View Full Version : What do you think a 5e Lance looks like to you?

2017-06-01, 12:10 AM
So, lances. These things are rather variable on how they could look. Most people think they are but a single handle with some sharp cone at the end that you usually see at medieval tournaments in a jousting event, some others argue they look just like a spear, albeit much bigger and a tad bit heavier at the end.

What I want to know is, when you include a lance in your games, playgrounders, what do you think it looks like?

2017-06-01, 12:27 AM
So, lances. These things are rather variable on how they could look. Most people think they are but a single handle with some sharp cone at the end that you usually see at medieval tournaments in a jousting event, some others argue they look just like a spear, albeit much bigger and a tad bit heavier at the end.

What I want to know is, when you include a lance in your games, playgrounders, what do you think it looks like?

There are hundreds of variations on weapon styles. If it's a long stick with at least one pointy end and too big to be a spear, it's a pike. If they use it on a horse, it's a lance.

2017-06-01, 05:47 AM
Based on the art: it looks like a standard jousting lance. Sharp cone, etc.

On foot, it's 2handed on foot, and has disadvantage within 5', so it's obviously oddly shaped in ways that a standard spear is not.

What weirds me out is the usage. A d12 for damage is crazy. You have to remember, you only need to be on a horse, not charging with it or even moving. The fact that you can just stab down with it from the saddle and deal 2handed damage is crazy.

In game terms though, and given the design constraints, I'll admit that it's well designed. I've been playing a campaign where Mounted Combatant is practically a prerequisite for entry, and so Lances feature heavily.
My players learned that lances are fantastic against infantry and slow creatures. Move in to range, attack, and dash away with the mount's action. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Against other cavalry though, lances aren't great. They can keep pace with you, and you lose your punish since you make OAs at Disadvantage.
You tag them and Dash away. They Dash/Move to close range. You're now forced to either eat OAs, or Disengage, just to get back into effective range with your lance.
They now have all the power. They can choose to stick with you, matching you Move+Dash for Move+Dash, and getting OAs in beside, or you Disengage and then they can Move, Attack, and Dash away - resetting the cycle and suffering only a Disadvantaged OA in reply.

PAM is the only way to come out even, but they only need Sentinel to shut you down entirely.

The best tactic against enemy cavalry therefore, is to attack with your lance, drop it, and move into your enemy and draw your sidearm. This pleases me, as it is historically accurate.

-- note that I require a free hand to guide a mount. Otherwise you could convincingly dual-wield a sword and lance, and have the best of both worlds.
-- also, I do not allow players to "sheathe" a lance. It must be carried at all times, or stored in a wagon etc.
-- I also do not allow any other Polearms to be used from horseback. If this were a Samurai campaign, I would consider allowing Glaives in place of naginata, but would likely impose the same "disadvantage at 5ft" rule to prevent shenanigans.

2017-06-01, 05:56 AM
I've always seen Lances like this:


...which is why I generally dislike the idea of using it anywhere except when mounted.

2017-06-01, 06:05 AM
One PC in my games has bought a lance, and we haven't heard about it in game since. I expect if he ever takes it out of his hyperspace arsenal and uses it, it will look like a jousting lance if he's mounted, and more like a hoplite's spear if he's on foot.

2017-06-01, 08:09 AM
-- note that I require a free hand to guide a mount. Otherwise you could convincingly dual-wield a sword and lance, and have the best of both worlds.

This I disagree with. I agree that TWF lance while mounted is stupid, however, this also prevent using weapon and shield while mounted.

-- I also do not allow any other Polearms to be used from horseback. If this were a Samurai campaign, I would consider allowing Glaives in place of naginata, but would likely impose the same "disadvantage at 5ft" rule to prevent shenanigans.

This I found intersting. My houserule is that Heavy weapons have disadvantage when used from horseback. That means not only non-lance polearms, but also greatswords, greataxes and mauls, and longbow and heavy crossbow, which I think is more fitting. Note that Mounted Combatants cancels the disadvantage for non-reach melee weapons.

2017-06-01, 09:56 AM
I've always used the version in the far right of this image as the lance for D&D.

2017-06-01, 02:08 PM
Around the 1300s, knights would sometimes dismount to attack on foot, and would cut down their lances and use them as spears. Therefore I presume a battlefield (as opposed to tournament) lance should look like a spear.