View Full Version : A few things I want to see later in the comic

2017-05-28, 10:27 PM
I really love this comic and some things I'd like to see return (even though they probably won't) are in no particular order

1. "The hex magic aesthetic" like the kind the hag used in comics 175-176

2. A reference to 5e's advantage/disadvantage system

3. A "where are they now" comic about Leeky and Pompey

4. Some pun about pathfinder's name (no matter how forced it is)

5. Whatever happened to Thog

6. A prequel book about the vecter legion

2017-05-29, 03:36 AM
1. that was a one-off joke used in 2 strips.

2. The Giant mentioned at some point he won't upgrade to higher editions etc, because it would just confuse readers, most of whom don't even play DnD and wouldn't even know what the hell he's talking about. So either he puts stuff in that confuses a lot of people without need, or he has to spend 20 strips on explaining it all.

3. They've not been seen for over 600 strips. That's more than half the comics entire run. Unless they somehow show up back in the main story, which I don't really see happening, they're gone too.

4. Not sure what you mean

5. He's dead. Thog's one purpose was "muscle for Nale". Nale is dead. There's no reason to bring him back really. Tarquin sure won't. Sabine may, but she has other priorities.

6. Rumor has it, that may actually happen.

2017-05-29, 07:31 AM
I wanted to do some sort of list in order of probability, but these are all pretty unlikely...

1. It was a joke with no particular meaning or relevance.

2. If it happens at all, it will be as a small off-to-the-side joke, like one character saying "I have advantage XXX" and another pointing out that's the wrong universe or something.

3. Not as a comic. Possibly as a callback panel, much like how the polearm salesman turned up again.

4. Since I can't see why you would want this badly enough to mention it I can't see why the Giant would want to do it.

5. May actually happen. Sabine is going to be back, she may bring Thog, and that may be the reason his fate was left uncertain. I won't be surprised if he returns nor if he never does.

6. May actually happen. There is going to be at least one more prequel book. I'm not aware of the Giant ever specifying the content but I think an Order of the Scribble prequel is most likely. There may be more than one or I may be wrong, in which case there may be a Linear Guild book, in which case the Vector Legion will be involved. I very much doubt there will be a book focused on the Vector Legion, though.

Jaxzan Proditor
2017-05-29, 09:43 AM
I think 6 is the most likely, thought probably not happening for a while, with 5 as possible (why not just show Thog as dead if The Giant wanted him truly gone?), and 3 is potentially happening, but unlikely. The rest I think are pretty unrealistic expectations.

2017-05-29, 09:48 AM
I think any of them are possible, though 1 is pretty unlikely.

(why not just show Thog as dead if The Giant wanted him truly gone?)
If the arena scene had shown Thog's body with X's in his eyes, it would have been a big hint that the current book was the Linear Guild's last stand.

Jaxzan Proditor
2017-05-29, 09:51 AM
I think any of them are possible, though 1 is pretty unlikely.

If the arena scene had shown Thog's body with X's in his eyes, it would have been a big hint that the current book was the Linear Guild's last stand.

Definitely a fair point. To be clear, I'm not trying to say that's my 100% foolproof logic behind why Thog would come back, just as a possible reasoning by The Giant when he made that scene. :smalltongue:

2017-05-29, 11:53 AM
1) do you mean the casting glow round the hags hand? That's highly specific.
2) possible as a one line gag like the boob-job lizardfolk.

What happened to Leeky, Pompey and Thog; only one of those characters has ever been popular enough to come back. And he did.
I wouldn't discount the possibility of Thog and Sabine returning; it's entirely possible for Nale to return as a lower plane petitioner as well. Admittedly that's unlikely, but I'd like to see it happen.

Jay R
2017-05-29, 04:24 PM
(why not just show Thog as dead if The Giant wanted him truly gone?)

I wouldn't discount the possibility of Thog and Sabine returning;....

:thog:: thog now schrödinger's orc!

2017-05-31, 01:47 PM
:thog:: thog now schrödinger's orc!

You, sir, just won.

2017-06-02, 10:48 AM
:thog:: thog now schrödinger's orc!

You may or may not have won the thread.

2017-06-02, 12:49 PM
:thog:: thog now schrödinger's orc!Seriously? Almost forty-one months later and no one's collapsed the orcousity function yet? :smallconfused:

2017-06-02, 07:50 PM
I wouldn't discount the possibility of Thog and Sabine returning

I think one is much more likely to return than the other, given the respective circumstances we last saw them in.

2017-06-05, 07:24 AM
The Villains calendar from last year actually addresses number 3.

They hit the road together and are apparently quite successful at kicking the butts of do-gooder adventurers.