View Full Version : Player Help Gonna play aasimar for the first time.

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-30, 04:27 PM
Im gonna play aasimar (most likely scourge) and i wanna play warlock. What patron should i choose? Also what alignment should a scourge be since they have a desire to destroy evil that is "all consuming"

Honest Tiefling
2017-05-30, 04:36 PM
Going to guess that aberrations and fiends are off the table. Perhaps your Aasimar has found the power of the fey intriguing or useful in their extermination of all that is corrupt.

Or you could ask your DM if you can refluff it as a celestial. I mean, if devils can do it, why not an angel? You're an aasimar on a mission to destroy evil, so if anyone is going to get it, it is going to be you most likely.

2017-05-30, 04:38 PM
Im gonna play aasimar (most likely scourge) and i wanna play warlock. What patron should i choose? Also what alignment should a scourge be since they have a desire to destroy evil that is "all consuming"

Along the lines of alignment it's up to you really, I could see a want to destroy all evil as Neutral or Lawful good. Patrons can be argued in different ways but I think Arch-fey would probably work out better thematically. Talk to your GM about maybe re-flavoring some of the other patrons that are available. If you're looking for a more gish build then find out if UA is allowed at you table.

Dankus Memakus
2017-05-30, 04:44 PM
I thought that possibly the oldest of angels or possibly Ao could count as a great old one, also i debated using the undying patron (which was in SCAG i believe) for some sort of angel. Or maybe my angelic guide became a fallen angel giving me the fiend abilities. Thats my ideas.

Edit: UA has been shamed due to one of our players playing a gun toting dwarf artificer muder hobo.

2017-05-30, 04:48 PM
Scourge Aasimar with Fiend (or undying?) patron makes me think of the Spectre, at least his modern version. Especially the Spectre's rather overwrought sense of karmic justice--a fiend trying to do good doesn't really do limits well, that feels scourgey.

Sariel Vailo
2017-05-30, 04:53 PM
Some suggestions http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2017/02/the-mystical-talisman.html?m=1 super sentai angel

Actual angel patron thus show tbese to the dm and ask which they prefer i also thought about putting a lonk to the warlock patron the titan