View Full Version : So you wanna be a ... Siren!

2017-06-01, 09:57 PM
So, I am in love. With the spell Siren's Grace, from the 3.5 Spell Compendium. And I'm looking to slowly build an item as close to having it on continuously over time! Looking for pointers from wiser heads!

This means the goal is to eventually have one item for +4 Dex, +4 Cha, +8 Perform, Water Breathing, a Swim Speed, and Cha Deflection to AC. According to the custom item guidelines, 4 X 10 x 4 X 2k for a whopping 320k! How much further can we push that down??

Currently, I have a custom necklace item we are calling the "Siren's Necklace" which is just a Hathran's Mask of Water Breathing (3k) with +2 Dex attached (4k) per the MiC rules. I'm going to just keep adding and upgrading this one until I'm happy and close enough, and I'm looking for input!

From the looks of it, my thoughts on how to go about this are:

Going up to +4 Dex will be 12k...
Deflection AC will cost 2k, 6k, 10k, 14k...
Water movement will cost 3.5k (Finned Gauntlets) + 1.5k add-on
Then CHA boosting is 4k and 12k
And perform, if I ever get around to it, but I don't truly have a use for it...

All in all, that's 40k for everything but the deflection and perform, with the deflection AC quickly being the brunt of the cost... So, I'm looking at 72k if I go to +4 AC, or 89k of I go to +5 for the full CHA-to-AC analogy. Still expensive, but about 1/4 the guideline cost :smallsmile:

So then, Questions!
Is there a better way to tackle this goal?
What order is best to upgrade the item in, for a land-fasting campaign?
Is the Deflection AC worth that much money?
Is any of this worth the money, really though?

I'd love to hear from you! I've got a big thing for the fae, and this spell really just calls out to me!!!

2017-06-01, 10:22 PM
Well... if you're using Eberron rules there's at least one cost-cutting feat you could use, though that's not really specific to your situation. You say you're not sold on the necessity of the Perform skill boost, but if you make it so that only Bards can use the item then you can probably get another cost reduction from that.

It took me a bit to find the spell, my copy calls it Sirine's Grace.

2017-06-01, 11:09 PM
Well... if you're using Eberron rules there's at least one cost-cutting feat you could use, though that's not really specific to your situation. You say you're not sold on the necessity of the Perform skill boost, but if you make it so that only Bards can use the item then you can probably get another cost reduction from that.

It took me a bit to find the spell, my copy calls it Sirine's Grace.

Huh, there is an extra E in there.... Sirene's Grace it is!

This is actually for a Warblade / Martial Rogue / Dervish character, whose only perform skill is Dance :smallsmile: But I did forget about the race/class/alignment specific cost reductions... not that my DM would allow that to reduce the cost anyway, haha :smallwink: