View Full Version : Let's play Tecmo's Deception series.

2017-06-01, 10:50 AM
Tecmo's Deception series is drastically different from the typical action/adventures games. Most give you a weapon of some kind and let you deal with your opponents directly.

Instead, Deception puts you in the shoes of a protagonist without any weapons or fighting ability. What they can do, is control an elaborate series of traps to murder intruders with. And to survive, Deception doesn't just expect you to kill those who get in your way. You frequently wind up killing innocent people, for no better reason than the fact that they were in the wrong place, at the wrong time. They're weird, creepy games, unlike anything else on the market.

Think of it as fantasy of the Christmas movie Home Alone, I really like the lore and art design of this game, it was my favorite game as a kid growing up and influenced a lot of my own fantasy settings, as a huge fan I decided to start a let's play series. :smallsmile:

Unfortunately the last installment has received the Waifu-sexist perv Japanese bait some other fantasy games form japan received (Like Drakegrd 3), so I won’t be playing the last game, nor do I consider it part of the canon.

The games consist of a protagonist in large castle who must use innumerous traps to save his/her life, innumerous types of adventures, normally seen as the heroes will try to kill you, knights, warriors, mages, wizards, witches, nobles etc... And you must lure them to the traps in order to murder them and advance the story.

So now we need to choose which game we are going to play. The series are only loosely connected so there is no need to play it in any particular order.

The first one is also the ugliest, the graphics didn't age way, the character design is... Interesting but not nearly as cool as the later games.

It consumes a lot of blocks in the memory card and has some really slow loading screens, it kind of sucks, but hey how many games allow you to kill adventures and heroes in order to bring Satan back to life?

The second game, for some reason called Kagero, it’s considered by many as the best one, the plot of these games is not that great but this one has the best plot among them, interesting characters and a protagonist who makes sense.

The third installment and my favorite, the protagonist is kind of annoying and the story doesn't make a lot of sense but I have to say the character design and setting are AWESOME, the invaders designs are among my favorite of all games EVER.

The last game I can do, the only one in the PlayStation 2, so it has the best graphics and... Well not much, it keeps the original formula which is cool, but the protagonist is boring, the story is boring, the antagonists are boring... It's kind of a boring game really.

Don't get me wrong I spend countless hours on it, more of this weird elaborated death Traps type of game is always great since you can't get it anywhere else, but it's kind of a bland take on the series, the best one graphically speaking but even the first one had more original ideas(Like summoning monsters and building your own castle) but laying traps and luring unsuspecting targets to them feels satisfying, in good graphics it feels even more satisfying.

So that's it guys, which one do you want to play?

Some articles about the game: Here (http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/deception/deception.htm)


2017-06-01, 09:03 PM
I vote for 3, since I've beaten 1 and 2, but never found a copy of the third.

2017-06-01, 11:42 PM
Only played 1.

Actually, you don't have to kill the innocent, but it makes it harder if you don't. As they will get help to explore the place.

So I vote 2, 3, or 4.

I've never heard of 4. So I'm going with three.

The Eye
2017-06-02, 04:41 PM
Since three seems to be your favorite and consequently you must have a lot to say I will also vote three.

Brother Oni
2017-06-02, 06:35 PM
The second game, for some reason called Kagero, it’s considered by many as the best one, the plot of these games is not that great but this one has the best plot among them, interesting characters and a protagonist who makes sense.

Tecmo started branding the games from the second one onwards as Kagero (影牢) as Trapt and both Deception 4s use the same Kagero prefix (I'm not sure what happened to III as it's known as Soumato).

I'll have to confirm with the missus but running Kagero through Google Translate gives me 'Shadow Prison', which is rather appropriate.

I haven't seen 3 myself (I've seen 1 and have played 2, Trapt and Deception IV), so I vote for that one.

2017-06-04, 04:30 PM
Ok then, let’s start this let’s play, started.https://lparchive.org/Deception-III/Introduction/1-ePSXe_2007-06-28_13-34-55-28.jpg

Lore & setting

I’m going to talk about the lore and backstory, this is not essential for the game so if you want to skip it go ahead.

The plot takes place in the middle of the conflict between two kingdoms Alendar and Burganfada. Alendar is an island far north of Burganfada, much like Britain and France, and just like their real life counterparts they are usually at war.

Burganfada is a powerful nation devastated by war; their powerful alchemists are able to create powerful weapons, so they decided to invade the island of Alendar in search of supplements and resources.

Alendar, a small nation set on an island rich on supplies and metals, for generations their kings sought to use magic, mysticism and the occult in order to archive greatness, this changed with the late reformist king whose investiments in technological developments created advancements never seen before in the world, his research led to the creation of gears, electricity and gunpowder.

The King who was at the time more concerned with technological developments than war was not prepared to face a powerful nation such as Burganfada at war but with his wits and wisdom the Burganfada empire was defeated, but Alendar was greatly destroyed in the process, the King was celebrated as a hero for driving the invasion away, in the mean time his brother Frederick married a powerful sorceress who ignited his desire for conquest with legends of powerful artifacts hidden away in the island.

The Hero king died of unknown causes some years after the Bugafada war, having no heir his ambitious but cruel brother Frederick and his ruthless sorceress wife ascend to the throne and begin their tyrannical rule of Alendar.

As the game starts the land is still recovering from the effects of the war, King Frederick is show to be unfit for his position as King, he spend much of the his fortune seeking to please his own twisted pleasures and ambitions, cruel and violent people gain influence and favor, the people suffer and grow patriotic and hateful towards foreign nations in special people form Burganfada, the new king decrees that boats are strictly forbidden in the island, so no one can leave it, the peasants grown in poverty and superstition, the nobility in cruelty and sadism, the "AUO" (Alendar Umbral Operations) grown in power and under the King's orders start to kidnap unsuspecting peasants to work as slaves.

It's at this terrible times of conflict and strife that our heroine, a young orphan girl finds herself, our first step is to decide her name.


So how do you guys want our heroine to be called? Reina is her default name.

Brother Oni
2017-06-05, 06:47 AM
The default name's as good as any.

2017-06-05, 09:35 AM
Sailor Moon!
If that won't fit, then default name.

2017-06-05, 12:37 PM
Reina is fine.

2017-06-05, 07:02 PM
How about Nina? I always liked that name.