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View Full Version : Advice Needed on Cleric

2017-05-24, 03:34 AM
I currently play a Cleric of Kelemvor 9th Level acting as the "Tank" of the party, tank is not really the word, but as the group is composed of an Archery Ranger, an Archery Scout, a lazy Druid, and a Bard Face, I'm doing the job of get in melee for them.
After a negociation with the DM, he authorize me to take Planning and Fate domain, and allow me DMM, but in compensation, I must take the Weapon of my god as EWP, so I have EWP Bastard sword as 1st Level Feat...We're in the Forgotten Realms...
Here my build
LG Human Silverbrow with Dragonscale Husk AF
S 18
D 15
C 16
I 15
W 19 + 2 HeadBand
Ch 18 + 2 Cloak
Feats :
- EWP Bastard
- Extend Spell
- Persistent Spell
- DMM Persitent
- Extra Turning
- Weapon Focus (for EWM)
I've currenly Persist Divine Power, and my next Magic Item will be a Reliquary Holy Symbol to persist Righteous Might.
I've planned to take for my next level one level of Exotic Weapon Master (Uncanny blow) and for level 10 Fighter to get Power Attack in order to boost damage in melee.
However, The Crusader option for Ruby Knight Vindicator is very attractive to me as I love the maneuvers a lot and it'll open a lot of good options...
Any suggestion or comments are welcome...

Fouredged Sword
2017-05-24, 09:40 AM
Well, the Tob option is stronger mechanically and will give you an out to ignore power attack for a while as it grants some impressive boosts to damage without requiring investment outside a crusader level and RHV.