View Full Version : [F&D] Warriors of the Old Empire (IC)

2017-05-26, 03:25 PM
It is the fourteenth year after the Treaty of Coruscant and the lingering embers of the Cold War have been rekindled into the fires of full-blown strife. After the assassination of the Sith Emperor by the Republic Darth Marr of the Dark Council has effectively taken control of the Sith Empire, steering it into a new age of aggression and technological progress.
All of you have been choose directly by the Dark Council for a mission of utmost secrecy which you have been told could secure utter victory for the Sith Empire in this war and any to come. Despite any effort you may have mustered to figure out more about this project all you could find was that it is related to a new starship system; but whether it is a new type of weapon, shield or propulsion system you do not know.
After nearly a week of travel through uncharted, empty space aboard the Clawed Fist - a Fury-class interceptor - you nearly reached your destination, a rendezvous point with the Harrower-class dreadnought Tempest's Wail. To find out the specifics of your mission you are to meet with her commander, Moff Aria Cole.

Right now you are about to exit hyperspace, leaving you some time for final preparations and discussions with the other Darths working on this mission.
The title Moff, which originally was granted to warlords that joined the early Republic and denoted sector governors in the later Galactic Empire had a different function in the Sith Empire: A special military rank above General or Admiral, Moffs could command both ground and space forces. Directly appointed by the Dark Council they were assigned to a specific territories or high-priority missions. The privileges and respect the rank brought with it meant that even most Sith would think twice before obstructing their missions.
In addition to this there also was the honorary title of Grand Moff, granted by the Sith Emperor. While having no additional privileges these Moffs often worked directly with the Dark Council and on missions of their own choosing.

2017-05-26, 05:46 PM
Darth Cryos (https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Darth_Cryos)
Rattataki Mystic (Seer/Ataru Striker)
Characteristics: Brawn 3, Agility 4, Intellect 2, Cunning 3, Willpower 3, Presence 2
Current Force Rating: 3 | Committed Force Dice: 0
Defense: 1G/0M/0R | Soak: 5 | Wounds: 0/14 | Strain: 0/15 | Encumbrance: 5/8
Within the cargo hold on the starboard side of the Clawed Fist, Darth Cryos snarled as he allowed his pent-up frustration to erupt. Seizing the Force with his anger-fueled will, he drew deeply upon the Dark Side. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory, he mentally recited, savagely embracing the intoxicating rush of potency. His red blade flared brightly as he deftly parried a sweeping, horizontal slash from the combat droid's training saber.

Immediately going on the offensive, the ruthless Rattataki launched a flurry of strikes of his own. However, the droid, which was calibrated to its highest skill level, smoothly defended itself with split-second machine precision. Its inhuman reaction times were fast enough to stymie even the Sith warrior's blinding onslaught, resulting in a draw for now. "Cease dueling program," Cryos hissed in annoyance, relinquishing his grasp on the Force. "Resume maintenance mode."

The humanoid-shaped droid extinguished its weapon and wordlessly positioned itself over by the bay's inner wall, shutting down a majority of its functions until it went into standby. Cryos left it there unmolested despite a nearly irresistable urge to decapitate it. Turning off his own lightsaber, the room fell into a sudden silence with the absence of his blade's signature hum. Without a backward glance, he exited the cargo hold and made his way to the ship's central lounge to find the others. Perhaps now, with their impending rendezvous with the Tempest's Wail, they would finally get some straight answers about the details of their mission.

2017-05-27, 10:03 AM
"Finished reminding yourself of your inadequacies?" rumbled the huge Shistivastan, marked with modification both cybernetic and alchemical- some kind of creation of the Sphere of Biotic science- his presence here, lounging in the main hall, still something of a mystery.

2017-05-29, 11:18 AM
The Commodore (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12wgj08e9Y9XGleQZ9zbFeRZcDxpnVDfyfmZ6zuRA64g/edit?usp=drive_web)
Human Guardian Peacebreaker / Mystic Advisor
Characteristics: Brawn 2, Agility 3, Intellect 2, Cunning 2, Willpower 2, Presence 2
Current Force Rating: 3 | Committed Force Dice: 0
Defense: 1G/1M/0R | Soak: 4 | Wounds: 0/16 | Strain: 0/12 | Encumbrance: 5/7

The Commodore noted the time stamp on the hyperdrive consul and allowed himself a curt nod. Just enough time to gather the others and pass out the dossier, including all relevant information. Introductions were to be made and simple specs discussed. Not enough information truly existed for anything more than a few digital pages on the consul for the others to see.

None-the-less, protocol dictated a gathering. The others should know each other's names and areas of expertise. "Attention, all hands. We will shortly be exiting hyperspace. Please gather briefly in the Lounge (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/content_link/gcN4wOrizhbsoplhmY2GVUOtFn4Pg4zS4nUCyP4PMT9mMHgjHM FYtUlb2ZB6JXmv/file) for the dossier, or what little dossier we currently possess. Again, please gather in the Lounge."

He clicked off the ship comm, fluidly stood, and then adjusted his exquisite uniform. Feeling the force, he drew upon the force to smooth out a small wrinkle near the waist. Passion to Strength. Strength to Power. Power to Victory. Ever control and ever discipline. Too many of these mangy brutes use the force as their personal spice-fix. The force is a tool, as are they. Passion, but tempered. Strength, yet precision. Victory. He adopted a calm neutral expression and entered the lounge.

Here is what I would like to do:

1. Force Move Power to smooth out uniform.

2. I would like to collect information about where we are heading and what we know about each other. That information will be displayed in the dossier.

3. I would like to recall any information about our destination that I readily know or is readily accessible in the computers. (Knowledge Powers or Computers, or whatever you would like. I am equally not-great with any of it.)

2017-05-29, 03:07 PM
Sitting cross-legged in a corner of the bridge, Darth Aten's whole world was the stars. He was watching them peel past the ship in their thousands, waiting for that perfect moment when the ship would leave hyperspace and the universe, for the briefest moment, would be completely still. That had always been his favorite.

The abomination's taunt echoed through the hull, carried by his deep voice, and Darth Aten was jerked from his meditations. Frowning, he re-focused on the window. This puerile argument had been brewing since the day they left, the two combat-specialists likely only stopped from trying to tear each other apart by the hard fact that they'd tear the ship apart too. But now they were almost there, and their argument could wait a little longer. It couldn't be allowed to disturb his perfect moment.

And then the Commodore spoke, and the intercom above Darth Aten blared its unwelcome message. Of all the things he wanted to happen right now, standing in a room listening to his fellow Darths was... not high on the list. In fact, it was somewhere between 'Taking a walk out the airlock, sans suit' and 'Father having another child'. Without a word he stood and stalked out of the bridge, trying not to show his displeasure. It wouldn't do to lose his composure in front of the others.

2017-05-29, 03:43 PM
The Commodore's dossier contains basic on each of you - what your prior work was, what your strengths are and other similar easily accessible information. Facts about the mission are far more sparse, though that most likely is caused by the amount of secrecy surrounding it instead of anything related to the Commodore's information gathering skills.

The Tempest's Wail was built quite recently and it has yet to see any combat action. Apparently a brigade of veteran troopers is currently stationed on it; soldiers skilled enough to assure its security, but not elite enough to draw any unwanted attention. And while the current location of the unremarkable, empty space speaks against tests related to planetary attacks such a force would normally be too large as to serve as simple security on a Harrower-class.

Information on Moff Cole was far more forthcoming, but also less remarkable: Once a combat engineer serving in the Imperial Army her career seemed rather mundane until she was made a Moff after serving on Belsavis (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Belsavis), a previously secret Republic prison planet. After being reassigned to the Sphere of Technology information on her activity dried up considerably, most likely because she started working on this project.

2017-05-30, 05:09 PM
[RIGHT]The Commodore (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12wgj08e9Y9XGleQZ9zbFeRZcDxpnVDfyfmZ6zuRA64g/edit?usp=drive_web)
Human Guardian Peacebreaker / Mystic Advisor
Characteristics: Brawn 2, Agility 3, Intellect 2, Cunning 2, Willpower 2, Presence 2
Current Force Rating: 3 | Committed Force Dice: 0
Defense: 1G/1M/0R | Soak: 4 | Wounds: 0/16 | Strain: 0/12 | Encumbrance: 5/7

As the various individuals gather, they are met with a polite and serious looking officer, not quite advanced in years, but obviously their senior in age. He wears an immaculately pressed uniform lacking any military insignia or medal, other than a simple Commodore pin. Darth Cantor.

The holoprojector shows a slowly revolving image of Moff Cole. He nods with apparent respect and sincerity at Darth Cryos as he enters, and barely fails at concealing a genuine smirk of familiarity at Darth Acedia. He glances at Darth Aten but otherwise does not acknowledge him - true can have a air of disdain for other Darths, especially those that hide or 'have not truly embraced their power'. The Commodore would qualify.

Each is able to access a small device in their chairs, giving a simple readout:

The Commodore's dossier contains basic on each of you - what your prior work was, what your strengths are and other similar easily accessible information. Facts about the mission are far more sparse, though that most likely is caused by the amount of secrecy surrounding it instead of anything related to the Commodore's information gathering skills.

The Tempest's Wail was built quite recently and it has yet to see any combat action. Apparently a brigade of veteran troopers is currently stationed on it; soldiers skilled enough to assure its security, but not elite enough to draw any unwanted attention. And while the current location of the unremarkable, empty space speaks against tests related to planetary attacks such a force would normally be too large as to serve as simple security on a Harrower-class.

Information on Moff Cole was far more forthcoming, but also less remarkable: Once a combat engineer serving in the Imperial Army her career seemed rather mundane until she was made a Moff after serving on Belsavis (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Belsavis), a previously secret Republic prison planet. After being reassigned to the Sphere of Technology information on her activity dried up considerably, most likely because she started working on this project.

Once everyone has gathered he states simply, "We are stepping into the unknown with less information about our assignments than ever before. I cannot recall a project where less was presented, yet so many that may access the Force were assigned. That implies danger.

"This is Moff Cole. With any luck, I am wrong when I say she cannot and should not be trusted. Once, she worked at a prison colony and then somehow made the jump to technological development. The implication, of course, being that she either is using forced labor for the construction and development of new advancements or she previously spent her time on the prison colony, ah, 'extracting' expertise from her wards. Either way,
an ambitious Moff is both highly useful and occasionally ...unpredictable." This as close as the Commodore could get to saying dangerous to others that might be seen as a stepping stone.

"You are free to draw your own conclusions, of course. Perhaps Darth Acedia knows something of this project or person. And take this as no criticism of Moff herself. My job as liaison remains keeping you well informed and protected."

2017-05-30, 05:13 PM
I would like to make a leadership check with this. The main goal is to create a sense of unity and singular purpose, if not respect for one another.

I believe (though now I know I need to make a better character sheet to access through the day) that Commanding Presence also provides an auxiliary benefit.

2017-05-30, 08:30 PM
Darth Cryos (https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Darth_Cryos)
Rattataki Mystic (Seer/Ataru Striker)
Characteristics: Brawn 3, Agility 4, Intellect 2, Cunning 3, Willpower 3, Presence 2
Current Force Rating: 3 | Committed Force Dice: 0
Defense: 1G/0M/0R | Soak: 5 | Wounds: 0/14 | Strain: 0/15 | Encumbrance: 5/8
Pointedly ignoring the Shistavanen's poor attempt at antagonization, Cryos took up a position close to the lounge's holoterminal, choosing to eschew the few seats in the room to stand instead. Returning Darth Cantor's nod of acknowledgement, the white-skinned Mystic tapped his datapad to synchronize it with the information currently displayed on the holo. His pale gray eyes quickly scanned the Commodore's uploaded reports for any new news about their classified assignment. Unfortunately, there still wasn't much to go on.

As Darth Cantor gave his verbal assessment of Moff Cole to the assembled group, Cryos peered closely at her digitized image. According to her file, she had served for a time in the Imperial Army. As an engineer, he sneered. However, he didn't experience any flicker of recognition as he studied her bland human face. But that came as no surprise considering the immense size of the Sith Empire's ground forces. The odds were too long. And in his estimation, he immediately categorized the Moff as expendable. Already losing interest in the woman, he asked, "How long until we reach the Tempest's Wail?"

2017-05-31, 12:19 AM
Marrok- Darth Li-kan still thought of himself by his old name, at least- hunched in the back of the lounge, watching the presentation. He still knew so little of the Sith lore, even now that he was elevated among them- he was likely to miss details the others would take for granted.

"Vhat could threaten us? Do we expect this moff to haff a secrit army of Jedi on hand? Or just the traps of a schmart but ungifted soldier?"

2017-05-31, 08:58 AM
The Commodore turned to Darth Li-kan. With seeming consternation and empathy, he replied "The schemes and trappings of the Moffs and the political structure are subtle. Do not dismiss her out of her inability to use and sense the force. As policy, our empire engineers a healthy amount of competition among the sycophants, military structure, and even among the Sith. Sometimes those nurtured ambitions turn the wrong direction, against those of us rightful in power due to being Chosen by the force.

"Whatever she is, and whatever she represents...we'll need her. Better to have her think herself in control than to break her. At this point. In this, again, I only advise. The Sith counsel will consider our actions in light of our successes and failures...or in light of whatever they hear of our actions. I suggest that in either capacity, we control what is reported rather than this Moff Cole.

"And we should have just a few moments before I need to head to the bridge. We are soon to exit hyperspace. Any other questions, concerns, or approaches?"

2017-06-01, 07:52 AM
Why is everyone standing?

Darth Aten takes a seat for the briefing; afterwards he turns around in his chair at Darth Li-Kan's comment. "She could also blow us out of the sky. She is our sole source of information on a mission we know nothing about; sponsored by someone who chose her personally after Belsavis and had the wherewithal to make her a Moff. One whom we have been seconded to. Being polite would be wise."

He turned to the Commodore. "I've little doubt of her loyalty; her career prospects are hitched inexorably both to this project and her benefactor - my only fear is that she may not realize that herself. No questions."

Why is everyone standing?

2017-06-01, 09:49 AM
The Commodore glanced around for another moment or two and then nodded ascent. "Very well. Please, let us show solidarity in front of the Moff, let she play us against ourselves. I will remain, as ever, incognito while among the military staff. Please remind her that I am your liaison and not to be commanded by the Moff. The information will remain available until we land. I will be in the cockpit, piloting us as we exit hyperspace. May the force be yours to command."

With that, the Commodore turned to leave, noticing once more that everyone preferred to stand rather than sit. Alas, these Darths. Always so...edgy.

2017-06-01, 07:05 PM
:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::furi ous::furious:
As you finish the briefing the Clawed Fist leaves hyperspace. As expected the only thing that greets you at your exit location is the cold emptiness of space and the Tempest's Wail. The Harrower-class Dreadnought - the mightiest class of space-ship in the galaxy - immediately trails its weapons on you, but after scanning your transponder code and verifying your identity powers them down again and allows you to dock.

After leaving your ship you are greeted by Moff Cole, a young woman in her twenties, her short blonde hair bound into a bun at the back and framing her pale, freckled face at the front. Flanked by two Sith war droids (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_war_droid_Mark_I) her hazel eyes dart between you, unsure which one of you to address as the leader of the party.
"Welcome on the Tempest's Wail, my lords. It is an honour to be able to work with all of you." She turns sideways and motions towards the exit of the hangar bay "I am sure you have questions, so please let us go to the bridge and I'll tell you about this project while we're walking."
Everyone please roll an average (♦♦) Perception roll.

2017-06-01, 09:25 PM
Darth Cryos (https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Darth_Cryos)
Rattataki Mystic (Seer/Ataru Striker)
Characteristics: Brawn 3, Agility 4, Intellect 2, Cunning 3, Willpower 3, Presence 2
Current Force Rating: 3 | Committed Force Dice: 0
Defense: 1G/0M/0R | Soak: 5 | Wounds: 0/14 | Strain: 0/15 | Encumbrance: 5/8
Darth Cryos emerged from the Clawed Fist, the sound of his booted footsteps on the ship's rear-facing gangplank echoing into the Tempest's Wail's expansive hangar bay. He peered about with narrowed eyes, noting the presence of the two war droids, and then settled his icy gaze upon Moff Cole. In person, she was even less-impressive looking than her file's holopic. And yet, at her age, she had been given command of a Harrower and all of its considerable resources. Perhaps Aten and Cantor's evaluation of the human held some merit. Who is your sponsor? he wondered. Someone had to be pulling her strings.

Standing silently off to one side near the back of the group, the cloaked warrior left the talking to the others while he positioned himself just outside of the forward firing arc of the second war droid. It was a habitual precaution of his, even amongst supposed allies, to retain a certain level of wariness. Quite often, Cryos gave off the impression of a caged nexu that was poised to lash out. He trusted no one. It was an instinct that had served him well thus far, keeping him alive all of these years. And with a grimace of barely concealed irritation, he trailed after his fellow Sith as Moff Cole began leading them to the bridge.

Perception Check (http://orokos.com/roll/521416): 1eP+2eA+2eD 6 successes, 1 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/521416)

2017-06-01, 10:09 PM
Perception check (http://orokos.com/roll/521424): 2eA+2eD 1 success
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/521424)

The unusually large and overmuscled Shistivastan loomed over the war droids as he followed the moff, blocking half the corridor as they walked, playing his part as an obediant war beast. It was what he had been augmented for, after all, and an easy disguise to fall into. More than one Sith had underestimated him for that reason.

2017-06-02, 06:33 AM
Stepping out of the ship, Darth Aten had to suppress a grin at the sight of the two war droids loaning their gravitas to the too-young Moff. She knows she is too young, and is scared. Good. Fear breeds excellence.

"Indeed we do, so let us dispense with the pleasantries and speak." He says as he turns and follows her.

Perception Check (http://orokos.com/roll/521482): 2eA+2eD 1 success, 3 threat
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-f-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th-th.png (http://orokos.com/roll/521482)

2017-06-02, 03:33 PM
The Commodore follows. "Please proceed. The Darths will gladly hear an account of your progress. Please provide me any additional documentation for their future reference."

My first roll had too many ability dice.

Perception (If I do it right) (http://orokos.com/roll/521580): 2eA+2eD 1 success, 2 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-s-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.png (http://orokos.com/roll/521580)

I would like to spend the advantage on getting some useful auxiliary information about Moff Cole.

2017-06-02, 08:38 PM
:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::furi ous::furious:
You notice that Moff Cole seems rather nervous. It is possible that she is hiding something from you.
Moff Cole seems rather nervous. Maybe she is not used to talking with Sith.
Moff Cole seems to hide fear behind barely noticeable nervousness. More fear than a Moff should have for a Sith.
Moff Cole seems quite nervous; you have dealt with many high ranking non-Sith and this is not the nervousness of a Moff talking to a Sith, but that of a simple soldier. It is a testament to her willpower that she can hide her fear. This woman does not have the character of a Moff.
"My lord, I am aware of your real status. Your true skills are one of the reason you are here."
Moff Cole leads you deeper into the Tempest's Wail, the clanking of her mechanical bodyguards echoing through the clean, metallic corridors.
"You should know that before being made a Moff I was just an engineer, last stationed on Belsavis. An arctic word, dotted with spots of volcanic activity that allow jungles to grow around them. Before we found out about it the Republic used it as a prison world, but as always they were ignorant of its true worth."
As she continues talking her tone becomes more enthusiastic and you get the feeling that she has all but forgotten whom she is talking to.
"You see, they didn't build the prison facilities - well, they added to them. But the original complex was constructed by the Rakatan Infinite Empire. Can you imagine that, they found a trove of ancient, powerful technology and used it for storage of dissidents and captured Sith.
But then we came and as we fought for control of the planet we found out above its true provenance."
By now Cole is actually smiling, nearly lost in fond memories.
"Instead of digging trenches and repairing wrecked vehicles I got to unearth and restore ancient, arcane technology! The pure wonder of the Rakatan ingenuity, it is hard to form into words. And as we searched for ancient weapons we found something far more valuable: Teleportation. Aged relics that allows a person to move between them instantaneously. While the archaeologists and scientists struggled to restore the devices it just came to me so easily. It was like they told me how to make them work, how to manipulate their function..."
As she calms down again she remembers your presence and continues more reserved and quiet, unable to hide some degree of embarrassment.
"And that is when the Darth Acina learned about me, and later made me a Moff. I may not be force sensitive - they tested me thoroughly for that - and I may not really understand the physics behind the functionality of these devices, but I am apparently the only one who can change how they work without much of a problem; and with some help even reproduce them, though admittedly only inferior versions."
By now she has lead you into a turbolift, which will stop directly in front of the bridge.
"And that, finally, brings us to my currently project: With the help of the Sphere of Technology I managed to modify a number of the devices, linking them together into a new version that not only transports itself and a large amount of matter, but also does so without a receiving teleporter.
There were some problems with the development of this technology - apparently the Rakatan technology requires dark side force users to function in this way - but I am sure that I can make this version work with the help of a few Sith."
The lift door opens and Cole leads you towards the bridge. A number of the crew look at you in awe.
"With your power, my lords, we will move this ship. It will be untrackable, faster than anything the Republic could ever build and impossible to intercept."

2017-06-03, 12:29 AM
The Rakata? This just became very interesting.

This time Darth Aten did let his smile out to play, and it wasn't a pretty thing. "And, of course, you've tested this contraption on a smaller scale and the test went flawlessly? The alternative would seem to be risking not only our own august selves but a Fury-class on a poorly-understood technology left unmaintained for millennia. That is not an attractive alternative."

2017-06-03, 03:53 AM
Darth Cryos (https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Darth_Cryos)
Rattataki Mystic (Seer/Ataru Striker)
Characteristics: Brawn 3, Agility 4, Intellect 2, Cunning 3, Willpower 3, Presence 2
Current Force Rating: 3 | Committed Force Dice: 0
Defense: 1G/0M/0R | Soak: 5 | Wounds: 0/14 | Strain: 0/15 | Encumbrance: 5/8
Listening to Moff Cole prattle on and on, Cryos impatiently bided his time. He knew that the talkative ones who reeked of fear were always the first to reveal too much information. If you let them. So he allowed her to continue her monologue uninterrupted. And his restraint was eventually rewarded when she finally divulged her sponsor's name. The young Moff's meteoric rise in rank started to make sense now--her benefactor was none other than Darth Acina of the Dark Council.

It seems the Council has its fingers in many pies, the Rattataki brooded. The startling revelation complicated matters. And on top of that, there was the leftover Rakatan tech which Moff Cole was attempting to repurpose. To what end? he wondered with agitated curiosity. She claimed it was to create an uncatchable and untrackable ship. But with Darth Acina pulling her strings, it would ultimately be the Dark Lady's agenda that was being served. Cryos wordlessly fumed. He and his companions were being treated like minor pieces on a Dejarik board. I am nobody's pawn, he seethed.

2017-06-06, 02:47 AM
The beast followed the group, letting the others take thhe lead, the better to maintain a low profile for now.

2017-06-06, 08:08 AM
The Moff leads you to the fore of the bridge. The body of the ship and the vastness of space are visible through the transpirasteel window in front of you.
"Darth Acina managed to transport a shuttle from one side of planetary orbit to the other, but we have yet to transport something of this size or carrying so many people. We choose a dreadnought, filled with a maximal complement of fighters and troops to stress-test the technology."

2017-06-06, 03:06 PM
Darth Aten turns to stare out the window. "Hm." I must find whomever volunteered me for this mission and be sure to thank them - studying the force-sensitive technology of a long-dead race is a rare opportunity - before I kill them. It's a clever trap - if it goes well all the more glory for the Empire, and if it fails they are rid of several rivals.

2017-06-07, 11:19 AM
The Moff leads you to the fore of the bridge. The body of the ship and the vastness of space are visible through the transpirasteel window in front of you.
"Darth Acina managed to transport a shuttle from one side of planetary orbit to the other, but we have yet to transport something of this size or carrying so many people. We choose a dreadnought, filled with a maximal complement of fighters and troops to stress-test the technology."

The Commodore nods to Moff Cole reassuringly, and then gestures for a pause. He turns to a technician and asks, "You. At attention. Briefly state your experience, your duties, and the status of the ship."


1. How many people are in the bridge?

2. Is there a seating area for a group of Darths?
A single Darth?

2017-06-07, 07:17 PM
:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::furi ous::furious:
The technician salutes you "Yes, my lord. I served as a communications technician on the Ziost Shadow for three years and now fullfill the same function on the Tempest's Wail. All systems are currently on stand-by, but we are ready to engage the experimental systems at any time."
Moff Cole interjects
"I wanted to give you some time to adjust before we did the first test run, but we can skip that if you lordships wish to."
Vaiken Spacedock (https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/7/77/VaikenSpacedock_Cropped.png/revision/latest?cb=20140823160651) is a massive space station and primary staging point of the Sith fleet.
The Ziost Shadow was one of a few Harrower-class Dreadnoughts permanently assigned to the station. While it did not see much combat action the vast amount of comm chatter around the station would require competent comm officers and technicians for it.
I'm not entirely sure about the number of bridge crew, but it's probably about two or three dozen. This is how the average Harrower bridge looks like, though there is a lot of variance in the layout; this, specifically, is the bridge of the White Nova, one of the two visitable Harrowers in the SWToR game around Vaiken Spacedock; the bridge of the Ziost Shadow is pretty much empty.
The only stations with seats are those that require close attention for a long, continuous time.
The remaining bridge crew and officers, including any Sith, normally just stand; with the commanding officer and/or any Sith at the front.
Note that the scaling is probably too large because game-design-necessities mess with ship scaling, especially the interior. The Fury-class interior for example is pretty much twice what it should be, with huge beds; which is also where the large size comes from, because they scaled the exterior to fit the overscaled interior.
So, imagine it smaller, with less open space but probably the same or even higher number of consoles.

2017-06-08, 12:39 AM
In the spacius bridge, Dark Li Kahn stood straight for the first time in days, and stretched. 3 meters, 3 and a half... he was far larger than he had seemed in the shuttle or corridor, and his dark presence filled the bridge like a black aura of malevolence.

"Am goot for test now, ya?"

(anyone engaged with me takes difficulty 5 fear test while I've got this ability up)

2017-06-08, 10:34 AM
Moff Cole interjects
"I wanted to give you some time to adjust before we did the first test run, but we can skip that if you lordships wish to."

"I assume our belongings have been transferred to our quarters. I would like to conduct an inspection of the ship prior to testing, with specific attention to weapons systems, defense systems, and mechanical components. Were an undercover agent or dissident interested in a devastating blow against our great empire, now would be the time. Afterwards,
should these great Darths assent to your tests,
we may begin."

We can totally skip over this with a sentence, I just thought it would be proper and fitting.

2017-06-10, 01:14 AM
Darth Cryos (https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Darth_Cryos)
Rattataki Mystic (Seer/Ataru Striker)
Characteristics: Brawn 3, Agility 4, Intellect 2, Cunning 3, Willpower 3, Presence 2
Current Force Rating: 3 | Committed Force Dice: 0
Defense: 1G/0M/0R | Soak: 5 | Wounds: 0/14 | Strain: 0/15 | Encumbrance: 5/8
Standing upon the dreadnought's bridge, with his gaze drawn to the inky starscape outside of the ship, Cryos began reassessing his previous judgement. So, Darth Acina has already successfully tested this new technology, he mused. Of course it had been on a much smaller scale, but that still was progress. At least he now knew that he and the other Sith Lords weren't considered to be complete bantha fodder. And if we can get the Rakatan device to transport something as large as the Tempest's Wail, it may end up becoming leverage we can use against the Council.

Turning to Moff Cole, the ashen-faced warrior stated, "There's no need for further delay. Proceed with the test run." A hint of impatience tinged his voice. For the Moff's sake, Acina's lackey better know what she was doing or she would personally answer to Cryos. While his interest in her experiment had grown, his acceptance of her role as a Council toady had not. Already, thoughts of how best to utilize a warship that could easily bypass enemy lines were beginning to formulate in the ambitious Mystic's head.

2017-06-10, 11:19 AM
"An inspection would not be a waste of our time, as I assume you had one planned already. Accidents, or sabotage, would not reflect well on any of us."

2017-06-12, 04:34 PM
"A last inspection before we test the technology seems appropriate. Please follow me."
Moff Cole quickly leads you to the all the main systems, allowing you to inspect them all. Both the ship itself and its crew seem to be in top shape.
The Rakatan technology, directly attached to the hyperdrive seem incomprehensible to all of you. Rotating, spindly rods attached to long, thin spires, unnatural yellow lightning arcing between them.
Afterwards Cole leads you back to the bridge.
"I hope everything was satisfactory. If you wish we can conduct the test now."
She walks over to a large holo-tank on the bridge and signals some of the crew. The holographic display changes into a map, showing Sith space and the surrounding sectors.
"As far as I understand it you should feel when the device activates and how to focus the effect. Our research shows that a visual representation makes it easier to set the target location, especially if multiple Sith focus their will at the same time."
A dot appears in empty space in a neighbouring sector.
"That will be our first jump location. When you are ready just gather around the holo-tank and we will begin."

2017-06-12, 04:57 PM
The Commodore and the others gather, focusing on the dot in space.

2017-06-12, 06:46 PM
Darth Li-Kahn loomed over the holo, focusing on the target. He knew enough to realize how little astrocartography he knew, but surely that was already accounted for. The military aide, the Commodore, would be included for that reason. Expirimentally, he reached out for the man's mind, but he was not yet skilled enough to get more than basic emotions- useless.

2017-06-12, 06:48 PM
"I suppose that, whatever happens, this will be... enlightening."

Darth Aten joins them at the holodeck, standing relaxed to one side. His eyes never leave the pale blue dot.

2017-06-16, 12:39 PM
All of you gather around the holo-tank, concentrating on the marked location. At first you are not sure how this is supposed to work, starring at a dot on a map you cannot even properly visualize in your mind. But then, in an instant, it is like a switch has been flipped. The Force seems to thicken around you like a dark miasma, pulling at your mind ever so slightly.
And as you pull at it in return you feel a connection and instead of concentrating on the dot on the map you feel it in the same way you would feel someone behind you with the Force, but so very far away, spanning such a staggeringly vast, empty expanse that you fear you could lose your mind in the nigh incomprehensible distance.
As you and the ancient technology pull at each other the Force begins to bubble and boil around you, strong enough that even the mundane crew seems to feel it; and your target now seems so much closer, close enough that you just have to reach out with your power.
Then, as you feel you are about too touch it everything goes still and silent. The Force around you just stops for what feels an eternity, which ends just as abruptly as it started, warning klaxons and sparking consoles toning around you.
The crew seems agitated, but not panicked and Moff Cole seems positively joyous, furiously hacking at a console and frantically checking the screen.
"We did it! We did it! Heavy damage to many systems, but we moved. Sublight engines and hyperdrive damaged, holonet connection down and the navicomputer seems to have been corrupted, but we were transported at least two thousand light-years."

2017-06-17, 03:06 AM
Darth Aten staggers as reality comes rushing back, plopping down onto the floor with his head in his hands. He's sweating heavily under his robes, and it's a few moments before he can speak.

"That was... exhilarating. Thank you, Moff Cole."

2017-06-19, 04:26 PM
"Well....Well done." the Commodore rasps, nearly failing to maintain composure. "I expect a full status report on every system, and all systems operational by the end of day. Foremost, what caused the disruptions to systems. Secondarily, communication must be restored to the counsel." a paused moment of thought. "Also sweep the immediate vicinity with starfighters. The last thing we need is to spook some hapless passerby and be caught with less than optimal system performance. Finally, Moff Cole, I expect a word in private. Have a conference room prepared for myself and the Darths. Present yourself at your earliest opportunity."

The Commodore leaned in so that only the Moff could hear him, "You have unintentionally caused me a matter of embarrassment, and now I will have an account of your particular lack of.....assertiveness."

2017-06-20, 11:58 AM
Darth Li-kan hunched back. The chaos of the system failures had him on edge, though logically there was no reason for it. He watched Moff Cole's panel over the human's shoulder, trying to at least catch the gist of the engineer's investigations.

2017-06-24, 07:07 PM
Moff Cole turns towards one of her officers "Have a few fighters secure the immediate area and scan for anything further out." after which she turns towards you "We can hold a conference in my office. Please follow me."
She then leads you to a large, clean office, the only island of disorder a stack of datapads and technical schematics on the end of a large conference table. She sits down behind this end of the table and motions for you to sit on the other chairs around it.

2017-06-27, 05:46 PM
Clambering back to his feet, Darth Aten takes a moment to regain his composure before following the Moff and sitting with his hands in his lap.

2017-06-29, 01:20 PM
Darth LiKan finds an unoccupied corner, and gazes over the room.
"Vhat is purpose of meeting, Commodore?" he growled at the other Darth, impatient to begin.

2017-06-29, 02:37 PM
The Commodore sat there, waiting for the meeting to begin.

2017-06-29, 06:16 PM
Fear-ish (http://orokos.com/roll/529961): 3eD+2eA+2eP 2 successes, 1 advantage
http://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d--.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/d-th.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/a-a.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s.pnghttp://orokos.com/roll/images/eote/p-s-a.png (http://orokos.com/roll/529961)
Moff Cole gathers herself for a moment before speaking to you, her voice quite calm "The ship may have taken some damage, but I hope you can see what a triumph this was. We are supposed to return to Dromund Kaas or to contact the Counsel within two weeks or we will be considered lost. I should probably have said this before, and I have no excuse for not doing so, but we have standing orders to only use HoloNet communication from planetary sources, for the sake of secrecy. I assume that is one of the reasons they sent you here inside a Fury-class. The ship just has to land on the closest planet and even if intercepted the signal will appear to just be a random planet-bound signal."

2017-07-02, 03:00 PM
Darth Aten raised his eyebrow-stalks (he'd never been able to just raise one eyebrow-stalk; it was a source of constant disappointment) and waved his hand in a faux-magnanimous gesture. "Then, by all means, land." His tone lowered abruptly. "Such minutiae are why we employ the Commodore. You may inform him of anything else you neglected to tell us; unless, of course, it's particularly interesting." And, just like that, he was jocular again. "Some place with a breathable atmosphere would be perfect; I've been breathing recycled air for far too long."

2017-07-03, 09:15 PM
The Moff checks one of the datapads on the table "It seems we are in luck. There is a system a short distance away, possible to reach through a short series of microjumps. It will take a few days to fix the Tempest's Wail without additional supplies, but it would be easy for you to take your ship there to contact the Dark Council, report to them and receive further instructions. I could provide you with soldiers and a few shuttles, but those may draw unwanted attention if the planet turns out to be inhabited."

2017-07-05, 08:07 AM
"The soldiers and ships will best serve protecting this vessel. We are sufficient, far more than sufficient, to handle this threat. Provide me a full dossier on this planet. In approximately ten hours, we will set out. Unless there are any objections." The Commodore looked at the others for any disagreement.

2017-07-05, 11:25 AM
"I have none."

2017-07-07, 07:32 PM
"Rooms have been prepared for you and food will be delivered if you request it. Your ship will be refueled and prepared for the mission. If there is nothing else I would like go oversee the repairs."

2017-07-10, 08:48 PM
Marrok was one of the first to rise and leave- let the others follow.

2017-07-10, 09:23 PM
"I have nothing else for you. The rest of you I suppose I will see in the morning." And it will be so, soooo delightful to be able to sleep without having to listen to the abomination's snoring. With a short bow, Darth Aten left as well.