View Full Version : Illusory Reality Question

2017-05-27, 07:45 AM
For the Illusion School Specialty it says on page 118 of the Player's Handbook that you can make an illusion real for a minute and gives a suggestion of a bridge for your allies to run across. Could you run through a doorway and then make an illusion of a wall in place of the doorway? if so, what is the DC of the wall for the enemy to break through?

Normally it would be a DC to disbelieve the wall as real, if the enemy trying to chase me down the hall disbelieves the illusion, does it still remain solid? Surely that can't be. He would have to wait an entire minute to be able to keep chasing us.

Any ideas on this?

2017-05-27, 08:56 AM
You kind of answered your own question. The wall is essentially real for the minute, so they'd have to wait 1 minute before being able to do anything. The DC would be whatever the DC would be for breaking through a normal wall of that variety, which isn't really a well defined thing. It's something the DM normally has to kind improvise or decide if it's even feasible, which also probably depends on how big/thick you make the wall and what material you try to decide the illusion to be made of before making it real. A 1' thick wall of stone will be easier to try and break down as opposed to a 1' thick wall of solid steel.