View Full Version : Comics Venom 150

2017-05-25, 02:36 PM
In something possibly no one cares about but me, the Venom comics finally explained what happened to Flash Thomson and how the Venom symbiote got separated from him. It only took practically a year.

The short of it is after all this time Eddie Brock is now Venom again. As much as I prefer Flash as Agent Venom, after the utter garbage of a story involving some guy named Lee who got his hands on the Venom symboite, even seeing it back in Eddie's hands is something of a relief. More importantly the issue came with a short scene explaining what I just pointed out above, how Flash got separated from Venom in the first place which (thankfully) didn't involve him getting killed off just because the writers wanted a change of pace which I was seriously concerned would turn out to be the case. Still doesn't answer just what happened to Mania during all of this, but considering she basically doesn't exist outside the Agent Venom stuff I'm not really going to be holding my breath until we hear any more about her.
Interestingly, seeing how Flash is still around and even shown to be more then capable even without the aid of Venom makes me curious to see what happens to him next. But yeah, like Mania I'm not really holding out on anything coming out of that ether.