View Full Version : Marvel Weapon and others

Night Eternal
2017-05-24, 05:33 PM
Trying to figure out how to recreate some weapons from the marvel universe and beyond lol.

Daredevil bully club

Captain america shield

2017-05-24, 10:35 PM
Daredevil rod, is a short (1 to 2 ft) rod made of mithril, its light. Finesse and thrown property and does d4 or d6 bludgeon. Id label this as uncommon item simply for mithril.

captain america shield is +3 shield with finese, throwing and returning property. Does d6 bludgeon damage, 2d6 when thrown. It reflects ray type damage. Made of indestructible material that is incredibly light (think adamantium str with mithril lightness). Its a legendary item for sure. 60 ft range and can ricochet of up to 3 targets before returning. You can use this ranged attack 1 per round no matter how many attacks you get. If held by captain america, may inspire people 1 per long rest

2017-05-24, 10:52 PM
A magical throwing hammer for the billy club works perfectly while take a shield, add the ability to use it as a weapon for 1d6 dmg and use the text for Dwarven Thrower for that.

2017-05-25, 12:14 AM
Another question. What kind of character builds would make some Marvel characters? Cap and Daredevil would be easy enough, but what about Spider-man or Wolverine? Could it even be done?

2017-05-25, 12:00 PM
Daredevil rod, is a short (1 to 2 ft) rod made of mithril, its light. Finesse and thrown property and does d4 or d6 bludgeon. Id label this as uncommon item simply for mithril.

If you wanted to incorporate the 'grappling hook' portion of Daredevil's rod, you could use a variation of the above plus a watered down version of the Rope of climbing - one that carries significantly less weight, but can "coil" into the rod while drawing the wielder up as it does so

2017-05-25, 12:05 PM
Another question. What kind of character builds would make some Marvel characters? Cap and Daredevil would be easy enough, but what about Spider-man or Wolverine? Could it even be done?

Spider-man as a bladesinger? Just use the spell Web a lot throughout combat.

Wolverine as a dagger-wielding Barbarian (probably bear totem). You can RP the damage resistance as just being able to heal the damage quickly.

Thor: Tempest Cleric

Hulk: Berserker Barbarian

Storm: Tempest Sorc

Gambit: Monk

Black Widow: Monk

Hawkeye: Battlemaster Fighter w/Sharpshooter


2017-05-25, 03:40 PM
Idk I can see Spidey as a Thief with a Wand of Web.

2017-05-25, 04:12 PM
Idk I can see Spidey as a Thief with a Wand of Web.

Yeah a thief with proficiency in acrobatics.

Is professor x a great old one warlock? Pact of the tome

2017-05-25, 04:28 PM
Yeah a thief with proficiency in acrobatics.

Is professor x a great old one warlock? Pact of the tome

I'd say professor X could be a knowledge Cleric.

2017-05-25, 05:04 PM
I wanted to build a Spider Man that did not need to rely on a magic item like the Cloak of Arachnia for all his spider abilities, so I could start him acting like Spider Man right out of the box.

I opted for Drunken Master Monk because of its mobility shenanigans and dumb luck seemed appropriate, and made a homebrew tiefling variant (lolth spawn) to give him some web abilities.

Here is the 11th level version, with some magic help: a ring of protection, a ring of jumping and slippers of spider climbing.

Piety Parkour
Tiefling (Homebrew Lolth-spawn variant)
11th level Way of the Drunken Master Monk

Str 11 0 (+5 ST) With Ring long jump 33', high jump 9'
Dex 20 +5 (+10 ST) Acrobatics +9, Stealth +9
Con 12 +1 (+2 ST)
Int 10 0 (+1 ST)
Wis 14 +2 (+3 ST)Perception +6, Insight +6 (Spidey Senses Pt. 1)
Cha 12 +1 (+2 ST) Performance +5

AC 18
hp 69
Initiative +10 (1st level bonus feat Alert, aka Spidey Senses Pt. 2)
Move 50' (60' w/ drunken technique flurry of blows)
Attack +9/+9 (fists) +5 Web Whip
Damage d8+5/d8+5 (Bludgeoning)
Total Ki: 11
Save DC (Tiefling spells: 13)

*Lolth-spawn Tiefling variant.
Your charisma increases by 2 and your dexterity increases by 1.
You have darkvision out to 60'.
You have fire resistance.
At 1st level, you learn a spider-web homebrew version of Thorn Whip, aka Web Whip. Replace the piercing damage with bludgeoning damage, but in all other respects it behaves in the same manner. For it and all other Tiefling spells, Charisma is your spellcasting ability.
At 3rd level you gain the Detect Poison or Disease spell, which you may cast once before needing to take a long rest.
At 5th level, you gain the Web spell, which you may cast once before needing to take a long rest.
Monk Abilities
Bonus feat: Alert (Can't be surprised, +5 to Initiative, etc)
Unarmored Defence (AC = Dx+Ws bonus)
Martial Arts
Unarmored Movement (move along vertical surfaces, liquids)
Ki: Flurry of Blows, Patient Defence, Step of the Wind
Deflect Missiles ("Hey Buddy, you dropped something!")
Drunken technique (When you flurry, you gain benefit of disengage action and you gain 10' movement. Hit and run.)
Slow Fall (Use reaction to reduce fall damage by 55).
Extra Attack, Stunning Strike
Tipsy Sway (As a reaction when enemy misses, make attack hit another enemy within 5'. Once per rest)
Stillness of Mind
Purity of Body (Immune to disease and poison)
Drunkard's luck (Spend 1 ki to gain advantage on any saving throw).

So his basic strategy in combat is to run in, throw four punches with his flurry of blows, then disengage and maybe jump onto the ceiling and out of harm's way.

If surrounded, he can always use his Tipsy Sway or Deflect Missiles to let them hurt each other in comical fashion. But he really doesn't have the hit points for tanking; he needs to be constantly on the move to survive.

If he attacks from range he can throw some web whips to move baddies around or keep them from escaping, or once a day cast a big web.

I had thought to use Vicious Mockery instead of Thorn Whip as his cantrip, because it is in keeping with the spider-man character, but I think the web attacks, while highly situational, are more thematic.

2017-05-25, 06:33 PM
I'd say professor X could be a knowledge Cleric.

Why not Awakened Mystic?

2017-05-25, 08:11 PM
Wolverine feels a lot like a Battle Rager BArbarian when you play it. Will need to fluff the armor into something else but the temp hit points every turn feels like healing.

2017-05-25, 08:15 PM
Wolverine feels a lot like a Battle Rager BArbarian when you play it. Will need to fluff the armor into something else but the temp hit points every turn feels like healing.

I like that, he's short in the comics so angry dwarf works pretty well.

2017-05-26, 06:00 AM
Wolverine as a dagger-wielding Barbarian (probably bear totem). You can RP the damage resistance as just being able to heal the damage quickly.

Wolverine feels a lot like a Battle Rager BArbarian when you play it. Will need to fluff the armor into something else but the temp hit points every turn feels like healing.

I feel like Wolverine is just a refluffed Longtooth Shifter where he has a claw attack instead of a bite attack, without the grapple

2017-05-26, 09:36 AM
I feel like Wolverine is just a refluffed Longtooth Shifter where he has a claw attack instead of a bite attack, without the grapple

Isn't soul knife mystic made to be wolverine?

2017-05-26, 01:37 PM
Isn't soul knife mystic made to be wolverine?

no, the soul knife is clearly Psylocke. Wolverine is a barbarian and I'll fight anyone who claims he isn't. The guy goes into a feral rage at times. his defense is blocking a bullet with his lungs.

2017-05-26, 01:48 PM
Storm is a Land Druid of some sort
Nightcrawler is pretty much the definition of a Shadow Monk
Jubilee is a vhuman commoner who has taken the feat Magic Initiate to get Prestidigitation

2017-05-27, 12:37 PM
Hobgoblin artificer alchemist need i say more. Mechanical bird for flying n bomb dropping too

2017-05-27, 01:03 PM
Cyclops is obviously using Eldritch Blast with Repelling Blast, shot out of his eyes. So he's some type of Warlock (unless I'm missing some at will energy Blast that also pushes back).

Kitty Pride is probably chain pact Warlock for her pseudodragon familiar.

2017-05-27, 01:19 PM
I'm running an Avengersish campaign with the following guys as the Masters of Evil:

Zemo, human mastermind rogue/battlemaster.
Enchantress, fallen aasimar enchanter wizard.
Executioner, fallen aasimar eldritch knight, with great axe.
Radioactive man, Goliath sun soul monk.
Melter, hobgoblin alchemist artificer/forge cleric (mostly for heat metal).
Black Knight, human oath breaker paladin.

Black knight and Executioner can tank while Radioactive Man and Melter blast from Distance and Zemo and Enchantress play battlefield control. Should be fun.

Night Eternal
2017-05-28, 12:34 PM
Does anyone have actually thoughts on weapons for characters.

2017-05-28, 01:58 PM
Does anyone have actually thoughts on weapons for characters.

Right... the actual request.

Daredevil club (requires attunement)

This device has as four buttons.

The first button allows the club to extend to the length of a staff +2, where it has the staff qualities (d6 +2, d8 +2 w/ two hands.) Pressing the button again shortens the staff.

The second buttom will launch a modified grappling hook that unfurls as it takes flight and can lodge itself in nearly any solid surface. The hook is attached to a rope as thin and lightweight as silk but as strong as steel.

The launcher has a maximum range of 100 feet. The rope can hold the weight of the user it is attuned to, plus half of the user’s carrying capacity.

To use you must make a ranged attack (and not the Use an Item action). If targeting a general area, like a spot on a castle wall, the DC to hit is 5. If targeting a specific spot on a wall about the size of tiny creature, the DC is 5 + 1 for every ten feet over 20 feet. If targeting a moving target, the DC would be adjusted at the DMs discretion. When targeting a creature, use the creature’s AC to determine a hit.

A creature struck by the hook takes d6 damage and is considered grappled. They can, as an action, remove the grapple (Strength DC 10), but take an additional d4 damage to do so.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can press the third button to cause the launcher to rewind the rope at a speed of 15 feet per round. If you are still holding the rope, this means you will move an additional 15 feet in the round in the direction of the hook, on top of your normal movement. For example, if you shoot the hook into a wall and begin to climb the wall, your climbing speed is increased by 15 feet.

As a bonus action, you can also press the fourth button. This will unfurl the rope at a rate of 15 feet per round, allowing you to potentially rappel down a wall at a faster rate.

As an action, the user can attempt to press both the third and fourth buttons at the same time. Doing so will cause the hook to detach itself from any inanimate object it has lodged itself into. The rope will then begin to rewind and return to the user. This process happens at a rate of 15 feet per round. If you lose the hook in this manner, you must wait until the next dawn before the club can regenerate a new hook.

2017-05-28, 02:10 PM
It's 5e, the game is pretty sloppy rules wise. Just say it can do what those items do and it does it, no rules required. If one of the item abilities can fail somehow, then tie it's activation to the relevant proficiency. That's the real answer, but probably not what you want. So here's the other answer.

The billy club is a club with several different methods of use involving the retractable cable and the two combined clubs. Require a bonus action to change weapon. It can act as a club, quarterstaff, whip, light hammer, blow gun, or flail. It can also be used as a rope and grapnel with maybe 20ft of reach.

The shield is invincible against anything that doesn't disintegrate the item. It can be used as either a shield or as cover. The wielder can spend their reaction to make the shield immovable and provide full cover on three of the player's edges till the start of their next turn. The shield is considered a monk weapon and has the thrown property. When the wielder takes the attack action they can spend their bonus action to cause it to return to them striking targets in a cone between the shield and the user allowing a reflex save versus 8+prof+dex damage is equal to the throwers strength bonus. The wielder can also ignore falling damage by spending their reaction.

It's much easier just to say it can do what it can do though. No need for all the writing.

2017-05-28, 02:29 PM
It's much easier just to say it can do what it can do though. No need for all the writing.

Fair enough. This shield attempt is pithier: I hope. One thing I would add but didn't is your reaction to avoid falling damage.

Captain America’s Shield (legendary, requires attunement)

The shield provides a +2 bonus to Armour Class and grants the user immunity to thunder damage.

The shield is lightweight and can also be used as a projectile and has a range of 30/60 for its first target.

You can throw the shield as one of your attacks at a target. On a hit, the shield does 1d8 +2 bludgeoning or slashing (your choice), plus whatever your ability modifier is. If you wish to attack a target that has partial or total cover from a better angle, you must use the ricochet bonus action as described below to hit it without disadvantage.

After you throw the shield as part of your attack, you can choose one of two maneuvers as a bonus action.

Recall: You use your bonus action to call the shield back to you, and it returns into your hand at the end of this turn.

Ricochet: You aim the shield in such a way that it either bounces off walls to strike a hard-to-hit target or so that it strikes a second or even third opponent (or wall) before returning. When you use your bonus action after your attack, the shield bounces to a second and third target before returning at the end of your next turn.

If you do not use your bonus action to either recall or ricochet the shield, it remains where you threw it.

2017-05-28, 03:57 PM
Fair enough. This shield attempt is pithier: I hope. One thing I would add but didn't is your reaction to avoid falling damage.

Captain America’s Shield (legendary, requires attunement)

The shield provides a +2 bonus to Armour Class and grants the user immunity to thunder damage.

The shield is lightweight and can also be used as a projectile and has a range of 30/60 for its first target.

You can throw the shield as one of your attacks at a target. On a hit, the shield does 1d8 +2 bludgeoning or slashing (your choice), plus whatever your ability modifier is. If you wish to attack a target that has partial or total cover from a better angle, you must use the ricochet bonus action as described below to hit it without disadvantage.

After you throw the shield as part of your attack, you can choose one of two maneuvers as a bonus action.

Recall: You use your bonus action to call the shield back to you, and it returns into your hand at the end of this turn.

Ricochet: You aim the shield in such a way that it either bounces off walls to strike a hard-to-hit target or so that it strikes a second or even third opponent (or wall) before returning. When you use your bonus action after your attack, the shield bounces to a second and third target before returning at the end of your next turn.

If you do not use your bonus action to either recall or ricochet the shield, it remains where you threw it.

It should also give that feat that allows you to tale 0 damage on a success DEX save

2017-05-28, 06:13 PM
It should also give that feat that allows you to tale 0 damage on a success DEX save

It's hard to know with these things whether the item should grant the feat, or if the hero has the feat.

Night Eternal
2017-06-05, 01:36 PM
Right... the actual request.

Daredevil club (requires attunement)

This device has as four buttons.

The first button allows the club to extend to the length of a staff +2, where it has the staff qualities (d6 +2, d8 +2 w/ two hands.) Pressing the button again shortens the staff.

The second buttom will launch a modified grappling hook that unfurls as it takes flight and can lodge itself in nearly any solid surface. The hook is attached to a rope as thin and lightweight as silk but as strong as steel.

The launcher has a maximum range of 100 feet. The rope can hold the weight of the user it is attuned to, plus half of the user’s carrying capacity.

To use you must make a ranged attack (and not the Use an Item action). If targeting a general area, like a spot on a castle wall, the DC to hit is 5. If targeting a specific spot on a wall about the size of tiny creature, the DC is 5 + 1 for every ten feet over 20 feet. If targeting a moving target, the DC would be adjusted at the DMs discretion. When targeting a creature, use the creature’s AC to determine a hit.

A creature struck by the hook takes d6 damage and is considered grappled. They can, as an action, remove the grapple (Strength DC 10), but take an additional d4 damage to do so.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can press the third button to cause the launcher to rewind the rope at a speed of 15 feet per round. If you are still holding the rope, this means you will move an additional 15 feet in the round in the direction of the hook, on top of your normal movement. For example, if you shoot the hook into a wall and begin to climb the wall, your climbing speed is increased by 15 feet.

As a bonus action, you can also press the fourth button. This will unfurl the rope at a rate of 15 feet per round, allowing you to potentially rappel down a wall at a faster rate.

As an action, the user can attempt to press both the third and fourth buttons at the same time. Doing so will cause the hook to detach itself from any inanimate object it has lodged itself into. The rope will then begin to rewind and return to the user. This process happens at a rate of 15 feet per round. If you lose the hook in this manner, you must wait until the next dawn before the club can regenerate a new hook.

thank you so much. This was exactly what i was looking for. My dm doesn't mind do new things as long as i present him the items with how things work. Thank you

2017-06-05, 02:12 PM
thank you so much. This was exactly what i was looking for. My dm doesn't mind do new things as long as i present him the items with how things work. Thank you

No problem. Feel free to fiddle with it. It's adapted from a crossbow I gave a player, which itself was adapted from a grappling hook launcher I saw in another forum. So it's rough around the edges.