View Full Version : Using Black Powder for an Alchemist

2017-05-30, 10:21 PM
Hi guys!

I'm running a campaign where black powder is rare, but central to one of the big plots, and artificers are fairly common in a big, magical city.

Pretty soon, the party, including a gnomish Alchemist Artificer, will come into possession of several barrels of this powder. I see no reason the Alchemist wouldn't be able to start experimenting with it and be able to use this as a new Alchemist Formula later in the game. They're level 5 right now, the next time she could learn one is 9th, but I'd probably let her retrain her Thunderstone or Healing Draught at 6th.

What do you think it should do? I was thinking a combo of some fire damage (but not as much as the alchemist's fire) and some pushing or maybe just a prone, but not both like the Thunderstone. That way she could retrain Thundestone and feel like she isn't giving up too much utility.

The other route I might take is making it a straight-up upgrade to Alchemist Fire for more damage. Is that too much of a power creep? Maybe it should lose some damage and gain some other effect?

What would you do? Has anyone ever played a higher level Alchemist before? Does their damage scale okay or do they need a hand?


2017-06-02, 12:38 AM
Do you really want to make up a new potion? It seems to me like her finding the black powder is the in-character reason why she gets to learn another formula at level 9.
If my character got black powder, id probably want to make a grenade type weapon with it. Is that an option?