View Full Version : Shadow Sorcerer

2017-05-24, 12:33 PM
Looking for thoughts on this subclass. Will it make the cut? Is it already gone?

2017-05-30, 06:51 AM
Its Very good. Especially when multi classed with Undying light Warlock from the same UA (if your DM allows it). Sorcerer 1, Warlock 2,3, Sorcerer X.

Just do the math on Eldritch blast (+agonizing blast) + hex, plus quickened Scorching ray (+charisma bonus on fire damage, per ray) + hex (on every attack). 70 to 80 damage per turn.

Seeing through Magical darkness is awesome. If the enemy can even find you they have disadvantage on attacks.

Hound of Ill Omen is essentially Heightened spell. Its possibly better and at the same cost.

Take quickened and Twinned meta-magic.

Adding charisma to scorching ray was nerfed on the dragon sorcerer but not on this multi-class.

Eldritch blast will keep you relevant until you get you level up the sorcerer.

2017-05-30, 07:03 AM
Its Very good. Especially when multi classed with Undying light Warlock from the same UA (if your DM allows it).That would be quite the Yin-Yang character, especially when one half has such a revulsion toward darkness and undeath. Then again, the quirks and flaws are optional.

Dr. Cliché
2017-05-30, 02:28 PM
The one thing that saddens me is that the Shadow Hound's attacks don't count as magical. So if you want to use it for offence (not just for heighten Spell) then it quickly becomes useless.

2017-05-30, 03:49 PM
That would be quite the Yin-Yang character, especially when one half has such a revulsion toward darkness and undeath. Then again, the quirks and flaws are optional.

Wouldn't that make the character more interesting to RP? (He would still need to find a way to do it, but maybe something Hel Style?)
https://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/smite.gamepedia.com/a/a2/T_Hel_Default_Card.png?version=fc9fae0d0ff28b3027f c5e79088ca997

2017-05-30, 05:41 PM
Wouldn't that make the character more interesting to RP? (He would still need to find a way to do it, but maybe something Hel Style?)
https://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/smite.gamepedia.com/a/a2/T_Hel_Default_Card.png?version=fc9fae0d0ff28b3027f c5e79088ca997

RP could really be really unique. Any thoughts?

Honest Tiefling
2017-05-30, 05:53 PM
RP could really be really unique. Any thoughts?

I think in some settings with more dualistic gods or yin-yang thing in the world would really fit that concept. It could also be a fallen or even corrupted Aasimar or something similar if that would fit the game. Maybe even a follower of a god of light who fell to shadow or even the opposite. Or some sort of solar deity who is combined with a night deity for balance.

I am also more confused that being bitten by magical shadows come to life is somehow NOT a magical attack...Maybe not for balance reasons, but I think that's pretty damn magical.

2017-05-30, 06:45 PM
I think in some settings with more dualistic gods or yin-yang thing in the world would really fit that concept. It could also be a fallen or even corrupted Aasimar or something similar if that would fit the game. Maybe even a follower of a god of light who fell to shadow or even the opposite. Or some sort of solar deity who is combined with a night deity for balance.

I am also more confused that being bitten by magical shadows come to life is somehow NOT a magical attack...Maybe not for balance reasons, but I think that's pretty damn magical.

I love this character concept. Aasimar UL / Shador Sorc.

Alternatively, I like the sound of a Revenant Dragonborn UL / Shadow Sorc. Desperately clinging to light as it gets dragged further and further into darkness...

2017-05-30, 08:51 PM
I love this character concept. Aasimar UL / Shador Sorc.

Alternatively, I like the sound of a Revenant Dragonborn UL / Shadow Sorc. Desperately clinging to light as it gets dragged further and further into darkness...

I need to figure out how to make this RP with a drow.

2017-06-22, 04:11 PM
I have been playing this build for a few weeks and the shadow hound is pretty OP. Giving disadvantage on saving throws as long as the hound is active, Is much much better than heightened spell.

As i understand it Heightened only gives disadvantage on saving throws on the initial casting.

2017-06-23, 09:03 AM
A related question:

The shadow sorcerer has that power that enables them to maybe not be killed if they roll a con check vs 5 + damage taken. Is that the total damage they took from the attack or the damage that got through their temporary hit points? This comes up a lot with mc warlock/sorcerers.

2017-06-23, 09:04 AM
RP could really be really unique. Any thoughts?

RP is rarely unique on snowflake "I wanna be this AND this diametrically opposed thing"

2017-06-23, 09:15 AM
A related question:

The shadow sorcerer has that power that enables them to maybe not be killed if they roll a con check vs 5 + damage taken. Is that the total damage they took from the attack or the damage that got through their temporary hit points? This comes up a lot with mc warlock/sorcerers.

As far as i know, its all damage taken (So if you get some way to reduce damage, better -like a Goliath)

2017-06-23, 09:17 AM
As far as i know, its all damage taken (So if you get some way to reduce damage, better -like a Goliath)

I don't understand the part about the Goliath.

2017-06-23, 09:17 AM
As far as i know, its all damage taken (So if you get some way to reduce damage, better -like a Goliath)

I'd do it as the damage the character takes. So take off the temp HP, then how much damage is done to your actual person.

Basically, whatever was reduced of your normal HP.

2017-06-23, 10:47 AM
I'd do it as the damage the character takes. So take off the temp HP, then how much damage is done to your actual person.

Basically, whatever was reduced of your normal HP.

There is a Sage Advice that talks about something like this (regarding Temporal HP) and it says it counts everything as the damage (its not specifically about the Shadow Sorcerer ability though). -Aka, i will do it the same way Concentration is done.

If I have 10 temporary hit points and I take 30 damage
from an attack while concentrating on a spell, what is the
DC of the Constitution save to maintain my concentration?
The DC is 15 in that case. When temporary hit points
absorb damage for you, you’re still taking damage, just not
to your real hit points

I don't understand the part about the Goliath.

Goliaths have a racial ability that lets you use your reaction to reduce the damage taken by 1d12 + CON (Not sure about the + CON part)

2017-06-23, 11:01 AM
RP is rarely unique on snowflake "I wanna be this AND this diametrically opposed thing"

IMHO the edgy teen rebel character concepts are perfectly valid, even if they're ironically common in their reach for individuality & uniqueness.

I do want to let new people into the game, even if they're dual-wielding CG Drow Rangers with an angsty backstory.

= = =

That said, some of the classic angsty backstories are a great fit for an Undying Shadow character, like being Cursed With Awesome.

I think my favorite Undying Shadow backstory was that it's a magic student whose parents were both normal and good people, so she rebelled against that a bit by studying darkness & doom too much...

"You know how your mom said that if you make faces too much, your face could get stuck like that?"


"Well my magic got stuck like that."

2017-06-23, 12:14 PM
There is a Sage Advice that talks about something like this (regarding Temporal HP) and it says it counts everything as the damage (its not specifically about the Shadow Sorcerer ability though). -Aka, i will do it the same way Concentration is done.

If I have 10 temporary hit points and I take 30 damage
from an attack while concentrating on a spell, what is the
DC of the Constitution save to maintain my concentration?
The DC is 15 in that case. When temporary hit points
absorb damage for you, you’re still taking damage, just not
to your real hit points

Goliaths have a racial ability that lets you use your reaction to reduce the damage taken by 1d12 + CON (Not sure about the + CON part)

.....I respect what was stated.

However, I'm going to have to ask you to delete your post before my DM sees it >_>

Waterdeep Merch
2017-06-23, 12:20 PM
.....I respect what was stated.

However, I'm going to have to ask you to delete your post before my DM sees it >_>
Hoo, I definitely got mileage out of temps absorbing damage for my casters to prevent concentration checks. I can sort of see the logic behind the decision, but I also don't like it. I use them on my bosses a lot to give a sort of buffer before the party can knock out their concentration (usually replacing up to 40% of their normal hitpoints with temps).

2017-06-23, 12:27 PM
IMHO the edgy teen rebel character concepts are perfectly valid, even if they're ironically common in their reach for individuality & uniqueness. In the 60's and 70's, the running joke was
"I want to be a non conformist, just like everybody else!"
This posits the square as the real rebel. :smalleek:
I suppose some things don't change much.

2017-06-23, 01:10 PM
I really want to see this or stone sorcerer as the other new sorcerer origin in the upcoming book. My only issue with it is it feeling like it doesn't really bring any new mechanics to the table, rather grabs a lot of stuff from warlock and shadow monk. That's fine I guess, as it fills a nice flavor niche that needs to be filled (dark sorcerers). This plus fiendlock makes for a nice sorcerer with demonic heritage, especially if they're a tiefling. Overall, I like the flavor, but I feel like it's mechanically like and doesn't really know what it wants to do or what playstyle it wants to promote. Feel free to disagree though, as I'm just looking in it on paper and have never seen it in a game.

2017-06-23, 03:34 PM
Hoo, I definitely got mileage out of temps absorbing damage for my casters to prevent concentration checks. I can sort of see the logic behind the decision, but I also don't like it. I use them on my bosses a lot to give a sort of buffer before the party can knock out their concentration (usually replacing up to 40% of their normal hitpoints with temps).

So... would it be a buff or a nerf? i mean... you would nerf the bosses and the PCs, so basically it will stay the same.

Note: I have had no problems with it (it does make bosses more wary of their concentration spells *And that also explain why most casters have bodyguards even if they have spells to summon things*)

2017-06-26, 11:07 AM
I really want to see this or stone sorcerer as the other new sorcerer origin in the upcoming book. My only issue with it is it feeling like it doesn't really bring any new mechanics to the table, rather grabs a lot of stuff from warlock and shadow monk. That's fine I guess, as it fills a nice flavor niche that needs to be filled (dark sorcerers). This plus fiendlock makes for a nice sorcerer with demonic heritage, especially if they're a tiefling. Overall, I like the flavor, but I feel like it's mechanically like and doesn't really know what it wants to do or what playstyle it wants to promote. Feel free to disagree though, as I'm just looking in it on paper and have never seen it in a game.

I agree the flavor is lacking. its more undead than shadow. My Dm allowed some shadow spells from
published home brew. Like Dungeon Guild kolbold press.

my favorite quirk was everytime i was in a rp sitituation i had to roll a d20 if i failed my eyes would grow large and turn into voids reflecting no light. totally freaked some people out. i tried to pass it off as a.d.d.