View Full Version : DM Help Nightwalker (Class) Playtest/Feedback

2017-05-29, 09:51 AM
I'm really look for number people, really good number people who can help me out here. So I've created a class decided reddit was my go to place for intelligent conversation, but almost all the conversation appears to be up and down votes...

So I'm here my favorite 5e forums to ask for help. I want to balance this character out as best I can before it goes into play.

Werewolves or rather lycanthropes have been a main stay of Dungeons and Dragons since 1975 originally figured in the "White Box". It even appears in Greyhawk setting from 1975. It even appears in the starter box shortly there after.

Lycanthropes have been a main stay of DND and our culture since gaming began. It has appeared in DND as a monster in Monster Manuals, in Dungeon Magazine, to various settings granting things like Werebats to wereseals, there's even a wereshark.

It has however not appeared as a race, class, or prestige class since the early 2000s in 3rd edition. So newer players might dismiss this class as some kind of cash in with say the Underworld or something, however it's well over 30 years old, and just hasn't seen the light of day in a while.

This class is an attempt to bring back that class, as well as give people more visceral combat style similar to the Rogue/Monk yet leave enough doors open to customize the class to a variety of options. This was designed with one particular party member of my current DND group, because there really is no hand to hand character designed in the game. Even the Monk in many ways relies on weapons due to the magic component of 5e. Here we have a similar build that can make weapons apart of his werewolf form. Bypassing but not removing the need for magic items. On the flip side you have the Moon Maiden path, which grants a more frontline spell caster with half class level spell progression. The Moon Maiden is based off of Selune, who has maidens with arcane magic who surround her but also has clerics who worship at various temples. The werewolf marry together cleric, druidic, as well as arcana abilities to form the base of the Moon Maidens defenses.

Even this class can not avoid the need to hold a magic weapon in order to maintain a even progression with other classes. It does however minimize the need for it up to a certain point. Please look over this class and help with the balance.


I'll take grammatical errors even.

Sir cryosin
2017-05-29, 10:00 AM
You know at 5th or 6th level can count there unarmed strikes as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance to non-magical weapons. Also if your looking for feed back on a homebrewed class there is a different forum for that.

2017-05-29, 10:07 AM
Oh thx I didn't even see the homebrew design forums. Also not sure what this means:

You know at 5th or 6th level can count there unarmed strikes as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance to non-magical weapons.

Bellipotent? What about it? I could put unarmed strikes there but that would be 1d4+str damage and wouldn't affect the claw or bite.

Sir cryosin
2017-05-29, 10:46 AM
Oh thx I didn't even see the homebrew design forums. Also not sure what this means:

Bellipotent? What about it? I could put unarmed strikes there but that would be 1d4+str damage and wouldn't affect the claw or bite.

Sorry I was talking about monks.

2017-05-29, 11:30 AM
all in all it's certaily an interesting class that may or may not have balance issues. recognizing the need for extra attack & pack tactics with beast forms is good. linking it to (were/dire)wolf is meh since two of those get pack tactics. shifting from spell slots for healing to con mod regen is interesting & maybe good. halfcaster is fitting, cleric spells not so much though, set it to druid spells. I'd suggest rolling regeneration into shapeshifting like moon druid does combat wildshape & giving the level/3 moon druids get instead of the wolf thing. unarmored defense is pretty pointless to beast forms, give them pack tactics while in beast form instead.

2017-05-29, 11:44 AM
noticed that moon maiden gives half caster and not 3rd caster progression. You should change the table o match the fighter's or arcane trickster.