hard time finding pictures like that.

But it's not quite haggard enough.

...Did you not try just searching "noir detective (https://www.google.com/search?q=noir+detective&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6yJS5z_LgAhVConEKHU6MDlIQ_AUIDigB&cshid=1552050911683230&biw=1536&bih=722)" in google image search, imgur, pinterest? Because that gets you loads of stuff.



2019-03-09, 03:35 PM
...Did you not try just searching "noir detective (https://www.google.com/search?q=noir+detective&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6yJS5z_LgAhVConEKHU6MDlIQ_AUIDigB&cshid=1552050911683230&biw=1536&bih=722)" in google image search, imgur, pinterest? Because that gets you loads of stuff.

I did, but very little with an appropriate level of scruffiness. Or even at a bar for that matter, like the first one you posted.

2019-03-09, 09:48 PM
I did, but very little with an appropriate level of scruffiness. Or even at a bar for that matter, like the first one you posted.

Have you looked at the images for John Constantine? There is a lot of real life images of Matt Ryan (actor portraying the role in the Arrowverse), and some similar artwork that seems like it could do in a pinch.

2019-03-10, 01:37 PM
Have you looked at the images for John Constantine? There is a lot of real life images of Matt Ryan (actor portraying the role in the Arrowverse), and some similar artwork that seems like it could do in a pinch.

Some good stuff in there, thanks. I'll take a look through there.

2019-03-12, 10:15 PM
Hi there.
I'm looking for art for a Tiefling alchemist.
What I want in order of importance
-Alchemical paraphernalia: bottles, potions, etc.
-Sensibly proportioned and clothed
-Goggles or glasses
-Other artificer-related items: clockwork gadgets, etc.

2019-03-12, 10:43 PM
Hi there.
I'm looking for art for a Tiefling alchemist.
What I want in order of importance
-Alchemical paraphernalia: bottles, potions, etc.
-Sensibly proportioned and clothed
-Goggles or glasses
-Other artificer-related items: clockwork gadgets, etc.

Just poking around:






2019-03-14, 08:31 AM
I'm looking for art of a female android (a gynoid, if you will) monk or martial artist, and all the cyberpunk art collections I've looked at are extremely sexualized, so let's not have anything like that. Bonus points if she dresses flashy.

2019-03-14, 08:03 PM
I'm looking for art of a female android (a gynoid, if you will) monk or martial artist, and all the cyberpunk art collections I've looked at are extremely sexualized, so let's not have anything like that. Bonus points if she dresses flashy.

First thing I thought of was the cover for the Novafist character class for Starfinder, but can't find a clean copy of the picture.

2019-03-15, 09:43 AM
I'm looking for art of a female android (a gynoid, if you will) monk or martial artist, and all the cyberpunk art collections I've looked at are extremely sexualized, so let's not have anything like that. Bonus points if she dresses flashy.

My first thought is Alita Battle Angel, althought that might be too well-known to use as character art?
Here's a few images of her I pulled off Google though.


2019-03-15, 02:28 PM
My first thought is Alita Battle Angel, althought that might be too well-known to use as character art?
Here's a few images of her I pulled off Google though.


Considering the manga she's from has been running since the 90s, you can almost certainly find something if she fits your prerequisites.

... actually, you might just want to look into art from that series. There's a lot of female cyborg kung fu masters in it.

2019-03-20, 10:22 PM








2019-03-24, 04:51 PM
I need pictures like these, especially of a female who matches the male a bit more and who isn't eating an arm.



2019-03-24, 05:52 PM
Any chance of a female Tabaxi / catfolk wielding a hand crossbow? Bonus points for dual wielding and a dynamic pose.

2019-03-25, 06:04 PM
Howdy! I am looking for a male hunchback torch-bearer or cart driver. really, just cool looking hunchbacks

2019-03-25, 07:04 PM
Howdy! I am looking for a male hunchback torch-bearer or cart driver. really, just cool looking hunchbacks






2019-03-28, 12:52 AM

2019-04-04, 01:13 AM


2019-04-05, 10:30 PM
A Player has provided me with a character in his backstory named Violet Starshadow who is going to offer the party an escort quest. Knowing him and the group this just has to be a mix between Admiral Cain and Lori Loughlin's daughter.

If anyone has a not obviously good or evil Warlock version of her:

and maybe a once again not obviously good or evil Dragonborn Sorcerer version of the one on the left:


it would help out. Monster and character pics on the tablet have become mandatory.

2019-04-05, 10:37 PM
And to give back after my previous post....plus I have found a new hosting site:





2019-04-06, 06:55 PM
A Player has provided me with a character in his backstory named Violet Starshadow who is going to offer the party an escort quest. Knowing him and the group this just has to be a mix between Admiral Cain and Lori Loughlin's daughter.

You guys gonna escort her through the dreaded College Admission Forest and defeat all the enemies for her?

Ms Loughlin would seem a good choice

2019-04-10, 01:58 PM

2019-04-13, 12:11 PM
Would anyone happen to have some pictures of drow, who are not trying to look mean or evil? I'm actually looking for a female wizard drider, who fell afoul of a helm of opposite alignment. But I guess I can just use a drow and crop the image.

2019-04-13, 02:22 PM
Google turned this up. Maybe along the lines of what you're looking for?


EDIT: Well that didn't work. Give me a minute.
EDIT EDIT: There we go.

2019-04-13, 02:31 PM
EDIT: Well that didn't work. Give me a minute.
Well, with an avatar like that, this is going to be great. I'm on tenterhooks! :smallsmile:

Edit: Whoah, nice! Thank you! :smallbiggrin:

2019-04-13, 03:52 PM
Hard to find a Drider thats safe for on here as well as look "nice"...





2019-04-14, 02:20 AM
Hard to find a Drider thats safe for on here as well as look "nice"...
I know. Thanks for the contribution! It might be going just a tad far in the civilized direction, given that the PCs meet the drider underground and in isolation. But who knows, if they befriend her and bring her to the surface? :smallbiggrin:

2019-04-14, 05:14 AM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/df696717-68bb-4577-858d-a9044123a689/d79rqor-f60cfdfb-f32a-465d-b120-da699f364b43.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2RmNjk2NzE3LTY4YmItNDU3Ny04NT hkLWE5MDQ0MTIzYTY4OVwvZDc5cnFvci1mNjBjZmRmYi1mMzJh LTQ2NWQtYjEyMC1kYTY5OWYzNjRiNDMuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.e_1OUBcL jVZQrEHK4_0dOOo4-xdsoPGSmoAmwajivys



2019-04-14, 08:45 AM
Would it be OK if I asked people to put a note on the spoiler when it's going to have spider stuff in it?

2019-04-14, 11:02 AM
I can't promise that I or anyone else will remember to do this, but it's a reasonable request for sure.

2019-04-14, 12:23 PM
Anyone got an idea fit for an Asmodean (Pathfinder, Cheliax so pentagram iconography) Cleric? Human, barrister/lawyer type, elegant moreso than battle ready. Can look brimstoney and sorcery just no heavy armors please. He CAN wear heavy armor but I assume anything heavier than a Chainshirt worn underneath ceremonial robes is not fitting.

2019-04-15, 11:11 AM
Here be Spiders


https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/310cffff-e634-4de6-b97b-c007a2c2a5b8/d1mubrq-3994a0d8-fdfd-4f64-bda3-fc51595ba872.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzMxMGNmZmZmLWU2MzQtNGRlNi1iOT diLWMwMDdhMmMyYTViOFwvZDFtdWJycS0zOTk0YTBkOC1mZGZk LTRmNjQtYmRhMy1mYzUxNTk1YmE4NzIuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.yACg3Qam BQ-A_ZlRs-sl1pMa6C__Drvg1HfvpNvK9ow


Everything else











https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/e9dc60e6-3f47-419a-9804-f455fecf3afc/dcbbez8-81b65371-8c4a-45ff-9829-235daff03bb2.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_999,q_70,strp/orusha__the_fire_hands_clan_by_thiago_almeida_dcbb ez8-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9 .eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZ DQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTg yMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7Imhla WdodCI6Ijw9MTEyMyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2U5ZGM2MGU2LTN mNDctNDE5YS05ODA0LWY0NTVmZWNmM2FmY1wvZGNiYmV6OC04M WI2NTM3MS04YzRhLTQ1ZmYtOTgyOS0yMzVkYWZmMDNiYjIuanB nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTkwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2Vyd mljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.G6lR3ZC4VFyygD2gi2 NaJu_5jtkIJag1sbg2JkzXxD8





2019-04-17, 04:45 AM





MTG, Grisly Salvage, Friday Night Magic promotional version







2019-04-22, 04:33 AM
Hello. I'm looking for a pics of a robot that turns into a shoulder mounted weapon. Preferably some form of rocket launcher. So far, the closest thing I've found is some mech from xenogears, but it doesn`t quite fit what I have in mind.

2019-04-26, 12:00 PM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/bf23f8c2-016d-4a70-a3f1-179772e39b4e/dd5g0uq-1da13b76-b8ed-40b1-918d-1a04050bf170.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_1273,q_75,strp/mya_by_junejenssen_dd5g0uq-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTI3MyIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2JmMjNmOG MyLTAxNmQtNGE3MC1hM2YxLTE3OTc3MmUzOWI0ZVwvZGQ1ZzB1 cS0xZGExM2I3Ni1iOGVkLTQwYjEtOTE4ZC0xYTA0MDUwYmYxNz AuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTkwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46 c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.9-kPlRommzKxi1giwrNKCxsnEi1UCC9XzDIdMBVnYXY



2019-04-29, 06:29 AM
Hello, I'm looking for Halfling Rogues picture. I only have the swashbuckler one from pathfinder which, while fitting, might be a bit too much flamboyant for my taste


2019-04-29, 11:41 AM
Hello, I'm looking for Halfling Rogues picture.
Well there's only one, here. But what a one!

2019-04-29, 11:45 AM
Dolly Parton hair and sloppy with the goods. Meh.

2019-04-30, 12:26 AM
Well there's only one, here.
There's ~120 here (https://we-are-rogue.tumblr.com/search/halfling+gallery). Happy scrolling. Here are my favourites:

by Matthew McEntire (https://www.artstation.com/matthewmcentire)

by In2Eternity (https://www.deviantart.com/in2eternity/art/Halfling-587834710)

by Marco González (https://www.artstation.com/asfodelo)

by count-joshula (https://www.deviantart.com/count-joshula)

by Florian Stitz (https://www.artstation.com/florianstitz)

by Ekaterina Burmak (https://www.artstation.com/katemaxpaint)

by WillOBrien (https://www.deviantart.com/willobrien)

by IanPerks (https://www.deviantart.com/ianperks)

by George Marnero (https://www.artstation.com/krunkid)

by Lee Moyer (https://www.leemoyer.com)

2019-04-30, 12:00 PM





2019-05-01, 04:02 AM
Dolly Parton hair and sloppy with the goods. Meh.

You mean the loot, of the "goods"? Elmore's always been a bit cheesecake!

Tax - from my good wife's collection:
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/9389d084-b194-4f42-8e5d-c8512bb2dc03/dd238dt-a1f8bc4e-6a63-4eec-88ef-cee67c91a2aa.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzkzODlkMDg0LWIxOTQtNGY0Mi04ZT VkLWM4NTEyYmIyZGMwM1wvZGQyMzhkdC1hMWY4YmM0ZS02YTYz LTRlZWMtODhlZi1jZWU2N2M5MWEyYWEucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.kAG_YqAM _aviz5nSm7PO8yVirw3Z8aPQfKgKQxj19uE

2019-05-01, 06:52 AM
You mean the loot, of the "goods"? Elmore's always been a bit cheesecake!

I meant the loot that she's barely keeping in that sack, yes.

2019-05-01, 12:15 PM
Is there a good library of free game asset portraits out there? I wouldn't put them in commercial products or anything; my players have accumulated a good number of followers and I'd like to put some little portraits in the doc to make it more appealing/easier to glance at and understand.

2019-05-01, 02:48 PM
Is there a good library of free game asset portraits out there? I wouldn't put them in commercial products or anything; my players have accumulated a good number of followers and I'd like to put some little portraits in the doc to make it more appealing/easier to glance at and understand.
Maybe these can do something forr you?


2019-05-29, 01:42 AM









2019-06-10, 09:28 AM

2019-06-18, 02:53 PM

2019-06-25, 10:49 AM
Hey, I’ve got another request.

I’m looking for art of something resembling an ogre playing a musical instrument.

2019-06-25, 11:02 PM

2019-06-26, 02:49 PM
Looking for Egyptian Gnomes. I know, right?

They need not actually be Egyptian. Any desert appropriate clothing would be fine here. Thanks for the help.

2019-06-26, 03:27 PM
Looking for Egyptian Gnomes. I know, right?

They need not actually be Egyptian. Any desert appropriate clothing would be fine here. Thanks for the help.

Maybe try searching for Uldum Pygmies?

2019-06-28, 12:35 AM

That’s great! Thanks, leon!

2019-06-30, 12:12 AM
Hey all! Another art request, this time for my own personal use. I'm running a module, and I need a shot of a high priest of Tiamat. Needs to be monstrous, but humanoid, a dude is preferable but not required. For reference, I'm running Red Hand of Doom. The reasons I don't want to use the book image of Kul is:
a) I'm rearranging things, and Kharn is the half-dragon, not Kul. Don't feeling like doubling up on that vibe. Also...
b) The stock image from the book features a pair of erinyes flanking Kul. It would be difficult to crop them out, I'd be left with purely a head-shot, and the one time it came up on GIS had a really obnoxious Shutterstock watermark.

Thanks in advance for everyone's help.

2019-07-07, 05:51 AM
I love the expresion on her face.

Who's the artist on this one?

I found the Artist for that picture


2019-07-07, 09:49 AM
I found the Artist for that picture


Since we don't have +1s, take this virtual +1.

2019-07-08, 10:23 PM
I found the Artist for that picture




The Glyphstone
2019-07-12, 11:09 AM
I'm looking for a picture of a man with noticeable cybernetic/bionic augmentation to part of his face/head; something more substantial than just a cybernetic eye. Other bionic additions/replacements optional, the important part here is the headshot.

2019-07-12, 12:11 PM
I'm looking for a picture of a man with noticeable cybernetic/bionic augmentation to part of his face/head; something more substantial than just a cybernetic eye. Other bionic additions/replacements optional, the important part here is the headshot.

Should we just automatically disqualify any flavor of Cyborg from the Teen Titans/Justice League?

2019-07-12, 01:23 PM
Should we just automatically disqualify any flavor of Cyborg from the Teen Titans/Justice League?

And presumably also the Adeptus Mechanicus. They've got a lot more cybernetics than just an eye, and the servitors tend to have at least some part of a fleshy face left.

2019-07-12, 06:03 PM
A few cyborgs.
Sorry for links instead of pics, but easier for my tablet.

El Dorado
2019-07-12, 06:24 PM
Looking for a male gnome ranger (or a lightly armored fighter-type) wielding a short bow or longbow—-not a crossbow.

The Glyphstone
2019-07-12, 07:17 PM
Should we just automatically disqualify any flavor of Cyborg from the Teen Titans/Justice League?

Something in the style of Cyborg would be nice, the character himself is a bit too easily recognizable.

And presumably also the Adeptus Mechanicus. They've got a lot more cybernetics than just an eye, and the servitors tend to have at least some part of a fleshy face left.

AdMech is very much the aesthetic I want, as the character is a nobleman closely allied to Mars but not part of the Mechanicus itself. But all the Mechanicus art I can find has their iconic red robes, which are a symbol of the tech priesthood. So again, similar but too recognizable to use directly.

2019-07-12, 07:35 PM
Something in the style of Cyborg would be nice, the character himself is a bit too easily recognizable.

AdMech is very much the aesthetic I want, as the character is a nobleman closely allied to Mars but not part of the Mechanicus itself. But all the Mechanicus art I can find has their iconic red robes, which are a symbol of the tech priesthood. So again, similar but too recognizable to use directly.

I have a few rangers and vanguards with black robes, and GW has official art for black, white, grey, etc. outfits.

2019-07-13, 01:16 AM
Cyborgs, tried to find more "noble" looking ones










https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/723d93ce-eccd-4137-9ace-6918011752ec/d95s59k-e6227821-abbf-4fc8-8001-68896b9a5bf3.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1821,q_75,strp/strings_by_guesscui_d95s59k-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTgyMSIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzcyM2Q5M2 NlLWVjY2QtNDEzNy05YWNlLTY5MTgwMTE3NTJlY1wvZDk1czU5 ay1lNjIyNzgyMS1hYmJmLTRmYzgtODAwMS02ODg5NmI5YTViZj MuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJu OnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.r5EkOCFkZku vM14GOUiBQUHXeaTPU_AZc7txu9v6ZyU

The Glyphstone
2019-07-13, 09:05 AM
Those first three are excellent, thanks!

2019-07-16, 04:00 PM
Anyone have a male halfling? He’s a bard, a warlock, or -gasp- a bardlock?

2019-07-19, 08:28 AM
I'm looking for a gnome with a Middle Eastern vibe.

2019-07-19, 10:34 AM
I'm looking for a gnome with a Middle Eastern vibe.
Redwizard007 was looking for an Egyptian gnome a little earlier on in this thread. I don't know if that helps.

2019-07-19, 01:41 PM
Gnomes are surprisingly hard to find art for and so at times is the case for halflings

In part because some GM's are dumb and cannot differentiate the two and/or combine them

And in part because of poor representation because way too many players view playing as a small race as too great a disadvantage unless they get to be really silly.

2019-07-19, 02:39 PM
Try searching for Zakhara gnome or Al Qadim gnome.

Kitten Champion
2019-07-19, 04:18 PM
The Dunesfolk Lalafell from Final Fantasy 14 are desert-dwelling/Middle Eastern gnomes, essentially.


...but there isn't much in the way of fan-art or the like for them, in a casual search I found mostly just the in-game models like the above.

2019-07-19, 04:23 PM
The Dunesfolk Lalafell from Final Fantasy 14 are desert-dwelling/Middle Eastern gnomes, essentially.


...but there isn't much in the way of fan-art or the like for them, in a casual search I found mostly just the in-game models like the above.

Not much fan art for potatoes (the fan name for lalas)? I found whole pages.

Here's the DeviantArt page for the tag: https://www.deviantart.com/tag/lalafell (https://www.deviantart.com/tag/lalafell?page=3), for example.

Kitten Champion
2019-07-19, 04:57 PM
Not much fan art for potatoes (the fan name for lalas)? I found whole pages.

Here's the DeviantArt page for the tag: https://www.deviantart.com/tag/lalafell (https://www.deviantart.com/tag/lalafell?page=3), for example.

For the Lalafell in general, yeah, but for Dunesfolk in desert-appropriate clothing I found surprisingly little. It was mostly them in PC class costumes, like White Mages and whatnot. I'm sure there's some. though.

2019-07-19, 05:05 PM
For the Lalafell in general, yeah, but for Dunesfolk in desert-appropriate clothing I found surprisingly little. It was mostly them in PC class costumes, like White Mages and whatnot. I'm sure there's some. though.

Ah. I missed that part. Sorry.

2019-08-04, 06:55 AM
Hey everyone. I'm looking for a picture of a female human in a modern or futuristic officer's uniform. Ideally the rest of the picture would evoke the feeling of a star-ship's bridge. If she herself has (non-mechanical) wings that would be even better, but it's the least important detail here.

2019-08-04, 07:29 AM
Hey everyone. I'm looking for a picture of a female human in a modern or futuristic officer's uniform. Ideally the rest of the picture would evoke the feeling of a star-ship's bridge. If she herself has (non-mechanical) wings that would be even better, but it's the least important detail here.

Maybe look for a gender-bent version of Sanguinus or whatever that guy from WH40K was called. Y'know, one of the Primarchs?

2019-08-04, 07:34 AM
Maybe look for a gender-bent version of Sanguinus or whatever that guy from WH40K was called. Y'know, one of the Primarchs?
Heh, that's not a bad idea. Unfortunately, as far as I can find Sanguinius is mostly depicted in full armor, which is not really what I'm looking for.

2019-08-04, 07:38 AM
Heh, that's not a bad idea. Unfortunately, as far as I can find Sanguinius is mostly depicted in full armor, which is not really what I'm looking for.

This is the internet. Can't be too hard. :smallbiggrin: