View Full Version : Let's corrupt a Church!

2017-05-31, 04:35 PM
Hello both dm and players alike! I have an up coming city in my game that I wanted to take a possibly common situation, the corrupt church, and make it into a several session long event.

Quick back story: My players, sent by a powerful king, have arrived into a small town. They know that this town holds the harem of the barbarian warlord they are out to stop, (and one of the players daughters has been taken as one of his wives.)

My idea is to have the town centered around this church, probably one of the big guys like Pelor, and make everything seem right bright sunshine and rainbows. But if they look further into things they will start seeing reports of missing people, all men, or wives looking for sons and husband's.

I was thinking the priest will still be a good man at heart, but a demon has found place at his side and slowly altered the old man's way of thinking. Then replace the nuns with succubus that have been feeding on the men in the town. The demon will have an agreement with the Warlord that if he keeps the harem safe, the demon can claim the souls of all those around.

Now where I need help! Basically fleshing all this out. Honestly I haven't done a long term like rebellion style location before. The big bad here is mean to be the demon, and his harem of succubus, but I also want to add other conflicts. Throw some goons, like maybe just barbarians whom take the newly widowed and claim them as property. Or lessor demons that have begun possessing those who have give up hope, and making them easy vessels for them to currupt.

So ya, HELP!!

2017-05-31, 07:03 PM
What do you want for the demon? Strong? Weak-but-cunning-enough-to-survive?

Honest Tiefling
2017-05-31, 07:15 PM
I'd make the demons more powerful. Don't have reports of people missing, because in a small town it starts to add up and gets hard to conceal. Perhaps this town is near a gold mine and a hive for banditry. All of those missing people? People found to be bandits and lawfully executed by a mixture of guile and magic.

If the town is a frontier town, that might explain why the succubi only target men, since they might outnumber women to a high degree. Else, I'd try to find a way for the succubi to target everyone. You could drop the sex angle and instead go for the idea that these 'nuns' perform a ritual that allows one to experience divine ecstasy through trance. That way, the more religious someone is, the more they'd probably want to experience being close to Pelor and feel the rays of the divine sun warm them up.

Why hasn't a member of the harem been replaced with a succubus? That's a perfect opportunity! And demons keep their word as well as a dog resists a bacon cheeseburger with extra bacon.

2017-05-31, 07:38 PM
I'd make the demons more powerful. Don't have reports of people missing, because in a small town it starts to add up and gets hard to conceal. Perhaps this town is near a gold mine and a hive for banditry. All of those missing people? People found to be bandits and lawfully executed by a mixture of guile and magic.

If the town is a frontier town, that might explain why the succubi only target men, since they might outnumber women to a high degree. Else, I'd try to find a way for the succubi to target everyone. You could drop the sex angle and instead go for the idea that these 'nuns' perform a ritual that allows one to experience divine ecstasy through trance. That way, the more religious someone is, the more they'd probably want to experience being close to Pelor and feel the rays of the divine sun warm them up.

Why hasn't a member of the harem been replaced with a succubus? That's a perfect opportunity! And demons keep their word as well as a dog resists a bacon cheeseburger with extra bacon.

I was looking at Glabrezu for the demon. Since they are brute force but like to manipulate.

I was thinking of have one of the wives be a succubus in disguise. That way if the group like rescues them aand run away with them they will be hunted and have to go through each of them.

I like the idea of "ecstasy intense religious moment." Maybe if one of them tries it I'll have them "see" Pelor or something.

I could see using the mining town option. And have if they go into mine have them come across drained bodies, with their souls sucked dry.

Honest Tiefling
2017-05-31, 07:42 PM
I could see using the mining town option. And have if they go into mine have them come across drained bodies, with their souls sucked dry.

The thing about mines is that they don't typically have wild animals. The thing about wild animals is that once they have eaten a lifeless body, it is now poop and really hard to examine. It also would be an extremely badly run mine if no one checked the place occasionally, especially if there was concern about theft. Not to mention, someone would probably start noticing the smell. Many mines are located in the wilderness, so just toss the body in front of a bear and call it a day.

2017-05-31, 08:01 PM
The thing about mines is that they don't typically have wild animals. The thing about wild animals is that once they have eaten a lifeless body, it is now poop and really hard to examine. It also would be an extremely badly run mine if no one checked the place occasionally, especially if there was concern about theft. Not to mention, someone would probably start noticing the smell. Many mines are located in the wilderness, so just toss the body in front of a bear and call it a day.

Lol very true. Hmm I'll have to finesse that more.

I was planning for this to take a bit of in game time and a few sessions for them to figure it all out.

I got to figure out which or even how to drop clues.

I have a paladin so can't make it to obvious cause one well placed divine sense and he knows everything...

Honest Tiefling
2017-05-31, 08:32 PM
I have a paladin so can't make it to obvious cause one well placed divine sense and he knows everything...

Well, that doesn't detect evil PEOPLE. A suggestion is that the priest receives visions from Pelor himself to save these people from the vile bandits...Which is just the dream spell from the neighborhood demon who is hiding in the woods.

None of the nuns should be demons. They could just be cultists, except for one REAL nun...Who is too scared to talk, but could be convinced. Of course, she's been known to sleep around with a few men so she doesn't have the best of reputations. She's not evil, she just has a wandering eye to be a red herring and so the players don't immediately realize she's the only real nun in the bunch. The others could be caught sneaking into the woods, through they claim they are foraging food/patrolling/gathering herbs. I'd make them clerics, so the patrolling thing would be a valid excuse.

2017-05-31, 10:33 PM
Oh! What if I do the opposite of my plan and place the red herring. Have one nurse be a succubus but she is trying to repent and become a good person. And she is where the rumors of the extasy inducing spiritual moments come from, and the clerics whom have been currpted now use those rumors to bait people into taking their souls and all for the demon.

That way that one kinda slutty nun makes sense. She can't help it, it's in her nature to temp people. And she wont talk because she thinks because of what she is, everyone would lash out at her over it all.

2017-05-31, 10:35 PM
Rather than having people go missing, do the invasion of the body snatchers thing. Everyone is around, and they are perfectly polite, but there's just something odd/wrong. Works better if you do it slowly in a town that the party interacts with regularly.

Edit: You could also have the church hunting a fallen paladin at some point and ask for the party's aid. When the party finds the fallen holy warrior they have the chance to learn that he hasn't fallen, all of the other paladins of the church have and he's the only pure one left.

2017-05-31, 10:44 PM
Just make this one not as stereotypical. Example?

Then replace the nuns with succubus that have been feeding on the men in the town

Don't. Succubi are incredibly overdone (imho). I am unsure if the concept of possessing demons carries over to 5e but I always felt the Shadow Demon (from PF and 3.5) to be one of the best concepts of demons. Unable to influence the mortal world but able to possess bodies with ease and incredibly envious of physical bodies they usually try to take the strongest and most influential bodies out there.

Make it obvious that something is off. Have them worship Pelor but in evening or even midnight masses (because shadow demons hate sun as it makes them loose their spells). Possessed people keep to the shade. Their skin tones are off. Outsiders and some paranoid village folk KNOW something is off. They just can't pinpoint what. Have the demons already possess the local law enforcers and -makers. Any suspicious people get thrown out or in jail (where they get possessed or brainwashed).

Try manipulating the adventurers with wealth (greed), dull their senses with lavish parties (sloth) or provoke them, then detain them for fighting in town (anger).

2017-06-01, 01:47 AM
Just make this one not as stereotypical. Example?

Don't. Succubi are incredibly overdone (imho). I am unsure if the concept of possessing demons carries over to 5e but I always felt the Shadow Demon (from PF and 3.5) to be one of the best concepts of demons. Unable to influence the mortal world but able to possess bodies with ease and incredibly envious of physical bodies they usually try to take the strongest and most influential bodies out there.

Make it obvious that something is off. Have them worship Pelor but in evening or even midnight masses (because shadow demons hate sun as it makes them loose their spells). Possessed people keep to the shade. Their skin tones are off. Outsiders and some paranoid village folk KNOW something is off. They just can't pinpoint what. Have the demons already possess the local law enforcers and -makers. Any suspicious people get thrown out or in jail (where they get possessed or brainwashed).

Try manipulating the adventurers with wealth (greed), dull their senses with lavish parties (sloth) or provoke them, then detain them for fighting in town (anger).

Rather than having people go missing, do the invasion of the body snatchers thing. Everyone is around, and they are perfectly polite, but there's just something odd/wrong. Works better if you do it slowly in a town that the party interacts with regularly.

Edit: You could also have the church hunting a fallen paladin at some point and ask for the party's aid. When the party finds the fallen holy warrior they have the chance to learn that he hasn't fallen, all of the other paladins of the church have and he's the only pure one left.

I love both these ideas and will probably run with them. Have the demon, most likely the dog claw guy, disguised as like a cleaner or something of the church. And have him use his dream ability when the nuns pray, and when in that state it weakens their ability to resist the shadow demons taking over. I'll probably have to tool something to work for them.

I'll have some people be guarded, the ones who noticed changes in their family members, and some be super helpful and kind, those possessed.

I'm gonna steal the night worships, give my cleric something to notice if she rolls it.

And have the paladins of the church have bigger demons in them, or just use the fallen paladin class and make them like level 5. And see if the grouo will take the bait to hunt a traitor to the Lord of Light. Which will be a paladin whom saw through the possessions and is hiding away in hope of figuring out a way to stop them.

Big boss fight I'm thinking a couple of possessed nuns, hopefully they find a way to free them, the currpted lead priest; will run as a decent level life cleric, and the big demon. Basically have the priest just keep the demon trucking as he bashes and blasts the party.

They will be close to level 9 at this point. 3 main party members and possible 2 level 8s, if they show. Think that's enough to make it a challenege?

2017-06-01, 05:59 AM
Hello both dm and players alike! I have an up coming city in my game that I wanted to take a possibly common situation, the corrupt church, and make it into a several session long event.

Quick back story: My players, sent by a powerful king, have arrived into a small town. They know that this town holds the harem of the barbarian warlord they are out to stop, (and one of the players daughters has been taken as one of his wives.)

My idea is to have the town centered around this church, probably one of the big guys like Pelor, and make everything seem right bright sunshine and rainbows. But if they look further into things they will start seeing reports of missing people, all men, or wives looking for sons and husband's.

I was thinking the priest will still be a good man at heart, but a demon has found place at his side and slowly altered the old man's way of thinking. Then replace the nuns with succubus that have been feeding on the men in the town. The demon will have an agreement with the Warlord that if he keeps the harem safe, the demon can claim the souls of all those around.

Now where I need help! Basically fleshing all this out. Honestly I haven't done a long term like rebellion style location before. The big bad here is mean to be the demon, and his harem of succubus, but I also want to add other conflicts. Throw some goons, like maybe just barbarians whom take the newly widowed and claim them as property. Or lessor demons that have begun possessing those who have give up hope, and making them easy vessels for them to currupt.

So ya, HELP!!

I had something similar in my campaign a while back. The way I did it, was give the high cleric from the church a magical shield. The shield had the symbol from his deity but their was actually a greater *edit* devil behind its power that used the cleric to corrupt and win souls. When the party eventually killed the overzealous Cleric the shield turned to the cleric from our party, changed the deity symbol and is now trying to corrupt the player. (I make him role wisdom saves every morning but he still doenst know why). Eventually when he fails enough throws I will let him know his character starts to believe some of the other party members are trying to betray his god. I havent really worked that part out yet, but I really enjoy what happened so far.

Perhaps you can use it :) goodluck.

2017-06-01, 06:38 AM
I had something similar in my campaign a while back. The way I did it, was give the high cleric from the church a magical shield. The shield had the symbol from his deity but their was actually a greater *edit* devil behind its power that used the cleric to corrupt and win souls. When the party eventually killed the overzealous Cleric the shield turned to the cleric from our party, changed the deity symbol and is now trying to corrupt the player. (I make him role wisdom saves every morning but he still doenst know why). Eventually when he fails enough throws I will let him know his character starts to believe some of the other party members are trying to betray his god. I havent really worked that part out yet, but I really enjoy what happened so far.

Perhaps you can use it :) goodluck.

My clerics flaw is she is super greedy. I could most definetly use that. I may make it like an amulet or something, symbol of Pelor and gave it give resistance to fire damage. Something good enough she would want to equip it.

2017-06-01, 07:36 AM
My clerics flaw is she is super greedy. I could most definetly use that. I may make it like an amulet or something, symbol of Pelor and gave it give resistance to fire damage. Something good enough she would want to equip it.

Sounds like a win, make sure they don't need to identify to be able to use it (identifying would reveal its true source of power). Perhaps you can give the cleric a extra spellslot but everytime they use it they do a willpower check, if they fail you make the spell target a friendly instead :P. Man D&D is fun as hell, as a DM you can do so much fun stuff.

2017-06-01, 10:26 AM
Sounds like a win, make sure they don't need to identify to be able to use it (identifying would reveal its true source of power). Perhaps you can give the cleric a extra spellslot but everytime they use it they do a willpower check, if they fail you make the spell target a friendly instead :P. Man D&D is fun as hell, as a DM you can do so much fun stuff.

She is gonna get so mad.

OMG I can make it where the item can only be worn by lawful good chatacters, and it's goal is to currupt the best of the world.

I think the spell slot is a little much. I have a paladin monk who may try and claim it as well, so I need something that works for both of them.

2017-06-01, 12:30 PM
Thank you for being so appreciative of our ideas. :smallamused:

An additional note regarding the Paladin's Divine Sense: Let the demons ping as outsiders. But make the worshipers defensive: "Of course divine beings such as Pelor's Radiant Circle are divine." Or just let your NPCs ignore any poorly made attempt on convicting the demon minions. He is foreign and he _claims_ to be a "divine hero" or "embodiment of good".

But if he shows up and without making connections or friends starts insulting people of being demons and worse his credibility with the uninformed crowd plummets.

Honest Tiefling
2017-06-01, 12:37 PM
Their skin tones are off.

Remember that pale skin tones in the ancient and medieval world were highly desired, especially for women. Perhaps put in another red herring that there is a beautiful, but pale woman prone to fainting. Turns out, she's not a delicate flower, but ends up vomiting shadows onto the party if they do not save her, probably dying in the process.

2017-06-01, 01:14 PM
The thing about mines is that they don't typically have wild animals. The thing about wild animals is that once they have eaten a lifeless body, it is now poop and really hard to examine. It also would be an extremely badly run mine if no one checked the place occasionally, especially if there was concern about theft. Not to mention, someone would probably start noticing the smell. Many mines are located in the wilderness, so just toss the body in front of a bear and call it a day.

Only large mines - In Coober Pedy, Australia, there are so many opal mine shafts in various areas in the ground, it's literally illegal to walk backwards.


Honest Tiefling
2017-06-01, 01:28 PM
Only large mines - In Coober Pedy, Australia, there are so many opal mine shafts in various areas in the ground, it's literally illegal to walk backwards.

I did not know that! That is awesome. However, I don't know if the opal fields are unique, or if that tends to happen if you split up claims like that.

I guess the question becomes if the idea of the mine as a dungeon is more appealing then the idea that the mine is under constant surveillance by innocent people as an added obstacle for the game.

2017-06-01, 01:45 PM
Thank you for being so appreciative of our ideas. :smallamused:

An additional note regarding the Paladin's Divine Sense: Let the demons ping as outsiders. But make the worshipers defensive: "Of course divine beings such as Pelor's Radiant Circle are divine." Or just let your NPCs ignore any poorly made attempt on convicting the demon minions. He is foreign and he _claims_ to be a "divine hero" or "embodiment of good".

But if he shows up and without making connections or friends starts insulting people of being demons and worse his credibility with the uninformed crowd plummets.

Oh I like that idea. Maybe if they start attacking him, verbally of course, I'll have him call for the city guard and they will have to go through a currupt court system.

My idea is the priest will be divine and believe he is still good, the demon will be hiding as a helper at the church. He will also lead the group to go after the preist. Saying he has notice a change in his old friend, or something like that.

2017-06-01, 02:52 PM
I'll offer a different answer. Use a Rakshasa for your demon. (Unless CR 13 is too high for your party to be dealing with). They are medium sized, and are usually disguised as something else.
Their whole schtick is deception. A few things that might need a ruling

Limited Magic Immunity. The rakshasa can’t be affected or detected by spells of 6th level or lower unless it wishes to be. However, the Paladin ability isn't a spell, so the paladin may well detect evil.
It has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.
Innate Spellcasting. The rakshasa’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks) ... innately casts the following without material components:
At will: detect thoughts, disguise self, mage hand, minor illusion
3/day each: charm person, detect magic, invisibility, major image, suggestion
1/day each: dominate person, fly, plane shift, true seeing

There are some other interesting issues with this demon ...

Skills Deception +10, Insight +8
Damage Vulnerabilities piercing from magic weapons wielded by good creatures
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Source is SRD version 5.1

2017-06-01, 03:37 PM
I'll offer a different answer. Use a Rakshasa for your demon. (Unless CR 13 is too high for your party to be dealing with). They are medium sized, and are usually disguised as something else.
Their whole schtick is deception. A few things that might need a ruling
However, the Paladin ability isn't a spell, so the paladin may well detect evil.
It has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.
Innate Spellcasting. The rakshasa’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks) ... innately casts the following without material components:
At will: detect thoughts, disguise self, mage hand, minor illusion
3/day each: charm person, detect magic, invisibility, major image, suggestion
1/day each: dominate person, fly, plane shift, true seeing

There are some other interesting issues with this demon ...

Source is SRD version 5.1

I considered them. But my players know how much I like them, and would probably assume anything in this type of situation was one. It's an issue I have, my players know my favorite monsters.

2017-06-01, 04:39 PM
I considered them. But my players know how much I like them, and would probably assume anything in this type of situation was one. It's an issue I have, my players know my favorite monsters.

How about a corrupted, insane shape shifted brass dragon who thinks he's playing a brilliant joke? An evil bad guy that doesn't realize he's evil. :smallbiggrin:

2017-06-01, 05:14 PM
How about a corrupted, insane shape shifted brass dragon who thinks he's playing a brilliant joke? An evil bad guy that doesn't realize he's evil. :smallbiggrin:

I have a brass dragon out in the world already, whom is beat described as "off". They are getting to an point where they may meet him and don't want to over lap to many of them.

I am game to change use something other than a demon though if people have suggestions.

2017-06-01, 06:22 PM
It's a lot tougher, but how about a lich that is using the church as an easy way to feed his phylactary. As a bonus, he doesn't feed it that much so it can be a slow build up.

2017-06-01, 06:35 PM
It's a lot tougher, but how about a lich that is using the church as an easy way to feed his phylactary. As a bonus, he doesn't feed it that much so it can be a slow build up.

Definetly possible. Could give a hint to a later fight. My group slayed a dragon, they believed was in the process of becoming a dracolich, but he had succeed. Then they found his phylactary,but didn't roll to see what it was so I just said it was a massive gem stone they didn't recognize.

First thing they did was bring it bwfore a slayed great wurms body, and the stone disappearrd, so he is a coming eventually.

He is the big bad for a later story arc.

2017-06-02, 09:15 AM
Read up on the Silver Flame. Eberron religion. They're pretty similar to how I'd expect a corrupt church of Pelor to act.

2017-06-02, 09:37 AM
Oh I like that idea. Maybe if they start attacking him, verbally of course, I'll have him call for the city guard and they will have to go through a currupt court system.

My idea is the priest will be divine and believe he is still good, the demon will be hiding as a helper at the church. He will also lead the group to go after the preist. Saying he has notice a change in his old friend, or something like that.

Remember to give them some backup. No DMPC but someone who believes them but is powerless to interfere. The idea with the one remaining pure Paladin might be a good start since weirdly enough players more often either completely trust Paladins (or they doubt their every move).

2017-06-02, 12:38 PM
Remember to give them some backup. No DMPC but someone who believes them but is powerless to interfere. The idea with the one remaining pure Paladin might be a good start since weirdly enough players more often either completely trust Paladins (or they doubt their every move).

I'm thinking they will have to climb down a cliff side at the edge of a platue to get to the city, give them a skill/combat encounter to get through prior to the city.

I could have them see him as they are climbing down. Like a mile away, making camp on the cliff ledge, could work. Or just have him off in the forest. Idk how to get them to approach them.

Honest Tiefling
2017-06-02, 02:21 PM
I could have them see him as they are climbing down. Like a mile away, making camp on the cliff ledge, could work. Or just have him off in the forest. Idk how to get them to approach them.

Don't. Just have it be clear from his armor that he's a warrior, all alone and injured. If they don't take the bait, just leave it. If they do, they'll learn he's a paladin, but one that was injured for whatever reason.

Don't ever worry about leading players anywhere, they can get very creative and will remember a plot hook if they can take advantage of it better then they can remember their mother's name.

2017-06-02, 03:48 PM
Don't. Just have it be clear from his armor that he's a warrior, all alone and injured. If they don't take the bait, just leave it. If they do, they'll learn he's a paladin, but one that was injured for whatever reason.

Don't ever worry about leading players anywhere, they can get very creative and will remember a plot hook if they can take advantage of it better then they can remember their mother's name.

That will work. I put a mill outside of the town, and I'll have him held up there tending to his injuries. If they don't visit that area, I'll have him walk by ij town to pick up supply and leave again.

I did decide that the curse item will be a piece of a mummy lords treasure. I feel disadvantage on all saves works for the ease of currupt ion the head preist had. And if they take it, and put it on, it will give them a new side mission/plot device.

2017-06-03, 08:28 AM
Follow up:

The group made it into the city last might right at the end of the session. It was heading into night fall, and they found it odd that the church of Pelor was meeting at night. Even more off putting was how friendly and receptive most people were to them, even though their barbarian was carrying the head of a behir on his back.

The made it into the church and meet the head preist. But as of now are assuming the town is being taken over by vampires.

Next session I'm going to give them free range to explore the city and talk to more poeple. Basically leave them to it till they start making assumptions or getting out of line with how they deal with people.

I'm toying with the idea of a possible jail/trail situation if they really **** up. And just leaving them to assume the worse of the priest as of now.