View Full Version : Psionic Weapon

2017-06-01, 12:23 AM
So, I'm thinking of playing a melee Mystic in an upcoming game and I have a question regarding the Psionic Weapon discipline. Specifically, the Lethal Strike power. In version 2 of the Mystic, that power worked like Smite; when you hit a target, you spend points to add dice of damage.

However, the version 3 rules for that power are unclear. Does it still work the same way as before except now it costs a bonus action? Or does it work a different way? Thanks!

2017-06-01, 12:42 AM
Seems pretty straight forward. You spend a bonus action to charge up your sword with psi points, then you get until the end of your turn to hit something with the sword and if you do it does extra damage. You can totally waste it by either not attacking or missing a lot. You should pair this up with some trick to attacking again with said weapon in order to increase the chances of lethal strike going off.

2017-06-01, 12:52 AM
Unfortunately, that's what I thought. Thank you for clarifying that. Whoof, that is one hell of a nasty nerf to what used to be a very cool power. RIP Immortal Mystic I guess.

Sir cryosin
2017-06-01, 07:29 AM
Unfortunately, that's what I thought. Thank you for clarifying that. Whoof, that is one hell of a nasty nerf to what used to be a very cool power. RIP Immortal Mystic I guess.

I was playing a melee mystic with V3 and the strike is powerful I've one shot a few higher level monsters. And they changed it because V2 was op.

2017-06-01, 08:33 AM
If that's the case then why haven't they nerfed the Paladin? Divine Smite works exactly the same way except pallys can use it twice a round. Mystics can only use it once.

2017-06-01, 08:50 AM
If that's the case then why haven't they nerfed the Paladin? Divine Smite works exactly the same way except pallys can use it twice a round. Mystics can only use it once.

Paladins are potentially heavy armored melee combatant half-caster tanks, and they can spend slots to add a maximum of 5d8 (~22.5) to an attack, or two slots to add 10d8 total (~45).
Mystics are comparably lightly armored (equivalently) full casters, and they can spend points to add a maximum of 7d10 (~35) to an attack.
The Paladin has less slots to use compared to the points from the Mystic, and as such can do it less often, each time potentially getting weaker and weaker as their highest slots disappear. The Mystic can do it more often, and at full power every time until he runs out of points.

2017-06-01, 09:21 AM
Paladins are potentially heavy armored melee combatant half-caster tanks, and they can spend slots to add a maximum of 5d8 (~22.5) to an attack, or two slots to add 10d8 total (~45).
Mystics are comparably lightly armored (equivalently) full casters, and they can spend points to add a maximum of 7d10 (~35) to an attack.
The Paladin has less slots to use compared to the points from the Mystic, and as such can do it less often, each time potentially getting weaker and weaker as their highest slots disappear. The Mystic can do it more often, and at full power every time until he runs out of points.

The lack of armor and weapons is another sore point with me. If I wanted to play a f@#king monk, I would play that instead of the Immortal. I wanted a psychic warrior.

I disagree that Mystics can smite more often, but if that's the case then they should cap the power at 3 psi points, or get rid of it altogether and give the Immortal 2 attacks instead. But they decided to keep it and make it worthless. Worst possible solution.

Now the only viable build is to mindf*ck everything into oblivion. Melee isn't an option anymore. How is that more balanced?

I feel like the WOTC staff just don't understand how to properly run a playtest.

2017-06-01, 09:52 AM
I feel like the WOTC staff just don't understand how to properly run a playtest.

Three different, ever evolving versions of the Mystic, with a fourth in progress on a much larger scale, certainly agrees with you.
Oh, wait....

2017-06-01, 10:14 AM
The lack of armor and weapons is another sore point with me. If I wanted to play a f@#king monk, I would play that instead of the Immortal. I wanted a psychic warrior.

I disagree that Mystics can smite more often, but if that's the case then they should cap the power at 3 psi points, or get rid of it altogether and give the Immortal 2 attacks instead. But they decided to keep it and make it worthless. Worst possible solution.

Now the only viable build is to mindf*ck everything into oblivion. Melee isn't an option anymore. How is that more balanced?

I feel like the WOTC staff just don't understand how to properly run a playtest.

Melee is still an option. Brute Force and Giant Growth are both really good. And Ethereal Weapon is great for those heavily armored enemies. Also you get 1d8 psychic damage to every attack at level 8. Augmented weapon means you can get a +3 weapon really quickly. if you want to hit more often be a soul knife, you get two weapons that deal 1d8 psychic damage and can use TWFing with them from the start no feat required. Plus you get hone the blade which with Augmented weapon gives you a +7 weapon and a +4 weapon (or two +7 weapons depends on how you read it) at level 5. Makes it alot easier to hit with those.

Waterdeep Merch
2017-06-01, 10:28 AM
I played a mystic with psionic weapon using both v2 and v3 rules. In v2, it was one of their core cheese abilities that really needed nerfing. In v3, while I agree that the nerf is a little too heavy, it was alright in practice.

Every use of lethal strike became a deliberate gamble. I could either set up for it with buffs and debuffs, only bet a few 'chips' at a time for consistent if low damage, and could go all in if the situation warranted a big bet.

In the end, it's still underpowered- Mastery of Wood and Earth's telekinetic weapon is strictly superior and fundamentally more awesome in every situation unless you're psylocke- but other than that, it's mostly fine.

Really hate that it takes a bonus action, though. It really should either allow multiple chances OR cost a bonus action, not both.

2017-06-01, 10:54 AM
But Brute Force is even worse isn't it? Unless I misread it. You still have to spend the points without knowing if you hit or not, except instead of a d10 dmg it's a d6.

I still think the best solution would've been to dump Psionic Weapon and just give the Immortal 2 attacks like every other weapon user. And keep the armor and weapon proficiencies.

2017-06-01, 11:00 AM
Three different, ever evolving versions of the Mystic, with a fourth in progress on a much larger scale, certainly agrees with you.
Oh, wait....

Your sarcasm is duly noted. But v3 of the Immortal was such a huge developmental step back from v2, that WOTC proved my point. Just try to find a positive opinion on the Immortal on the message boards. It's pretty difficult.

I'm not disputing that the mindf*cking Awakened and Avatar orders are powerful. I'm saying the Immortal got turned into garbage.

2017-06-01, 11:04 AM
And they realize that the playerbase isn't happy with the current iteration, so they're continuing to work on it.
You're taking one part that you think is worse in this particular version, and accusing them of not knowing how to playtest, as if they had just officially released this as the final version, when in fact they're actively trying to get it to a point that the playerbase is happy with it overall.
They're actively doing everything they can to playtest it into acceptance with each new version, and you're claiming that they don't know how to do exactly what they are actually doing.
Take a breath for a moment.

Waterdeep Merch
2017-06-01, 11:23 AM
But Brute Force is even worse isn't it? Unless I misread it. You still have to spend the points without knowing if you hit or not, except instead of a d10 dmg it's a d6.

I still think the best solution would've been to dump Psionic Weapon and just give the Immortal 2 attacks like every other weapon user. And keep the armor and weapon proficiencies.

The bigger problem is that Celerity is a garbage discipline, both too expensive and actively working against the player's action economy. If it included a reasonable way of gaining, say, haste, it would solve a lot of issues with the way melee-oriented mystics are supposed to behave. As it is, the discipline doesn't do what the designers appear to think it does, which is solve the class's issues with a lack of things like Extra Attack. I'd like some tweaks to Psionic Weapon, but Celerity needs an overhaul.

I like a lot of the v3 mystic, it just irked me that the original immortal flavor got junked. I kept it for story reasons during my v3 tenure, but by the end I wasn't using any immortal disciplines, wore heavy armor I got via feat because their Dex+Con armor is atrocious (the class is MAD as it is), and found their anti-death abilities to be a huge waste of time. The only, and I mean the ONLY selling point on the immortal that worked for me was the temporary hit point generation.

Which... okay, that was so impressively powerful that it was worth the subclass being terrible all by itself.

It's worth noting that I played v3 mystic at levels 10, 11, and 20. My DM got bored and decided to end the campaign earlier by deus ex machina'ing our levels to cap for the last couple sessions.

EDIT: Adaptable Body is actually an excellent discipline, almost forgot about it. It's on the verge of being overpowered once you get the ability to create immunity with it.

2017-06-01, 11:59 AM
And they realize that the playerbase isn't happy with the current iteration, so they're continuing to work on it.
You're taking one part that you think is worse in this particular version, and accusing them of not knowing how to playtest, as if they had just officially released this as the final version, when in fact they're actively trying to get it to a point that the playerbase is happy with it overall.
They're actively doing everything they can to playtest it into acceptance with each new version, and you're claiming that they don't know how to do exactly what they are actually doing.
Take a breath for a moment.

Guess I have to wait for Mystic v4, which means I have to come up with a new character idea for this game. Oh well.

2017-06-01, 12:26 PM
But Brute Force is even worse isn't it? Unless I misread it. You still have to spend the points without knowing if you hit or not, except instead of a d10 dmg it's a d6.

I still think the best solution would've been to dump Psionic Weapon and just give the Immortal 2 attacks like every other weapon user. And keep the armor and weapon proficiencies.

Knock Back is what i was referring to. You use a reaction when you hit and send someone flying into a wall or other object (which is easy if you're not playing in a white room). Its a Str save but at least it doesn't eat up a Bonus Action. But as said earlier animate weapon is really good as well. You're not gonna be a fighter as a mystic (why would expect as much anyway), but you can be plenty viable as a melee fighter.

This isn't to say that the v3 Immortal is perfect, definitely needs some work, but its doable and plenty fun.

Waterdeep Merch
2017-06-01, 12:30 PM
Guess I have to wait for Mystic v4, which means I have to come up with a new character idea for this game. Oh well.

Can you convince your DM to let you at least decide to activate Lethal Strike as part of the action used to make an attack? You can point out that the Mystic is a work in progress and thus needs tweaking. Ask if you can burn one of your background tool/language proficiencies on the weapon of your choice and get the Heavily Armored feat as soon as possible, too, and you've got a good base for a strong psychic warrior. Make sure to pick up Precognition for the cheap +d4 to attack rolls, and you can be reasonably sure that your Lethal Strike gambles will pay off.

Avoid the Celerity and Iron Hide disciplines, they're traps and they suck. Remember that, outside of those two bonus disciplines, there's no benefit to restricting yourself to only immortal disciplines. If you pick Master of Wood and Earth you can dump Psychic Weapon and even your strength score beyond what's necessary to wear plate. Seriously, it's kind of OP for a melee-oriented mystic.

As for the other Immortal disciplines-

Adaptive Body is great. Get it eventually, if not now. You suddenly make an excellent sentry, can travel through things like water indefinitely, and this is before getting into the insane power of creating resistance/immunity to pretty much whatever you want. Adaptive Shield is an amazing clutch ability that you will use for your entire career all by itself. Just remember that it doesn't work on radiant, necrotic, force, poison, or psychic damage.

Bestial Form is good and one of your better options for attacks if you don't take Mastery of Wood and Earth or a tweaked Psychic Weapon. If your DM is being stingy on homebrewing a test build, take this AND Psychic Weapon and burn 14 PP on the mother of all melee attacks. He might change his mind then.

Brute Force has the one eh ability in brute strike, and you're right that it's lame in comparison. But the rest of it is super useful to a strength-based melee character. Worth it even without a fix.

Corrosive Metabolism is fun and filled with enough cool things to base an entire character around. It kind of sucks that it uses poison damage as much as it does, given the prevalence of poison resistance and immunity, and the damage is good but not amazing.

Diminution is almost OP. It can make you a stealth god, and its combat abilities like sudden shift are great too. Only skip this one if it doesn't fit your theme.

Giant Growth has some good things going for it, but not enough to waste a discipline on. There are so many great choices that Giant Growth is strictly subpar.

Psionic Restoration will be chosen eventually. Access to cure wounds, lesser restoration, revivify (with no material cost!), and *most* of greater restoration is extremely valuable to any party. You will pick this up, if not now, then later certainly.

2017-06-01, 01:00 PM
Well, Animate Weapon has the same issue Psionic Weapon has: you spend the points up front and lose them if you miss. Mystics also don't have any decent weapon proficiencies, and animating a dagger doesn't sound like much fun. Unless you don't need proficiency in a weapon to animate it? The rules aren't clear about that.

The issue with Brute Force is the Mystic class steers you hard towards a Dex build. I'm not even sure you can use Brute Force with finesse weapons. Again, the rules aren't clear about that.

2017-06-01, 01:03 PM
Actually, what do you guys think of using Corrosive Metabolism as a go-to melee attack? At least with that one, the points aren't wasted if the save is made, the target just takes half damage instead. Has anyone tried it out?

2017-06-01, 01:09 PM
The issue with Brute Force is the Mystic class steers you hard towards a Dex build. I'm not even sure you can use Brute Force with finesse weapons. Again, the rules aren't clear about that.

What in the description of Brute Force makes you think that it only works with certain weapons, or that it even requires Str attacks?
You're connecting dots that don't exist because of the ability's name.

Sir cryosin
2017-06-01, 01:24 PM
Before my Jedi died ( may her soul find peace.)
She was a high elf I got longsword prof and I picked green flame blade as my free cantrip. I also crafted a lightsaber aka +1 finesse longsword ( you can always try and find a Sun Blade) I roll max damage on a Hobgoblin dealing it 70 damage at lv8 my AC was 18 thanks to force discipline ac 14+Dex.

Waterdeep Merch
2017-06-01, 01:26 PM
Well, Animate Weapon has the same issue Psionic Weapon has: you spend the points up front and lose them if you miss. Mystics also don't have any decent weapon proficiencies, and animating a dagger doesn't sound like much fun. Unless you don't need proficiency in a weapon to animate it? The rules aren't clear about that.

The issue with Brute Force is the Mystic class steers you hard towards a Dex build. I'm not even sure you can use Brute Force with finesse weapons. Again, the rules aren't clear about that.

It's true that you could end up wasting your points, but this isn't as big a deal as it is with, say, a paladin, and is more in line with other casters. A paladin's got better safety in making sure they don't waste their extremely limited spell slots, a mystic's got a greater abundance of points to use but there's no guarantee that they won't go to waste. Animate Weapon, RAW, uses your spell attack modifier for attack AND damage rolls, and is also called out as a melee weapon attack, meaning it gets Potent Psionics and whatever bonuses the weapon has. I think it's just poorly written regarding the modifier part, because oh my god that is so much damage (proficiency to damage rolls? What?!). This means that a single point investment is, at low levels and assuming you didn't get longsword-equivalent access, likely a 1d6+1d10+Int+Proficiency. With Int 16, that makes your average level one damage on a single PP expenditure 14 damage. At level 1. With a 30 foot range. Four times a day.

The fighter will cry.

By level 20, assuming a 20 Int, you're doing a ridiculous 29 damage with a mundane mace and a single PP. Your best possible outcome (longsword-equivalent +3 weapon, 7 PP expended) averages at 63 damage a round with a great to-hit chance, and you can do this 15 times a day if you're so inclined.

2017-06-01, 01:52 PM
It's true that you could end up wasting your points, but this isn't as big a deal as it is with, say, a paladin, and is more in line with other casters. A paladin's got better safety in making sure they don't waste their extremely limited spell slots, a mystic's got a greater abundance of points to use but there's no guarantee that they won't go to waste. Animate Weapon, RAW, uses your spell attack modifier for attack AND damage rolls, and is also called out as a melee weapon attack, meaning it gets Potent Psionics and whatever bonuses the weapon has. I think it's just poorly written regarding the modifier part, because oh my god that is so much damage (proficiency to damage rolls? What?!). This means that a single point investment is, at low levels and assuming you didn't get longsword-equivalent access, likely a 1d6+1d10+Int+Proficiency. With Int 16, that makes your average level one damage on a single PP expenditure 14 damage. At level 1. With a 30 foot range. Four times a day.

The fighter will cry.

By level 20, assuming a 20 Int, you're doing a ridiculous 29 damage with a mundane mace and a single PP. Your best possible outcome (longsword-equivalent +3 weapon, 7 PP expended) averages at 63 damage a round with a great to-hit chance, and you can do this 15 times a day if you're so inclined.

Huh, I just re-read that ability, I didn't notice that little tidbit the first time I read it. Gives me an idea for a character. Thanks!

Sir cryosin
2017-06-01, 01:57 PM
It's true that you could end up wasting your points, but this isn't as big a deal as it is with, say, a paladin, and is more in line with other casters. A paladin's got better safety in making sure they don't waste their extremely limited spell slots, a mystic's got a greater abundance of points to use but there's no guarantee that they won't go to waste. Animate Weapon, RAW, uses your spell attack modifier for attack AND damage rolls, and is also called out as a melee weapon attack, meaning it gets Potent Psionics and whatever bonuses the weapon has. I think it's just poorly written regarding the modifier part, because oh my god that is so much damage (proficiency to damage rolls? What?!). This means that a single point investment is, at low levels and assuming you didn't get longsword-equivalent access, likely a 1d6+1d10+Int+Proficiency. With Int 16, that makes your average level one damage on a single PP expenditure 14 damage. At level 1. With a 30 foot range. Four times a day.

The fighter will cry.

By level 20, assuming a 20 Int, you're doing a ridiculous 29 damage with a mundane mace and a single PP. Your best possible outcome (longsword-equivalent +3 weapon, 7 PP expended) averages at 63 damage a round with a great to-hit chance, and you can do this 15 times a day if you're so inclined.

So you don't need to be proficient with the weapon right? Because it says you make the attack using your spell-casting ability.

Also can you stack the added damage dice from giant form? Because it calls out "melee weapon attacks".

Waterdeep Merch
2017-06-01, 02:07 PM
So you don't need to be proficient with the weapon right? Because it says you make the attack using your spell-casting ability.

Also can you stack the added damage dice from giant form? Because it calls out "melee weapon attacks".

RAW? Yep. Your proficiencies don't matter, and anything that applies on a melee weapon attack applies to Animate Weapon.

Lethal Strike works, too. A little too rich for my blood, but if you'd like to add 7d10 on top of 3d8+7d10+Int+Proficiency...

* I sincerely believe it's a bit of a misprint, and they only intended you add intelligence to the damage roll, not the entire discipline attack modifier. You could also make an argument that Animate Weapon states that the weapon makes the attack, not you, but this only opens up more questions. Like, what if you use it within melee range, can you wield a weapon wielding itself? Does that change anything? Does the weapon suddenly have some kind of sentience, if only for a split second? Personhood? Does it provoke attacks of opportunity? Is its range considered movement? The rules state, specifically, that it makes a one-handed melee weapon attack, but most weapons don't have hands nor are they typically wielding anything. So... what in the world...?

At my table, we agreed that the intent was for it to only add Int to damage and not proficiency, and that it was a kind of special attack that couldn't interact with other psi abilities that would go over the psi limit. So I never did the Lethal Strike/Animated Weapon combo.

2017-06-01, 02:13 PM
RAW? Yep. Your proficiencies don't matter,

Your proficiencies never matter.... unless you want to add your proficiency bonus to the roll. Then they matter.
In this case, just like every other, you only add your proficiency bonus if you are.... wait for it.... proficient.

And before someone cries "It doesn't say that!"
It doesn't have to. The rules regarding using your proficiency bonus say that.
If you have proficiency in whatever roll you're making, you add your proficiency bonus. If not, you don't.

Waterdeep Merch
2017-06-01, 02:24 PM
Your proficiencies never matter.... unless you want to add your proficiency bonus to the roll. Then they matter.
In this case, just like every other, you only add your proficiency bonus if you are.... wait for it.... proficient.

And before someone cries "It doesn't say that!"
It doesn't have to. The rules regarding using your proficiency bonus say that.
If you have proficiency in whatever roll you're making, you add your proficiency bonus. If not, you don't.

I actually argued in my game that I needed the weapon proficiency to use Animate Weapon because I disliked not having that, but in the case of RAW, specific beats general. Animate Weapon specifically says you use your discipline attack modifier to determine your attack bonus. It has no bearing on your proficiency with said weapon, at least as it's currently written.

Which, again, I disagree with and don't believe was the intent. I'm hoping that little gap gets plugged in the final version for verisimilitude if nothing else.

2017-06-01, 02:43 PM
I actually argued in my game that I needed the weapon proficiency to use Animate Weapon because I disliked not having that, but in the case of RAW, specific beats general. Animate Weapon specifically says you use your discipline attack modifier to determine your attack bonus. It has no bearing on your proficiency with said weapon, at least as it's currently written.

Which, again, I disagree with and don't believe was the intent. I'm hoping that little gap gets plugged in the final version for verisimilitude if nothing else.

I understand exactly what you're saying.
What I'm saying is the same thing I always say:
UA material is chock full of editing errors. It is not a final product.
In this case, it's a weapon attack, so obviously it uses your weapon proficiency bonus. I'm 100% sure that the RAI is that you use your Psionic stat mod with your weapon prof bonus. They just worded it wonky, and that's what's going to be the final product.

I'll make allowances that I may be wrong, but I don't see why they'd do it the way that people think.

Waterdeep Merch
2017-06-01, 02:52 PM
I understand exactly what you're saying.
What I'm saying is the same thing I always say:
UA material is chock full of editing errors. It is not a final product.
In this case, it's a weapon attack, so obviously it uses your weapon proficiency bonus. I'm 100% sure that the RAI is that you use your Psionic stat mod with your weapon prof bonus. They just worded it wonky, and that's what's going to be the final product.

I'll make allowances that I may be wrong, but I don't see why they'd do it the way that people think.

That's basically my argument, too. The mystic class has a great foundation now, but there's some strange bits that haven't been ironed out yet, powers that are way too strong or weak, and wording that is either needlessly confusing or allows things that really shouldn't be allowed. It's a rough draft, on it's third iteration.

If you're a player, work with your DM if you plan on playing UA or any homebrew. Point out the weird stuff, ask how they want to interpret it. Voice concern over things like Celerity being useless or Lethal Strike being not great. If a DM's willing to allow an experimental UA class, chances are good they'll help you fix it up a bit, too.

If you're a DM, these are some of the weird things that are still clearly under development. Take a look over any abilities a player wants and make a decision about how it should work in your game, and stay consistent with it.

Have fun with it. It's your game, your rules.

2017-06-01, 07:26 PM
One great option for melee mystic, be high elf for cantrip or get magic initiate... booming blade and green flame blade make you depend less of psi points.
Cloak of air is the only concentration you need.

Mystic damage isn't they strong point, unless the DM make just few encounters/day. Because of that I see mystic stronger if you don't focus in melee.

Waterdeep Merch
2017-06-01, 10:45 PM
One great option for melee mystic, be high elf for cantrip or get magic initiate... booming blade and green flame blade make you depend less of psi points.
Cloak of air is the only concentration you need.

Mystic damage isn't they strong point, unless the DM make just few encounters/day. Because of that I see mystic stronger if you don't focus in melee.

That's... actually a ton of melee damage, I'd never thought about MI'ing to add SCAG cantrips. Booming Blade would make the knock back ability from the brute force discipline especially nasty. Adding in Potent Psionics, which I believe works as per current wording, and you've got an on-demand melee potential that's only hindered by poor weapon choice and needing a feat to burn (high elf gets the cantrip AND bypasses the weapon issue, making it strictly superior to all other immortal mystics. Weird).

I just noticed that there's never before been an instance where you could get some kind of Improved Divine Smite on top of one of the SCAG cantrips without becoming MAD, outside of, arguably, the Hexblade (who needs it to even try and compete with eldritch blast, and it's statistically inferior to a mystic doing this). It's ungodly cheesy, but I bet a soul knife could be demoralizingly strong with it.

2017-06-02, 06:23 AM
That's... actually a ton of melee damage, I'd never thought about MI'ing to add SCAG cantrips. Booming Blade would make the knock back ability from the brute force discipline especially nasty. Adding in Potent Psionics, which I believe works as per current wording, and you've got an on-demand melee potential that's only hindered by poor weapon choice and needing a feat to burn (high elf gets the cantrip AND bypasses the weapon issue, making it strictly superior to all other immortal mystics. Weird).

I just noticed that there's never before been an instance where you could get some kind of Improved Divine Smite on top of one of the SCAG cantrips without becoming MAD, outside of, arguably, the Hexblade (who needs it to even try and compete with eldritch blast, and it's statistically inferior to a mystic doing this). It's ungodly cheesy, but I bet a soul knife could be demoralizingly strong with it.

Booming blade extra damage is only for wilingly movement, so is useless with knockback.
Yeah soul knife is a way better option with scag cantrips than dual weapon, even better at high levels. Forget the secobd hand attack solve half of bonus action starvation, you can do the same damage (or more) with one attack and free your bonus action to: parry, or mystic recovery, or use discipline.
I think his AC and soul knives make a better melee option than immortal.

Waterdeep Merch
2017-06-02, 11:25 AM
Booming blade extra damage is only for wilingly movement, so is useless with knockback.
That's the part I think is best, actually. After knocking something back, it'll have to move back into melee if it wants to fight. But if you hit it with booming blade, it'll take a pretty sizeable amount of damage for doing it. Most monsters function either strictly or best at melee, meaning they're pretty much forced to move in even if it's likely to die for the attempt. It's pretty great.

Yeah soul knife is a way better option with scag cantrips than dual weapon, even better at high levels. Forget the secobd hand attack solve half of bonus action starvation, you can do the same damage (or more) with one attack and free your bonus action to: parry, or mystic recovery, or use discipline.
I think his AC and soul knives make a better melee option than immortal.
It makes the Psychic Weapon discipline a lot better, too. You'll want to pump your auto attacks into the stratosphere, and lethal strike is a whole lot more dangerous when you've got a crazy high hit chance and other riders to boot. It all comes online at level 1, and remains statistically strong throughout your career.