View Full Version : Star Wars FFG Star Wars Role for Force Sensativity

2017-05-26, 08:23 AM
Okay so I have a group of people that want to play FFG's Star Wars pg. I am really exited however just about everyone wants to be a Jedi or force sensitive. I have come up with a mechanic that to me looks good in deciding weather or not a player is force sensitive or not. I did this to discourage everyone being a Jedi but at the same time give everyone a chance to be one. I was hoping that everyone if willing could help me refine this so that it is better and can cause as little issues a possible.

Roll to be force sensitive.
One Ability dice
One Difficulty dice
One Force dice

Add up total Success, advantage, and light side force points and subtract the total despair, threat and dark side points from it. If there is at least one point of success, advantage, or light side point the character is force sensitive and it is marked somewhere on the character sheet to remember later.

If you have more success, advantage, and light side points you are force sensitive. If given the opportunity to train to be a Jedi you can. You do not have to however become a Jedi.

If you choose t not become a Jedi you can roll the force die at each level and gain force or light side points equal to the corresponding denotation on the dice. If you moral is good you do not gain dark side points and will gain the minimum of one force point. It is the same if you are a darker morality but reversed to a minimum of one dark side point. If you hold a neutral morality to gain either dark or light side points.

If you have more despair, threat, and dark side points then you are not force sensitive. At every level that you would gain a attribute increase you can forgo that point to re-roll your chance to be force sensitive. Then sudden gain of a connection to the force can be role played in or just accepted. the choice is up to the gm and player.

If force sensitive a players force pool works the same as the destiny pool however once used is gone until they level again and acts separately from the destiny pool. Force sensitives can use there points to change any ability dice into a proficiency die once per check.

Please post any thoughts or modifications that you think would help. this is the first draft and I understand revision could be needed.

2017-05-26, 09:04 AM
This is Edge of the Empire/Age of Rebellion/Force and Destiny?

Because all of them come with rules for handling Force Sensitives/The Force and I'm not sure why you'd want to mess with that. It works decently well. Also the system doesn't have "levels" so I'm not sure what you mean there.

2017-05-26, 09:14 AM
haha oops I kind of mixed it with saga so that will be changed. I have read through all the core rules. Maybe I just over looked it. What book and page is it in?

2017-05-26, 11:15 AM
Each of the three books has a chapter on The Force(and for Force and Destiny it is the entire point).

Edge of the Empire's is chapter starting on page 273. I don't have the other two books so I can't tell you where it is for them, but I assume its the Chapter called the Force.

2017-05-26, 02:50 PM
Yeah, it's an XP buy system. You want Force Sensitivity, you pay for it. And it's surprisingly well balanced against buying something else with the XP, unlike some other Star Wars systems where Force Sensitivity trumps every other skill or ability.

2017-05-28, 02:09 PM
Okay so I have a group of people that want to play FFG's Star Wars pg. I am really exited however just about everyone wants to be a Jedi or force sensitive.

So what? Isn't the Force and Destiny book designed to handle campaigns that center on the Force?

Powers &8^]

2017-05-28, 03:46 PM
Just... let those who want to play a Force Sensitive character play one? I mean, with that rolling system you're talking about, if I wanted to play a Force User, I'd just be rolling until I got the one I wanted.

I find that the rules in F&D balance Force Users decently against non-sensitives, due to the cost of Force Powers and that the really powerful stuff requires Force Rating 2+. And if you are running a story set in the Galactic Empire time-period, being a Force user can quickly be a bigger hindrance than a bonus, considering how hard the Empire cracks down on such. Just getting your hands on a lightsaber is going to be very difficult.