View Full Version : Roleplaying orc religion

2017-05-24, 11:20 AM
i am playing as surface orcs and am considering implementing a variation on the typical belief system used for grummsh followers. this will be more or less similar to this...

as just my first post here. i am unable to post a link. but it is goblinpunch blogspot god-hates-orcs. should get you close

the standard is what is being used by the other orc npc's and players. my orc will be a bit evangelical on this new belief system.

what i am looking for is any feedback on this. ways to simplify the structure. problems that may occur. really anything helpful.

thank you.

2017-05-24, 11:56 AM
I assume this is what you're refering to? http://goblinpunch.blogspot.com/2014/11/god-hates-orcs.html

If so, it sounds pretty cool.

The connection to the gods, even beyond Gruumsh is fascinating. Evangelical characters can get you into trouble though (but you may be counting on it). Be sure to never use it against the party, except when everyone agrees it makes things more interesting to play.
I like the humanization and slight softening of orcs behind closed doors though. It adds complexity to them, and multidimensional characters are great for storytelling, and this could give you an option for why you get along with your party even as you go slaughter swaths of the population.

As a DM, I would approve this to be included in a backstory in a heartbeat, as long as the character otherwise still fit the campaign.

The Viscount
2017-05-24, 01:11 PM
It's a fascinating belief system and I think can work well. Just be careful when implementing it that everyone is ok with a character that hates themself and understands that the character isn't the player. The death debt system is a very interesting way to deal with orcs in general and offers a potential way to barter with them, just be aware of not using it too much lest it become a game about economics.

One thing that needs clearing up is whether the deaths that can be traded must have been done mindfully. That is, if I as a lone adventurer killed a lone orc over some dispute, could I then barter this death to the rival clan even though I didn't know about the debt system? The sane answer to this should be no. Otherwise you could have situation where a party kills 10 orc warriors then has the chief pay them for carrying out a sacrifice.

2017-05-24, 01:30 PM
from how i understand it is, by killing you are not collecting anything. you are paying off the debt. the killing previous to the barter is like paying with money you used to have. it doesnt have any value. you would take. and then owe a debt. and every day you breathe you owe "god". every battle you win you would owe "god" and/or commander. so i could not kill 20 bugbears then use it to pay for a new spear. i would get a new spear and then owe the previous owner 20 bugbear heads. that he can turn around and use to repay the debt for breathing.

i may be off here, but that is how i am gathering this.

2017-05-24, 04:10 PM
This is interesting. Orcs as misotheists...
The athar and urpriests are bound to have a good standing with them.

Nomadism could be religiously explained as a "don't want them to track us easy"

Though the pact thing for favors is a bit... dissonant with the "gods are loathsome" mentality.
It'd be more pacts for the spirits or gods to go away.
Not so much a "Gruumsh give me victory and I'll burn goats in your name" and a "I abjure thee Gruumsh, not to cast your eye on me; for then goats in your name shall be burnt"

Or Gruumsh seen as a figure that can draw away the attention of other gods.

2017-05-24, 05:26 PM
It really disappoints me that Orc religion on 3.5 is pretty much depicted as "Ugh, we hate elves!"...and occasionally poking an eye out to show how devout you are.

I've said it many, many times, but there should have been a "Races of" book for Orcs, Goblinoids and other similar races.

2017-05-25, 09:26 AM
it is disappointing but also nice that there is not a strict set of rules regarding intelligent monsterous race religions. it does allow for the mass of very smart and very clever players to create something. and in a world of easy sharing, then distributed as it sees fit.

I am going to dive into the blog and try to make a more usable form for our RP. essentially a cheat sheet

i will need to really dive into it so i can grab the correct mindset because it is backwards from my typical RP regarding religions..

thank you guys for the input.