View Full Version : The Most Epic Prank You Ever Pulled

2017-05-24, 04:58 PM
What was the most epic prank that you ever pulled? My most epic prank that I ever pulled was the lottery and made people believe me. I told them that I won 500 million dollars but it turns out I fake the lottery ticket.

2017-05-24, 07:12 PM
My usual prank is hardly "epic", but my now standard reply to the Deputies when they unlock the plumbing chases in the Jail, and ask if somethings asbestos, is to say, "It tasted more like lead to me".

2017-05-24, 09:39 PM
Although I have exactly the sort of personality from which you would expect pranks, mine tend to be small-scale. This is partly out of laziness, partly down to disorganisation (I tend to get the ideas sufficiently late in the day that even if they are of any scale it's hard to put them into practice). Consequently they tend to be minor and impulsive, enough to wind people up for a few seconds until they realise what's going on.

The most impressive one was probably an April Fool I once pulled on my dad in coordination with my mum. He had caught me out for a couple of years and I was able to get revenge. At the time he was heavily involved in a major building project and fortuitously a letter arrived from the contractor on the 31st March, which my mum intercepted. We then wrote up a new invoice with heavily inflated figures and added it to the documents within. Inevitably he didn't actually open it for a couple of days so wasn't at all on his guard when he came to read it, and got about halfway through a rather angry reply before we broke the news.

As might be apparent, these were days before habitual email (I think we did have internet in the house, just, but all correspondence of that type was still done by post).

2017-05-24, 09:43 PM
I put my high school headmaster's car on the roof of the gym with the help of a guy I knew from my summer construction job who had a crane.

2017-05-24, 09:54 PM
I put my high school headmaster's car on the roof of the gym with the help of a guy I knew from my summer construction job who had a crane.

My grandfather also said he and friends put someone's car on a roof.

They did it by dismantling it, and then rebuilding it on the roof (cars were simpler and lighter then).

2017-05-25, 12:29 AM
I thought cars used to be heavier back in the day.

2017-05-25, 01:00 AM
I managed to convince you that I'm not a spambot.

2017-05-25, 07:07 AM
I thought cars used to be heavier back in the day.

Depends on the day.

My grandfather was born in 1917, and during his youth and young adulthood a typical car was a used Model T (https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-att-us&hl=en-US&oe=utf-8&safe=images&q=model+t+weight&source=browser-suggest&qsubts=1495713756060&devloc=0)

Kid Jake
2017-05-26, 11:37 AM
Me and a friend once broke into my sister's place while she was sleeping and reversed her locks so that they all kept her locked in....then for some reason covered them in hot sauce and banged on her door aggressively to wake her up.

When she finally got out, she was piiiissed.

2017-05-26, 02:20 PM
At my previous building, one of our tenants passed away. Joe was an old man, and had lived there since we opened the building up. It had been days since anyone had seen him, which was weird, but no one reported anything. When we received complaints about an odor on the floor, I went to investigate and found him dead in his apartment.

I'm not sure how long he had been deceased, but the odor was overpowering for the EMTs, the firemen, the police, and the detectives that arrived. Although everything was cleaned up after the body was removed, we had to get air filters for the hallway, and move the neighbor to a different floor. Eventually, the floors had to be torn up in the apartment.

For whatever reason, I was not bothered by the odor, nor by the sight of the corpse. At least, not immediately. I did have nightmares for a few days afterward, but that's about it. However, most of the staff at the building could not stand the odor. But one of the porters, Jonathan, could.

The only problem was that Jonathan is very superstitious, and believed we shouldn't have been in the apartment, and that Joe's spirit was still around. I was explaining to him how to "babysit" the apartment while the guys were tearing up the floor, and he realized that he was leaning against the wall, but right on top of a pair of pants that were hanging on a hook:

Jonathan: Are those Joe's pants?!?!?!

Me: Well, he lived alone so...

Jonathan, tries to leave: I have to go. I have to change my uniform.

Me, stops him from leaving: Whoa, relax, relax. You're not going anywhere. It's fine, he wasn't wearing those jeans or anything so stop freaking out.

Jonathan was able to stay while the work was being completed, but he was uneasy the entire time.

Eventually, we reinstalled the wood flooring and the kitchen tile, and after installing the saddles between the two, I put some paint buckets to weigh them down while the adhesive dried.

The next day, Carlos, another porter, asks me if there is anything to do before he leaves. For the sake of this prank, it's important to note that Carlos is often made fun of by the staff for being "close to death". He's an older man, rail thin, arthritic, and walks with a limp and is almost always in pain:

Me: No. I've just got to grab those buckets from Joe's apartment, but I'll have Jonathan help me with that.

Carlos: Jonathan said he'll never set foot in that apartment.

Me: Yeah, he thinks Joe is still lingering around as a spirit. Jonathan babysat it the entire time the guys were tearing up the floor, so he should be fine to go with me and grab those buckets.

Carlos: ... I should go up there first and hide in the living room and pretend to be Joe and scare the **** out of him.

Me: That's... brilliant.

Carlos hides in the living room of the apartment, and I cut the breakers for the lights. It's night, so it's nearly pitch black in the apartment. I call Jonathan up to meet me at the front door.

Jonathan: What are we doing here? Don't tell me we have to work in here tonight!

Me: No, I just need your help grabbing the buckets out of there. You know it's a long saddle so there's a bunch of buckets in there.

Jonathan: Ok, you should have done this with Carlos man, I don't want to go in there.

Me: Come on, Carlos can barely lift a cigarette let alone a bucket of paint. It'll take us two seconds.

*I open the door and Jonathan tries to turn the light on*

Jonathan: What's wrong with the lights?

Me: They must have cut the power because no one is paying the electric bill.

Jonathan: Really?!?!?!

Me: Yeah, the apartment hasn't been turned over to us yet, and no one from Joe's family has stepped forward. Here, I'll hold the door open to let the light in from the hallway. Just grab the buckets real quick and bring them out.

*Jonathan goes down the entry hallway complaining, and turns the corner into the kitchen*

Jonathan: It's ****ing dark man. I can't see anything.

Me: Use the flashlight on your phone.

*I see light from Jonathan's cell phone*

Carlos: Jooooooooonnnnnaaaaaaathaaaaaaaaannnn heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

*Feet shuffle, buckets crash down, the light starts moving erratically, Jonathan shouts, and comes hard charging around the corner and back down the hallway, eyes wide open and a look of absolute terror on his face*

He tackles me to exit the apartment, and I'm laughing hysterically and can't stop. I'm trying to tell him that it's Carlos, but I can't breathe, let alone speak. Carlos comes shuffling around the corner (his normal walk) and I've never seen him laugh so hard. Jonathan realizes it was a joke, and starts laughing and shaking his head, with an eventual "Yo, that's not funny..."

Prince Zahn
2017-05-26, 05:30 PM
I once fooled my parents into thinking I was in a coma one morning where I REALLY didn't wanna go to school, I never could replicate it but I was the genuine article. They rushed me to the hospital through an ambulance and I spent about a week after I "woke up" there.

to this day my parents STILL don't believe I faked the whole thing, even though I fessed up cus I didn't wanna get an MRI injection.

I would never do it again, by the way, even if I could. The hospital was hell, and all the tests they ran on me weren't worth skipping school for.

2017-05-26, 05:44 PM
I would never do it again, by the way, even if I could. The hospital was hell, and all the tests they ran on me weren't worth skipping school for.

That's your reason? Not that you feel at all guilty about the inappropriate use of hospital resources, diverting them from actual emergencies, and the stress and anxiety you caused your parents?

Well, ok.

Prince Zahn
2017-05-26, 06:49 PM
That's your reason? Not that you feel at all guilty about the inappropriate use of hospital resources, diverting them from actual emergencies, and the stress and anxiety you caused your parents?

Well, ok.

Sorry, I was not the considerate child I grew up to be. ^^; I care about those things a LOT more now than I did when I was 10yo.

2017-05-26, 09:45 PM
That's your reason? Not that you feel at all guilty about the inappropriate use of hospital resources, diverting them from actual emergencies, and the stress and anxiety you caused your parents?

Well, ok.

Don't forget the bill, if in America.

Prince Zahn
2017-05-27, 05:46 AM
That's your reason? Not that you feel at all guilty about the inappropriate use of hospital resources, diverting them from actual emergencies, and the stress and anxiety you caused your parents?

Well, ok.

Don't forget the bill, if in America.

Okay you guys are really good at making me feel really bad about myself. >_<

I was a kid okay? Not even a teen yet. Children make mistakes. I'm not who I was. :smallfrown:

Also, This thread is about the prank, not the repercussions. I know what you guys are saying and I received my punishment in the form of a rather traumatic experience for my parents and for myself as well. please don't dwell on making me feel bad about something I did as a stupid kid. We all have skeleton warriors in our closets, after all.

2017-05-27, 06:59 AM
Okay you guys are really good at making me feel really bad about myself. >_<

I was a kid okay? Not even a teen yet. Children make mistakes. I'm not who I was. :smallfrown:

Also, This thread is about the prank, not the repercussions. I know what you guys are saying and I received my punishment in the form of a rather traumatic experience for my parents and for myself as well. please don't dwell on making me feel bad about something I did as a stupid kid. We all have skeleton warriors in our closets, after all.

Sorry! I understand, we all did stupid things in our youth. For what its worth, it sounds damn impressive.

2017-05-27, 01:14 PM
Sorry! I understand, we all did stupid things in our youth. For what its worth, it sounds damn impressive.

I would say disciplined.

I mean how did you not "break face"?