View Full Version : Player Help Same idea new editon.

2017-06-01, 12:09 AM
I had asked for help with this in the 3.5 forum but now that 5th edition seems to be the popular law of the land I am curious if it would be possible to work it out a little better in the new edition.

Anyway onto the actual question I suppose, I have always wondered if there would be a way to stat out a new player race based off the Gargoyles from the 90's cartoon show.

as a quick note because I know this is going to come up, yes I know it says they can only 'glide' I call b.s. on that since they can go against the wind, go on for indefinant periods of time and can even keep up with ROCKET power aircraft so yeah I would say a flight speed with a handicap of not being able to take off from the ground.

2017-06-01, 07:18 AM
Well theres the aarakokra and the winged tiefling already so flight wouldnt be setting a precedent or anything.
Forgive my ignorance, what other traits do these gargoyles have?

2017-06-01, 07:29 AM
It would be doable, although a difficult character to play in a party. for example, the whole turning to stone during the day thing kind of puts a damper in the PC class

2017-06-01, 07:41 AM
Gargoyle, ends up being around 6 points if you assume negative from the Gargoyles Curse. Also, this is just off the cuff looking at the race analysis sheet and trying to to remember a TV show from 15 years ago

[insert flavor here]

Ability Mods:+1 to Con, +1 to Str
Vision:Superior Darkvision
Languages: Common
Movement: 30 fot walking 30 feet flying
Wings. You have a flying speed of 30 feet.
You must be in a space wide enough to accommodate your wingspan to fly. Your wingspan is equal to twice your height.
You cannot fly if you are wearing armor you are not proficient in, armor not tailored to accommodate your wings, or a backpack not specially tailored to your wings.
Gargoyles CurseTurn to stone in the sunlight, but when you do you cure yourself of all diseases, poisons, and other non-cursed conditions
Natural Weapon: You are proficient with your unarmed strikes with your claws claws, which deal 1d6 + strength slashing damage on a hit. [1 point]

2017-06-01, 02:43 PM
Thanks this is actually sounding pretty well put together so far, and for those that aren't aware of the show or the comics Gargoyles have extremely long lifespans,very tough skin,the ability to fly/glide,and their fingers and toes form a kind of talon that is strong enough to claw into stone to aid in climbing and can even puncture weak or thin metals [depending on metal].

Honest Tiefling
2017-06-01, 02:48 PM
1. One could make the argument that Goliath, the one probably used as a measuring stick for all of these abilities, is a pretty high level barbarian. He IS the strongest of them after all and the one that Xanatos decided to based his robots off of.

2. Can Gargoyles see in the dark? I haven't seen the show in a while.

2017-06-01, 02:52 PM
Thanks this is actually sounding pretty well put together so far, and for those that aren't aware of the show or the comics Gargoyles have extremely long lifespans,very tough skin,the ability to fly/glide,and their fingers and toes form a kind of talon that is strong enough to claw into stone to aid in climbing and can even puncture weak or thin metals [depending on metal].

You can add a climb speed without it really impacting anything. When you can already fly adding climb isn't to big of a change. You could also trade out the natural weapon with a natural AC of 12 + dex when not wearing armor pretty easily.

1. One could make the argument that Goliath, the one probably used as a measuring stick for all of these abilities, is a pretty high level barbarian. He IS the strongest of them after all and the one that Xanatos decided to based his robots off of.

2. Can Gargoyles see in the dark? I haven't seen the show in a while.

For #2, they live in the dark and turn into statues at sunrise. If they didn't have darkvision it would be very difficult for them to exist.

Honest Tiefling
2017-06-01, 02:57 PM
For #2, they live in the dark and turn into statues at sunrise. If they didn't have darkvision it would be very difficult for them to exist.

True, but given that they are entirely helpless while being stone, I don't think natural evolution pressures really apply to them. It has been made clear in the series that magic is perfectly willing to screw you over, and I think it would be entirely fair to assume that gargoyles were made by magic.

Also, I found screenshots from 'Long way to morning' that suggests they need torches, and therefore light, to see.

2017-06-01, 04:38 PM
Hmm. Lets see what we can steal from other races to make a gargoyle.

Aarakocra gives us:
+2 Dex
+1 Wis
25' Speed
50' Flight
1d4 Talons

Feral + Winged Variant Tiefling gives us:
+2 Dex
+1 Int
Flight 30'
Fire Resistance

Lizardfolk have a nice AC ability (13 + Dex) so we can use that too.

So we have all the components we need already, we just need to put them into a package:
+2 Str
+1 Wis
Flight 30'
Armored Skin (AC 13 + Dex)
Talons (1d4)
Nocturnal: You are subject to the petrified condition when exposed to direct sunlight.

You gain a bit over the tiefling with the AC + Talons in place of Fire Resistance but you pay for it by only being able to function at night. About as powerful as a kobold or drow in an underdark game or similar but otherwise a bit niche.

2017-06-02, 12:02 PM
This is sounding pretty amazing so far and I will admit as it has been pointed out that yes playing as a character that turns to stone during the day would make it complicated to be in a party as well as being abit of a niche pick. However as most of you might know if you play DnD long enough all the standard races kind of become been there done that, so I like to look for interesting side options. Plus come on how amazing would it be if the party needed to sneak into a town or castle and just pose as masons there to install a new statue on the grounds?