View Full Version : 3rd Ed Magic tattoo

2017-05-26, 12:31 PM
Does one manual claims explicitly is possible craft a magic object continous with the appearance of a tattoo?
I remember the Dungeon Master Guide, but i can't find this rule.

(I know is possible to do withaout problem, but a friend asked to a explicit rule)

(sorry for my disgusting english)

2017-05-26, 01:08 PM
I’m sorry, but your English is very confusing, and I’m not sure what you’re asking.

Are you asking if it’s possible to craft any magic item in the form of a tattoo? Or if it’s possible to craft magic tattoos? Because the second option, making tattoos that store spells like scrolls, is possible with the Tattoo Magic feat.

2017-05-26, 01:20 PM
Making a wondrous item that is a tattoo would be fine. It would probably ad hoc be inseparable from its owner, and if you made it take a slot, it would consume it permanently, so that's a bad idea. But pay for a slotless item that's a tattoo? Probably not a problem. It does fall under custom item creation, though. Which always requires a DM's approval.

2017-05-26, 01:32 PM
There are numerous psionic tattoos. Is that what you remember reading maybe?

2017-05-26, 01:47 PM
I know pathfinder have the Needles of Fleshgraving (http://archivesofnethys.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Needles of Fleshgraving), which allow you to conceal objects on your bodies as tattoos, and peel them off later, but I don't know a 3e counterpart.

2017-05-26, 09:27 PM
As mentioned, the Tattoo Magic feat (Races of Faerun p.170 or Lords of Darkness p.189) more-or-less lets you create a tattoo that mimics a potion (i.e 3rd level or lower spell that targets a creature) and works for one creature. It takes up an item slot, unless you pay double the costs.

Races of Faerun (p.168) also has the Sacred tattoo feat, that adds +1 to DC of spells and +1 CL checks to beat SR in a Consecrated area. This feat cannot be taken by a creature with the Tattoos FOcus feat (below).

The Tattoo Focus feat (DMG p.194) may be what the OP was thinking of in the DMG: it adds +1 DC and +1 CL check to overcome SR with one particular school of magic. It's also require for Circle Magic. The feat also appears in a couple of FR books, I believe.

There is also the Create Magic Tattoo spell (Spell Compendium p.55) creates tattoos that give the target various bonuses for 24 hours.

Scribe Tattoo (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#scribeTattoo) is a psionic feat that allows creation of Psionic Tattoos (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/psionicTattoos.htm) that, again, act similarly to Potions, but with more flexibility and less restrictions compared to those created by the Tattoo Magic feat.

2017-05-27, 05:16 AM
There is a cursed item tattoo listed in a bottom of page side-bar of some high-level dungeon magazine adventure. Its effect is that whoever has it is under a constant dimensional anchor effect, and if the creature with the tatoo dies, it seeps into the next creature that touches the corpse (may or may not allow a save). I had a quick look but sadly couldn't find it again.

2017-05-27, 05:45 AM
Using the custom items rules, you can create a lot of items that use the "slotless" option. Be aware that those can take many forms, from Ioun Stone to looking like a tattoo, but it is not a tattoo, so the basic rules still apply. It´s not inked into your skin (or chitin or whatever you have) but you still wear it, so it can be sundered, stolen, etc.
Then there´s "Create Magic Tattoo" that allows for potion to be tattooed to a target.

2017-05-27, 10:13 AM
The Tattooed Monk prestige class from Complete Warrior specifically calls out their tattoos as magical, granting Supernatural abilities (except Crescent Moon, which gives a Spell-Like ability). That's a class feature though, and not a particular object.

2017-05-27, 04:59 PM
As well as the feats and spell I mentioned, there's also:

Tattooed Monk PrC {as mentioned by Telonius} (CW p.82)
Thayan Knight PrC {gets a couple of tattoo related class abilities that grant small bonuses} (CW p.85)
Leech Ghost Skill spell {steal/bind abilities from a "ghost" that manifest as a tattoo on your chest} (Ghostwalk web enhancement)
Goliath race {they have "lithoderms"; natural markings which are kind of like tattoos; various racial feats utilize these} (RoS p.53)
Yuan Ti Cultist PrC {Snake Darts class feature - tattoos that the character can use as a ranged attack} (SS p.89)
A few spells {Kiss of the Toad, Snake Darts} have a tattoo as a focus or component (various)