View Full Version : Player Help Looking for obscure source containing Styx Water splash weapon

2017-05-28, 03:57 PM
As the titel says, I vaguely recall that one of the many sources that use the River Styx had a side-bar with the stats for a throwable vial of River Styx water. The save and effect were minor compared to the real thing I think. I'd wager it was some dragon or dungeon mag.

Anybody just so happen to know the source?

2017-05-28, 10:09 PM
Even just touching or tasting it is a DC17, 8 hour Feeblemind. Not sure on your source though, only searched MotP, PH and AEG.

2017-05-29, 06:04 AM
BoVD, MoTP, FC1 and FC2 don't turn up anything.

...if you did see it, quite possibly from an issue of Dungeon or Dragon.

Be interesting to find a source.

2017-05-29, 10:03 AM
Haven't seen it but if it's dragon mag then this (http://aeolia.net/dragondex/) will be useful to find it