View Full Version : Help! 3hr Fey-Celebration One Shot

2017-05-31, 01:52 PM
I was asked to help out at my FLG to run a 1-shot for Free RPG day. Now I need to plan it out.

I currently run an Arthurian style campaign for a group, and have been thinking about moving that campaign (or copy of) to the new store. I figure that a one-shot would be a good way to showcase my DMing style to new players, and set up a bit of history for the campaign itself.
Since the one-shot has to be wholly self-contained, I can't just use it as the intro session of the larger work.
My plan is to set the scenario about 100 years prior to the start of my campaign, giving the background of the Green Knight, who is powerful Half-Elf character and member of the Round Table. The party is sent to find a missing lord, who had been building a castle dangerously close to the ancestral home of the elves.

The party arrives at the site where the castle is under construction, and learn that the nobleman wandered into the woods one night and hasn't been seen since. Following his trail, they come upon a wild party of Fey, where the noble is a guest of honor!
It is clear that time moves differently within the forest, as the noble has only been missing for a few days, but seems to have lived among the Fey for nearly 20 years.

Central Conflicts
1. The noble appears to be Charmed, and has no intention of leaving the forest with the party. Further probing reveals that the nobleman has sired a son with his Fey hosts. The boy is half-fey and therefore very powerful.
Either the noble, or the son, must accompany the party back out of the forest.

2. The Fey are celebrating the coming of Spring. On the equinox they intend to launch a Wild Hunt. These are massively destructive rampages through the lands beyond their forest realm, where the Fey track and kill a gigantic Dire Boar, while looting/ravaging everything along the way. Because of the strange time dilation, these hunts only happen once every generation or two "real time," but they have almost always changed the course of history. Presently, Arthur's armies are preoccupied fighting against Mordred, and being caught unawares by a Wild Hunt would be apocalyptic.

Help Me Out
I would like for the scenario to cover:
1. The journey from Arthur's court to the site of the new castle
2. A brief investigation into where the noble has gone
3. The journey into the forest until they stumble upon the celebration
4. The celebration itself as the focal point of the session.
5. Exiting the forest with the noble and/or child

Where I need help
I need help with fleshing out the various encounters along the path, mapping in a major climax, and coming up with challenges at the feast. I'd like a good mix of combat and social/skill challenges.
I also have the advantage of being able to write my own characters, 4-6 of them and I'd like to keep them fairly low-level. The campaign itself is low-magic, with Clerics and Bards as the only full-casters.

2017-05-31, 07:38 PM
Someone empowered by the Noble's absence could act as a Red Herring/Minor Villain. They don't want the Noble returned so could send thugs/minions to harry the party on the road, try and stop them through intrigue, and point them in the right direction if confronted & "defeated".