View Full Version : Crazy build idea. Sky lancer

Sir cryosin
2017-06-01, 08:33 AM
So I was thinking of a PC that flys around schababaing things with a lance. How should we approach this idea.
Key things we need
1.flying asap
2. Able to use a lance
3. Good damage don't have to be top tier but not underwhelming.
4. Way to go in and out of enemy's attack range. With out provocing AO's
5. Comes online asap.

2017-06-01, 08:43 AM
Any limits? My first thoughts would be aarakocra or beastmaster halfling on a pterodactyl

2017-06-01, 08:43 AM
A few options, depending on what your DM will let you do:

1) Halfling Ranger, Beastmaster, and see if DM will let you get a Giant Owl pet (Ghostwise Halflings have a whole fighting unit of these guys) (Comes online level 3)

2a) Winged Tiefling variant. Since Lances have reach, you can attack from 10' away and not provoke AoO that much unless the opponent also has a reach weapon. (Comes online level 1)

2b) Aarakocra (same as above)

3) Blade-pact Warlock with Fly spell (Comes online level 5)

2017-06-01, 08:48 AM
The halfling ranger with the pterodactyl could dual wield lances.

Or if UA is allowed an aaracokra kensai with the lance as a kensai weapon. High mobility and cool tricks.

Maybe a bladesinger that constantly uses fly and a lance?

Edit: and the charger feat, it's not that good but thematically it's cool.

Edit 2: I just realized that the charger feat is amazing on a barbarian. Wow.

Sir cryosin
2017-06-01, 08:50 AM
Ok race wing tiefling.

Now what class fighter EK, paladin oath of ?, Wizard school of ?, Bladelock patron ?, Barbarian total, or anything y'all can think up.

2017-06-01, 08:54 AM
The halfling ranger with the pterodactyl could dual wield lances.

Or if UA is allowed an aaracokra kensai with the lance as a kensai weapon. High mobility and cool tricks.

Maybe a bladesinger that constantly uses fly and a lance?

Edit: and the charger feat, it's not that good but thematically it's cool.

Edit 2: I just realized that the charger feat is amazing on a barbarian. Wow.

Lance is a "special" weapon, thus unavailable to kensai. Kensai can only get the whip if they want reach.

2017-06-01, 08:56 AM
Lance is a "special" weapon, thus unavailable to kensai. Kensai can only get the whip if they want reach.

Isn't the restirction only on heavy weapons? Plus the Lance doesn't have reach, I think you are talking about something different.

Edit: just checked, I was completely wrong.

2017-06-01, 08:58 AM
Isn't the restirction only on heavy weapons? Plus the Lance doesn't have reach, I think you are talking about something different.

Lance does indeed have Reach. It's "Special, Reach" in the PHB table. And if it didn't, it would really such, since you have disadvantage when you attack an enemy within 5'. So if it didn't have reach, you'd always be attacking with disadvantage.

2017-06-01, 09:01 AM
Technically a lance lacks the 'two-handed property' so... Hexblade?

2017-06-01, 09:03 AM
This is very unoptimized and you need to assume that darts are just miniature ranged lances.

Kobold, Arcane Trickster 3/Artificer/Alchemist 6

Now you are an arcane Kobold throwing mini lances (darts) who can heal themselves while riding a robotic eagle.

2017-06-01, 09:13 AM
Why not just use a spear? That way you don't have issues if you need to get up in someone's face.

2017-06-01, 09:17 AM
1-Mystic 5 let you use Bestial Form to get a fly speed (No concentration needed), can be combined with Faithful Archer (Concentration), let you make a free range attack for free at the start of your turn (can use thrown weapon, they come back to your hand after using this).

After that i would recommend getting Extra Attack from somewhere.

2- Mystic 2 let you get Miniature Form (concentation), letting you go tiny, that means that a huge array of creatures have become a viable option for mounts.

Sir cryosin
2017-06-01, 09:19 AM
Why not just use a spear? That way you don't have issues if you need to get up in someone's face.

Because a spear is a spear and a lance is a lance.
I invisisoned a person fly through the air with a lance. The lance looks like a jousting lance.

2017-06-01, 09:26 AM
How 'bout a [flying race] Rogue with Charger and either Mobile (on an Arcane Trickster casting Booming Blade) or Magic Initiate (on a Swashbuckler, to pick up Booming Blade)? Dash in, land a single enormous hit, and continue to swoop back out. Dip Champion 3 for a chance of an even nastier crit.

2017-06-01, 09:40 AM
How 'bout a [flying race] Rogue with Charger and either Mobile (on an Arcane Trickster casting Booming Blade) or Magic Initiate (on a Swashbuckler, to pick up Booming Blade)? Dash in, land a single enormous hit, and continue to swoop back out. Dip Champion 3 for a chance of an even nastier crit.

You need Spell Sniper to get that to work with a reach weapon, but it's a decent idea. You can prob ignore the Mobile feat because A) you have bonus action disengage and B) you'd want to attack at 10' range anyway. Mobile DOES increase flying speed by 10ft so might be worth it.

2017-06-01, 09:43 AM
You need Spell Sniper to get that to work with a reach weapon, but it's a decent idea. You can prob ignore the Mobile feat because A) you have bonus action disengage and B) you'd want to attack at 10' range anyway. Mobile DOES increase flying speed by 10ft so might be worth it.

I think he doesn't require Mobile either way (Swashbuckler give him something for the OA)

Sir cryosin
2017-06-01, 09:59 AM
That's all nice and all but you can only SA with finesse or ranged weapons. The build I have in mind is

Race: winged tiefling
Class fighter Eldritch Knight with feat spellsniper for booming blade
Or Paladin oath of the Ancients picking up the model feat for fly by's.

I went with teifling because it say for Aaracokra's can't wear heavy armor and fly. And I'm using a lance so my strangh is going to be high.

2017-06-01, 10:04 AM
Might I suggest Eagle Totem Barbarian?

Dash as a bonus action, disadvantage on OAs against you, and you can always multi-class into something else before the redundant level 14 feature. Refluff it as an Erinyes totem.

2017-06-01, 10:05 AM
I know this isn't what you want to hear, but personally, if it were me and I were thinking of this concept, I'd play a Mobile Aarakocra Monk with a spear, which I would fluff as a footman's lance, and I'd fluff the bonus action MA attack(s) as talon slashes on the flyby.

2017-06-01, 10:06 AM
Sorcadin with spellsniper, booming blade, and charger? (Winged tiefling) focusing everything in one big shot.

Feats heavy but appropriate, you would get +5 to hit from charger so high stength wouldn't be necessary, and maybe mobile for the safe retreat.

Edit: you can't charge with BB. Rip.

2017-06-01, 10:15 AM
That's all nice and all but you can only SA with finesse or ranged weapons. The build I have in mind is

Race: winged tiefling
Class fighter Eldritch Knight with feat spellsniper for booming blade
Or Paladin oath of the Ancients picking up the model feat for fly by's.

I went with teifling because it say for Aaracokra's can't wear heavy armor and fly. And I'm using a lance so my strangh is going to be high.

Take 2 lvls in Hexblade so you can do all that with CHA. (8 lvl EK and 2 Warlock, letting you use your action for BB and Bonus Action for an Attack with your weapon)

2017-06-01, 10:17 AM
Might I suggest Eagle Totem Barbarian?

Dash as a bonus action, disadvantage on OAs against you, and you can always multi-class into something else before the redundant level 14 feature. Refluff it as an Erinyes totem.

The detail here is that it requires way too many lvls for the "fly". (Though is really great)

2017-06-01, 10:21 AM
The detail here is that it requires way too many lvls for the "fly". (Though is really great)

Except they're starting off as a Winged Tiefling. So they have fly from low level.

Sir cryosin
2017-06-01, 10:49 AM
Might I suggest Eagle Totem Barbarian?

Dash as a bonus action, disadvantage on OAs against you, and you can always multi-class into something else before the redundant level 14 feature. Refluff it as an Erinyes totem.

I wasn't really thinking of barbarian but a tiefling barbarian fly jousting sounds cool. With the add bonus can pick some creatures up fly up and drop them.

2017-06-01, 04:30 PM
I'll suggest pact of the blade warlock. That way your lance not only bypasses most resistances but you can summon and banish it instead of having to carry the damn thing around.

2017-06-01, 06:33 PM
Dragonborn has a UA feat that grants wings, although you can't wear heavy armor. Mobile feat would help you avoid OA, though with reach weapons you aren't entering their reach regardless. You could also dip rogue/monk for step of the wind or cunning action to avoid the OA. Fighters get asi for days, but if you are above a non reach unit, you can reckless attack without penalty as a barbarian.

2017-06-01, 07:45 PM
Small beast master with pyteranodon, that has flyby, so no AoO. Always ready your action when your pet dive.

2017-06-04, 11:03 PM
1-Mystic 5 let you use Bestial Form to get a fly speed (No concentration needed), can be combined with Faithful Archer (Concentration), let you make a free range attack for free at the start of your turn (can use thrown weapon, they come back to your hand after using this).

After that i would recommend getting Extra Attack from somewhere.

2- Mystic 2 let you get Miniature Form (concentation), letting you go tiny, that means that a huge array of creatures have become a viable option for mounts.

Mystic with one of the telekinesis abilities. Launch yourself into the air, and you drop on enemy (guided by tiefling wings) to land on enemy...transferring fall damage. 1 per round attack. If you miss, you take damage. Id require a custom feat to allow aiming while falling