View Full Version : Best background music for Out of the Abyss

Falcon X
2017-05-29, 04:37 PM
Not being well versed in music, I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for background music for Out of the Abyss.
The general tone is dark and wondrous.
- General wandering around the Underdark
- Combat music
- Specific cities and other encounters.

2017-05-30, 09:58 AM
Nothing specific, but certain areas of the Underdark lend themselves well to certain types of music. Velkynvelve, the first location of your characters' exploration, should have some sort of mystical, dark classical music. Something that's mostly sad and foreboding, with occasional staccato punctuation. Sloobludop is better for a strange music, kind of techno-ish, with strange slurping-like sounds. Similar music can be used for the Darklake. Gracklstugh wants a sort of heavy metal with a slow, firm, grinding beat. I honestly have no idea about Neverlight Grove, but Blingdenstone should have a weird, sort of corrupted nursery rhyme feel. Imagine "Pop Goes the Weasel", "Humpty Dumpty" and "Jabberwocky" all played slowly and simultaneously.

2017-05-30, 11:24 AM
Well "secrets of the underground" is good if not a bit distracting.

On a more seriously note I'd suggest a slow haunting melody for the majority of the game.

For a fight i always use "rise of the dragonborn" by knights of neon.

2017-05-30, 11:32 AM

2017-05-30, 01:19 PM
Holst's The Planets should cover almost every situation.

Falcon X
2017-05-30, 11:17 PM
Great thoughts everyone. Most of what I've been looking at is standard underground traveling music. Such as Sartorl Marsh from Xenoblade or Mt Gulug from FF1 (short, but you catch my feel).
However, some of your recommendations remind me that OotA is supposed to incite a high level of wonder and madness. I might rethink my schemes...

Necromancer: Rise of the Dragonborn is glorious. Thank you.

2D8HP: Journey to the Center of the Earth is beautiful. I think I want to use this more in a city or place where there are lots of tall things or grand architecture and the players are ants. Gracklestugh, Neverlight Grove, or the Labyrinth are promising.

LordNibbler: I never would have thought about Holst's The Planets, but indeed it is magnificent.
I'm thinking I will use it as the sole exploration music for the return to the underdark, as the madness and need to surge forward is even more present.
Might think of adding it sooner. It forces a way of looking at your surroundings.

The Goose
2017-05-30, 11:38 PM
tabletopaudio.com is great for ambient noise and decent for background music. It even has a Sound Pad for you to 'create' your own customized noise/music.

2017-05-30, 11:44 PM
tabletopaudio.com is great for ambient noise and decent for background music. It even has a Sound Pad for you to 'create' your own customized noise/music.

That, very much.

Tabletop Audio (http://tabletopaudio.com/) is definitely in my top five bookmarks for when I'm DMing a session.

2017-05-31, 07:43 AM
For wandering about underground in a horrifically-lethal environment? The Dwarf Fortress Theme (http://youtu.be/-6FXeupOp04). If that doesn't make your players paranoid, they haven't played DF.

2017-05-31, 09:53 AM
Dark ambient music like northaunt, kammerheit, gustaf hildebrand or letum is good for that really oppressive feeling.

2017-05-31, 10:32 AM
If you want music for a scene where creepy things are around you/chasing you in the dark, the Scissor Man Theme from Clock Tower (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSMKSrnJtIo) is pretty fitting.