View Full Version : Pathfinder [Dreamscarred Press] Gathering Opinions on Psionics

2017-05-22, 09:37 PM
Hello Playgrounders!

As I work on current and future projects for the team over at Dreamscarred Press, a couple of pressing questions come up. I need your opinions here, so here it goes...

What do you feel is the most defining or iconic power of each Psionic discipline? What is your favorite Psionic power? All info here, and if you have more than one answer then feel free to give them all.

As a reminder, the disciplines are:

Clairsentience (information gathering, knowledge, and foresight)
Metacreativity (making things, often out of ectoplasm)
Psychokinesis (generating, channeling, and directing energy)
Psychometabolism (manipulating, enhancing, or changing the body)
Psychoportation (movement, teleporting, and manipulating space/time)
Telepathy (contacting and manipulating the minds of others)

2017-05-22, 10:43 PM
Is mimicing castable spells count any of this categories cuz i like to see arcane modification to aegis class and maybe spheres of migth plug for it to

2017-05-22, 10:48 PM
Clairsentience: Hypercognition
Metacreativity: Astral Construct
Psychokinesis: Control Body
Psychometabolism: Metamorphosis
Psychoportation: Time Hop
Telepathy: Mind Switch

2017-05-22, 10:52 PM
Is mimicing castable spells count any of this categories cuz i like to see arcane modification to aegis class and maybe spheres of migth plug for it to

Not currently in the cards, this thread is just dealing with Psionics.

2017-05-22, 10:54 PM
Hmm, I rarely think in powers in terms of disciplines, except for a Psion's discipline powers. But off the top of my head:
Clairsentience: Hypercognition, which is also my favorite power. It just solves any problem related to information.
Metacreativity: Ectoplasmic Cocoon, it's hard to find a save or lose this good for a Ref save. Shuts down brute enemies hard.
Psychokinesis: Energy Current, basically force lightning.
Psychometabolism: Vigor, never die.
Psychoportation: Fold Space, as good as D Door and even better.
Teleparthy: Mind Control, for an army of mind slaves.

2017-05-23, 12:20 AM
Not currently in the cards, this thread is just dealing with Psionics.
my idea is more like is there away psionics can learn lets say new discipline bridge the gap between psychic casting from paizo and yours power point based system all aegis needs some thing like esoteric drive modification were we can pay power points to emulate spell casting up to lets say 6th level

2017-05-23, 12:41 AM
Defining Powers for Each Discipline:

Clairsentience: Clairvoyant Sense
Metacreativity: Astral Construct
Psychokinesis: Energy Missile
Psychometabolism: Metamorphosis
Psychoportation: Fold Space
Telepathy: Mind Control
Athanatism: Raise the Shroud

Will we get more Athanatism content? I feel that discipline is underutilized.

2017-05-23, 03:48 AM
I love the Erudites ability to learn all powers and spells, so that's by far my favorite Psionic class. I love too many psionic abilities to specify any specifically. I love that Psionic powers and Magic are totally separate and that they can affect each other, but I feel that Psionics should interact with Ki...

2017-05-23, 09:54 AM
Clairsentience: Metafaculty. (Personally I never go with Hypercognition, see below.)
Metacreativity: Astral Construct. (Self-explanatory.)
Psychokinesis: Energy Current. (Any Energy power really, but this one feels the most uniquely psionic.)
Psychometabolism: Synesthete. (This one feels the most uniquely psionic to me. Metamorphosis' object function is a runner-up though.)
Telepathy: Metaconcert. (Runner-up: Schism)
Psychoportation: Time Hop.

On Hypercognition - It's appears useful on the surface but I never take it, it's a bit of a trap. The entire power basically boils down to "give me a hint!" which most (read: all) of the time you can get the GM to do just as easily through roleplay and skill use rather than burning PP and a high-level power known. Worse, if GMs know you have it, they may require you to use it to give the same hint that they might have given another party for free. To top it all off, if you're not a Seer then you're actually waiting until you have 9ths to pick this up, or else buying a high-level dorje or stone with money that could have gone somewhere more useful. So it's a bit on the meta side, but in actual games I tend to pretend this power doesn't exist. It's great in TO though.

The PF version (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/hypercognition/) (which is a psychic spell) is far better - it has an actual mechanical benefit (letting you perform various Int-based checks much faster than normal) and being available much earlier, at levels when a party might have trouble finding a plot-thread via other means.

2017-05-23, 03:46 PM
Clairsentience: Feat Leech, maybe Steadfast Perception? Would have said Detect Hostile Intent or Touchsight, but they're not actually Clairsentience powers.
Metacreativity: Astral Construct - "build your own creature" is very distinctive compared to summoning mechanics. Astral Seed is a runner up.
Psychokinesis: Energy Ray - basic, yes, but it's the first power you get with the psionic "pick an energy type" mechanic. Tornado Blast is a runner up.
Psychometabolism: Psychofeedback - psionics comes from the self, and this has strong flavour in that direction. Fusion and Suspend Life are runners up.
Psychoportation: Time Hop - it's a pretty unique effect. Astral Traveller is a runner up.
Telepathy: A tie between Metaconcert and Mind Seed. Sense Link is a runner up.

2017-05-23, 04:13 PM
I love mind seed shenanigans: be a Psychic Mage then proceed to break a setting with it by mass producing psychic mages of 8 lower levels than you.
Both full spell casting and cherry-picking the psionic powers you like seems a cool option.
In fact I quite like psychic powers that do stuff that is not comparable to what spells do.(especially since you can get spells in addition to them)
Seeing what the other said about psychic powers they did pick with a non negligible frequency powers that were different from spells.(but they also did pick a lot of powers that had similarities with spells)

2017-05-23, 05:45 PM
Clairsentience: Remote viewing
Metacreativity: Astral construct
Psychokinesis: Telekinetic force
Psychometabolism: Vigor
Psychoportation: Fold space
Telepathy: Mind control

These are, to me, at least pretty defining.

2017-05-23, 09:45 PM
On Hypercognition - It's appears useful on the surface but I never take it, it's a bit of a trap. The entire power basically boils down to "give me a hint!" which most (read: all) of the time you can get the GM to do just as easily through roleplay and skill use rather than burning PP and a high-level power known. Worse, if GMs know you have it, they may require you to use it to give the same hint that they might have given another party for free. To top it all off, if you're not a Seer then you're actually waiting until you have 9ths to pick this up, or else buying a high-level dorje or stone with money that could have gone somewhere more useful. So it's a bit on the meta side, but in actual games I tend to pretend this power doesn't exist. It's great in TO though.

The PF version (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/hypercognition/) (which is a psychic spell) is far better - it has an actual mechanical benefit (letting you perform various Int-based checks much faster than normal) and being available much earlier, at levels when a party might have trouble finding a plot-thread via other means.

Hmm, I disagree. Do you think Divination or Commune are bad as well? Unless you're playing a highly rigid game where information is pointless when you're on rails, having more information is always better. Hypercognition has no limit as long as you have some information to start with. There's not always sources of that information available that you can get via RP, and by the time you have 8th level powers you're probably more powerful than most sources of information.

As for needing to be a Seer, well it's my favorite discipline, so no loss there. It has a lot of good powers.

2017-05-23, 10:14 PM
Hmm, I disagree. Do you think Divination or Commune are bad as well? Unless you're playing a highly rigid game where information is pointless when you're on rails, having more information is always better. Hypercognition has no limit as long as you have some information to start with. There's not always sources of that information available that you can get via RP, and by the time you have 8th level powers you're probably more powerful than most sources of information.

You said it, not me: "By the time you have 8th level powers you're probably more powerful than most sources of information." It's too high level for what it does, if it can even be said to truly do anything.

Also, unlike Commune and Divination, HC is limited to information that exists, even if said info is obscure. Stuff that won't happen for, say, another week is easier to get the other way.

2017-05-25, 05:14 AM
Useful debate here, although I will note specifically that hypercognition can focus on a future event, allowing you to catalogue information known to make accurate predictions about it. It's not as direct as certain divination effects, but it does work.

That said, what do you guys like to see in powers (or even spells)? What makes them fun other than raw power?

2017-05-25, 05:25 AM
That said, what do you guys like to see in powers (or even spells)? What makes them fun other than raw power?

Phew, that is a very broad question.
I enjoy spells that let´s me interact with the game world. Either information gathering, exploration or creation. Best ones are the ones the whole group can participate, like Legend Lore, Entice Fey, Dream Travels, Create Mindscape, and so on.

2017-05-25, 09:11 AM
Useful debate here, although I will note specifically that hypercognition can focus on a future event, allowing you to catalogue information known to make accurate predictions about it. It's not as direct as certain divination effects, but it does work.

That said, what do you guys like to see in powers (or even spells)? What makes them fun other than raw power?
This (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/e/ectoplasmic-grapnel/) is simultaneously one of the best and worst powers DSP has written. It's really long and complicated, but it gives you a lot of control over exactly how you generate the effect compared to its nearest arcane equivalent (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/force-hook-charge/).

Most arcane spells are designed for one purpose, like "pull yourself to a location using a hook of force", and do that with maximum efficiency. A psion, on the other hand, places the effect first and the usage second - if he knows how to make a hook then he could easily choose to make it in a different shape, or pull it faster or slower, or so on.

I like it when the theme is reinforced of psionic characters having a smaller number of tools that are more individually versatile.

I dislike how DSP added personal names to some of the powers, like Geth's mind control (though d20PFSRD removing them probably resulted in this getting less attention). Those should be reserved for highly specific and recognisable effects; something as generic as "the power to control people with your mind" could manifest anywhere (no pun intended) and shouldn't be known in-universe as the invention of a single guy, especially when dominate person is not.
In theory any wizard can read Mordenkainen's formula for conjuring swords or watchdogs and then do it themselves, but psionic characters don't have the same luxury. If there was a psion called Geth who was famous for training people to control minds, then if anything it's more likely for his name to be attached to the specific way he taught it (e.g. "most psions who've tried it find the Geth method really effective when they're trying to control someone's mind; it's where you picture your target as a giant and climb into their head") or for his followers to have a flowery name for it like "The Gift of Geth" that no one else uses.

2017-05-25, 09:24 AM
Psychometabolism: metamorphosis.
Psychokinesis: I'd say energy ray.
Psychoportation: definitely time hop. Honorable mention skate.
Clairsentience: tough to call one "iconic." I'd go for metafaculty if I had to pick one, though.
Metacreativity: astral construct. Honorable mention ectoplasmic creation and genesis.
Telepathy: mind seed.

2017-05-25, 02:36 PM
Useful debate here, although I will note specifically that hypercognition can focus on a future event, allowing you to catalogue information known to make accurate predictions about it. It's not as direct as certain divination effects, but it does work.

That said, what do you guys like to see in powers (or even spells)? What makes them fun other than raw power?

Eh, nandatte?
More seriously, I like stuff that looks awesome. Form of Doom and Force Screen being prime examples of what I like to see. Entangling Debris is pretty cool too, even if it's just psionic version of entangle

Can't really call it for all discplines since my playstyle is 99% of the time going martial or buffing up as a gish and then going into the fray with crazy numbers, but I'll agree on Metamorphosis for Psychometabolism and Fold Space for Psychoportation

2017-05-25, 02:48 PM
Hmm, I disagree. Do you think Divination or Commune are bad as well?
On a caster with limited spells known (which is what a Psion is), probably. When needed you can often just buy the spellcasting service.

2017-05-25, 03:04 PM
Crisis of breath is one I use often. It's a wonderful nonlethal combat stopper.
Teleport is nigh essential.
I forget the name of the power but the one that allows you to replace a person's memory... that could definitely use an augment allowing for going further back.
Correspond is easily the one I use most. Great for organizing my thrall and believers.
Astral Construct is another one I use fairly often.
Mind control as well.
Those are the powers that allow my current character to function.

Epic Legand
2017-05-25, 05:51 PM
Psychometabolism: Fusion, Never get to use it, but looks Awesome.
Psychokinesis: energy ray, It's flexible, and augmentable. Usable for most levels.
Psychoportation: in 3.5 you had "Dimensional Hop" Swift very short range port. Best power EVER.
Clairsentience: Danger Sense, not for the base, but for Uncanny dodge/lasts hours.
Metacreativity: - I really do not favor this school.
Telepathy: Empathic Transfer, Hostile. Reverse the whole fight in one move.

"That said, what do you guys like to see in powers (or even spells)? What makes them fun other than raw power? "
I would like to see some version of Precognition, Defensive & Offensive, but something useable. Current forms are very expensive for the return, and short lived. However the IDEA of moving before the threat is great. A nonvisable power that's clearly psionic.

2017-05-25, 08:59 PM
Inertial Armor is one of my absolute favorites. Scaling armor bonus with hours/level duration. I take this on every psionic character that I possibly can.

2017-05-25, 09:53 PM
Inertial Armor is one of my absolute favorites. Scaling armor bonus with hours/level duration. I take this on every psionic character that I possibly can.

I find it useless since psions can wear armor and don't have spell failure.

2017-05-25, 10:55 PM
I find it useless since psions can wear armor and don't have spell failure.

While that is true, inertial armor counts as a force effect. Incorporeals can't bypass it on their touch attacks. Important even at low level when facing undead

2017-05-26, 12:00 AM
Also, using non-proficient armor gives you an attack penalty equal to the ACP. Good luck using powers that use an attack roll. Also, you need some strength to wear full plate, or you will be over carrying capacity. And heavy armor lowers your move speed.

My favorite use was in a Meditant Psychic Warrior, but my Astral construct summoning Wilder loved inertial armor too.

2017-05-28, 01:53 AM
Gathering Opinions on Psionics

There are not nearly enough good powers, especially at higher levels. If you picked good discipline for your psion, you can barely fill your powers known. If you are a wilder, from power level like 4 there's almost always only one, maybe two powers that will be usable every day, then maybe one or two more that could be useful once per week or so.

There are almost no good or even decent control powers. It shouldn't be hard to imagine at least ectoplasmic versions of fog spells.

Making powers that duplicate (overland) flight, (greater) teleport, and probably others, one level higher than arcane counterparts is another design decision that shouldn't had been carried over from 3.5.

PP pool is 2-3 times smaller than sorcerer's, depending how much you augment your powers.

2017-05-28, 02:11 AM
Also, using non-proficient armor gives you an attack penalty equal to the ACP. Good luck using powers that use an attack roll. Also, you need some strength to wear full plate, or you will be over carrying capacity. And heavy armor lowers your move speed.

My favorite use was in a Meditant Psychic Warrior, but my Astral construct summoning Wilder loved inertial armor too.
Eh, I just find power points to be super precious and using armor is preferable to blowing power points. Yes, you can pump your ac to great levels... a 12th level manifester can get ac equivalent to full plate. But you'd blow close to 1/10th of your power points doing it. That is terrible resource management. Meanwhile I have chain shirt + 3 for a +7 at no pp cost and only need light armor proficiency. Better use of resources imho.
I also refer back to my ac 8 pfs lvl 12 character... casters don't need ac.

2017-05-28, 02:30 AM
There are not nearly enough good powers, especially at higher levels. If you picked good discipline for your psion, you can barely fill your powers known. If you are a wilder, from power level like 4 there's almost always only one, maybe two powers that will be usable every day, then maybe one or two more that could be useful once per week or so.

There are almost no good or even decent control powers. It shouldn't be hard to imagine at least ectoplasmic versions of fog spells.

Making powers that duplicate (overland) flight, (greater) teleport, and probably others, one level higher than arcane counterparts is another design decision that shouldn't had been carried over from 3.5.

PP pool is 2-3 times smaller than sorcerer's, depending how much you augment your powers.

Agree with the lack of powers available, but not the pp. Especially noncombat spells. To be fair, powers can duplicate or mimic a good 60% of sor/wiz combat spells which is tolerable, but a vast majority of noncombat spells are unattainable.

The pp pool in particular is exactly the same as a sorcerer of the same level. Even bonus pp from int is the same.

The difference here is scaling powers for wiz/sorc vs augmentation. Augmentation allows you to cast more top tier equivalent powers, but reduces number of powers you can use.
Meanwhile wiz/sor gets spells that scale with level automagically. Thats a loss for psionics, big bonus for casters.

The powers are similar level for the most part. Greater teleport is definitely one that should be fixed, unless it is ruled equal to interplanetary teleport in which case it is a 9th lvl spell vs 8th power. Arguable.

2017-05-28, 05:00 AM
Been playing a Telepath recently in the Strange Aeons AP, so I've been getting my head into pathfinder psionics in a bigger way than previously.

Iconic: Metamorphosis - Easily the most versatile power in the entire discipline, and kudos for not just being a reflavored polymorph.
Favorite: Share Pain/Vigor - Even if there are perhaps more interesting powers, these have saved my bacon too many times to ignore.

Iconic: Energy Ray/Energy Missile - Blowing things up with your mind is fun and effective. Not much more to say, except that they are a common recommendation among those looking for straight damage.
Favorite: Telekinetic Force - I've been having a lot more fun with this than I expected for what is essentially just magic's telekinesis, but it's cheaper and is a rare power that's mostly useful without augmentation for a number of situations. Not ridiculous, but fun.

Iconic: Fold Space/Psychoport - It's right in the name. Even if they're just reflavored with slightly more utility, what's psychoportation without the ability to teleport?
Favorite: Reposition/Dimension Swap - Battlefield control in a big way, which is something I find the Psion/Wilder list actually feels quite lacking in compared to arcane casters. 3.5 has similar spells, but mostly didn't get ported over to Pathfinder (I miss you benign transposition ;-;).

Iconic: Clairvoyant Sense - Information gathering is the Seer's bread and butter, and this is one of the most practical powers on their list outside of cases where the GM has decided to just say no.
Favorite: Object Reading - More information gathering. I've yet to actually see this make a GM tear their hair out, but then again I've never sat down to see who previously owned my gold pieces so I suppose I might just not be abusing it to its worst potential. (note to self: check where my enemies get their money)
Honorable Mention: Euterpe's Prophetic Song - Incredibly effective buff at mid to high level, enough to make the bard cry if you didn't stack with them. Quickly becoming my go to for basically every encounter since I started using it. Combine with Solicit Psicrystal for best results.

Iconic: Astral Construct - Gotta be. Even in a list of standout powers, this just sticks out. Useful from level 2 for any Shaper, and always getting better.
Favorite: Wall of Ectoplasm - It's just a different flavor of wall of stone, but psions need every solid battlefield control effect they can get their hands on honestly and I've been making solid use of this one.

Iconic: Mind Control - It's just Dominate Person/Monster, but it's also the one thing I'd expect a telepath to be able to do outside of just using telepathy. It's not unique to psionics, but unfortunately a lot of the unique telepathy powers boil down to worse or less versatile versions of this imo.
Favorite: Psychic Reformation - A more versatile power on the psion list I have not seen printed. This is probably one of the few things that makes me consider psion in the running for T1 if it weren't just a single power. Switch out your powers known as needed, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Getting close to invoking GM banhammer in our group, just for how gamewarping it's gotten to be for our parties.

Iconic: Gift of the Corpse - Hard to judge what's really "iconic" for Athanatism, as I think less people use it since it's not on the pfsrd (to my knowledge). But I'll give it to this one. Kind of similar to astral projection, but not quite and probably one of the weirder powers that still feels at home in the capabilities of psionics, which about sums up a lot of powers in Athanatism really.
Favorite: Shunning of the Material - I'm not even sure I fully understand how this power works, particularly in regards to its area effect augmentation (height?). But even depending on interpretation I think it's pretty versatile and has a lot of potential for hilarity if used inventively.

Side Note: I actually feel like too many powers focus too much on single target save or suck. It's nice to have, but there are more than enough flavors of them. Give me more practical ways to change the tactical situation than just removing another piece from the board. If I had a power point for every [mind-affecting] will save or lose/suck/die on the psion list... well you get my point.

2017-06-09, 12:05 AM
Iconic powers, by discipline.

Psychometabolism: Sustenance. Solving one of the great problems of life.

Psychokinesis: Kinetic legerdemain. The first thing I'd think to do if given the ability to manipulate things without the need for hands. Pick locks without leaving a trace of the self.

Psychoportation: Time regression. Establishes a psionic affinity for time shenanigans. (Favourite: Skate. Just so fun to imagine.)

Clairsentience: Sensitivity to psychic impressions. Touching on strong emotional responses from years and years ago and seeing the past through that? Yes.

Metacreativity: Ectoplasmic creation, the heart of what a shaper can do.

Telepathy: Memory modification.

Athanatism: Orphic descent. Actually going out, fetching a dead folk, and bringing them back. (Favourite: Soul exchange. I have an unhealthy fascination with souls.)

Mithril Leaf
2017-06-09, 02:40 AM
To be quite honest, most Psionic Powers are kind of bad. So are most Spells. So are most Feats.

So let me just talk about my absolute favorite power and why it's my favorite:

Ectoplasmic Creation

What makes it so good? Three things really:

1. It's a level 1 power. This makes it usable during all of the levels of the game, and most games end before level 10. Additionally it scales purely with your ML and skills, allowing you to very cheaply produce more stuff, more potent stuff, and longer lasting stuff.
2. It embraces creativity and utility. When you need a hammer there one is. When you need some kind of weird disguise to get into the enemy stronghold, you can craft that disguise. Need some fast burning oil to set fire to a bulwark? What about a steak to bribe a guard dog? Expensive spices to season a dish for a royal court? All of that and more is at your hand if you can pass a few relatively easy craft checks and don't need it for more than a few hours.
3. It has a high power ceiling. If you need to craft buckets and buckets of Black Lotus Extract, sure. Hope you invested tons of ranks in craft (poison-making). You can totally do it though. Coat a castle with cheaply made oils and light the whole thing up. Cook up some drugs for buffs. Make Opium to sell. Craft some dragonhide armor for a militia effort.

You can play a character who is practical for almost all common levels of gameplay using literally just that power. It's got utility, power, versatility. There's never a time you'll find yourself useless if you have Ectoplasmic Creation. And it hits the heart of playing a Tabletop game instead of a cRPG. You can use your creativity to solve problems in ways that aren't accounted for assuming you have a big enough toolbox, which is provided by that power.

Other than that I like the obviously powerful ones. Anything rated blue or purple in Psionic Power guides.

2017-06-09, 12:07 PM
Iconic Power Picks:

Clairsentience: Augured Answer (Lowest level power you can get to foresee future events)
Metacreativity: Astral Construct
Psychokinesis: Energy Missile
Psychometabolism: Metamorphosis
Psychoportation: Fold Space (or Psychoport if looking for discipline only powers)
Telepathy: Psychic Reformation (or Schism if looking for discipline only powers)

Athanatism: Object Possession for low level or Orphic Descent at higher

(May not be most iconic, but my personal favorite is Fettering the Shade: Grant ghost touch (and an extra +1 weapon/armor ability) to an object.)

I’d have put Binding of the Flesh as most iconic, but since it destroys the body, I’m expecting it never to be used, which is sad.

What I’d like to see:
More low level (1st thru 3rd) VERSATILE information gathering powers (ones with augments to do more/different stuff), and ports of appropriate wizard spells into psionics. While WotC’s Complete Psionic was hit or miss on lots of parts, I did appreciate them migrating some good spells into powers.

It always feels like Psionicists should be good at ‘foreseeing’ things, or detecting ‘stuff’, but either low level versions of things do not exist (low level detect alignment power: why is Aura Sight 4th level?), or they are a bit too narrow to really want to select for a limited power list (Detect Compulsion, Know Direction and Location).

For example, you really have to wait till 4th level powers to ‘ask questions’ – why not import or create an Augury like power for lower levels to use (a version of Augured Answer that works on a shorter time frame, for example, but with augments to improve accuracy, and maybe augments to increase time frame)?

Which kind of boils down to ‘being able to do psionic stuff to affect the game world outside combat’, as someone else suggested. :)

2017-06-11, 12:43 PM
Iconic/favorite Power Picks:
Clairsentience: Object Reading

Metacreativity: Void Missile (I love this power for the imagery it invokes. Also one of the few early level blasting powers available to psychic warriors. Sadly, most people don't know this one, as it is in Resonance Generator, a Deep Magic kickstarter exclusive supplement. That in mind, Astral Construct is more iconic.)

Psychokinesis: Fiery Discorporation (I love the flavor)

Psychometabolism: Fusion (conceptually love what this power is, and I honestly love all the powers like it, such as graft weapon)

Psychoportation: Fold Space

Telepathy: Hostile Empathic Transfer

Athanatism: Spiritual Resting Place

As for thoughts on psionics: I love the system and have always called it the pinnacle of balance in comparison to magic. and that is largely true (in my experience). but recently this thread popped up on the paizo forums recently that showed me some math I can't refute (though i tried anyway) involving concussive onslaught and Energy Current. the thread was originally about chaotic surge wilder, but ended up becoming a 'psionics can get such big numberz!' thread.

2017-06-11, 12:50 PM
I wonder: why can a pit fiend of chtulu cast mind seed in an human and have that humanoid an brain support their entire intellect but not the reverse?
I mean why is mind seed only on humanoids?
does it works based on the type of the creature or is is based on something other?
If I turn a pit fiend in an humanoid(with polymorph) can I then cast mind seed on it?
I mean it is clearly weird that you can mind seed something smaller than you(and thus have less space for holding the memories in your brain) but not something bigger(I mean why?) for example a diminutive humanoid is a valid target for a C sized aberration casting of mind seed.(I mean where do all the info goes? The target have a much smaller brain than the one of the caster)

El Dorado
2017-06-14, 12:35 AM
--Recall Agony (one of the rare seer powers that inflicts damage but is still thematic)

--Astral Construct (too good not to have)

--Telekinetic Maneuver (nothing says kineticist like bull rushing from 20 feet away)

--Fission (when you need to nova twice as hard)

--Time Hop (nice battlefield control option)

--False Sensory Input (effective against true seeing; yes, please)