View Full Version : Rules Q&A Can an attack of opportunity trigger an attack of opportunity?

2017-05-29, 07:29 PM
If I use the "cause overreach" option of the Elusive Target feat without having having Improved Trip, does my trip attempt provoke an attack of opportunity from my target?

Mike Miller
2017-05-29, 07:36 PM
I am not familiar with Elusive Target but if there is no mention of stopping an AoO then the lack of improved trip would still provoke an AoO if you chose to use your AoO as a trip attempt.

2017-05-29, 07:42 PM
Yes. AoO's don't have anything about them that prevents them from triggering AoOs.

However, is your scenario, you title question, and the question in your OP, are very different ones. The trip attempt from Cause Overeach is not an AoO. Also, since you only get 1 AoO per turn, and Cause overeach requires them missing you with an AoO, they typically won't be able to attack you when you do this (barring a friend nearby who didn't AoO for the movement, or Combat Reflexes, of course).

2017-05-29, 07:58 PM
cool, thanks guys