View Full Version : Here's my character I created for a new game I am joining, can I get some input?

2017-06-01, 09:18 PM
So after I decided that I'd create a Ditzy fighter, with this thread for help roleplaying.http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?525840-Need-help-fleshing-out-and-roleplaying-a-ditzy-Fighter

This is the result.



If you have any tips on how to optimize it or if you find something off, let me know!

Honest Tiefling
2017-06-01, 09:21 PM
Eh, might be a nit pick, but I'd reconsider the name. Doesn't really mesh with the Shou names in the book. Huang Bai and Satomi Kiyono don't really sound like they came from the same place.

2017-06-01, 09:23 PM
Eh, might be a nit pick, but I'd reconsider the name. Doesn't really mesh with the Shou names in the book. Huang Bai and Satomi Kiyono don't really sound like they came from the same place.

Well, I could not find any Wa names from the Forgotten realms, so I had to go with this.

Honest Tiefling
2017-06-01, 09:30 PM
Wouldn't that be a Wanese person? Again, it is a nit pick, but sometimes DMs pay attention to details like that.

Can I ask why the whip? Also, if the character has issues expressing herself, why is she trained in Persuasion?

2017-06-01, 09:33 PM
I really has trouble finding a melee weapon out of the two to get for a fighter. The whip was the only other thing that could have a niche use, and I already had a rapier so taking a scimitar or shortsword was moot.

I honestly could not find much on Wa in general. If you got any material from it, such as names and such, let me know. I wanna make sure I can build her to the best of my abilities.

There's also the fact that Persuassion is part of the noble background. I erm, had to take it.

2017-06-01, 09:41 PM
Well, I could not find any Wa names from the Forgotten realms, so I had to go with this.

The problem with the names is that one is Chinese and one is Japanese.

Consider making both names from the same earth language. Or have the characters be from different areas.

Shou is based on Chinese, and Wa and the surrounding islands look like they are Japanese based, with how they are spelt.

Edit: Wa is definitely based on Japan. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Wa

So either make both names from Japanese, or perhaps have one be from shou and one be from wa.

Another edit: I thought you made two characters... your name is fine for a character from Wa.

Honest Tiefling
2017-06-01, 09:41 PM
I honestly could not find much on Wa in general.

I do not, as I don't believe it has been detailed since second edition, I was honestly taking my best guess. I'd talk to your DM about it, and maybe they can lend you some materials. They might appreciate the heads up to integrate it.

There's also the fact that Persuassion is part of the noble background. I erm, had to take it.

Does your group not customize backgrounds? I could see persuasion being good for nobles, but...Given how you have described her, I think she's more of a do-er then a talker.

Have you considered a dagger? You could throw the darn thing, which isn't saying much, but it is something. There is also the possibility of refluffing a dagger as a more appropriate weapon of ceremonial use if it is not going to be used heavily.

EDIT: Why is your weight 221 pounds? That seems high.

2017-06-01, 09:54 PM
I do not, as I don't believe it has been detailed since second edition, I was honestly taking my best guess. I'd talk to your DM about it, and maybe they can lend you some materials. They might appreciate the heads up to integrate it.

Does your group not customize backgrounds? I could see persuasion being good for nobles, but...Given how you have described her, I think she's more of a do-er then a talker.

Have you considered a dagger? You could throw the darn thing, which isn't saying much, but it is something. There is also the possibility of refluffing a dagger as a more appropriate weapon of ceremonial use if it is not going to be used heavily.

EDIT: Why is your weight 221 pounds? That seems high.

I really don't think Wa was featured as much as the other places of the Forgotten realms, hence why I cannot find much in the ways of names and what their people really are called. I might just have to discuss with a DM with this after all.

I tend to stick to the Player Handbook when it comes to these proficiencies. I again, will discuss with the DM if I can drop it or not, but then again, it's a DM mater so milleage may vary.

But... Daggers are simple weapons, are they? Fighters when it comes to gear only allow you to choose Martial weapons, and the only simple one you can get is the light crossbow. Hence why I stuck with the whip. Once again, I might discuss this with the DM. I might have to end up just rolling for gold to spend on stuff, so yeah.

As for the unusual weight... I well, decided to make her a bit overweight as fluff for her character. It's not going to come into play I think, but it's there, I guess.

Honest Tiefling
2017-06-01, 09:58 PM
As for the unusual weight... I well, decided to make her a bit overweight as fluff for her character. It's not going to come into play I think, but it's there, I guess.

I commend your commitment to alternate forms of beauty, but that's well into obese range by BMI calculations. Now, if that's your thing I'm not judging, but I don't think that counts as a bit overweight anymore.

EDIT: Conducting research for what would be an appropriate weight for a plus-size model at 5'6". I guess it is good in a way that models aren't labelled with their weights, but this getting kinda hard to figure out.

2017-06-02, 05:26 AM
I commend your commitment to alternate forms of beauty, but that's well into obese range by BMI calculations. Now, if that's your thing I'm not judging, but I don't think that counts as a bit overweight anymore.

EDIT: Conducting research for what would be an appropriate weight for a plus-size model at 5'6". I guess it is good in a way that models aren't labelled with their weights, but this getting kinda hard to figure out.

it doesn't mean "fat girl." Plus sized models range from Size 4 to Size 14. Average dress size for American women is actually around size 16.
Katie Halchishick is 5'9 and 200lbs, as is a size 4. She is a f***ing bombshell. Google her, there's a shot of her modeling a swimsuit and just... yeah.

Amy Shumer ("comedian") is 5'7 and 160lbs. She's a size 6.

The top end of the healthy weight for a large framed (broad shoulders and wide hips) woman at 5'6 is 159lbs according to WHO.
You can Google "Woman 5'6 220lbs" to see some people's weight-loss pics. At 220lbs you're not "carrying it well." That's about the point that women seem a bit "flabby" around the middle, where fat starts to fold and roll over the belt line while standing.

I'd knock her weight down to about 180lbs for a woman adventurer who would be known for being "sturdily constructed." I think it would actually be really fun to play that character. Sort of the down-to-earth fighter woman who enjoys good food and beer and isn't too concerned with her looks on the outside, but secretly a bit resentful of the attention that the "skinny minis" get.

As far as the character - I would talk to your DM about letting you swap the whip for a dagger. That seems perfectly reasonable. That or pick up a throwing axe in it's place. A whip just seems... odd.

The real question though is what you plan to do with her. For level1 you look solid, but it's kinda hard to screw up a point-buy VHuman Fighter.
How do you plan to progress? Arcane Archer, or Battle Master? Champion??

Personally, for a noble Wa Archer, I'd maybe go Samurai from the UA stuff, if your DM allows it. Perhaps not optimized but it fits the fluff perfectly.

2017-06-02, 11:04 AM
Well, I could knock her weight down a bit, probably to 201 or 194, how does that sound?

I also planned to be a Battle master. Having to help the party by pulling off maneuvers from afar will be a great boon to the team.

2017-06-02, 01:34 PM
I believe Fighters can pick simple or martial weapons per PHB.

2017-06-02, 01:59 PM
I believe Fighters can pick simple or martial weapons per PHB.

Well it says "Martial Weapon," although the martial weapons tend to be better than simple weapons, so picking a simple shouldn't be a problem. Just ask the DM.

Of note, it doesn't specify melee or ranged weapon, just says Martial Weapon. So you could pick 2 Hand Crossbows, which are 75g each, and then sell them. It may be more gold than the items you want, netting you a small profit.

Honest Tiefling
2017-06-02, 02:09 PM
Katie Halchishick is 5'9 and 200lbs, as is a size 4.

According to her modeling agency, she's actually a US size 12-14. I assumed that a slightly over weight woman would be a 16 or an 18. But the weight wasn't as off as I had assumed. I guess I'm bad with weight. 200 would be my guess for that. If you think your group is as clueless as I am, I suggest getting a picture for reference.

More on topic, I'm going to suggest you swap that persuasion in accordance to the customizing a background thing. A good noble has the ability to be a diplomat, but a good noble can also pretend they care about other people when they really don't. I don't think this character is meant to be a good noble in any form other then defending the lands.

Also see if you can't get a ring or wakizashi to designate your nobility. You probably don't want to be stuck somewhere with a moldy scroll or ashes from the time someone decided to set something on fire to convince people that you are indeed a noble.

2017-06-02, 03:37 PM
I also planned to be a Battle master. Having to help the party by pulling off maneuvers from afar will be a great boon to the team.

Well, who else is in your party? A wizard, sorcerer, maybe bard or cleric could likely provide more help from afar, but might need you up on the line to protect them.
Ranged Fighters can be tons of fun to play, fo'sho - but you need to fit them into the party at large.

2017-06-02, 03:42 PM
Well, who else is in your party? A wizard, sorcerer, maybe bard or cleric could likely provide more help from afar, but might need you up on the line to protect them.
Ranged Fighters can be tons of fun to play, fo'sho - but you need to fit them into the party at large.

I don't know of the party yet. I do hope we get a Rogue or a Paladin to aid us, but it's all up to what they want to play.

Hence why I have a rapier to help when just shootin' the enemy will not help much.

EDIT: I also decided to replace the whip with a Wakisazhi.

Another edit, I pictured her being around this size, and somewhat looking like this for reference. http://height-weight-chart.com/506-260.html