View Full Version : Roleplaying half-orc, definition and fullness of story

2017-05-28, 04:10 AM
Hello All-

Today's topic is story; or rather filling it out a bit.

Just crowd sourcing ideas to help me finish putting some detail and refinement to my character's back story..... and I might be putting some in as I write this so also consider this a check and opinion. So please give it a read and tell me what you think. Do I need to expand, cut out, simplify etc?

Varka is my Barbarian Halforc (Outlander)
Her parents at once succumb and defy the half orc parent stereotype. Her mother, Vevina Raventree, is a Waterdhavian Noble kidnapped by orcs at the rehearsal dinner for her wedding for ransom. While taking her back to their camp (a week march) one of her captors, Krigash of Clan Deathfury, often tasked with carrying her began speaking to her and fell in love with her. She, wary of [Stockholm syndrome] refused to believe him when he confessed his love to her and he decided to prove himself. Using his already somewhat high status in the tribe he claimed "rights" to her to protect her from his brothers in arms, instead spending the nights in quiet conversation or, when her distrust bubbled over, silence. He then worked his way quickly through the remaining obstacles to become chief; ending in a fight to the death with the current chief. Finally having won his place at the top he claimed the chiefs ransom as his "slave" and promised her freedom on the condition that she spend an evening with him below the stars all on the eve of his victory.

Having already started to fall for him and his feeble but admirable attempts at poetry and chivalry as well as his stark honesty; agreed but expected to simply leave him at the end (not entirely certain he would even let her.) The night was a surprisingly romantic affair, and as the final test she walked away from him into the night. She hid away out of sight and doubled back to find him sitting at the shore of a pond; heart broken. Finally assured that this was not some horrible trick she chose to stay with him for a time and they devised a clever plan to send word to her family that she was safe and would find her way home while in the tribe she would be his "slave" still. But only a few months later (Yes Im inferring that my character was conceived that night) when she became mother to his second child (his full orc son Kraag, having lost his mother in child birth a few months before all this happened) she was elevated to the status due a mother of Orc-kin with no fear of reprisal. And so Varka Westra of Clan Deathfury was born. Her mother nursed her for a year before her time was nearly up. And she had a long conversation with her husband about the future of this child. In Waterdeep, she would certainly be outcast; most likely tossed out a high window while her mother was sleeping at best, most likely taken from her and abandoned in some gutter. He pleaded with her to stay; but she knew that the longer she tallied the closer the hunters her family had assuredly sent out would get assuming the letters home were fabrication of some dastardly kidnapper and she could not endanger her child, lover, or the tribe she had somewhat learned to respect. She tarried some while longer but left her daughter at the age of merely 18 months. With her lover she left but a signet ring.

Varka grew up mostly hearing tales about her mother. Her father would find a new mate; though he would take her and her older brother to the same pond year after year; just the two of them.And while they were privy to the same battle stories and boasting of his other children, here he spoke only of their mother ( adoptive and biological). As she grew into a (Worc? Wo-Orc? She-orc?) her father began to question her future in the tribe. He saw so much of both himself and her mother in her. A fiery personality, a thirst for exploration, and a stubborn defiance. He found the thought of her living as the other (Worc) to be repulsive and deliberated what future was best for his daughter- but fate would intercede and a new young Orc began a brutal rebellion; throwing even Orc tradition out of the window. Krigash woke her and her older brother up in their lodge and handed her brother the ring with simple clear instructions "Go to Waterdeep, get your sister safe; find Vevina Raventree." Varka naturally defied her father, grabbed his Halbred and went to face the intruders. She even managed to sink it into a traitorous skull when her father caught her from behind with a knock to the head.

She woke up on a mule, her hands bound, many miles from home. Her brother stopped when she started squirming and after enduring a bit of a beating told her the rest of what happened and untied her. "Was bad sis. But father threatened to cut me in half if I didnt get you out of there. You've been out for days, so whatever was happening is done. Father said either way to get you to Waterdeep, it wont be safe for you in the tribe anymore and if you make it back he'll cut me in half and drag you to Waterdeep himself."

Varka did something extremely rare and wept. Though she was starting to suspect the dangers of being a female among orcs by the clear lack of warriors and leaders of her gender; still all she had ever wanted was to be respected like her father. They camped for a day as both of them came to terms with what the future held, and her brother gave her the parting gifts her father had for her; a wrist torc, some what too large for her; but she would keep it and later have it reworked to be worn around her neck.

The two had never been to Waterdeep and their fathers directions had been hurried but this suited them somewhat. They meandered their way to Waterdeep, stopping to enjoy the night sky, or frighten the occasional traveler. The two siblings spent what could be the last days and moments together laughing and playing as much as traveling; taking refuge from reality in their own familiar smiles. The two shared a long embrace a mile outside of Waterdeep. They each made a promise to each other and without tears or sorrow or even a good bye they turned on their heels and met that reality with the grim determination and fearless resolve their father had taught them and which had been taught to Orcs since they first stepped on Faerun; Faerun would not happen to them, they would happen to Faerun.

It took Varka 3 whole days to find SOMEONE who didn't accuse her of thievery and actually helped her find her mother; and even then he tried to take advantage of her and only escaped the stockade because he wouldnt fess up to being beaten senseless by a woman even if she was a half-orc. Varka's first impression of humans was not going well.

Vevina's return home had not been a fairy tale. Though the noble community weeped at her capture and gladly put on all the happy faces upon her return the vague circumstances of her long term as an Orc slave had made her more or less unweddable; quite the frustrating prospect for her family. Ultimately she was wed off to the last of a dying family with little outside of his estate and a modest sum of investments. Vevina however had learned to be shrewd and bold from Krigash. She took her new husband, gave him an heir, and then took his assets in hand and before her son was finished nursing she had taken a handful of small trading out posts and turned them into a budding shipping empire. She herself insisted on training with the sword and ran much of the business "from the front". often recruiting pirates or striking deals with them.

And as Varka walked out of Waterdeep to her mother's country estate the view impressed her. Though the splendor and indulgence of other estates and "fancier" buildings in Waterdeep could still be seen the estate was alive with an almost spartan simplicity. Her new step father was content to sit in his study and marvel at his new found wealth and often could be found "Corrupting" Vevina's son, Bathalomew, as Vevina called it or "instilling in him the proud traditions of House Crowl" (once a prolific house of heroes and soldiers) as he called it. The old(er) man had quickly learned that his wife tended to know what was best in economic matters and was always gracious that she never corrected guests on the verile and sudden return to glory of his house. And so when she came and asked him to merely claim that Varka was his daughter he agreed.

Lord Crowl took surprisingly well to Varka- though he insisted she sit with her half brother and learn "the virtue and valor" of her ancestors. On the whole he typically supported her endeavors with the demeanor of a kind grandfather, even hiring her a proper instructor on how to use the Halberd. Meanwhile Vevina was overjoyed that her daughter had found her- but no word of Clan Deathfury could be found. For her part, Vevina often took her daughter with her; not to teach her "the family business" but "to make sure you dont get too soft living it up". While her new father and mother never truly loved each other; they had a happy family save for the dread and fear for her brother and father.

During her time here she was somewhat unsociable. As a more indsutrial family many of the higher nobles turned their noses up at the Crowls new fortunes. Varka would attend a number of balls; famously ripping her skirt off when she was asked to dance. And only ever hosted a small number of suitors (though neither her mother nor Step father had any intention of marrying her off.) These suitors were more curious then anything and often went home terrified as what they found was not "A pig in a dress" but a warrior honing her skills and strength; the strongest suitor, having heard these rumors would return home with a broken jaw he earned "falling down stairs"; in truth he had took her on a walk and in an attempt to test her strength against his surprised her with a bear hug and hold from behind. She easily broke from his grip and then head butted him for it. After dragging him back to the front porch he struggled his way out of her grip and did indeed fall down some stone stairs nd broke his jaw. Though she found their attempts to woe her annoying she enjoyed the companionship of men as noble women and even peasent women preffered to talk of things that bored her.

All this changed for Varka when it was rumored that an Orc was staying in Nightstone looking for a certain daughter of Raventree or a Half-orc maiden. Varka aimed to set out as soon as possible. Like her mother she hated the politics of nobility but equally understood the need to keep the family name out of gossip. To that end the mild racism the rest of the noble class had shown for her would suit them well and be as simple as using her Orc Clan name. Her mother insisted on silently procuring her a decent set of armor, and a fine but common Halbred designed in an Orcish style from a specialty blacksmith. Varka spent an entire day running through brush, and rolling through mud to wear it in a bit; after which the staff spent exactly 4 hours forcefully bathing her through the threat of "misplacing" her weapons and armor otherwise. Varka was somewhat familiar with this and her resistance was almost token, but her father had always taught her "You cant trust new **** until you've beaten it in a little. If you got time then do it yourself, if not pick the stuff that looks a little worn; chances are its at least not crap and wont break on you as soon as it sees an enemy."

And without ceremony, without Pomp, she left one morning after breakfast. First to Waterdeep to find a suitable caravan and then onward to Nightstone.


2017-05-30, 09:47 AM
...wow, this character is more thought through and has more back story then anything I've ever come up with, i can't think of anything to add or change, it's a really good back story, it's like you're writing a book with this, which might be something to think about, i think you might have something here :smallwink:

The only thing, character wise, would be maybe consider fighter instead of barbarian, would fit with the weapon traing, which she obviously wields in her father's honor, plus it gives a lot more ASI wich would give more feats for specializing with said weapon, but that's just my two copper, the story and all that is great and i wouldn't change a thing

2017-05-30, 05:08 PM
It's quite a long background. Would you be able to summarize it in a short sentence? How does this character would describe herself when introducing herself yo somebody else? What is special about this character, e.g. What would a person remember about her after seeing her for the first time?

2017-06-09, 04:12 PM
Oh **** I got replies-

Ty Poolio, and I like Barbarian for her. Nothing against fighters but there arent enough Barbarians outside of the "CONAN!" and "HULK!" boxes.

Annnnd lets see. "She was raised by orcs until her father sent her to live with her mother for both fear of her being targeted by his enemies and wanting something truly "more for her future". She has learned to love her human family but concern for her father and orc family has lead to her leaving the comfort of that home for the open road."

2 senctences is pretty close.

I dont generally like self describing characters, but I/she would describe her as a gruff and slightly cynical barbarian who with an almost bi-polar level of variability oscillates between polite and murderously vicious."