View Full Version : Player Help Cool race but not sure what classes to take.

2017-05-28, 02:50 PM
So I'm gonna be playing in a new campaign, and there's this cool race available for play; but im not sure what I wanna do with it. It has a human torso with the lower-body of a snake. DMs homebrew.

-large:armor price X4, weight X2 -1atk/AC, +4grapple, -4hide,
-darkvision 30ft
-scent 30ft
-+1 opposed grapple checks and damage rolls
-use quadruped chart for carrying capacity
-augury 1/day+1/cha mod
-languages: lamaic, lowspeech, elven, scalespeak

level 1
starting stat array

Anything 3rd, 3.5, pathfinder is allowed. I'd like you guys to bounce some build ideas and see if anything sticks.
The race has no level adjustment and does have reach. Presumably it does have the reptilian subtype, but I'll have to ask the DM to be sure and he's not available till later tonight.

2017-05-28, 02:57 PM
Go nuts (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=585.0).
Either that, or play a barbarian or warblade and take advantage of that Large size to hit things really hard. Does the race have reach?

2017-05-28, 02:59 PM
D'you have any level adjustement to eat for that race? Else, Large size, Strength bonus and Wis penalty say "melee but Monk or Swordsage" to me. Is there an alignment restriction? Do you have the reptilian subtype or similar stuff?

Since you seem to have a bit of Charisma synergy as well, I'd go for a Crusader :)

2017-05-28, 03:05 PM
Updated original post with more info.

2017-05-28, 03:59 PM
Yeah so with reach you can make a cool lockdown Crusader! So you're a Humanoid (Reptilian), right? That means Enlarge Person works on you :) grab a Ranseur and go with your 30ft reach weapon! Good tank.

2017-05-28, 04:01 PM
I've never played a crusader before. What makes them good at lockdown?

2017-05-28, 04:13 PM
Not only do the heal themselves while hitting the opponent, making them very durable, but they have a ton of maneuvers and stances that restrict the opponent' movement/actions. Most notably, their 3rd level stane Thicket of Blades: opponents tvey threaten cannot take 5ft steps without provoking AoOs anymore.

You may not be familiar with Tome of Battle, from where this class comes, but it seems to be allowed by your DM :)

2017-05-28, 04:19 PM
Oh, cool. I'll add that to my list of sample builds, see what it looks like.

2017-05-28, 07:15 PM
I think this is the build I'm gonna use.

totemist-2/H&R fighter-2/lion totem city brawler* barbarian-1/BBC-8/totem rager-7

ff4--final embrace
6----pwr atk
9----expanded soulmeld capacity
12---cobalt rage
15---bonus essentia
18---beast strike

*dragon 349
**3rd party feat. doubles str mod to melee attacks.