View Full Version : Need a bit of help for some autographed memorabelia.

2017-05-23, 04:29 AM
So, I'm going to be going to Megacon in Orlando Florida this year. And I've got a few autographs I'll be getting while there. One from Tim Curry, One from Gina Torres (Zoe from Firefly. I've got a metal sign with an image of The Serenity on it that reads "Firefly Parking Only, All Others Will Be Thrown To The Reavers!") and 2 from Stan Lee. One on a reprint of Avengers Issue number 4. The first appearance of Captain America in The Silver Age and In The Avengers.

And the other is a Hoodie also featuring cap made for certain US military units that I got from my dad when he was over there for awhile, which also prominently features Steven Rogers Captain America on it.

I need some advice/info on the following.

1: What kind of writing supply's are best used on these items to make sure the autographs do not fade?

2: What kind of store/display cases/devices should I be using to make sure that the objects being signed and the autographs are protected/preserved after this?

I've never actually gone in for/on anything like this before, so, this is a new one on me, and I could REALLY use some help!