View Full Version : DM Help Looking for Beshaba flavor details

2017-05-23, 01:40 PM
Long story short - I'm designing a fortress that is a major sanctuary of Beshaba.

It's a repurposed vampire castle, so undead are a given.

But I'm looking for flavour here - what items/ chambers/ npcs/ defenses to put there that would flesh it out as a temple of Beshaba? How would it be different from say, a temple of Shar?

2017-05-23, 02:01 PM
Well: What is her portafolio
Accidents and misfortune seem to be big things for her
Remember I suggested precarious walkways?
OSHA violations galore... or the appearance of them: examining the load bearing columns shows them to be crumbling and misaligned...

Blatantly unfair traps that require cheating to get out of (ie a maze that loops in on itself; the solution is to walk on top of the walls...)

Chandeliers made out of scourges, with daggers and poison vials dangling as decorations... on fraying string

Blue fires in "oil" lamps. Apparently she likes alcohol being burned to her

Traps that curse those that walk into certain areas with unluck. Trap is triggered by not saying the right prayer.

Later traps or encounters capitalize on that unluck

Note the lamps might be metal icosohedra with a single divot bored into each side: ie a d20 that always shows a 1

All doorways are framed by antlers and red pennants (evoking her holy symbol)

She is a goddess that is more prayed to in the form "please ignore me and look at that other person"

2017-05-23, 02:17 PM
Is there anything like forbiddance, but reacting to specific faith rather than specific alignment?

2017-05-23, 02:33 PM
Is there anything like forbiddance, but reacting to specific faith rather than specific alignment?

Unhallow with some other spell (e.g. Dimensional Anchor) fixed to it.

2017-05-23, 03:10 PM
Later traps or encounters capitalize on that unluck

How would that work?

Unhallow with some other spell (e.g. Dimensional Anchor) fixed to it.

Thank you

2017-05-23, 03:19 PM
Hmm, this requires houseruling a bit, so it depends on how your players might react to it. Since bad luck is her big thing, how about there is some trait in her temple that functions like a scapegoat focusing on misfortune rather than sin. Basically anytime someone rolls a 1, something bad happens to the scapegoat instead.

2017-05-23, 03:24 PM
Say a trap of unluck (the spell makes one have to roll twice and take the worse result), then a pit trap...
Or unluck, then bad karma, then a pit trap that one will roll a 1 on (because of bad karma; unluck was to soften the target v the karma save)

2017-05-23, 03:25 PM
Hmm, this requires houseruling a bit, so it depends on how your players might react to it. Since bad luck is her big thing, how about there is some trait in her temple that functions like a scapegoat focusing on misfortune rather than sin. Basically anytime someone rolls a 1, something bad happens to the scapegoat instead.

Can be done with bestow curse, I think